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Messages - Electric-Blue

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Knowledge / Re: Psychic energy and the truth about \\\"Prayers\\\"
« on: November 20, 2012, 12:44:47 AM »
anyway so u mean to say we shud pray satan n adap him as a god? or sumfinelse
No. Who am I to tell you that you people should pray Satan & take him as god? Though we do not worship Satan in any way! What Satanists do is only Satanic Power Meditations that empower their soul and mind,through that they are able to perform so-called supernatural powers like : Levitation,telekinesis,biokinesis,etc...  and Satan doesn't demand Slavish worship like other religion gods does.

we pray to god only just the one dont no wt is its actuall namd may b satan bt that doesnt matter what the name is, it will b same

May b u r talking about a perticular religion bt i was tslking about god only
Yes I understood what you said in your previous post but you mention a difference between Satan and god but though Satan is himself that Almighty God. And i just told And i was too talking about one God that is Satan. And Satanism is mankind's original religion. Anyways,Thanks!

What i was trying to say is,it does matter if your that God's name is Satan or not. Because the one you are worshipping is not Satan,so its not so wise to call that one by "Satan". Isn't it? because If you try to learn about Satan,you will  find that he is unique and he is unlike anything you have ever read about GOD. I hope you understand what i'm trying to say,mate.

First of all,bear in mind that christianity is a tool/program created by jews. Everything in bible is a stolen text of ancient pagan religions that predated chrisitanity,islam and judaisam and all other religions from hundreds to thousands of years. Check more info on here:  This article is long but please read as it proves the all so-called holy books are created upon stolen materials from ancient pagan religions.

Humanity was created by Enki through genetic engeering for Extra-terrestrials that needed slave laborers in the mines. We were about to be destroyted after their mission was over on the Earth.
("Note that, Enki is Shaitaan/Satan")
When The Sumerian text were discovered and found to be older than the 5 books of Moses that make up Genesis and the Jewish Torah, they began to look at the story in Sumerian text and see the similarities. Here are some: In the Sumerian text, Enki created mankind and named the first successful human, he named him "Adapa" which became Adam in the books of Moses. Enki, falling in love with mankind and seeing himself responsible for them, he was forced to promise the counsel of the Gods (mainly the leader of annunaki extra-terrestrials, Anu and Enki's brother Enlil) that he would not tell humanity about the coming flood and let them perish. This was decided on because man was seen to have far more potential than they were created to have, being the image of Enki; they were created with a highly advanced spirit and intelligence (especially being that Enki was seen as the Master of Science) among all the God's. To the counsel it was more of a scientific and egotistical decision. They did not want mankind to "become like the god's".  Enki covertly rescued Enki's son by a human female, Utnapishtim by either instructing him to build some kind of a boat for his family, or by bringing him into the heavens in a magic boat. This is apparently the oldest surviving source of the Ark myth and other parallel Middle Eastern Deluge myths. Now the way this was done is humorous. Because he promised not to TELL MAN, he told about the coming flood to a wall with his son 
Utnapishtim (who would later be named Noah in the Hebrew text). When Enlil

found that Ziusurda and his family survived, he became enraged. Seeing this

as the perfect opportunity to get top status with Anu, he called Enki to the

counsel. When Anu asked , why he would break his promise, Enki

responded that he NEVER promised that he would never tell about the flood to

a WALL! If Ziusudra had heard him, that wasn't Enki's fault because he was

literally "talking to the wall"! This is actually where we got this term (talk to the

wall) from or walls too have ears lol. Also, wee see a relation to the words of Enki, spoken to Adapa in

the Books of Moses as well.

“In the clay, god and Man shall be bound,
To a unity brought together;
So that to the end of days
The Flesh and the Soul
Which in a god have ripened -
That Soul in a blood-kinship be bound;
As its Sign life shall proclaim.
So that this not be forgotten,
Let the "Soul" in a blood-kinship be bound.”
     In further study of the Sumerian text, scientists and historians alike agree that it is in this text, that all the questions of the Hebrew text are fully answered. Sitchen has said that "It seems that all the other ancient texts are edited versions of the far older, and far more detailed Sumerian text"
They say that to find something pure is to see it before anyone had gotten a hold of it and altered it. The "Epic of Creation" in the Sumerian record, along with the perfection of the knowledge of the Solar System and the cycles of time on a galactic level, has shown that it is indeed, the original to which all others have been based.

