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Topics - Kudrat Kaur
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« on: May 03, 2010, 08:44:05 PM »

It's important to know some of the traits and sneaky signals that are common in people who tend to be unfaithful in the relationships.Everybody thinks they can spot a cheater a mile away but lets find more that u may not b knowing...
1. Cheating Sign #1: He Doesn't Pay His Bills On Time
Some research shows that unreliability and carelessness is part of a personality trait called "low consciousness," which is a marker for infidelity. Makes sense. A guy who's careless about his own responsibilities is going to be just as careless about his relationships.
2.Cheating Sign #2: He's A Do-Gooder.. What? Your guy contributes to the local orchestra fund, the church, and the alumni association, plus he volunteers to build houses for the homeless.
A study just published in the November issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology found that when there's a blurry line between right and wrong (as there often is with matters of infidelity), the people who become the worst cheaters are actually the ones who think of themselves as having the highest moral standards.
3. Cheating Sign #3: He's Rolling In The Dough
A study in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy found that those people who earned more money were more likely to cheat than those who earned less. It's not because they have more income to open new credit cards, carry more cash, or spend more coin on mistress gifts. Some researchers theorize that those with lower salaries - and thus those who are more dependent on others in a relationship - are less likely to risk ruining the relationship. 4. Cheating Sign #4: He's A Yeller
While yelling and anger may not seem to be all that connected to cheating, a recent Australian study found that unfaithful partners show many of the same personality characteristics as abusive ones. Those who are more likely to be abusive (verbally or physically) are simply more likely to be unfaithful. What's already bad has the potential of getting even worse.
5.Cheating Sign #5: He's A Mirror Hog
Some research has shown that the single biggest trait of cheaters is-surprise, surprise-narcissism. These self-loving folks are so wrapped up in their own self-importance that they don't even consider the effect that cheating has on the other person.
So I am not saying u shud end up ur relationship with type of guy..but be careful... :happy: more thing..this works both ways..for girls too... :blah:
« on: May 02, 2010, 06:47:59 PM »

Police averted a “very deadly event” when they discovered an explosive device in a car in the bustling Times Square in New York City on Saturday night.
Reports said a local vendor noticed smoke coming out of a parked Nissan Pathfinder sport utility vehicle and alerted the police.
The police used a robot from their bomb squad to break through the back window of the SUV and retrieve the items after several hours.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said a suspicious vehicle in Times Square “did indeed contain an explosive device. It certainly could have exploded and had a pretty big fire and a decent amount of explosive impact.”
At a press conference, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly was reported as saying the car contained three propane tanks, consumer-grade fireworks, two filled 5-gallon gasoline containers, and two clocks with batteries, electrical wire and other components.
He also noted that a black metal box resembling a gun locker was recovered.
There was no positive match to the licence plate and police were said to be looking for additional surveillance video.
After discovering the “amateurish” bomb, the police cleared the tourist-packed area and dismantled the vehicle.
In a statement, Governor David Paterson praised the “heroic actions” of the New York Police Department and “a single vigilant New Yorker who identified a suspicious vehicle”.
You know what...I left that place just an hour before....Usually we make plans to go to Times Square...on weekends.. :happy:
« on: April 25, 2010, 05:01:58 PM »
Three out of every four American workers describe their work as stressful. And the problem is not limited to these shores. In fact, occupational stress has been defined as a "global epidemic" by the United Nations' International Labor Organization.

To get a sense of the most stressful jobs in America, looked at 21 different factors that can cause stress on the job, and ranked 200 professions by how significantly these demands factor into the average workday.
Here are the most stressful jobs in America:
1. FIREFIGHTER- Stress Rank: 200, Stress Score: 110.936

