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Messages - Electric-Blue

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indirectly you are pointing towards JADUU TONA  
roz hi jagbani te khabar aundi eh ta   :D: :D:
This is the perfect example of "IGNORANCE"

if u are satanist ! come up with ur real name and display pic! why are you afraid?
or eda diyan photos de pichhe kyun lukk rea? sach di gal krda....te dikha fer tera sach ki a?
ehna k hi karde bai...bas ....kar skda??? lol

Why should i show my pic? as the internet is place which becomes dangerous if someone reveals his/her identity. It can be used against him. As there are infiltrators


personally i dnt believe in religions!
am asking u abt our gurus....guru nanak dev ji ne jo v bani likhi ki oh sabh jhooth aa???

ajkal di gal nai kar reha main....ajkal koi sacha sikh nai...main teachings di gal keeti aa...
and mere pehle swaal da jwaab nai aya mainu aje... do you have dat power kinda thing? and punjab ton kithon aa or india wichon kithon o??
if you are educated enough in occult then you would see the truth which is hidden in texts as like as bible. Some of sayings he said are true. Why should i tell you about whether if i have these powers or not? Though if you reach on an intermediate level of satanic meditations then for example,suppose you like a girl and you want her to be yours and No matter how much she hates you,you will still be able to make her fall in love deeply. Lmao ! No JOKES. I've just gave an example according to your understanding. just a simple example. Its kinda funny i know!

basically whatever your are talking about is just bookish language !!
gal practical di karda bai tu...te aap bookish language likhda.... :D: :D:

so peeps this is the perfect example of brainwash ! :okk:
I'm not here to prove if i have extra-ordinary powers. bear this in mind. Even if someone has extra-ordinary powers he/she will never reveal to the outsiders. wont show off.

Enemy uses love to lower the victim's defences.

What Do You Mean By That?

do you even remember these?

Mate,Don't be just so proud about what they have done,sacrifices or else. It coulbe their tactis,Because The heart chakra is where humans are most vulnerable, EMOTIONALLY. So,none can know what mind power is unless he/she becomes spiritually aware and empowered

Ryder  :D: lagga reh :okk:

and lyncis: tere kol oh power haigi jihde nal tu jo v kise nu kahenga...k tera maarha ho j....te oh ho jau? :thinking:
hor suna punjab ton kithon aa??? :waitin:
te tu sikhan bare kujh mention nai kita? ki gal? :wait:

sikhan di jo gurbani aa....shri guru granth sahib...ohde bare v dassi zara kise ton puchh k...oh te nai kite chori kite gye kise hor dharam ton?

haha nice. I know what i'm able to do. Mostly people here are belong to sikh religion,so if i say something that offends their beliefs or whatever,for sure then,the they will burn up in rage. However to find the truth about someone or some religion,i would say "you shall know them by their fruits" lol Now what this religion teaches? Same as other religion does. To become dependent on "holy books" and its commandments. I know many prophets,saints were there in sikh history,but what did they do? they gained their followers trust by performing so-called miracles which is a possiblity for a human too and just a simple working of mind and soul power. They never taught their followers how to do this all but infact,they made them as their slave who rely on them. The spiritual knowledge was removed systematically so humanity became too stupid for any external being and it was easy to enslave humanity for them.

Kanwar, I'm gathering information on Satanism for now.

I am not touching Sikhi for now, because first I would like to know more about Satanism.

And your questions are worth asking regarding Sikhi.

@ Lyncis :

One question does come to my mind.
Why do all Satanic web sites, articles and books have to be with such depressing themes and colors ? Why so much gothic ?
Like use of black and red color combination, with skulls, fonts which have blood dripping down...all dark..

Why is not something light, pleasant and decently put out ? After all it is about spirituality according to you.
None is a true satanic website except joyofsatan on the entire internet.  You would only find those kind of stuff on false satanic websites.

joyofsatan is an organisation indeed.

Okay, thanks for the links.

I will go through the links and then come back.

Yes, I remember the link exposingchristianity.com, but I didn't get what exactly I was looking for.Anyway I will go through it once again.
Aww everything should be there whatever you are looking for or if you don't find it there then you can ask question on that satanic yahoo group if you have any doubt about anything even.
anyways,you are welcome!

and btw,you rather go on that yahoogroup than coming back to me,because you need advanced satanists to answer your questions and i'm a beginner. I do share only what i've learnt and what i know. Thanks.

Who was Jesus Christ according to you ?

Yes, and I will going through the yahoo group link you have provided.
Thanks for sharing.

Jesus christ is just fictitious. As i know that egyptian god HORUS was changed into jesus by jews. Everything in bible is stolen from ancient religions,characters/gods'etc and replaced. 

see: http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Jesus_Christ.htm

I had given you a link to this site too i think. exposingchristianity.com

What is the difference between a demon and an angel ?

