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Topics - ਆਫਤ

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Religion, Faith, Spirituality / First Martyr for Human RIghts
« on: July 08, 2015, 10:56:00 AM »
In 1675, some Kashmiris  sought Guru Tegh Bahadur’s help. The Mughal emperor was forcibly converting them to Islam under the threat of torturous death. Even though the Guru followed a different faith than many other Kashmiris, he believed in everyone’s right to practice one’s own religion freely, a core principle of his Sikh faith. The same principle is now espoused in the First Amendment (1791) to the U. S. Constitution, allowing free exercise of religion.

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / True founder of red cross
« on: July 08, 2015, 10:37:43 AM »
One day in the thick of the fight, Bhai Kanhayya, a beloved Sikh, was looking after the wounded as usual. He was offering water to the thirsty soldiers. Since he was a true Sikh of the Guru, he did not make any distinction between the friend and the foe. After the battle some of the Sikh warriors complained to the Guru about Bhai Kanhayya's work. They said, "Look, dear Guru, here is a Sikh who was helping the enemy. He is a simpleton who does not make any distinction between our soldiers and that of the enemy. Would you please ask him to explain his behaviour?"

The Guru showed a little surprise and called Bhai Kanhayya to his side. He asked him if it was true that he offered water to the enemy.

"Yes, my Lord, it is true," replied Bhai Kanhayya, the water carrier.

"Why did you do that?" asked the Guru.

"For me, O Master, there were no friends and no foes. Their faces were all the same for me. Moreover, you always tell us to sing - 'None is my enemy, none a stranger. All human beings are my friends.'"

"Well done, Bhai Kanhayya, you acted like a true Sikh," said the Guru. "It is the foremost duty of a Sikh to help the needy and to relieve the sufferings of people without any prejudice whatsoever." Saying this the Guru at once sent another Sikh to fetch a box of ointment from his dispensary. The Sikh brought one without delay. The Guru handed over the box to Bhai Kanhayya and said "Bhai Kanhayya, remember, when you give water to the wounded, also apply this ointment to their wounds. By doing so you will be acting as a true Sikh of mine."

Thus we see that the Guru anticipated the foundation of the Red Cross Organization at Anandpur in 1704 A.D. Later on, after the fierce battle of Alphonso, in Italy, in 1859 Henri Dunant laid the foundation of the modern Red Cross on the same principles declaring, " ... All are brother." In the Punjab we can still find the followers of Bhai Kanhayya called "The Sewa Panthies" who do voluntary service in all situations and are very much respected by all.

Nowadays the Red Cross plays a very good part in looking after the sick and the wounded in disasters like war, earthquakes, floods or epidemics. It is a wonderful organization. We must all contribute generously to make it work more effectively and efficiently.

"None is my enemy, none a stranger.
All human beings are my friend."
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib)

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