2. CORPORATE EXECUTIVE- Stress Rank: 199 ,Stress Score: 108.625

3. TAXI DRIVER-- Stress Rank: 198 , Stress Score: 100.491

4. SURGEON- Stress Rank: 197 , Stress Score: 99.463

5. POLICE OFFICER- Stress Rank: 196 ,Stress Score: 93.893

FACTORS- causing workplace stress environment 2. job competitiveness 3. opportunity for advancement 4. perceived risk of unemployment.
Therefore, these are main leading cause for occupational stress.I would like to continue with next posting describing abt measures to combate these stressful factors...You are welcome to discuss abt ur workplace environment and tips for Punjabi Janta to tackle opposite conditions at workplace.feel free to discuss ur experiences. Thanks
« on: April 22, 2010, 07:30:17 PM »
LETS CELEBRATE EARTH DAY AND TRY FEW WAYS TO KEEP OUR BEAUTIFUL EARTH SAFE By making simple changes in our everyday lives, we can make significant strides to improve the planet we all share. SO WHAT YOU CAN DO IN THIS SPRING SEASON FOR EARTH...LETS DISCUSS... In my opinion lets do something for our birds in this spring...
To make your residence or neighborhood an inviting sanctuary for birds, create places for them to nest, feed, drink, and wash. Here's some advice on birdhouses, feeders, and birdbaths:
If suitable natural nesting habitats such as old trees are in short supply, build or buy a birdhouse and install it out of reach of cats, squirrels, and other predators.

Commercial bird feeders are available in most hardware stores, but you can also make feeders out of plastic bottles or milk cartons that can be hung from safe places such as a clothesline. If you prefer to grow bird food, consider planting native wildflowers, shrubs, and sunflowers.
3.CULTIVATED FLOWERS also are especially attractive to some birds, particularly goldfinches, house finches, juncos, white-throated sparrows, and hummingbirds.
Birds are most comfortable with a rough-surfaced source of water about 2 feet wide, no more than 2 inches deep. A shallow dish or gently-sloping bowl placed right on the ground will do, as will a plastic or terra cotta plant dish or inverted metal trash lid. Put the bath out in the open, not close to shrubs or places where cats can hide. A thorny bush or protective brush pile may make the birds feel more secure.
« on: April 20, 2010, 07:00:13 PM »
Really amazing pics ...I would like visit sometime..
chalo fer mein v kujh lakes diyan pics post kardi aa i hope u will like these...
Nature speaks about universal symbol of luv thru VAROUS WAYS...
1.Heart shaped lake in kerala, India

