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Messages - Electric-Blue

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Jokes Majaak / Re: My Favorite One-liners
« on: November 21, 2012, 01:20:34 PM »
I do not Fear, I wear fear as a cloak and the Fear of Fear itself.

Knowledge / Re: Fascinating Facts About Sex
« on: November 21, 2012, 12:54:12 PM »
Aww.. Amazing ! And animal prostitution lol Shocking fact.

Fun Time / Re: Which one is yours?
« on: November 21, 2012, 12:29:54 PM »
Sincere lol

No I haven't come across this link.
But I have been aware, that he was a non-believer in Christanity.

What exactly does the text in the provided link by you, mean to say by "supermen" ?
Is it referring to the "aryan" which Hitler was in search of ?

The aryan race which he was looking for, wasn't even existing, as far as know.
because He was a Satanist and what christianity is? It is just a Tool/program created by jews that successfully removed all the occult knowledge and power and kept it in the hands of jews so they used this occult power to enslave gentiles (humans) and seize the all wealth around the world.  They used occult knowledge to put curse on the gentiles and the gentile is Defendless because he is totally unaware of this knowledge. One should totally be an ignorant to be a perfect slave lol.
what supermen?in my given link text? i didn't get. However,A super human race is coming as the truth is coming out,Human beings will once again be a GODS as they were in the Ancient Egypt. Satan is Aryan God and all other Demons(egyptian gods)
And Aryan race wasn't even existing? Aryan race is indeed the greatest creators but if (as certain individuals seem to think) White's
are the "best" race (what you discuss/think among your own people is your
business) then why would Satan make other races?
The answer comes easy when one understands Satan....HE LOVES DIVERSITY! And the Nazi's knew that the only REAL way to preserve cultural
diversity was to preserve racial blood! He didn't want one race that
spawned off into other sub-races, he created three different races so he
can look upon the different types of life-styles, cultures,
accomplishments, and of course *bodies* of his creations with the utmost of
fondness, love and pride!

The human species as a whole, if we keep to racial purity and spiritual
evolution, once again, if really thought about, would be simply amazing.
Words cannot describe how awesome we all truly would be!

Just thinking about the Blacks or Asians with pure blood and spiritually
perfected genetic templates and, though hard to fathom due to the jewish
destruction of knowledge, re-writing history, etc., the very idea is
intriguing. Looking at our Gods, we know what the White race's physical
potential is, if eugenics were applied with spirituality.The
different racial souls have a different "amount" of elements in it.
For instance, take the White race:
They are known as "Aryans"= "Aries", the first sign of the Zodiac, the
Fire sign? "Fire is the creative principle, the spark of life."
So what does fire do? Spread. And what have the Aryans been known to do?
Explore and Invent aka "Spread and Create".This particular individual also related the Black race to the water and
feminine elements. There is to be a balance of the elements and
masculine/feminine within us all, but we here all know that the races are
INDEED different.
Then of course you have the biological differences, where Black skin needs
more sunlight while White skin doesn't go all hunky dory in the Black's
natural environment, then you have the Mongoloids (Asian/Oriental) who are
either living in the heat of Asia or as Eskimo's in Alaska and what not. We
all have our places.
And Personally, growing up, I damn abhorred racism. (Between *humans*)
Seriously. So to cut my rant short, I consider the White race as the "leading" race of
the world. But to say 'leading' doesn't imply superiority or "better" now, does it?Humanity and all of its races has survived for tens of thousands of years
after all.
There are two ways to find out the truth and greatness about your race if
you are Black or Asian: 1) Intense research into your people's past,
communication with the Gods, and meditation. 2) Exterminate the parasite
causing your racial hindrance. DO BOTH. (Legally, of course, for #2)
So let the Aryan's build civilizations and put their creative fiery
disposition to it's natural purpose, while  Asians and  Blacks will
encourage their own people to rid the jewish parasite, commit to their own
Nature and EVOLVE spiritually until we, too, become as the Gods.As Satan intended for all his children, individually and as a whole!
After all, we all know what its like for the jews to take the Whites place
as the "leading" race.

You do know that Hitler advised The British at a conferenece they had prior to WW2 to assasinate Mohindas Gandhi and kill all Indians that refused British rule? Check it out

The British thankfully ignored that one...and to think now the majority of Hindus see him as an example,  India is not really secular, it is desperate to kill all non Hindus off...especially Sikhs and Muslims, just like it mass murdered Buddhista a millienium ago..

Surprised a guy who would have put Indian Freedom fighters in concentrations camps is a hero to the modern Indian a**hole
Mohandas gandhi was mahatama's gandhi's real name right?  If you look upon mohandas gandhi's physical appearance,you will notice that he has big curvy nose,rat like ears,big pop out eyes and big head and forehead as well. This is an another common physical appearance of a JEW! I just discovered this after i started to know about the physical appearances of jews.