What follows is a contemplation of the evidence of the true story of the great flood, described in the bible in it’s unedited and non-contradictory state.
And so he (Enlil)
made the other leaders swear that what is about to happen—
the avalanche of water—would be kept a secret from the
Earthlings, so that they would perish:
Enlil opened his mouth to speak
and addressed the assembly of all the gods:
"Come, all of us, and take an oath
regarding the killing Flood!"
That the Anunnaki themselves were preparing to abandon
Earth in their shuttlecraft was another part of the secret that
the gods swore to keep from Mankind. But as all the others
took the oath, Enki resisted. "Why will you bind me with
an oath?" he asked, "Am I to raise my hand against my
own humans?" A bitter argument ensued, but in the end Enki
too was made to swear not to reveal "the secret." (Divine Encounters, Sitchen)
The assigning by the Sumerian/Mesopotamian texts of the
role of Mankind's Savior to Enki makes much sense. He was
the creator of The Adapa and of Homo sapiens, and thus he
understandably called the doomed Earthlings "my humans."
As chief scientist of the Anunnaki he could select, obtain,
and provide "the seed of all living things" for preservation,
and possessed the knowledge of resurrecting those animals
from their "seed" DNA. He was also best suited for the role
of the designer of Noah's ark—a vessel of a special design
that could survive the avalanche of water. All the versions
agree that it was built according to exact specifications provided
by the deity (Ea). (Divine Encounters, Sitchen)
The tablets make it very clear what Enlil felt upon seeing Utnapishtim and his family, having survived the flood and landed on Mount Ararat along with himself and Ea…
When at length Enlil arrived and saw the ship, Enlil was wroth.
He was filled with wrath against the Igigi gods. "Has some living soul escaped? No man was to survive the destruction!”
    What is important to see here is that even with Enlil’s anger, he did have a change of heart as the tablets further tell through the words of Utnapishtim…
Thereupon Enlil went aboard the ship.
Holding me by the hand, he took me aboard.
He took my wife aboard and made her kneel by my side. Standing between us, he touched our foreheads to bless us.
    What is important here is that in the Sumerian, the name of the chosen one to build the ark was the son of Ea by a human mother. The Sumerians called him Ziusudra; in the Epic of Gilgamesh he was called Utnapishtim; in Old Babylonian his epithet-name was Atra-hasis
Here, not only do we see that Ea was and IS the True Savior of Humanity, but what he did after the flood to raise Humanity from the devastation of the aftermath of the flood…
According to the Egyptian priest Manetho, who had written
down the history of Egypt when Alexander's Greeks arrived,
in times immemorial "Gods of Heaven" came to Earth from
the Celestial Disc. After a great flood had inundated
Egypt, "a very great god who had come to Earth in the
earliest times" raised the land from under the waters by ingenious damming, dyking, and land reclamation works. His
name was Ptah, "The Developer," and he was a great scientist
who had earlier had a hand in the creation of Man. He
was often depicted with a staff that was graduated, very much
like surveyors' rods nowadays. In time Ptah handed
the rule over Egypt to his Firstborn son Ra ("The Bright
One"), who for all time remained head of the
pantheon of Egyptian gods.
Egypt's gods as the Anunnaki, Ptah as Ea/Enki (whose Sumerian nickname, NUDIMMUD, meant "The Artful Creator") and Ra as his Firstborn son: Marduk. (Divine Encounters, Sitchen)
What needs to be understood above all is that the big mistake, which also leads to the incredible amount of seeming contradictions by Yahweh, is the attempt to take the two god’s Ea and Enlil, and trying to consolidate them into one. Although the attempt was also coupled with a vast amount of editing by the biblical writers, of the far more detailed Sumerian and Babylonian texts, it simply does not work. Another huge mistake is that the writers took the story of Horus and changed the name to Jesus and his mothers name from Isis to Mary. It is amazing that the indoctrination of vast amounts of people (billions over time), has worked so well in creating fear of anything outside of it, that this glaring fact has remained out of the minds of the followers.
Yahweh has adopted all the strictness of Enlil and all the love and forgiveness of Ea, through a false messiah, who is the plagiarized Abrahamic version of Horus.
What also needs to be realized, in order to really appreciate the blasphemy the writers have created, is that Enlil and Ea have both been denied their rightful place in the scheme of things. Yes, Enlil may be short tempered and easily annoyed, but after he realized that mankind was destined to flourish, he took Utnapishtim and his wife and blessed them and made them unique among all of humanity to come. This can only make sense if there are two separate deities and not one. What was the reason for trying to combine the two? It is my opinion that it was done in order to keep man both confused and in awe of this one creator of all that is, even though it is insane to think that the Creator of billions of galaxies has all focus on the likes of man, and even more so, the Israelites as the “chosen people”. It is in fact, a mad attempt to claim the world as their right above all others, even though they profess that their god loves all and “shows no favor”. 
     It is also very important to take into account that the age of Aquarius is now in it’s initial beginning. We ill be into it fully at the time of 2012. What is most important about this is that Ea is given rule in this time, as it is the water constellation. It is the constellation that is recognized by all the god’s as his sign, as he is the one who knows the secret mysteries of water and loves to be surrounded by it. Is this why the Truth is now being revealed? It is time for the arguments and assumptions to end. How many have died, how many have been convinced that there very existence is an insult to the creator, born into the chains of “original sin” that have been shown to be the ability of the human spirit to unite as one with creation and the All Mighty Force that is the TRUE bearer of light? The agenda has been shown as the lie behind the curtain and its power…only an illusion whose power relies completely on the belief in it. This is not a matter of faith; it is a matter of fact.   

