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Messages - mamu

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Gup Shup / Re: ajj thanu kehra sapna aya
« on: May 05, 2014, 11:04:43 PM »
between work and school work ... it was a restless night. I kept dreaming about finishing up my book

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: 5 Types of Sikhi
« on: May 05, 2014, 10:06:59 PM »
Thanks for making me feel stupid.. I tried to put a genuine effort to feed your curiousity, thinking you were going through the same phase as I am..I wish you would've picked a different topic for mockery

Knowledge / Re: 10 ways to Recognize a Controlling Person
« on: May 05, 2014, 08:41:56 PM »
only if you wouldve posted this 7 years ago :D: :D: :D: :D:

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: 5 Types of Sikhi
« on: May 05, 2014, 11:41:31 AM »
Risky- I thought I answered your question. Guru Granth Sahib vich Khandey Baate Di Amrit Pahul baray nahi likheya hoya. But you have to understand the fact that Guru Granth Sahib ji di Rachna was done by Guru Arjan dev ji.. so the baani that was added at first was only from first five Gurus, (later on bani of Guru Teg Bahadaur Sahib ji was added by Guru Gobind Singh ji at Damadama Sahib -Separate Topic)
Rooh and Risky- There's no particular mention of "Khandey Baate de Amrit baray".. yes, Guru Sahib Wrote several hymns regarding Amrit before, for example - "Sur nar mun jan amrit khojde.. so amrit Gur te paaya.. paaya amrit Gur kirpa keene .. Sacha man vasaya" - Guru Amardas ji.. Stating every one tried looking for "Amrit"-Gyan, but that Gyan-Amrit Was found in the Guru.. and having that gyan we were able to realize the truth of the true lord. Before Guru Gobind Singh ji- Sikh charan pahul lende honde si- Guru Gobind Singh ji stopped charal pahul and changed it to the Khandey Baate Da Amrit- Risky think of this Amrit as gyan and it might answer your question.
separate note- the second thing you mentioned is about hypocrisy, that's a secondary topic which we can discuss some other time. I understand all the people that wear a dastaar and have a beard aren't true Sikhs.. but don't look down bro.. look at Guru Gobind Singh ji as your role model

y you want only yes/no :hehe: n mainu samjh ni ayi tu meri gall nu change pakh ch use kita ya kise hor pakh ch.

"ik pyala jo pehla ee bharya hoya howe ohde ch hor pani nahi paya ja sakda. Kuj laina e te pehla apna bhanda khali karna payega" :smile:

karamveer bro- "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing" bro you have been blessed with the Gyan but me and risky are still searching for answers. We can't put this aside bro.. that is the only way to bring youth back into sikhi

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: 5 Types of Sikhi
« on: May 05, 2014, 01:03:54 AM »
I Agree with karamveer .. it should be type of Sikh not sikhi.. Thanks you veer for correcting us all. Mera deemag vich aahi si ke type of Sikh aa but I kept typing sikhi.

Risky. regarding your post. I'm not a genius,stating that would be an insult to Gursikhs.. I'm just lost a soul who is still searching answers for my own curiosity. Being a Sikh is a continuous journey of learning. Guru Granth Sahib nu manana and Guru Granth Sahib Nu sirf matha tekna are two different things. As per Guru Granth Sahib.. there are several Hymns that state that a Sikh should never question his Guru- "Gur ke greh sewak jo rahe.. Gur ki agya man meh sahe", "Man meeth tuharo keeyo..Agya maan jaan sukh paaya.. sun sun naam tuhara jeeyo" both of these hymns are by Guru Arjan Dev ji .. they state that only way to be accepted by the Guru is to follow him without question. If you follow Guru Granth Sahib the question that you asked would never arise.. it arises out of "ego" its the ego that keeps us away from the Guru. We think we are smarter and have way around it all but we have to present our head to the Guru. as per Amrit Sanchar. Guru Gobind Singh has stated rehat pyaar mujhko Sikh pyaara naahe.. clearly stating he wants us all in rehat. Sikh should follow the Guru said and not look for a written doctrine to find excuses.. as per written doctrine several rehatnames are there that state a Sikh should be amrit dhaari. Risky, I am not an amrit dhaari myself.. I'm still dealing with the same issues are you are because of my ego.
I've seen a lot of Sikhs(mones -sardar doesn't matter me included) that claim we are ready to die for our Guru. But the question Guru asks is- are you ready to live for him

