Pics / Yamla - when pissst
« on: August 23, 2011, 11:04:55 AM »Jad yamle nu gussa charrda pher nu bakshda kise nu :hehe:

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Pics / Yamla - when pissst« on: August 23, 2011, 11:04:55 AM »Jad yamle nu gussa charrda pher nu bakshda kise nu :hehe: ![]() 102
Forum Dehshiyat / Rules Regulations / Mods (chat mods)« on: August 23, 2011, 10:23:14 AM »1. Jado tusi kise nu chat vicho ban karde ohda chat log kiyoon ni paunde? - too much work for you? 2. Je kise nu ban karde te uss ban di complaint aundi, ta tusi ussnu aa ke handle kiyoon ni karde? Je ban kar sakde aa ta responsibility vi tuadi bandi ke complaint nu aa ke clarify ta karo ik vaar. 103
Gup Shup / Distance...« on: August 18, 2011, 10:14:08 AM »So, what do you think of the poll question? Do you think a person's absence/distance makes a stronger bond? As they are not around, the longing makes you want more...? OR If the person isn't around (is far away), will this loosen ties. As you are not associating with them and you end up losing touch/feelings, etc... 104
Jokes Majaak / The Ultimate Logic« on: August 15, 2011, 11:07:31 AM »Gaalib: What is the opposite of 'Achaar'? Tutt Paena: Onion. Gaalib: How? Tutt Paena: Pickle = Pee+kal. So opposite of 'Pee+kal' is 'Pee+aaj' = Onion. 105
Forum Dehshiyat / Rules Regulations / User Privacy - All Mods« on: August 13, 2011, 07:51:23 PM »Some things have come to my attention. So, let this serve as a reminder! Mods shouldn't be sharing users' private information with regular users. Oh jehda marji user hove, a regular user does not need to know someone's ip/location/email/other ids etc. Mods are given access to such content, so, they can deal with corrupt users. Not for you to feed regular users of their private information. Thank you. Punjabi: Mods - user di private information dujje users nal na share karo. Example: user di ip/location/email/other ids vagera vagera... Tuanu eh information nu access diti gayi hai ke tusi "bad user" nu handle kar sako, na ki, ke tusi dujje users nu onha di private information dende phiro. Dhanvadh. 106
Pics / Menu lae ke dao <3« on: August 03, 2011, 03:18:45 PM »Kinne sohne aa, menu vi lae ke dao PJ waleyo :love: ![]() ![]() 107
Gup Shup / Pepsi or Coke?« on: August 01, 2011, 12:42:48 PM »So, which one? Pepsi or coke? Any particular reason, you prefer one over the other? 108
Members Pics / Post Your Pet Pictures.« on: July 31, 2011, 09:17:48 PM »They are both betas. The apparatus, they are currently residing in were initially candle holders, I think the fish look better in them than the candles :pagel: The green one is quite feisty and the red one is a whimp, darpok jeha baddi chetti darr janda :hehe: 109
Discussions / Rab da Naam« on: July 31, 2011, 02:00:21 AM »Mae bahut lok dekhe ne ke appne app nu bahut rabb nal juddeya ja manno saaf dassde ne. Ke assi har roj gurdware jande aa, paath karde aa. Ke ehi lok jo path karde ne te gurdware jaande aa ke otho kuch sikheya vi lae paunde aa ja phir dikhawa hi aa? Kiyoon ke enha hi lokan toh kayi baar dekheya ke mann ch paap rakhde ne/wish ill upon the others, whereas no religion in the world teaches anyone to do so. Religion de naam te fights karde ne, innocent lokan di jaan lende ne. Ke ehe sahi aa, ke koyi vi religion da God kahu ke mae dujje religions toh vadda and those religions should be disintegrated to prove my superiority? Ja ke tuada religion tuanu sikhaunda ke tuada hi religion sabh toh wadha and every other religion is just another peck of dust? If you've given some thought to some of the above questions, then proceed to think, why is there so much chaos in the world today, in the name of religion? Is it really religion or do we play out our own inferiorty complex to prove ourselves? Note: the above allegations aren't towards anyone particular, just stated to prove a point. This discussion is based on religion alone, not on Sikhism or any other particular religion. 110
Knowledge / Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter...Umami.« on: July 28, 2011, 03:38:58 PM »So here's a question you don't hear every day: How many tastes can a person taste? There's sweet, of course. Then sour. Then salty. And when the Greek philosopher Democritus took up the question several thousand years ago, he added bitter. So that makes four. Democritus said (not because he did any experiments; being a philosopher, he thought for a living) that when you chew on your food and it crumbles into little bits, those bits eventually break into four basic shapes. When something tastes sweet, he said, it is because the bits are "round and large in their atoms." Salty is isosceles triangle bits on your tongue, Bitter is "spherical, smooth, scalene and small," while sour is "large in its atoms, but rough, angular and not spherical." And