The above picture leaves NO doubt that Enki/Satan aka Shaitaan IS the creator of the Human Race, and that the Sumerians were taught about the DNA structure from the beginning. This is proof that the Sumerian story is not only ORIGINAL and TRUE, but is a LITERAL TRUTH upon which all other stories have been taken!
     Enki was the real engineer of the human race. He was the Sumerian god of science, engineering, magic, strategy, music, and lovemaking.
He was also known as the god EA, the Egyptian god Ptah, the Yezidi god Melek'Taus, and he has been called the adversary of the Christian god simply because he gives his followers knowledge and wisdom of the universe and how to be as gods themselves, and because they refuse to believe in lies. For this, the Christian's relentlessly and wrongfully attack the agents of Enki.
     There is proof that is older than the Dead Sea scrolls that Enki is the true friend of humanity.
According to Sumerian text, Enki allowed humanity to survive the Deluge designed to kill them. After Enlil, Anu and the rest of the apparent Council of Deities, decided that Man would suffer total annihilation, he covertly rescued the human man Ziusudra by either instructing him to build some kind of a boat for his family, or by bringing him into the heavens in a ship. This is the oldest surviving source of the Ark story and other parallel Middle Eastern Deluge myths which came centuries later, stealing the credit of course!

     Enki is considered the God of life and replenishment, and was often depicted with streams of water emanating from his shoulders. Alongside him were trees symbolizing the male and female aspects of nature, each holding the male and female aspects of the 'Life Essence', which he, as apparent alchemist of the gods, would masterfully mix to create several beings that would live upon the face of the Earth.
Encyclopedia Mythica defines Enki as the following…

“The Sumerian high god of water and intellect, creation, wisdom and medicine who could restore the dead to life. He was the source of all secret and magical knowledge of life and immortality. Enki possessed the secret of me, 'culture, civilization', which is the genius of progress in knowledge to lead humanity. He invented civilization for the people and assigned to each his destiny. He created order in the cosmos. He filled the rivers with fish. He invented the plough and the yoke so that farmers could till the earth with oxen. He made the grain grow. He is the father of all plants.”

Notice that he is not only the God of man, but his teacher. He created order not chaos, and is the Father of Wisdom. The Father of the Resurrection and the Father of all plant life! This is not the individual you have been told about by the Trinity of Deception at all, but he is the one referred to as Satan in the their texts. It means “enemy”, so you can figure why he has been given the name. It is, however, a name he has embraced. He is the enemy of those who would enslave man and keep them from realizing their created potential, and because they are the greatest threat to the human race ever conceived, he IS Satan! He IS their greatest enemy, and man’s greatest friend.

