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Topics - manpreet singh boston

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News Khabran / The Last Sikh Warrior
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:47:31 AM »
On a sleepy Saturday afternoon in Slough, a borough west of London, Nidar Singh Nihang knows how to keep a group of young men awake.

Inside an empty hall of a church in London Road, Singh Nihang is an authoritative figure. As 20 men, most of them from the Sikh community, surround him in a semi-circle, he demonstrates some self-defence skills. With subtle hand and body movements, he exhibits a form of martial art that he has mastered over 25 years.

But more than 5,000 years after its inception, this form of Sikh martial art known as Shastar Vidiya could soon be relegated to the pages of a history book. There aren't many practitioners and there is a sole surviving master who embodies the technical and traditional expertise: Singh Nihang.

"My aim as a Gurudev [teacher] is to ensure the art, in all its totality, survives," says Nihang Singh.

In Slough, throughout the three-hour session, the man with an intimidating body structure standing at 6-feet-one-inch, explains about the various techniques and also history behind Shastar Vidiya to casually dressed men, most of them in their traditional turban and beard.

"It's a science of weapons," he says, pausing it to describe it more eloquently, "which involves advancing upon the enemy, hitting in a striking range, misaligning his strikes and cutting them down."

As his students engage in different unarmed fighting techniques, an array of weapons neatly lay on the table. Singh Nihang steps forward, picks up a Maddu, a small weapon akin to a knuckleduster, and tells how it was used during wartime to attack the enemies.

"In the old days, you had to fight people to show your art. Nowadays we can be sensible. We can demonstrate so we can show the art and science behind it," he says.

Singh Nihang himself is draped in a blue Chola, a kurta-like robe, with white Kachera, knee-length breaches, and sneakers. His sword and a traditional dagger are neatly tucked between the blue Kamarkasar (cloth belt) wrapped around his waist.

His traditional get-up and a long beard with streaks of white hair might give an intimidating first impression, but he isn't as fierce as he appears.

News Khabran / Death toll in India blaze goes up to 91
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:45:26 AM »
Six hospital managers arrested on negligence charges are in custody for questioning after a hospital blaze killed 91 people in eastern India, authorities said Sunday.

A local court sent the six to 10-day police custody, inspector P.S. Mukhopadhyay said.

The six worked at the five-story Kolkata hospital that erupted into flames at 4 a.m.

Video of the scene showed crowds of people wearing face masks rushing patients out onto the street in stretchers.

At least 60 other people were injured, said Javed Ahmed Khan, the West Bengal Fire and Emergency Services minister.

A "majority" of the bed-ridden patients were abandoned by most of the staff on duty, he said.

The blaze started in the hospital's basement, and authorities were trying to determine its cause.

A preliminary investigation showed that the hospital had safety violations in the basement, Khan said.

In addition to using the basement as an oncology department, it was also being used to park cars and house medical supplies,, Khan said.

The hospital's license was revoked.

Pics / funny
« on: December 12, 2011, 04:07:04 PM »

News Khabran / Need separate Marriage Act for Sikhs: Amarinder
« on: December 12, 2011, 11:50:49 AM »
New Delhi: Where do we register our marriages? This was former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh's poser to Union Home Minister P Chidambaram on Monday.

Singh met Chidambaram and drew his attention to the fact that that the Sikh Marriage Act was annulled in 1955 and merged with Hindu Marriage Act.

He submitted a representation and demanded a separate Act to give legal sanctity to the marriages under Sikh religion.

The home minister has assured that the Centre will look into the issue sympathetically, Singh said.

"I have apprised the home minister about the absence of any law for solemnising Sikh marriages and the necessity of enacting a law in this effect. He assured me to look into the demand positively," Singh said.

He said the government of India, under the aegis of then Viceroy of India, enacted the Anand Marriage Act for the Sikhs in 1909.

The cause of this was that in 1902, the Chief Khalsa Diwan was formed and in 1906 this was followed by the formation of the Muslim League and in 1907 the Hindu Maha Sabha was constituted, he said.

As a consequence, marriages among Sikhs were held under this Act in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib, and this practice continued till 1995 when in Independent India, the Sikh Marriage Act was replaced and included in the Hindu Marriage Act in which four communities were clubbed together -- Hindu, Sikhs, Buddhist and Jain, Singh said.

 "Following this, the Sikhs have been demanding for a separate Anand Marriage Act as was prevalent in 1909 for registering the Sikh marriage separately," he said.

News Khabran / Quick hits from Boston Celtics practice
« on: December 12, 2011, 11:48:27 AM »
WALTHAM, Mass. -- Quick hits after the Celtics practiced Sunday at HealthPoint:

* Rondo injures ankle: Celtics point guard Rajon Rondo sprained his right ankle and did not finish the session. Coach Doc Rivers said the injury is nothing major, but that Rondo landed awkwardly on a teammate's foot while shooting and took the rest of the practice off.