Yes I know about circle with a star drawn inside the circle where you stand to summon a demon.
I will come back to this later on.

In the meanwhile, you can tell is with the difference.
And what kind of a soul are we; demonic or angelic ?

The difference between demons and angels is, angels are of enemy,their main purpose is to keep human from empowering themselves especially in the powers of mind and soul. And demons are the one who helps and liberates humanity and are with Satan. They are labelled as evil beings by jews as they had have control on world.

Demonic or angelic soul doesn't mean anything when you accept the truth about these beings. Our soul is made up of five elements,you must know. spirit,earth,water,fire,quintessence.

what is RHP and HP ?

RHP= Right hand path
HP = high priest/ess

i suggest you to ask your questions on that satanic yahoogroup, It will be Best!

If you're beginner, then how do you consider yourself in a position to make such topics on a forum using sentences like "wake up to the truth" or something like that ?

Being a beginner, how can you be convinced that other people(non-stanists) are on a false path or live in a false belief ? There might be other revelations waiting on your new path to come in touch with you and you may realise its short comings as well.

And what exactly do you mean by "other" religions when you call them false ? Can you please boldly name them out ?

I am not discouraging you to share thoughts and perceptions, they are most welcome.But when somebody who is a beginner and is yet unknown to the basic answers which every human being hungers for, should not use slogans like "wake up to the truth" or something like that.I hope you understand what I am saying.

Have you been a part of a satanic church ?  have you been in touch of a satanic priest or a high priest ?

being a beginner doesn't mean that i'm on a wrong path. This is Truth that should be spread and to say people wake up to the truth because i've known it and as i grow more and learn the more truth i start to  know. Other revelations will not be horrible or whatever when i jump at intermediate level. All other RHP religions are false if you can only see what their purpose is.
Like three major world religions judasim,chrisitianity.islam and all other which only makes their followers to be dependent on their holy book's god. Nothing is spiritual in these religions.
No.I haven't been a part of satanic church. It is for laveyan satanists only. Those are atheists indeed. and I'm not in touch with satanic HP

All satanists use "wizard" for a male and "witch" for a male practioner of witchcraft.I have heard it and I will later link you with such sources.

Anyway, tell us about witchcraft.
What else is it apart from casting spells and sitting with demonic spirits and sending them after other people.
What else does it involve apart from these ? I would want to know.

And you also didn't answer why you need "black magic" for your defence ? Please read my current comment.

This direct and open conveyance of your inaccurate judgment is something I would is not wise.Please be careful for the next time.I think it is more sensible to ASK me questions to have a more correctly inclined judgement on my knowledge.

"witch" for a **female, not male.sorry.

previous** comment, not current.

What a magic is? It is just powers of mind and soul. blackwhite magic doesn't mean that its just a spell working against other people. We use it mostly against astral entities to fight back in our defense. Sending spirits after other people is something we don't do as it is not possible as far as i know. When a human practices occult then he/she can only have bad experience and then they blame it on demons when they still don't realize that there are numerous enemy entities on astal including angels. And some uses circles to summon a demon which is very disrespectful. These are corrupted grimoires. Also if one who is not a dedicated satanist is trying to summon a demon will get into trouble.

All satanists use "wizard" for a male and "witch" for a male practioner of witchcraft.I have heard it and I will later link you with such sources.

Anyway, tell us about witchcraft.
What else is it apart from casting spells and sitting with demonic spirits and sending them after other people.
What else does it involve apart from these ? I would want to know.

And you also didn't answer why you need "black magic" for your defence ? Please read my current comment.

This direct and open conveyance of your inaccurate judgment is something I would is not wise.Please be careful for the next time.I think it is more sensible to ASK me questions to have a more correctly inclined judgement on my knowledge.

"witch" for a **female, not male.sorry.


I think you should go here. This is a spiritual Satanism yahoo group,If you really want to learn more or to get answers to your questions that i'm unable to give because i'm just a beginner,then Join this group to get answers of your all questions in better way. Its free to join. Advanced Satanists can really answer your questions and you will be satisfied and agreed too.

I could be wrong on my judgement because the way you asked question made me to believe that you lack in that kind of knowledge. But its alright now. Misunderstanding is gone.

You still haven't answered the question my dear.

Why do you keep mentioning immotality numerous times when you yourself have stated that you still remain a mortal being even after you become "god-like" ? First you should clear this up, and then we can talk further on this.

Yes we know that spirituality is for self awakening and improvement.

Witch doesn't mean wise, a witch is the term given to a "female" practioner of black magic and "wizard" for a male practioner.It has nothing to with the wisdom of a particular gendre, because the term "wise" can be used for both the gendres.