Urrgh text mistakes.. Should have read post twice for TM. *apologize*

Knowledge / Re: Psychic energy and the truth about "Prayers"
« on: November 19, 2012, 07:29:11 AM »
Shaitan te bhagwaan dona vich boht hi sookham antar e bt pta nahi us bare shayd kade pta lagg jave te zroor dassu bt kuj te zroor hovega jo ik nu bhagwaan te ik nu shaitan da darja diwaunda e

what would you say if Shaitaan is a GOD himself? You weren't allowed to read or know anything about Shaitaan because you or you were forced to believe whatever you were told to believe since your very beginning. WITHOUT researching about both GOOD & BAD sides,you will never have a right correct conclusion. Who knows The bad side will change into good side after your research and the truth will come out and you will know who is deceiver and who is liberator of humanity? I've been sharing with others here online that Satan is the True god of humanity. But if i was really trying to make people believe , it'd be very very frustrating and hard for me then. Because it is very hard to open people's eyes who have been indoctrined by holy books,etc since they were born. Did you ever try to think what was there before your religion was established? Do you even know where would you go after you die? Everything in bible is a stolen material from ancient religions and so other holy books too like koran. Allah is an alias of bible thoughtform "jehova". Whole text of bible is a re-written version of sumerian text. Same goes with  "satanam " word.  Original word is "Satanama"
its a mantra that is used to raise kundalini. It is stolen from ancient pagan religions. And hindu mantra "OM" is corrupted too. Original word is "AUM"
What if i say,do not go in that house cuz there is a ghost inside,would you believe blindly on me? NO. You would go and check it out on your own with naked eyes. Same you cannot believe on these modern religions blindly. You have to research on your own. Get to know what ancient religions were and their names,that holds TRUTH. That's it !

Knowledge / Re: Psychic energy and the truth about "Prayers"
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:15:49 AM »
bhoot kal nu ki kehnde ne fir angerizi vich? you must know! :blah:

Knowledge / Re: Psychic energy and the truth about "Prayers"
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:11:44 AM »
eh patendar de present ,future tense ta angrezi wali bhenji naah smja saki ,,hun ki smj aune ne ,,, :hehe:
present future tense sirf angeriji vich he hunde ne? Punjabi vich ni hunde? :rockon:

Knowledge / Re: Psychic energy and the truth about "Prayers"
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:08:31 AM »
eh patendar di ehni angreji di punjabi kiwe banu :hehe:
:laugh: mein he bna dinda. first of all,search about "psychic energy" je nahi pata tuhanu is bare. Now Look, jad assi pray karde aa te assi ikko he statement repeat karde han hai na? like: "Rabh krke eh thik hojave" ehnu "affirmations" kehnde ne. and by doing this,assi apni khud di psychic energy de rahe hunde han victim nu! affirmations present tense vich kehniya chaihidiya ne. 

Knowledge / Psychic energy and the truth about "Prayers"
« on: November 18, 2012, 11:57:18 PM »
Many of us have seen how people in a group do rituals,prayers and so forth,when their favourite celebrity/actor becomes seriously ill. And Eventually,the victim's health restores to normal health. The point is- there are many, many people praying for the celebrity/actor non-stop until celebrity health is recovered. Even the worst of idiots, who for months keep applying "prayer" which amounts to psychic energy, as part of a group who is doing the same, will achieve something. Then they go on to praise the "Lord." They don't realize all along, it was their own efforts.
When we go to Satan, we go one on one and he hears us. We don't need multitudes of people and psychic energy to receive help in our time of need or to receive answers, nor do we have to wait months and months; even years or in many cases, never; to be acknowledged.

The above is obvious. It take several days/months of "prayer" (applied psychic energy) for these people to achieve their ends. In most cases, Prayers are futile and it stands to reason when there are groups of people applying the energy of their minds to a specific goal, there can be success. Fools are taken in by this sort of thing.

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / -Truth-
« on: November 18, 2012, 03:31:40 AM »

"Please note,this article is not written by me"