that's it, said Democritus. Everything we taste is some combination of those four ingredients. And that made sense to Plato, and made sense to Aristotle, and pretty much ever since even modern scientists have said that's the number: four. When taste buds were discovered in the 19th century, tongue cells under a microscope looked like little keyholes into which bits of food might fit, and the idea persisted that there were four different keyhole shapes. ![]() When taste buds were discovered in the 19th century, tongue cells under a microscope looked like little keyholes into which bits of food might fit, and the idea persisted that there were four different keyhole shapes. So four it is. Four it was. And then, along came Auguste Escoffier. What the Chef Tasted Escoffier was a chef. Not just a chef, in Paris in the late 1800s he was the chef. He had opened the most glamorous, most expensive, most revolutionary restaurant in the city. He had written a cookbook, The Guide Culinaire. And, says science writer Jonah Lehrer, he also created meals that tasted like no combination of salty, sour, sweet and bitter; they tasted new. Escoffier invented veal stock. "It didn't just taste good," Jonah says. "This was an epiphany. This was the best food you ever tasted in your life." But because it was neither sweet, bitter, sour, salty nor any combination of those four, as far as the scientists were concerned, it wasn't real. People may smack their lips, drool, savor and pay enormous amounts of money to M. Escoffier, but what they were tasting wasn't really there. It was all in their heads. What the Japanese Soup Lover Tasted Meanwhile, halfway across the world, a chemist named Kikunae Ikeda was at the very same time enjoying a bowl of dashi, a classic Japanese soup made from seaweed. He too sensed that he was tasting something beyond category. Dashi has been used by Japanese cooks much the way Escoffier used stock, as a base for all kinds of foods. And it was, thought Ikeda, simply delicious. ![]() Umami Glutamate is found in most living things, but when they die, when organic matter breaks down, the glutamate molecule breaks apart. This can happen on a stove when you cook meat, over time when you age a parmesan cheese, by fermentation as in soy sauce or under the sun as a tomato ripens. When glutamate becomes L-glutamate, that's when things get "delicious." L-glutamate, said Ikeda, is a fifth taste. When Escoffier created veal stock, he was concentrating umami. When Japanese made their dashi, they were doing the same thing. When you bite into an anchovy, they are "like glutamate speedballs. They are pure umami," Jonah writes. "Aristotle was wrong. Plato was wrong. We have five tastes, not four. But when Ikeda's findings were published," Jonah says, "nobody believes him." So Who Was Right? It turns out, almost 100 years after Escoffier wrote his cookbook and Ikeda wrote his article, a new generation of scientists took a closer look at the human tongue and discovered, just as those two had insisted, that yes, there is a fifth taste. Humans do have receptors for L-glutamate and when something is really, really yummy in a non-sweet, sour, bitter or salty way, that's what you're tasting. In 2002, this became the new view. It's in the textbooks now and scientists decided to call this "new" taste, in Ikeda's honor, "umami." If you want to get an umami headache, add some monosodium glutamate to your next bowl of noodles. 111
I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult. I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of an 8-year-old again. I want to go to McDonald's and think that it's a four star restaurant. I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make ripples with rocks. I want to think M&Ms are better than money because you can eat them. I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summer day. I want to return to a time when life was simple. When all you knew were colors, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes, but that didn't bother you, because you didn't know what you didn't know and you didn't care. All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset. I want to think the world is fair. That everyone is honest and good. I want to believe that anything is possible. I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and be overly excited by the little things again. I want to live simple again. I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip,illness, and loss of loved ones. I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind, and making angels in the snow. So...here's my checkbook and my car keys, my credit cards and all my responsibility. I am officially resigning from adulthood. And if you want to discuss this further, you'll have to catch me first, 'cause, "Tag! You're it."