There is no such thing as a white or a black magic.Magic is magic, and the differentiation is irrelevant.

Why do you need black magic for your defence ? If you're a satanist(which according to you is the true belief and practise), and you believe that other religions are false and powerless then what possible danger are you exposed to ? Because other false religions are practising false believes which means they're untrue.Correct ? So how are you endangered from an untrue practise or belief that you need to be defended from ?

Before answering the latter text, I urge you to answer my former question in this comment.
You misunderstood me. Yeah you will remain a mortal being after becoming godlike,How i mentioned immortality in what way? it can be achieved after becoming Godlike? No,i said its just a preparation for that. You will be guided by Satan how to genetically modified your DNA,Now for this,you have to be full prepared and spiritually empowered as this will open the door of working of modifiying DNA.

Witch means A wise one. That what you know is a corrupted teaching replaced with jewish filth,it has nothing to do with gender. Who practises magic is called a "Witch" no matter if is HE or SHE.

Magic is real. Even Those highly E.Ts uses it. Its all about Magic means the power of mind and soul aka witchcraft.

i see you have no idea about how other religion's beliefs/practises are false and causes nothing but makes one to dependent upon an external being "god". Now take "baptism" in christian religion which is even stolen from ancient pagan religions.

Okay, so here you have said that being "immortal" and "god like" are two different things.Got your point.
So after becoming immortal, you go to satan, and sit in his lap ? Something like that ? Don't mind but just asking out of curiosity, that what happens when you're immotal ?

Yes ,you got it right now! After becoming immortal,we won't stick with Satan physically or to say to live with him on Duat with other Gods,That's individual's choice. What happens after becoming immortal is you will stay be living your life as you choose. we will be keep working against the enemies of Satan ,indeed our enemies. His enemies are our enemies because those Enemy E.Ts wants us to DEAD or to say Keep us ignorant through religions and way from Satan !

Away from Satan*

Bai,please think again about the benefits of becoming a God and immortal. eh saadi birth right hai. tuhanu sab de opposite jaana payga,society,holy teachings etc, to really find the truth. Deprogram your mind.

Ok, from your above additions, you say that even if you become god like, you're still a morta being.

Then why do you use the term "immortal" ? Why not "spiritually empowered" or something like that ?

And if you become god-like (satan-like) which is the highest level of spiritual achievement, you will still be a mortal being and will be in the process of birth-death cycle ? Right ? Is that what you mean ?
Then what is the purpose of reincarnations now ? You're almost satan, or say close to him, then why will be satan keeping you in the same cycle ?

yes that is called "spiritually empowered" after one ascends kundalini serpent,but i didn't say that after this you will become immortal.

yes after becoming Godlike,you will still be a mortal being,But this doesnt end here,you will still be working on the path of immortality. As I said,immortality can be achieved in a Decade ! and this is not a very long time right? So,it just depends upon you that how much you meditate and hardworking. and the process of birth-death cycle will be going unless you achieve immortality. Now,as you said,you are almost like Satan,you aren't immortal genetically at this point  but you can do anything whatever you want. Satan will keep reincarnating you until you reach immortality BECAUSE, A soul needs a physical body to get empored. Without physical body,a soul is useless.
So he gives you one more chance and more to achieve immortality.


Boht vadde vadde reply aa :whew:

Bai i really want to no k immortal hon da fayda ki aa je asi atam nirbhar ban jawange te baki dunia naal ki sambhand reh jayega fer osdi zindagi da malsad ki hovega aisi zindagi da ki fayda hovega

who doesn't want to become immortal? It is our BIRTH-RIGHT, INDEED from our creator God Satan !

I've gone through the site that you've provided us with, before too.
My question is, what is the purpose for practising satanism, witch craft, paganism, wicca, black magic ?

Let me ask a direct question now.
Your text talks about immortailty, and you have added that it may take several life births through reincarnations and your spiritual works gets carried forward in each life and keeps adding over it.Once you've achieved a particular level of spiritual strength, you become immortal.
This is what you've added.

So once you're immortal (free from reincarnations), what do you do ?
You become unified with satan ? And if yes is the answer, then what do you do under satan ?
You're free now from incarnations, what is your purpose from then on ?
You take orders from satan to do certain tasks ? If yes then what kind of tasks are they ? Are the tasks to make others satanists too ? You bring peace to earth ? How do you bring peace to earth ? Can you provide us with some examples of how satan brought peace to earth and  its people ?

