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Shayari / Re: My Poems - Inspired by Maskin ji
« on: May 04, 2008, 03:14:32 AM »
Thank you so much Kerfufle, admin,and PuNjAbAn_KuRhI

I feel so encouraged!

Shayari / My Poems - Inspired by Maskin ji
« on: May 03, 2008, 06:40:35 AM »
I often write poems. I have composed more than 2000 poems till date. My poems are internationally published in renowned journals.

Please read some of my poems:

I wish to write
The words of my heart,
The cause of its beats
The delicacy of thoughts.
* * * * *
A million reasons
Still to know,
The beats of heart
The sound that flows.
* * * * *
I lit a candle in solitude
With it I lit my dreams,
True, I saw a miracle real
My childhood smiling at my youth.
* * * * *
As drops in river
So do desires in mind,
Rise and succeed
On the command of time.
* * * * *
In the sweat with time
In the pain, Divine
We remember you
To forget life.
* * * * *
Never mind the heat of sun
Joys will come.
* * * * *
Tears wipe pain from my face
Not strength from my heart.
* * * * *
Tears are tiny drops of pain
In the ocean of ever flowing joys.
* * * * *
To the temple she goes with tears in
From the temple she comes with
smiling pride.
* * * * *
Faith never cries
It's doubt that sheds tears.
* * * * *
In the magnitude of what exists
There is nothing in infinity
And infinity in nothing.
* * * * *
Near the fruity tree lies his grave,
He who died for a loaf of bread.
* * * * *
Written by – Ekta Kaur Kalra

Pages: [1]