Shayari / Khidde Phull« on: July 26, 2011, 03:05:41 PM »Menu aa bahut pasand aya, I didn't write it, I can't find the author of it either. It's amazing. Tu kitte shamshaN ch khide phull takke? Uss hass ke phuchiya te hairaN reh gaya main,eh kiddaN da swaal si jawab nahiN de sakiya janda si, ohdi es gall pichhe vi,koi doonga raaj si janaN di mere pairaN nu mere naloN vi jaida kahal si jadd akhh khuli taN eh ki mere kadmaN haith shamshaN si badi ajeeb jehi takhti latkdi…hun chete nahiN shayad likhia ke marr chukyiaN di thaaN si es thaaN da vi jindagi naal rishta es sachhai toN sari umar bhajda banda te es jagaH da dil dekho bina kisse ranjh de doveN bahaN kadh ke har kisse nu laiN lai tyaar si oh dharti kehan laggi…ajje etthe tera ki kamm??? maiN keha bass ethhe khidde kujh phullaN di talash si uss keha ki tu layak hai ohna de deedar karan lai jo maut vargi chup vich vi khiraN da honsla rakhde jehna da koi kadardan nahiN jehre ek chup vich janamde hanjooaN te haunkia vich palde te appne hasher vich vi kisse hor de hasher diyan rasma nu poora karan da apna faraz nahiN phulde ki kehnda?? ek vaar phir maiN la-jwaab si jad deedar kitta taN dekhia phullaN de chehre te khera si bahar si Na rang vich koi farak Na komlta ch Haath agge vaddhayea tann koi dar nahiN hass ke aapa gavaun lai jiveN oh tayar si te jadd main utthoN partia appe nu ohna phullan shaveN enna chotta paya ke mera dil te meri atma doveN sharamsar si…
Shayari / How Do I Love thee?« on: July 21, 2011, 10:53:03 AM »How Do I Love Thee? How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning 115
Maan-Sanmaan/Respect+ / Local Moderator: Discussion - §¤§ KARAM §¤§« on: July 17, 2011, 06:53:00 PM »Lao ji §¤§ KARAM §¤§ bai nu hun assi taraki dey diti hai, Discussion wala section sambhan layi. Enha de topics te replies bahut thoughtful hunde ne. Te discussion topic vi bahut deep vichaar de hunde aa. We always look for people who provide quality work on PJ. Karam is one of those people. So, karam bai sambho apna section, aas hai ke in the near future we will see some interesting topics from you. Good Luck, PJ Team 116
Knowledge / Some Myths - Tackled.« on: July 16, 2011, 09:07:43 PM »Some of the most familiar wives tales and urban legends, plus some that sound dubious but which turn out to be true. You know them, now let’s bust them It takes seven years to digest gum: While it may prove a bit more difficult to break down than organic foodstuffs, chewing gum gets no special treatment from the digestive system. Doctors figure this old wives’ tale was invented to prevent kids from swallowing the rubbery substance. ![]() The Great Wall of China is the only man made structure visible from space: There are several variations on this folkloric statement, and they’re all quantifiably false. Astronauts can spot the Great Wall from low-Earth orbit, along with plenty of other things like the Giza pyramids and even airport runways. But they can’t see the Wall from the Moon. ![]() A penny dropped from the top of a tall building could kill a pedestrian: A penny isn’t the most aerodynamic of weapons. A combination of its shape and wind friction means that, tossed even from the 1,250-foot Empire State Building, it would travel fast enough merely to sting an unlucky pedestrian. ![]() There is no gravity in space: Blame the term “zero-gravity” for this common misconception. Gravity is everywhere, even in space. Astronauts look weightless because they are in continuous freefall towards the Earth, staying aloft because of their horizontal motion. The effect of gravity diminishes with distance, but it never truly goes away. Oh, and while we’re at it, it’s also untrue that space is a vacuum. There