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: 5 Types of Sikhi
« on: May 04, 2014, 11:44:53 PM »
Interesting topic.. I've read this sakhi as well.. but with a different kathavachak .. I think the sakhi is in Sooraj Prakash Granth by Kavi Santokh Singh ji... It was Guru Hargobind Sahib who explained it to his Sikhs the types of Sikhi and what kind of Sikhi is parvaan.
I kind of agree with Rabbdabanda stating that its mann di avastha... however we have seen two types in sikhi... One that are completely towards prema bhagti- for example Baba Nand Singh ji. Jede sirf naam and bani vich rasse hoye ne.. second Bhai Taru Singh ji, Akali Phoola Singh ji..
I'm not saying that Bhai Taru Singh ji and Akali Phoola Singh didn't do bhagti,, Bhagti bina shaheed da khitaab hasil nahi hunda. but its more of jede kamm Guru Sahib ne jihnu ditta.
I wonder if Kauf thi Sikhi is parvaan.. end of the day Bhau(fear) and prem have a very big rishta according to Gurbani.

bloody doves  :angr:

Gup Shup / Re: Ajj kiddan feel karde tusi?
« on: May 03, 2014, 12:33:16 AM »
overwhelmed  :woried:

Discussions / Re: Discussion: Great Sikh Woman
« on: May 02, 2014, 12:33:31 AM »
this is back in the 90s and Budda dal or Tarna dal nihungs completely supported them. the ideology is the Guru Granth Sahib.. its a class on how to act upon it.. its the same moment that US went through during civil right moments , right of quality stated by the constitution yet segregation continued. Sikhism needs the same reform..

Discussions / Re: Discussion: Great Sikh Woman
« on: May 01, 2014, 11:29:17 PM »
"intellect about Sikhism" is a big phrase bro.. it was a beginner's effort..
Women can perform keertan Harmandar Sahib, however it took an effort to accomplish it, this happened in 1990, women jatha from US went and perfomed keertan there.
Anyways, how many time have you seen Woman as a fulltime granthi at a gurdwara? I've never seen a woman in that role, and parkash at Harmandar Sahib can only be done by Head Granthi. But, in general woman can do prakash of Guru Granth Sahib.

What you are talking about is hypocrisy- that does exist and I completely acknowledged it in my post. But, don't point a finger at my Guru Sahib, end of the day the fault lies within us that we fail to exhibit the qualities our Gurus preached.

Discussions / Re: Discussion: Great Sikh Woman
« on: April 30, 2014, 11:04:32 PM »

Risky, I would try to address your questions to the best of my knowledge. I am not a saint nor hold the proper understanding of Gurbani..so please considers my reply to your questions a mere "attempt" by someone who has limited knowledge.
1)  How come women cannt lead in lavan JAD lavan ondia wa kuri nu agge kyo noi laia janda-
     This is how you view the practice of Laavan.. practice of Laavan is a sign of equality not inequality. You view it as woman being inferior since shes walking behind, what if I say I view it as a master holding the horse by its ropes. Its a matter of opinion.
Laavan da path clearly states "They are not said to be husband and wife who merely sit together. Rather they alone are called husband and wife, who share one soul in two bodies"
One soul-two bodies.. woman and man complete each other. One a separate note, the message of Laavan is for both man and woman to worship the eternal lord and stay away from deception
2)  Panj Pyare-   When the initial initiation of Khalsa happened who were the five people that stood up- Bhai Dya Singh, Bhai Dharam Singh, Bhai Himmat Singh, Bhai Sahib Singh, Bhai Mokham Singh- all males,, since then the tradition has carried on.
However the women are in no way prohibited to carry on the Amrit Sanchar or hold path of Guru Granth Sahib...
I don't know what Granthi you've met- however the Granthis I've met try to teach the lesson to both the man and the woman.. we all know for a marriage to succeed it takes an effort from both.