* Thin on bodies ... still: With Rondo departing and captain Paul Pierce sidelined for a second session due to a sore right heel, the Celtics closed practice with a mere eight available bodies. Even though the team announced his deal Saturday, Jeff Green was not able to participate in the session. But he is expected to be on the court Monday (he observed Sunday's practice, then did light shooting drills with teammate Avery Bradley after the session).

* West sign-and-trade is dead: As ESPN.com's Marc Stein noted, the potential sign-and-trade deal that would have brought David West to Boston died Sunday, seemingly because of New Orleans' inability to find a team to take Jermaine O'Neal. West instead signed a two-year, $20 million deal with the Indiana Pacers on Sunday. Larry Bird wins this battle with old friend Danny Ainge.

* What's the hold-up?: Rivers said paperwork is holding up Boston's ability to get players on the court. That includes rookies JaJuan Johnson and E'Twaun Moore, though you can't help but wonder if the Celtics were not exactly in a rush for those deals to get pushed through while exploring potential trade opportunities. Once a rookie is inked, he cannot be traded for 30 days. Why is Brandon Bass not able to practice after being acquired from Orlando in a sign-and-trade for Glen Davis? Remember that Von Wafer was a late addition to that deal and Joshua Robbins of the Orlando Sentinel noted that Davis was unable to practice this weekend while the Magic waited for Wafer's letter of clearance from the Italian team he played for during the lockout. Expect an influx of bodies on Monday when most of those paperwork issues can be resolved.

* Loose balls: Players drawing large media crowds included Chris Wilcox and Ray Allen ... Training camp invite Jamal Sampson came onto the floor to stretch with strength and conditioning coach Bryan Doo ... Sampson, Michael Sweetney and Gilbert Brown are the camp invites still waiting for clearance to join practice activities.
first game is  12/18  Celtics vs Raptors  - 01:00pm (ET)
good luck Celtics

Gup Shup / My album
« on: December 11, 2011, 06:03:48 PM »
sat sir akal janta, Check it out my remix 2011 i am working album and please tell me if you like it thanks you...
by moneysingh
Check it out and let me know what you think! Stay tuned, more coming soon your way!

Religous Videos / Chaur Sahib
« on: December 08, 2011, 06:53:49 PM »

Religous Videos / Sikh Kattle Aaam 1984 - Babu Chandigarhia
« on: December 08, 2011, 06:27:15 PM »
Sikh Kattle Aaam 1984 - Babu Chandigarhia / Anand Music

News Khabran / Sikh US soldier receives combat award
« on: December 08, 2011, 11:56:21 AM »
WASHINGTON: Major Kamaljeet Singh Kalsi, the first turbaned US Sikh soldier in last 30 years has received Bronze Star Medal, the fourth-highest combat award for his meritorious services in Afghanistan.

Kalsi, a doctor, received the medal for "exceptionally meritorious service as an emergency medicine physician" while deployed in Afghanistan during the first half of 2011, the Sikh Coalition said in a statement yesterday.

He was the first Sikh to be allowed to go on active duty with a turban, beard and unshorn hair in more than 20 years.

Working for the rights of Sikhs in the US, Sikh Coalition was instrumental in Kalsi joining the US Army after he was refused an entry on religious grounds.

Among other reasons for receiving the Bronze Star, an official recommendation from Major Kalsi's superiors cites his resuscitation back to life of two patients who were clinically dead on arrival; his "expert" emergency care of over 750 soldiers and nationals; coordination of 5 mass casualty exercises.

Major Kalsi had set up camp-wide Internet access for over 200 soldiers at Camp Dwyer in Helmand, Afghanistan where he was deployed.

After his service, he was promoted from Captain to Major. "It continues to be a tremendous honour to serve my country," said Kalsi.

At present, US military policy forces Sikhs to remove their religiously-required turbans and facial hair in order to join the military.

Over the past two years, the Army granted Major Kalsi and two other Sikh soldiers individual accommodations, which allow only them to maintain turbans and beards.

Kuldeep Manak's Funeral - Final Goodbye at Vill. Jalal, Bathinda

When Gagandip Singh, millionaire owner of Britain’s satellite channel Sikh TV and president of the British Sikh Student Federation, got a call from a woman he had been ``besotted’’ with inviting him to her house he could not believe his luck and drove all the way from London to Brighton. Hours later, his charred body was found in the boot of his own car.

