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Pics / Magic -optical illusion« on: October 11, 2011, 05:20:48 PM »
just keep looking at those 3 spot over the nose for 10 sec. then raise ur head to the roof suddenly nd watch the roof for next 20 sec then tell me what did u see! Its Freaking Awesome !!! :kamli:
Jokes Majaak / Poor G Kainth« on: October 04, 2011, 11:24:50 PM »
!!..Breakup Story..!!
Girl : Hi Baby ^.^ Gagan : Hi My lovely .. (Sending failed) Girl : Are u here? Gagan : Yes Yes im here (sendingfailed) Girl : Are u ignoring me or what!!! Gagan : Honey im not... Im right here... / / (Sending failed) She: It s over; dont u ever talk to me again! Gagan : Damn ! Go to hell :@> -<! ( Message sent ) :D: :D: :D: :D: :D: :D: :D: :D: 44
Jokes Majaak / Eh Duniya ta Kudiyan Di A« on: October 03, 2011, 01:32:18 PM »
♥ kudi jyada hasse taa She is cheerful j munda jyada hasse Mannerless ♥ kudi mitha bole taa She iz charming - Munda mitha Bole taa Flirt karda sala ♥ kudi shoping kre taa She is trendy - Munda shoping kare taa peo de paise khraab krda ♥ Kudi Group naal turdi hai taa It is group - Munda group nal turda taa vekh kanjar kiwen GANG bnayi firde aa :D: :D: :D: :D: 45
Jokes Majaak / robot di slap« on: September 17, 2011, 06:32:41 PM »
*A man buys a lie detector, a robot that slaps people who lie. he decided to test it at dinner*
Dad: Son where were you today during school hours? Son: At school *robot slaps son* Son: Okay I went to the movies! Dad: Which one? ... Son: Harry Potter *robot slaps again!* Son: Okay I was watching porn. Dad: What? When I was your age I didn't even know what porn was! *robot slaps dad* Mom: Hahahahaha! after all he is your son! *robot slaps mom* 46
Funny Videos / Yamley da pehla marriage proposal« on: September 17, 2011, 02:59:20 PM »
:D: yamley bai kuri kehndi ohne tere naal hi viaah karna te tu royee jana :D: :D: ..
Funny Videos / Happy Singh« on: September 14, 2011, 12:19:15 AM »
:D: :D: :D: eh wekho main ta pagal ho gaya has has k :D: :D: :D:
... HAPPY SUPRIYA Only On MH ONE - MH1 (Embedding disabled, limit reached) 48
Gup Shup / Social Work« on: September 13, 2011, 11:21:37 PM »
I just learnt that if we click on the commercials on top of the home page, Punjabi Janta earns money which goes to charity probably to Pingalwara in Amritsar. So Lets do it pretty often :pagel:
:superhappy: ~~There is no religion bigger than humanity~~ :superhappy: 50
Discussions / Valley Sikhs haunted by misunderstanding« on: September 13, 2011, 12:34:55 PM »
Lets read on what some of our Sikh brothers share on their personal experiences as in regards to the misunderstood identity threats and attacks on them as well as their families:
Ten years after 9/11, Valley Sikhs say they're still victims of confusion. The backlash felt by Muslims has at times included Sikhs, with some people associating their turbans and long beards with terrorism. "It's a little better," said Mohinder Singh Sandhainalia, an official at the Sikh Center of the Pacific Coast in Selma. "But it's still there." Sikhism was founded by the guru Nanak more than 500 years ago in north India and is based on monotheism and rejection of the caste system and idolatry. It is the world's fifth largest religion with more than 20 million followers. Over the years, Sikhs have reported an increase in attacks, verbal and physical. The national Sikh Coalition recently launched a website -- unheardvoices of911.org -- compiling accounts of discrimination and violence since 9/11. In the Central Valley, vandals spray-painted racist graffiti -- "Rags Go Home" and "It's Not Your Country" -- on the wall of Gurdwara Sahib, a Sikh temple in west-central Fresno, in 2004. No one has been arrested in the case. Valley Sikh truck drivers have reported being recklessly cut off by motorists on freeways. Sikh teenagers say they've been called "ragheads." And at the Sikh Institute of Fresno building, under construction near Highway 99 and West Shaw Avenue, a large sign reads: "We are building a future home of God. Please don't vandalize." Sandhainalia, who owns U Save Liquors 2 on West Shaw Avenue, said he continues to distribute "Introduction to Sikh Americans" cards to customers to clear up the confusion. The cards list 10 facts about Sikhism, including "Sikhism is a distinct religion, separate from Hinduism and Islam." "We are not linked any way to Osama bin Laden," he said. "We are a different nation. We are very peaceful and hard-working people. We are told to be respectful of every nation." Parminder Singh, a Sikh worshipper at Gurdwara Gur Nanak Parkash on East Lincoln Avenue near Highway 99 and Clovis Avenue, said, "Ignorance is ignorance. It's just plain people who are stuck on stereotypical beliefs. They don't want to learn." He said the confusion plays out mainly in name-calling. "You brush that off; you get used to it," he said. "You don't pay attention. I'm grounded in what I believe. "Every part of society has weak links. When someone questions you, I tell others to give them the 'peace' sign. Treat them nicely. You have to be prepared to defend yourself, but don't instigate anything." Dr. Navdeep Singh, a member of Gurdwara Sahib, doesn't wear a turban or beard. But, he said, he has dealt with confusion over his identity. "Over time, it has diminished," said Singh, adding he believes the community's