What has come to mind about the REAL history of the Earth and the Human race, has caused me to realize that what people are taught to believe is such a sad attempt to replace such a wonderful and awesome Truth, that I just want to show the difference, I think that it will help us all appreciate just how awesome the Truth is.
     The True History of the Earth and the Human race involves a powerful race of beings that WE know to be the True Gods. They built the Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Nazca Lines, the great city of Machu Picchu that has an altitude of 8,000 feet, the vast layout of Egypt and the Mayan city. All have been recently discovered to be laid out in precise order using sacred geometry that are also star maps that show the location of the stars at the time they were built. They have also created awesome structures on Mars such as the great city of Cydonia which also reflects the exact same geometry. The pyramids of Egypt, and others found on Earth as well as the pyramids found on Mars and the Moon have been discovered to be the most powerful sources of energy producing power and energy known to exist, the Great Pyramid being the most powerful. The original white coating that covered the Great Pyramid is known to be so perfect in its smoothness and precision, that the guest on Coast to Coast AM Doug Yurchey (8-7-07) said that it was as if a laser was used; “Perfectly created on the scale of acres!”
     The Gods coming to earth, Enki giving his very DNA to lift mankind to supernatural potential, which is the greatest gift man has ever received, because without it, nothing else would be. Beautiful goddess’ like Isis in all her supreme beauty walking the Earth, with all the beauty of Creation in her eyes; great Masters teaching man the secret Forces in Creation and how to master them. Gods showing man how to raise the awesome power that Enki gave them and how to connect with all life everywhere, teaching them how to grow plants, raise animals, medicine, wisdom and magick, teaching them about the Solar System and Creations awesome Power that exists in the Darkness that surrounds all that is and feeds it with its awesome Power! This is the real story! It is full of mighty Beings that WE know on a personal level, mystical places and mighty battles of honor and strength, stories of great love and the fight to protect it!
     Now, is this not awesomely superior to the pathetic attempt to replace it with weak pathetic, self-serving, self-contradicting so called “gods” of the Xionists, Christians, and Muslims? They think that their stories show them to be special, but when one looks at the True History of this awesome place called Earth, and the beings called mankind, and the True Masters of Creation and what they have given to man, the Majesty of the God’s and their awesome power, the rest is clearly seen as the shameful, pathetic lies that they are. I feel that if mankind as a whole was to be shown this truly awesome history and truth, they would embrace it and reject the made-up garbage that they have been force-fed without their knowledge, after all, isn’t the Truth so much greater? I dedicate this to all the Gods and Goddess’s that are TRUE, and especially to Enki, who by his gift, made it all possible!

The Demons are our Original Gods & Goddesses. They are not evil and the Satan/Enki/melek-taus,/Shaitaan and many other names that he is known by; is our True creator God.

Knowledge / Immortality Defined
« on: November 18, 2012, 02:50:23 AM »

Over the last decade, scientists have discovered that the secret to longevity and the possibility for eternal health and youth is found in water. Satan/Enki knows a great deal about water and is known for his love of it. Within the genetics of man the 90% of the DNA that is asleep in man, is able to regenerate to perfection. This was found in the intention experiments done with water. Simply by giving water good and productive energy, including literally speaking to it causes the water to restructure every molecule to its original state of perfection. Seen under a microscope, the molecules display an awesome geometry that was stunning to scientists! This is spoken about extensively by David Wilcock and Nassim Haramein who are way ahead of their field. Simply go to You-Tube and put in their names to see play-lists of their talks. Through the power of the Kundalini and the activation of the so-called “junk” DNA, regeneration of the body is actually a natural ability for advanced beings. This is a good thing,it is in this sleeping DNA that holds the secrets to incredible power. These genetics are actually being awakened as we enter into the 2012 time of the Golden Age of Aquarius, ruled by Satan/Enki ( Shaitaan ) as I have stated before. Many of the drugs and chemicals put in food today are done so to keep this from occurring. Too bad for them that those of us who know these things are not affected, as the Serpent Kundalini meditations and living in the Truth cast these attempts aside. It only works for those who are unaware and are doing nothing to assist this new vibrational dimension of space in which the Solar System is already entering since the 80’s! The Great Ones already have this DNA active as it is the original structure used to enhance and create mankind.
     So in short, immortality is not only a possibility for the Great Ones, but for humanity as well.   

Above picture is an actual water molecule after intention experiment

what's this ? Just boxes are shown at my screen. Guess,its written in punjabi fonts right,huh?

Knowledge / Re: serious topic dnt spam plzz
« on: November 17, 2012, 03:43:33 AM »
kesa nu es line da matlab pata tah daso

"jinda rehan leyee marna painda"

es line da matlab ke hoyaa apna apna vichar deyo

I think this statement is kinda similar to this:  "No pain no gain". Life is to live not to prepare for or worry about the life after death. There , time will come where you will do some serious mistakes, that will cause extreme pain,regrets,etc ,But if you don't do mistake then how would you learn? you will fall and stand back, again fall and stand back on your feet. Fall a million times and stand back and Rise trillion times.


hmmm karmveer singh paaji de nal kujh kujh sehmat aa..