On a complete separate topic.. Sikhism has always taught us to respect women.. we read it in Asa Di Waar every morning... "so kyon manda akhiye jit jamme rajan" Guru Sahib broke away from the society norms of treating women as "pairan di jutti" or "Keeping them in cover-Burkhas"
Women were given the equality to contribute to the religion- Mata Khivi ji. Whereas, in Muslims states "he had said once that it is better for the women to perform prayer at home, because there is more sawaab (reward) in that, and as we come here to earn sawaab, it is better to do this". (I do not contradict what muslims preach maybe it is the right way for them or their woman- who am I to judge). This is what Sikhi says- Bhai Gurdas ji di vaaran "Sharing in spiritual wisdom and enlightenment and with noble qualities endowed, a woman, the other half of man, escorts him to the door of liberation"
Sikhi has given the women full liberty to be on the war front as well- "Mai Bhago"- Guru Gobind Singh ji has stated the power of a woman in Dasam Granth as Chandi- Chandi- to whom devta like Indra had to go to seek protection. Countries like England have yet to declare full equality to women on the war front.
Women- Female- Maya- Chandi- are different Forms of Akal Purakh Shakti.
I do not disagree or ignore the fact how feticide and violence against woman  still exists in Punjab and Sikh families.. there is a lot of work to be done.. if every Sikh or male was to follow sikhi to the core.. they'll all be Gursikh with kesh and kirpan do the baani the path and respect women.

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Great Sikh Woman
« on: April 30, 2014, 09:08:34 PM »
Sikhi gave women the same status level as men .. yet we have the high rate of feticide and violence against women in Punjab

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Use of English in Gurdwaras
« on: April 30, 2014, 09:00:54 PM »
we will have to start using English if we want the youth to be connected. There's so much parchar in UK because these parcharaks have grown up in UK, they are able to communicate and connect with the youth.. I understand that Punjabi is an integral part and its important for the youth to learn it but term is Gurbani.. and it doesn't necessarily have to be in Punjabi.

Gup Shup / Re: >>>Have u ever been jealous ?
« on: April 29, 2014, 11:31:02 PM »
Once upon a time in 2007, 2008, 2009

Gup Shup / Re: *~Agar tusi choor hunne ta ki choori karde~*
« on: April 29, 2014, 06:13:26 PM »
warrant  buffet's secrets to successful trading  :loll:

News Khabran / Re: Gurbax Chahal - Billionnaire woman beater
« on: April 27, 2014, 12:44:47 AM »
and got away with community service ? :loll:

oda after reading this sad case .. I certainly feel that je billionaire te koi cheat kar sakda... fer me getting cheated up on is no biggies eh :loll:

News Khabran / Re: Gurbax Chahal - Billionnaire woman beater
« on: April 27, 2014, 12:42:49 AM »
again I am not rationalizing what he did... there is no way what he did could be justified

News Khabran / Re: Gurbax Chahal - Billionnaire woman beater
« on: April 27, 2014, 12:40:34 AM »
again.. guys being physically stronger should refrain themselves .. but this dude is a billionaire what if this whole situation was getting fabricated against him

"You cannot rationalize violence like that. If my man cheated on me, I'd be like ok he's a moron. Let's pack up and go"
no one is that ethical.. that'll be an ideal situation.. where you'll have complete control over your anger

News Khabran / Re: Gurbax Chahal - Billionnaire woman beater
« on: April 27, 2014, 12:37:41 AM »
I agree extent he took it was wrong.. but are putting the blame entirely on him? so if youre seeing someone from a long time and you find out that your significant other is cheating you should just be able to dump and move on?

News Khabran / Re: Gurbax Chahal - Billionnaire woman beater
« on: April 27, 2014, 12:34:01 AM »
Have you read the article and reason behind his actions?
In no way I support what he did, I'm completely against the violence against woman. But I believe the girl was cheating on him.

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