Hitler will be a hero to those too who are disgracing him now and people will be screaming out aloud that "Hitler was right"

look at the  wikipedia,it shall show the history of jews in india goes back in ancient times.

I've done a long research on his history in the last one and a half year.

Yes he was a man of great charisma, and had great leadership qualities, and I've been inspired by him for this.

Although a man with might, and one cannot deny that he had the toughest achievements, but a lot of his actions WERE inhuman and not so positive.
Hmm yeah, btw have you ever come across on this site in your recent research on his history? www.666blacksun.org/ This post's source is taken from it.
Much more things,more truth you will know and each gentile needs to know.

Well I think you have lost it
The Truth will always remain a Lie to ignorants and those who are "without" aka RHP religion peoples.  If hitler killed jews,was it not wise? and then stupid people were made to believe by jews that he was an evil man? It was quite good and legit to kill those parasites because those filthy beings are not Gentiles. Israel is a jewish country and soon it will be no more on the earth.

Israel is going to get what she deserves!"

Regarding the Jews:

Here is a latest news about israel. jerusalem is burning down !

A rocket has been fired at Jerusalem by Hamas - the first time the holy city is thought to have been targeted by Gaza militants using such a weapon.
Israeli police said the rocket landed in an open area near Gush Ezion, a collection of Jewish settlements in the West Bank southeast of the city.
The rocket caused no damage or injuries, the Jewish state's army said.
But an attack on what Israelis call their capital marks a significant escalation by Gaza militants, both for its symbolism and its distance from the Palestinian territory.
Located about 55 miles away from the Gaza border, Jerusalem had been thought to be beyond the range of Gaza rocket squads.
The armed wing of Hamas, Al Qassam Brigades, said on Twitter: "Al Qassam Brigades launch two M75 homemade missiles towards occupied Jerusalem."
Four Palestinians have been killed in a new Israeli strike on Gaza, a Hamas health ministry spokesman said, as multiple new raids struck throughout the territory.
Among the four to die was reportedly Ahmed Abu Jalal, a field commander of Hamas's armed wing.
Twenty-nine Palestinians - including 13 militants - have now been killed in the recent violence. Three Israelis were killed by a rocket on Thursday.
The Israeli military said nearly 200 rockets fired from Gaza hit Israel on Friday - half were intercepted by its Iron Dome anti-missile system.
Earlier on Friday, there was a second rocket attack by Palestinian militants on Tel Aviv in 24 hours.
Air raid sirens went off in the centre of Israel's largest city on Friday afternoon and people were forced to scramble for cover. There were no reports of any injuries and it is thought to have landed in the sea.
"We are sending a short and simple message: There is no security for any Zionist on any single inch of Palestine and we plan more surprises," Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Hamas militant wing, said of the rockets aimed at Israel's two main cities.
It was the second day in a row that a rocket from Gaza had reached the Tel Aviv area in what Israeli networks said was the first time rockets had been fired at the city since the 1991 Gulf War, when it was hit by Iraqi Scud missiles.
On Thursday, another rocket fell in the sea and the other landed in a Tel Aviv suburb, causing no damage or casualties. Israel responded with airstrikes.
The latest rocket came as the Israeli air force continued a major bombing campaign across Gaza Strip as it targeted suspected rocket launching sites.
Senior Israeli cabinet minister Moshe Yaalon warned that Israel was considering a ground operation in order to stamp out rocket fire.
"We are preparing all the military options, including the possibility that forces will be ready to enter Gaza in the event that the firing doesn't stop," he wrote in a series of postings on his official Twitter account.
There were fresh exchanges of fire between Israel and Hamas militants on Friday despite a temporary ceasefire in place for a visit by Egypt's prime minister Hisham Kandil to Gaza.
Several sites in southern Israel have been hit by rockets fired from inside the Gaza Strip, while a Hamas source said the Israeli air force attacked a Hamas commander's house which resulted in the death of two civilians, one a child.
But Israel's military strongly denied carrying out any attack from the time Mr Kandil entered Gaza, and accused Hamas of violating the three-hour deal.
During his visit, the Egyptian PM condemned Israeli action against Gaza as "unacceptable aggression", saying his country will intensify efforts to secure a truce in the conflict.
"This tragedy cannot pass in silence and the world should take responsibility in stopping this aggression," he said at a news conference in Gaza City's Shifa hospital after seeing some victims from an airstrike.
"Egypt will not hesitate to intensify its efforts and make sacrifices to stop this aggression and achieve a lasting truce."
His visit comes as 16,000 Israeli army reservists have been called up and heavy artillery has been seen on the Gaza border, increasing the possibility of a ground attack.
Israeli ministers have reportedly approved the call-up of as many as 75,000 reservists as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held late evening talks with his inner circle.
Meanwhile, European Union foreign policy chief Baroness Ashton said Israel had the right to protect its people against Gaza rocket attacks but urged it to stick to a "proportionate" response.
She also voiced hopes that the Egyptian prime minister "will be able to calm the situation".
And Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague urged both Israel and the Palestinians to make efforts to halt the violence.
But Mr Hague made it clear that he believes Hamas bears the greatest responsibility for the current crisis, as well as the ability to bring it most swiftly to an end.
The conflict has been intensifying over recent weeks, but flared up dramatically in the wake of the Israeli strikes against senior Hamas figures.
Mr Netanyahu has warned his country is prepared to extend its operation against Hamas, sparking fears of a repeat of the ground incursion four years ago in which hundreds died.