mere hisaab nal es da matlab ehi aa k

es 84 lakh de jel khaane wichon mukti paaun layi..rabb nal milaap jaruri aa...
eh zindagi ik supna aa te asin sabh sutte hoye aa.. es supne odon tuttda jad rabb nal milaap hunda..
rabb nu pauna matlab zinda hona...te jionde jee maran da matlab duniya wich rehnde hoea v apni ander de aeban jo k kaam , krodh, lobh , moh , hankaar, paraayi ninda, aasha , trishnaa, khwaahisha-sadhran nu maar k rabb nu paun wali pehli paudi(stairs) te chad sakde aa...
ehna nu sirf NAAM de naal mareya jaa sakda...

ethon mukti pauna matlab zinda supne da tuttna...sada jaag jaana!!
marna jo k apne aap nu maar k sirf ohde lekhe lagna...


eh sabh da matlab ehi aa!

hairaangi es gal di sabh ton jyada parchaar karde PJ te ohna lokan wallon koi jwaab nahi aya!!

khush raho!JIYO :rabb:

Je eh zindagi ik supna hai ta fir rabb kyo saanu eh supne de reha? huh? why doesn't he just keep us with him without letting us drown in reincarnations? If he can't keep us with him why did he even create us? Open your Eyes. Put  some load on your brain and think about this.  Life is gift to live forever ,that should not be wasted in any way. Without Physical body,Soul is nothing. just useless. 80 lakh reincarnations is a LIE.
I think you should read my this post :!/msg839296/?topicseen#new    :whew:

and lobh,hankar,gussa,lust,etc etc are essential emotions for a good physical and spiritual health.  Nudity  is banned by all religions because it leads to lust and sex ascends the kundalini which is very sexual in nature. If that kundalini ascends then the godlike powers is achieved. It brings an intense AWARENESS like All knowing.

Knowledge / Heaven and Hell and Astral Plane aka Fourth dimension!
« on: November 17, 2012, 01:03:24 AM »

None shall live in this world longer than the time set by me; and if I so desire, I send a person a second or third time into this world or into some other by the transmigration of souls.
- Satan from Al-jilwah
I think everyone must be familiar with Seven chakras in human beings that are located in center of spine and each of them have their own specific function.
Heaven is the code word for Seventh Chakra aka " CROWN CHAKRA" in head which upon opening it up brings an intense BLISS. HELL is the code word for 1st chakra aka "BASE/ROOT CHAKRA" which is very hot and where the serpent kundalini lies dormant in a coiled shape. These two code words have been corrupted and repaced with into some real places. There is no hell if you still believe that it does exist then i shall shine some light on this matter that it doesn't really exist in outer space or under the earth as a place.
Astral World
After you die,you will not have a nervous system or a brain to feel Pain. You won't have a physical body anymore,soul is just a light. So,its very very stupid to believe on any entity or on religion that tells people that they will be thrown into burning lake of fire into hell if they won't follow their holy books,their god's commandments or if they do sins.
Also,After you die,you enter into astral plane aka fourth dimension. You ain't going out of the earth after death if you think,you will stay on earth into Astral Plane and you won't be greeted by peerly gates. But rather in an empty lost existence. Astral is big. There are different planes of existence. There is a new beginning,a new life after death. Without knowing the way and not familiar with astral how would you travel in there? People will find that their beliefs were a Lie and the Thoughtform "god they worshipped isn't real. It can be a long time wandering around in the astral for those who knows nothing about Astral World and unless they be detected by an enemy E.Ts. They will collect and use their soul for own purposes if the soul is weak. Weaker souls are at the mercy of Stronger ones. Even some people don't realize that they are dead.

Egyptian God Thoth said, "Knowledge gives the power to act in truth and causes life, while ignorance blinds the sight and causes death."
"Death is the result of ignorance, alone." "A human being needs a map to travel both in this lifetime and beyond."

"How can you travel in life, after death without knowing the way?"
"The wickedness of the soul is ignorance and the virtue of the soul is knowledge."
"Live your life and you will never die." "A soul's outcome in the afterlife is based upon knowledge." "Knowledge of past lives can be acquired by breathing exercises, which recall the memory of the soul."