are all kinds of atoms out there, albeit sometimes far apart (and this thin gas adds to the collective gravity budget, too!) ![]() Humans use only 10 percent of their brains: This media darling has been around for at least a century. Fortunately, it’s just not true. MRI imaging clearly demonstrates–with fancy colors no less–that humans put most of their cerebral cortex to good use, even while dozing. ![]() Water drains backwards in the Southern Hemisphere due to the Earth’s rotation: Not only is the Earth’s rotation too weak to affect the direction of water flowing in a drain, tests you can easily perform in a few washrooms will show that water whirlpools both ways depending on the sink’s structure, not the hemisphere. ![]() Animals can predict natural disasters: There is no evidence that animals possess a mysterious sixth-sense allowing them to predict natural disasters. Their keen senses of smell, hearing, and sharp instincts alone are enough to send them scattering for the hillsides during a hurricane or tsunami. And even so, animals often die during natural disasters, so if they do have some sort of sixth sense, it’s not worth much. ![]() A dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s: Despite a habit of licking things no human would dare, Fido’s mouth is often touted as scientifically more sterile. Truth is, oral bacteria are so species-specific that one can’t be considered cleaner than the other, just different. ![]() Lightning never strikes the same place twice: In fact lightning favors certain spots, particularly high locations. The Empire State Building is struck about 25 times every year. Ben Franklin grasped the concept long ago and mounted a metal rod atop the roof of his home, then ran a wire to the ground, thereby inventing the lightning rod. ![]() Yawning is contagious: Empirically, this is tough to deny; perhaps you’ll yawn while reading this. The real question is whether there’s actually something physiological at work here, and the answer is likely yes: even chimpanzees mimic each other’s yawns ![]() 117
Maan-Sanmaan/Respect+ / Nek Singh - Global Mod.« on: July 16, 2011, 05:48:43 PM »Nek Singh (Gill_SS) - Promoted to Global Moderator. He has been with us for a long time. Chat di baddi changi tarrah dekh bhaal kar rahe ne. He has helped us a lot by keeping the chat clean. Forum vich vi aunde jande rehnde aa. He has worked hard and deserves the promotion. Nek Sihha, hun waaddi sari responsibility tere ser paah diti aa, so, use it wisely. Be fair and unbiased in your decisions. Congratulations buddy! Je koyi hor memeber PJ layi kuch specific karna chahunda, ja PJ di improvement layi ideas hega ne, let us know. 118
Maan-Sanmaan/Respect+ / Gill Galib - Local Mod Promotion« on: July 16, 2011, 12:15:35 AM »Gill Saab has a talent for writing free style and heart touching shayari. We have seen a tremendous participation from Mr Gill in PJ Shayari. Therefore, he will be a local moderator for the Shayari Section along with Ms Blori. I hope, Gill Saab, will continue to enlighten us with his Shayari te eddan hi PJ te rung launde rehange. So, good luck, if you need help with the new commands PM me or another team member, although it's pretty apparent :hehe: Challo ji Gill Saab apna kam yaari rakho te PJ nu hassda hassaunda rakho! 119
Gup Shup / When logging in on PJ...?« on: July 13, 2011, 02:45:59 PM »Haanji bai dassi tusi ki karde aa, jad PJ te sign on karde? :D 120
Help & Suggestions / Laptop help« on: July 11, 2011, 11:21:36 AM »I need a new laptop. Koyi suggest karo. Need it mostly for school work. As long as I get word/powerpoint/web - I'm good to go ![]() So, it doesn't need to come fully loaded/complicated. |