At the time, his death was sought to be linked with the murder of his father Charanjit Singh in a contract killing in India two years ago, but a court on Tuesday heard that he was a victim of a ``honey trap’’ laid by a young Punjabi medical student, Mundil Mahil, who wanted to punish him for attempting to rape her a few months ago.

It was alleged that she ordered two men Harvinder Shoker, known as Ravi,and Darren Peters to kill Singh (21). They were ``lying in wait for him’’ when he arrived at Ms Mahil’s house.

Aftab Jafferjee, QC, for the prosecution told the court: “He was attacked and beaten unconscious. He was then wrapped in Mahil’s duvet and dumped into the boot of the Mercedes. Petrol was poured into the car as he lay either still unconscious from the beating, or completely helpless inside the boot. He was still alive at this point.

The car was then set alight with him shut in the boot. That is how his life was ended.”

The car was then driven to Blackheath, south-east London, it was stated.

Describing Ms Mahil as an “intelligent and attractive young woman”, Mr Jafferjee said her role was ``central’’.

``If she had agreed not to lure him to Brighton that fateful evening, the deceased would have been safe and alive today,” he said.

The court heard that Ms Mahil and Singh had been friends since 2009 when both began a degree at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. The murder of Singh’s father brought them closer and at the end of August 2010, he stayed the night in the house she shared with fellow female medical students.

“It is common ground in this case that he tried to have sex with her by getting into her bed. Both she and he were to describe it as an attempted rape. She forced him away and he broke down in tears and left. She reacted both then and over time in a way you would expect any young woman to react. She was extremely upset and angry at what she, with some justification, perceived as a great betrayal of trust,” Mr Jefferjee said.

She cut off all links with him though he tried desperately to contact her, bombarding her with texts and calls. In February this year, she “lured him to Brighton” by suggesting a meeting at her house where ``lying in wait for him were Ravi and Peters,’’ the court was told.

News Khabran / Nation pauses to remember Pearl Harbor
« on: December 07, 2011, 11:42:14 AM »
Survivors of the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor will remember the 2,400 people who lost their lives 70 years ago Wednesday.

The annual commemoration in Hawaii begins at 7:40 a.m. (12:40 p.m. ET ) at the Pearl Harbor visitor center.

About 3,000 guests will witness a rifle salute, wreath presentations and recognition of those who died, according to the National Park Service, which operates the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument. The venue overlooks the USS Arizona memorial.

At 7:55 a.m., the exact moment the attack began, a moment of silence will be observed. A U.S. Navy ship will render honors to the Arizona, followed by an aerial flyover in a "missing man" formation.

1941: Japan bombs Pearl Harbor Remains of Vernon Olsen, 91, of Port Charlotte, Florida, will be interred later Wednesday in the USS Arizona, the battleship on which he served and where 1,117 sailors and Marines died in the attack.

LIFE's photos of Pearl Harbor attack

Flying from aircraft carriers on Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese aviators attacked eight battleships, destroying two, and left a trail of death and destruction across the verdant landscape. They also struck other military installations on Oahu.

The attack shook America's confidence and ushered the country into World War II.

About 120 Pearl Harbor survivors were registered to attend Wednesday's ceremony.

The gradual loss of the World War II generation has accelerated, and this year, perhaps more than any before it, evidence of a tide change is inescapable.

The Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, founded in 1958, is dissolving December 31. The passing of time, the difficulty in finding chapter officers and the health of its 2,700 members have taken their toll.

In recent years, interpretation of the attack has shifted its focus "from engagement to peace," with recognition that both sides fought a "savage war," said Daniel A. Martinez, chief historian at monument.

Martinez and other staff members have recorded video interviews with many veterans, preserving their memories. "They tell me stories they haven't told their families," he said.

News Khabran / News
« on: December 07, 2011, 11:40:44 AM »
Sat sir akal janta, so  janta are you randy christmas  and new year!!!!

Pics / my baby pic
« on: December 06, 2011, 08:35:44 PM »
my baby pic

Pics / jazzy b and sherry maan
« on: December 06, 2011, 08:11:59 PM »
jazzy b and sherry maan

Pics / dj sonu dhillon ablums
« on: December 06, 2011, 08:05:26 PM »
dj sonu dhillon  heartless vol4 and bhangra nyc vol 7 ablums pics

Religous Videos / sippy gill rab nu lekha dena
« on: December 06, 2011, 07:50:38 PM »
Rab Nu Lekha Dena [Full Song] Saada Punjab

Religous Videos / Sikh Soldiers From World War 1 to Present
« on: December 06, 2011, 07:36:07 PM »
Sikh Soldiers From World War 1 to Present

Religous Videos / U.S. Military Rejects The Sikh Identity
« on: December 06, 2011, 07:33:42 PM »
U.S. Military Rejects The Sikh Identity


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