And also,Egyptian gods are not legends they are labelled as Demons by Enemy extra-terrestrials who created Jews that aren't humans genetically. They live in a planet called duat into the belt of orion constellation

Fun Time / Re: In English class.
« on: November 16, 2012, 09:55:36 AM »
xaxaxaxa  :laugh: it will be possible in every country when very educated and very much wise youngsters would handle the politics.

Knowledge / Re: The Giants and Pyramids
« on: November 16, 2012, 09:29:57 AM »
yeah i found it interesting too and its all true.

Knowledge / Re: question of the day
« on: November 16, 2012, 09:20:53 AM »
H2O haha
haha nice :D: as simple as that.

Knowledge / Re: question of the day
« on: November 16, 2012, 09:17:40 AM »
even i don't drink it  you may skip anywys. cheerrss
nice then. And a Simple Question for you. "What is Water?"

Knowledge / Re: question of the day
« on: November 16, 2012, 09:10:54 AM »
ok cool. wott does PEPSI (soft drink) stand for ? ;hehe:
Aww i do not know what it stands for as i have never been interested to know about the substance which is harmful for health in some ways.

Knowledge / Re: question of the day
« on: November 16, 2012, 08:58:43 AM »
The body repairs itself all the time. We know that the skin heals over when we cut ourselves and, similarly, inside the body there are stem cells patrolling around and carrying out repair where it's needed.

yeah ask please.

Knowledge / Re: question of the day
« on: November 16, 2012, 08:50:04 AM »
it does not repair they just grow

She spoke according to her women's viewpoints,i guess. when women's nail-polish starts to get wipe off of nails,so it means nails need to be repaired again,to re-polish.  :laugh: Jk jk jk jk

Knowledge / The Giants and Pyramids
« on: November 16, 2012, 08:32:00 AM »

There have been so many debates about whether or not the giants described in ancient texts really existed or not. I think I have the answer. Let us also remember that some of the Egyptian doorways are massive! Why? Because the creators of these temples and so on, including the pyramids all over the world, were very large, MASSIVE in fact, by any human standard. When we look at the excavations going on today of enormous skeletal remains which makes humans look like ants in comparison, we see that the massive pyramid blocks are rock size for them. This like many other discoveries should be world news, in every paper and TV station!
Once we look at the size, it will become evident that these giants would have had no problem building the pyramids all over the Earth. So lets have a look. Now not only can we see how monstrous they are in size, it is easy to understand why the entrances to these temples are so huge. Also, take into account the image of the massive doorway. Now looking at the images of the giant skeletons, the entrances are perfect size for them.
Here we can clearly see how massive the blocks are compared to a human. But when we look at the size of the giant skeletons, we can see that it would be almost easy for beings of this size to build pyramids so large and all over the planet. Also, the other three pyramids in the shadow of the Great Pyramids are the ones created in an attempt to mimic the great one's. They did it, but on a much smaller scale showing the limitations of man's ability to build them. On scale, these giants would have little problem. And the fact that they were so advanced in geometry, they probably used antigravity technology as well. I now believe very strongly that the reason for the quarrying of the massive blocks up to 600 miles away, was done so to show that it would be impossible for man to comprehend such a feat, showing their awesome abilities. Now, for the scientific look at this, evidence that cannot be denied...
“This, and the other 17 major pyramids, are incredible feats of engineering in an age before the invention of the wheel, the pulley or the winch. The massive lime stones for the Great Pyramid were quarried over 600 miles away. These stones were cut with such precision that, thousands of years later, you cannot fit a credit card between the joints. The Great Pyramid is 451 feet high and consists of 2.3 million blocks weighing anywhere from two and a half to fifteen tons each! It is thought that the Great Pyramid was constructed in 23 years. To lay this many blocks in this time frame, working 7 days a week, would have required that a block be placed every 2 and a half minutes. A multi-ton block placed every two and one half minutes, 7 days a week for 23 years; could we even do that today? Oddly enough, it is the facts we do know, like these and others, which generate most of the mysteries that surround the Great Pyramid”. Quarried 600 miles away, the stones were thought to have been floated by barge downriver to the pyramid. Imagine laying a stone every two minutes and having just in time delivery. The barge traffic would be backed up for 600 miles all the time. Also, it is necessary to this theory that the Nile be in flood season, since it would be too shallow in places any other time.” Entire italic quote came from (
Now they say that mathematics cannot lie. This is the scenario that corrupt people in the Egyptian political arena want you to believe. But looking at the truth thru geometry, it is in fact, impossible.

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