If I talk about Hitler as a satanist, then how did Hitler bring peace and well being to the people of his own country ? How was he successful in purpose ? How can you calculate his actions and conclude them in what measures ?

wicca,modern paganism is in no way related to Satanism. Witchcraft means using the power of mind and soul, Witch means wise one. Modern paganism is corrupted too. There is a white magic too along with black magic. Use or purpose of white magic is to fulfill our desires,to achieve what we desire for on my own personal powers. and the use of black magic is,to defend ourselves from the enemies and to destroy them.

Yes,achieving immortality can be the hardest task for a lazy being. So,therefore he will be reincarnated to try to achieve immortality and the spiritual progress he achieves in this lifetime will remain into his soul in his next time and also he will born into an higher existence. Remember,we are spiritual first and physical second.
Once we immortal,sure we will work for Satan,indeed work for ourselves to save humanity. That work would the destruction of enemies who wish to destroy us. There is not one enemy there are many.
Those tasks aren't like to bring peace upon earth. It is known that one spirituality improve within humans then the peace will come on its own to earth and the earth will once again become free from all the sufferings that she has been suffered for centuries.
You have to study ancient world,religions to really know how Satan brought peace,harmony,happiness before the earth was attacked by annuanaki leader "anu" And Satan lost the battle because of outnumbered. He saved humanity for several times and you dont have any idea about how much he had gotten pain and how long and hard he has fought for us.

Hitler killed jews that aren't humans,so this earth will not have peace unless those parasites are destroyed completely. It is hard to make the person believe in the truth of Satan while they are alive. Because the truth is opposite to all what a person has been taught or told about. Its opposite to the society that is created by jews

while they are alive,i mean jews*

The purpose of practising Satanism is to finish the work upon humanity that Satan has started and intended to. And that is Transformation of human soul into Godhood. You can learn about this on the site in a better way than i can describe it.

On one hand you mention this as immortality, and on the other hand you describe it as "becoming" god like.The god you've mentioned here is obviously Satan.

What happens once you become like Satan ? How is it different from immortality then ? Does it mean that once you've become god like you are still a mortal being ?

And what would be the purpose to achieve immortality this way ?

What do you do after you become a shining star on the astral horizon or say you become immortal ? What is your job from then ?

I'm asking this to know your version or perception on this.
What is the purpose for all of this ?

By godlike powers,i meant ot say,you will have an intense awareness,you will have just "godlike powers" you wont reach immortality by just ascending kundalini serpent,it is just a preparation to the path of "immortality"  A person can reach it within a decade or more depending on his hardwork. The purpose of achieving immortality is to save ourselves from the circles of "reincarnations" you will be reincarnated until you achieve immortaliy. If somehow you cannot achieve it in this life then surely you will be reincarnated and the prgress you achieved in this lifetime will remain in your soul in the next life.
after  becoming immortal we will have the same life,but as a god, we are currently in a war,war on a physical plane.Immortal satanist can choose to live on duat with Gods or can choose to stay on earth.
what's the job achieving all this after? this question is kinda same as "why are we here"? we are here to live,create,destroy what wishes to destroy/enslave us.
Once you start study about spiritual satanism,your this question will be answered as you wil find the answer was just in your lap,but you couldn't see it

I urge to study and read whatever is given on this website. www.joyofsatan.com

You won't need me then to answer your question.

urge you*

And yes its right,once you becomr godlike you still are a mortal bring. You will have godlike powers, like you will become "ALL KNOWING" 

Being*  Aarghh.   Stupid  touch !

And do you define\explain immotality ?


yep ofcourse. It can be achieved in various ways,one is "meditation" You have to raise the "kundalini serpent" (that is of Satan) before applying the "magnum opus" . Its a meditation indeed,a working,kinda formula. and after that "philospher stone" again,its a next step working along with magnum opus. Raising kundalini serpent is difficult and painful. But if one go alone to raise it,he/she will only invite disaster. Because kundalini serpent is of Satan. Another thing,YOGA and Physical yoga aka hatha yoga,is of Satan. One should have to devote him/herself,must be hardworking,needs dedication.
here's a link to a Satanist website,who has raised his kundalini within a year.

and raising serpent does gives you immortality. It is just a "PREPARATION" to the path of Godhood. What it gives is,you will have "GODLIKE" powers after you raise the kundalini serpent.

DOES NOT* give immortality

what d you expect from satan lastly ? MUKTI ?
How you see "mukti" as? Its not like after i die,i'll be with him for eternal. That doesn't mean salvation,that's not a salvation. He teaches his children how to be like him,how to raise the power within ourselves that he has given us,to become immortal,to be the masters of our own lives. SO,we won't rely on anyone. That's what a true real father does for his childrens.

ENKI AND US, 300000 YEARS AGO (The video's owner prevents external embedding)
Video by: victoireenki - http://www.youtube.com/user/victoireenki

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