News Khabran / Sun Storm Possibility in 2013
« on: June 11, 2010, 12:27:16 AM »
Earth May 2013
Now NASA has come up with an awesome new way the earth might get destroyed. If we will recover from 2012 predictions, earthquakes, volcanoes any other oil spills there is one more bad news here..possibilities of Earth total balck out in May 2013..
In 1859, a geomagnetic storm sparked by a huge solar flare swept over the Earth. Telegraph wires shorted out and set houses on fire. A brilliant aurora was seen in Hawaii—so bright that "people could read newspapers by [its] red and green glow." Scientists predict that in May 2013, the sun's solar cycle will peak at about the same level as in 1859.
This is bad news for anyone who likes electronic things. As Fisher says, "Our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms." That's because today we're so dependent on technology hooked up to satellites, which can be disabled or destroyed by huge waves of charged particles spit out by the sun during a solar storm: GPS, cell phones—even credit card transactions use a satellite.
So what would happen? Will there be a massive Earth blackout in 2013? But dont worry.. we’re thinking positive that our scientists will eventually find a way to protect our planet for this impending end of the world.There is technology to put satellites in ‘safe mode’ and disconnect transformers to protect them from destructive electrical surges.
The task of accurately forecasting a solar storm lies with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US.So the collaberation of NASA and NOAA will play important role in avoinding this disaster..
Now NASA has come up with an awesome new way the earth might get destroyed. If we will recover from 2012 predictions, earthquakes, volcanoes any other oil spills there is one more bad news here..possibilities of Earth total balck out in May 2013..
In 1859, a geomagnetic storm sparked by a huge solar flare swept over the Earth. Telegraph wires shorted out and set houses on fire. A brilliant aurora was seen in Hawaii—so bright that "people could read newspapers by [its] red and green glow." Scientists predict that in May 2013, the sun's solar cycle will peak at about the same level as in 1859.
This is bad news for anyone who likes electronic things. As Fisher says, "Our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms." That's because today we're so dependent on technology hooked up to satellites, which can be disabled or destroyed by huge waves of charged particles spit out by the sun during a solar storm: GPS, cell phones—even credit card transactions use a satellite.
So what would happen? Will there be a massive Earth blackout in 2013? But dont worry.. we’re thinking positive that our scientists will eventually find a way to protect our planet for this impending end of the world.There is technology to put satellites in ‘safe mode’ and disconnect transformers to protect them from destructive electrical surges.
The task of accurately forecasting a solar storm lies with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US.So the collaberation of NASA and NOAA will play important role in avoinding this disaster..