2.Heart-Shaped Forest, Cantabria, Spain

3.Heart-Shaped Island, Gutierrez Lake, Patagonia

4.Heart-Shaped Wetland, Guandu Nature Park, Taiwan

5.Tavarua Island, Fiji

6.Galesnjak Island, Croatia

7.Heart-Shaped Lake, Ohio

« on: April 18, 2010, 05:43:22 PM »
DAD'S LADLA PUTT WITH CUP OF TEA..One day my mother was out, and my dad was in charge of me. I was maybe 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as a gift, and it was one of my favorite toys. Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news, when I brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea', which was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my Mom came home. My Dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!' My Mom waited, and sure enough, here I came down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy; and she watched him drink it up. Then she said, (as only a mother would know), "'Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?"
« on: April 16, 2010, 10:03:15 PM »
Yoga traditionally was part and parcel of the Sikh Dharma until the coming of the British. In the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the Gurus along with the Bhagats and Bhatts have made many references to Yogic technology. When the British annexed Punjab in 1849, they would usually classify the Sikhs as a sect of Hinduism. During these times, a Sikh reform movement known as Tat Khalsa came into existence. In their efforts to present the Sikh faith as a distinct religion, they disassociated themselves with many of the practices that they viewed as having a Hindu influence on the Sikhs. It was during these times that Yoga, along many other practices, started to be discouraged in the Sikh community.
What many Sikhs don’t know is that prior to this, the five older Sikh Traditions known as Puratan Sikh Sampardas[1] had always considered Yogic Practices as part of Sikhi. Even today, most Udasi Sikhs and Nirmala Sikhs still practice Yoga.
The Udasi tradition was founded by Baba Sri Chand, the elder son of Guru Nanak. He was a Baal Jogiswar, who lived to 151 be years old but always looked like he was 12 years old in his appearance. He was one of the world’s greatest acknowledged Yogis. He was always in his subtle body. Very few people met him in physical form, but everywhere he appeared in his radiant body, in perfect form and shape.
When Guru Nanak Dev Ji returned from his 4th and last Udasi (journey), he presented his Udasi robe to Baba Sri Chand. Baba Sri Chand continued the tradition of Udasis (journeys) and went as far as Afghanistan, Tibet, Nepal, Assam, Bhutan and all over India to continue spreading the message of his father. On July 5th, 1982, Yogi Harbhajan Singh Ji said:
“Guru Nanak was heard, followed and listened to by hundreds of thousands of people, and there was only one who could succeed him, Lehna. Guru Nanak’s own sons, Baba Sri Chand and Baba Lakshmi Chand, were perfect. Don’t think that there was anything less in them. But Guru Nanak wanted to give grace to the householder. One Gadee or throne of spirituality was given to Baba Sri Chand for the Udasi Panth, the unattached sect of that time. Therefore the other throne was to be given to a disciple, and that was Lehna who became Guru Angad.”
Guru Nanak himself crowned Baba Sri Chand as a Yogi, to take care of the Yogis, who were bothering the householders with their occult powers. While Gurgadee was passed to Guru Angad Dev, Udasigadee was bestowed upon Baba Sri Chand. He accepted the responsibility given to him by his father and Guru to unite the various Yogic schools of India. He was revered by Muslims, Sufis, Lamas, Hindus, ascetics and householders alike. When it came to Guru Ram Das the 4th Guru, Baba Sri Chand came to visit Guru Ram Das. This meeting is beautifully recorded in the Gurpratap Suraj Granth as follows:
Sri Chand, the kind one, questioned the guru with the intention of testing him. “Why have you grown your beard so long?” Hearing this guru looked at the ground.
The Guru held the feet of Baba Sri Chand with topmost devotion And began to sweep it again and again with his long beard. “This is the reason for growing it so long Hear, oh great son of my Guru”.
Baba Sri Chand in return bowed at the feet of Guru Ram Das. Under Baba Sri Chand’s guidance, the heads of all the schools of yoga (which he had united under the instructions of Guru Nanak) also came and bowed to Guru Ram Das. This sealed the future. From that moment forward, the lineage of the royal throne of Raj Yoga would come through the subtle and radiant bodies of Guru Ram Das. Thus Kundalini Yoga as Raj Yoga was brought through the House of Guru Ram Das, and got ‘coloured’ with the Sikh consciousness.

The Nirmala Sikh tradition was founded by Guru Gobind Singh. He sent five Sikhs to Benaras, which was the centre of learning in those days, to learn all the ancient technologies of Yoga, Astrology, Ayurveda, Numerology, Vedanta, Viakaran, Khat Darshan etc. When these Sikhs returned, Guru Gobind Singh bestowed the title of Nirmalas upon them which means the pure ones. They began to impart the Yogic knowledge, along with the other technologies they had mastered, to the Sikhs by setting up different schools throughout India.

It is recorded in Sikh history that great Sikhs like Baba Deep Singh and Bhai Mani Singh who were the jewels of the 10th Guru’s court were the Nirmala’s students. To date there still exist yogic writings written by these Nirmala Saints that are being preserved in their ashrams in the different states of India.
« on: April 15, 2010, 07:24:48 PM »
SIKH SOLDIERS ARE ALLOWED TO RETIAN THEIR ARTICLES OF FAITH IN US ARMY... For the first time in 23 years, the U.S. Army is allowing a pair of Sikh Soldiers to keep their hair and beard intact and wear a turban.
More than 60 years ago, President Harry Truman desegregated the U.S. armed forces, declaring "there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed forces without regard to race, color, religion or national origin."
But during those same six decades, the Army's policy and how it was implemented changed from time to time.
From 1948 to 1984, men of the Sikh religion were permitted to serve while maintaining their articles of faith. In 1984, Gen. John A. Wickham Jr., then Chief of Staff of the Army, eliminated the exception for Sikhs and others who wore "conspicuous" items of faith.
Capt. (Dr.) Tejdeep Singh Rattan, a dentist, and Capt. (Dr.) Kamaljeet Singh Kalsi, a doctor, were assured by their recruiters at the time of enlistment several years ago that their articles of faith wouldn't pose a problem. But after completing four years of studies, both men were told to remove their turbans and cut their hair and beards for active duty.
It took action by several Sikh organizations and a letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, signed by 43 members of the House of Representatives and six U.S. senators, to change the Army's mind.Now Rattan has completed the nine-week Basic Officer Leadership Course at Camp Bullis, Texas, March 19, and graduated with his class at Fort Sam Houston, March 22. He'll report to Fort Drum in upstate New York April 12 for an assignment as a dentist.
To put their faith into perspective, there are 25 million Sikhs worldwide, making it the fifth largest religion after Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, and has been in existence for more than 500 years.rganizations like the Sikh Coalition, which has offices in New York and San Francisco, were founded in response to bias and prejudice against Sikhs in the aftermath of 9/11.
During World War I, Bhagat Singh Thind was the only Sikh Soldier in the U.S. Army to serve in combat duty. More than 80,000 Sikh soldiers died fighting for the Allied Forces during the World Wars. Today, Sikhs serve in the militaries of India, England, Canada, Austria and the United Nations, among others.
I already have a responsibility to my faith and I have taken on this additional responsibility of being an Army officer," the 31-year-old captain added. "I get up at 3 a.m. every morning - while others are sleeping until 5 a.m. - to try and groom myself so the standards of the military are being met.