perception of Sikhs is positive. "Sikhs are socio-economically strong in the community. That helps remove some of the misconceptions and stereotypes. "By nature, Sikhs are stoic people. They've put up with a lot. They've developed a thick skin. Of course, it hurts to hear things." Some Sikh youths say they've never felt the backlash. Kiranjit, 18, who helps teach a children's class at Gurdwara Sahib on Sundays, was 8 years old on 9/11. She was attending Cedarwood Elementary School and was supposed to go on an ice-skating field trip that day, but the event was cancelled. "I was crying at home -- a bunch of people died," said Kiranjit, now a student at California State University, Fresno. "My parents told us never to judge. And I've never been judged." In Selma, the Sikh Center of the Pacific Coast will mark the anniversary of 9/11 with prayers for peace and God's blessing on America. "Because we live here," Sandhainalia says. "Everybody is created by one God and there is a principality of brotherhood. We are told not to hate anyone." ---Human consciousness arose but a minute before midnight on the geological clock. Yet we mayflies try to bend an ancient world to our purposes, ignorant perhaps of the messages buried in its long history. Let us hope that we are still in the early morning of our April day. ~Stephen Jay Gould
Discussions / Mistaken Identity !!« on: September 05, 2011, 09:45:48 PM »
This video is not really what the title depicts about it. But after watching it, I feel that we can look at half a glass of water from two different viewpoints. Its either half empty implying that we can sit here and complaint about the deadly attempts, even life taking ones, on our Sikh brothers due to the mistaken identity, as linked to the culprits of 911 attack, and do nothing about it; or the glass is rather half full, i.e. there are loads of white people around, especially reporters who have taken the responsibilities of clarifying the concept of Sikhism among their race. Personally I have witnessed one reporter in my life, who did some good research on it and tried to spread the word. The loss, though that the Sikh families have had, ever since 911 occurred can not be fulfilled, yet, we have always and we should always stand apart as a unique race, not even in America but other nations of the world. I don't know why it struck me to write all this,probably doesn't even make sense, but a few board signs, commercials, groups that I have been watching lately in my city, because 911 is approaching, I wish, not another white junkie gets high on that day, walks to a gas station and attempts a life taking shoot out at one of our brothers. For the rest, God bless everyone !
News Khabran / One more khali from atari, Amritsar« on: September 04, 2011, 07:51:01 PM »
khali no 2 :happy: :happy:
Fun Time / Happy Birthday Gagan Bai« on: September 02, 2011, 11:07:32 PM »
Lol I am not that good at making threads but happy birthdayyyyyyyy mera gagan veeer ... rab tenu duniyaan jahaan diyaaan khushiyaan davey .... sohni ji wohti dave ... :hehe: ... love u brother always :happy: :happy:
:D: bai ji aa cake wekho .. tera truck lagda k nai 54
Discussions / Lies (Jhooth)« on: September 01, 2011, 10:55:40 AM »
Everyone knows that we all lie at some point of time. But about those times, when you can suspect that the other person is lying or making things up, what is the most
obvious thing that you notice which tells you that "yes,he/she is lying",stuff like yawning or a rub behind the neck, scratching one's head or not making the eye contact, stuff like that ? Punjabi ch : Sanu pata a sab kadi na kadi jhooth bolde a .. tuhade hisaab naal ya tuhadi zindagi ch tusi kadi kise nu fareya hoye ya tuhanu shak hoya hoye ki agla jhooth bolda peya ya fir kadi tusi jhooth boleya hoye (jo tusi dasna ta hai ni uda) tuhanu kida pata lagga ki o jhooth bol reha c .. jiwein ki kayee loki akhaan ni milaunde ya waasi ji marde a ya dhon te hath rakh lende a .. apne apne tajurbe daso :hehe: 55
Funny Videos / Train Stunt« on: August 28, 2011, 05:58:09 PM »![]()
Discussions / corruption da lekha jokha« on: August 28, 2011, 01:03:49 PM »![]() ... meri ginti ta 6 figures te hi muk gee :wow: 57
Funny Videos / G Kainth da truck florida di sadkaan te« on: August 28, 2011, 11:27:01 AM »
:D: :D: :D: bai gal a poori teri ... :D: :D: :D:
Funny Videos / sher te zebra di fauj« on: August 28, 2011, 11:20:17 AM »
haha kehnda edhar muh kar mae sher ho k kuteyaan wangu bhonki janda odhar cable laggi a
tenu durrr lakh di mubaarak hovey :D: :D: :D:
Discussions / Rajiv Gandhi !« on: August 28, 2011, 10:40:04 AM »
Below photo is from a Swiss Magazine Schweizer Illustriertein (November 1991) – it shows the top holders of Swiss bank accounts at the time.
Rajiv appears in the august company of other dictators like Saddam Hussein, Suharto of Indonesia, etc. The text below Rajiv’s photo reads: Rajiv Gandhi, Indian, Holds 2.5 billion Swiss Francs (eq. to 13,200 Crores in 1991). Till date, the Congress party has never refuted / spoken about these allegations. These are our great leaders on whose birth & death anniversaries the government uses the tax payer’s money to lavishly advertise their so-called ‘achievements’ in all national newspapers ! and name Airports, Highways etc built by our money on their names !! ... May be this one is better |