 (Capt.Tejdeep Singh Ratan in pictures)
« on: April 15, 2010, 06:58:19 PM »
Iceland's volcano grounded all UK planes, shut every airport and could cost £300million

The volcanoes in Iceland are among the most active in the world. Something is going off almost all the time. They have eruptions there usually every couple of years. This one seems to be a bit stronger than the other ones and the way the wind is blowing is carrying the ash towards the rest of Europe. The same thing happens fairly often along the chain of volcanoes in Alaska, but there isn't as much air traffic there.
Ash from an erupting volcano grounded all UK flights yesterday in the worst air travel chaos since the Second World War.
More than half a million travellers were stranded at airports in the first closure of our skies in living memory.
Thousands of Britons abroad have no way of getting home because of the air lockdown caused by the cloud of volcanic ash being blown south from Iceland.
And all flights were last night banned until at least 1pm today as experts warned chaos could go on for months.
The shutdown could cost the UK at least £300million a day, business chiefs said.
An estimated 4,000 flights were yesterday grounded across northern Europe by the huge ash plume from Mount Eyjafjallajokull, which was last night still erupting.
Experts warned more explosions were likely and British expert Prof Bill McGuire warned: “If the eruption continues and produces ash we could see disruption over six months.”
The giant plume also shut airspace in Scandinavia, Germany, Belgium, France and Ireland yesterday. In an “unprecedented” move Nats, the UK’s air traffic control service, closed skies at midday because of the danger the cloud posed to aircraft.
The shutdown echoed scenes in the US after the September 11 terror attacks.
The United States Federal Aviation Administration has reported delays in flights leaving the U.S., with flights that were due to cross Icelandic airspace grounded, RMS said.
« on: April 14, 2010, 07:16:57 PM »
Many time youngsters ask this question to themselves....So I have found one questionaire for this.This quiz was prepared after extensive consultations with experts who have made wide-scale studies of this wonderful yet mysterious emotion. It should help a young person make that all-important decision: "Is it love- or something else? You have to answer in Yes or no...whenever u have time feel free to answer...

1.Did this thing happen all of a sudden? 2.Would you be very jealous and upset if someone else made a serious play for him or her? 3.When you aren't together, do you find yourself mooning around, unable to do much except sigh over your beau or belle? 4.Are you more in love when you are together than when you are by yourself? 5.Do you honestly feel that the boy or girl is just about the Most Perfect Person in the world? 6.Are you, on the whole, pretty unhappy at home with your parents? 7.Do you know how your heart-throb feels about money and children? 8.Do you find that, when it comes to this particular boy or girl, you are always anxious to appear at your best - that you are conscience about what you say and how you look and act? 9.Most people agree that there cannot be real love unless two persons share common interest. But how about common miseries? Do both of you have a substantial number of complaints in common about homes, parents, school and other things in your life? 10.Suppose your beloved has gone on an extended trip and written you beautiful and affectionate letters. Would you show these around in your group?
If u have doubt about any answer then check "No"..... Thanks...
« on: April 11, 2010, 02:10:47 AM »
Song- Ik Din Singer- Ravi Maan Lyrics- Surjit Patar
I love this song, I hope u all will like it.......
« on: April 10, 2010, 11:39:13 PM »
« on: April 08, 2010, 07:03:57 PM »
« on: March 13, 2010, 10:15:51 AM »
« on: March 13, 2010, 10:09:12 AM »
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