Got sidetracked lol but couldn't help,,so shared.

Hitler was a good man??

This topic doesnt make sense to me
because you lack knowledge and believe whatever history says which is corrupted by jews as they have full control upon the world. History is a lie.

If i were then i would admit it, because they knew the truth. And,there is no need to call me an another anti-christ because that christ was never existed!

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: The Reptilian Jews !!
« on: November 20, 2012, 03:25:50 PM »
nufin actully i waz really wonderin that all dizz things exist really lol..its hard to belive lol...dnt knw...anyway to wot u predict abt earth lol..wots ur views or acc to satan that in future wots gnna happen...earth gnna b done soon?..ther wil b anythin afta destruction lol?
It is hard to believe on this for those who never heard of all this stuff that it does exist or for average close minded people. I don't predict anything about earth but i know what is coming but those who are without Satan don't know what will happen in future. Earth is never gonna be destroyed. These are just lies that is spread by jews,so people will crawl to their fictitious god or any other religion god,all those are false,they don't even exist. Humans(Gentiles) will start to wake up to the lies of jews and to the truth of Satan as we are now entering into the age of Aquarius that is zodiac sign of Satan,the age of  Satan. Human beings will start to realize that Magic does exist,will realize our potential power. We have the DNA of Satan,note this. and he has saved humanity several several times.

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: The Reptilian Jews !!
« on: November 20, 2012, 03:10:26 PM »
so if i wan to interact wid allens n all these thingy wot i hav to do lol

 :laugh: really you want? You must educate yourself about them,about astral plane,etc and make yourself spiritually stronger,First. and also you cannot sense,hear or see them if your astral senses are not opened and active. Means psychic hearing and seeing. If you go alone to contact those enemy aliens Without any superior protection then you only cang get into trouble. Why would you want to interact with them?why don't you study about the true friends of humanity who are "demons"? Here is a spiritual satanism organization where everything is explained with an evidence. here it is, http://www.joyofsatan.org/

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: The Reptilian Jews !!
« on: November 20, 2012, 02:35:45 PM »
People are made to believe that angels are Good beings but infact they are the real enemy of us,they are nordics and some of other nordics beings are the liberator and friend of humanity like demons and Satan as i have just stated few mins before. I'll post the truth about them or i can direct you to this link to  know the truth about them http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Angels.html.  also,I'll post about them soon.

Well thanks for the link, I'll go through it later.
I've come across people discussing alien abduction on humans.
This subject (on E.Ts) has always fascinated me from a young age.

It'll sound stupid to people if I tell here, but I've experienced sleep paralysis several times which is the most horrifying experience a person can have.

about abduction,i do not know yet whether if its true or not,but it could be. And about sleep paralysis, Naturally,A human being only experience sleep paralysis for thrice or just twice. But Satanists,they do get it often by Enemy E.Ts,it is called a "psychical attack" Its not wise to tell here but i shall tell that i'd have got attack from Grey aliens once. If i tell this to an average human,he/she will regard me as if am mentally ill. LOL ! They attack us to instil fear within us and turn away from Satan,then go crawling back to the false god which doesn't even exist.

few days ago,i was watching discovery channel,a program about universe,aliens. In the end,their comment was, "How if we will get succeed to find aliens,will they befriend with us or will they make us their foe and enslave us"?  Then This made me "LMFAO !"  because those aliens interact with me and other Satanists as well,get attack by them and we know how to fight back with them! We already know the truth about them. 

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: The Reptilian Jews !!
« on: November 20, 2012, 02:30:54 PM »
lol satan nordics , alian etc etc r they really exist or jus makin stories heard frm past lol :p...anyone knows where r they how they r...i mean i neva heard these thing b4 lol...by d way alliens really exist acc to u :p ??

How do you see aliens as? cute,horrible or what? They are Extra-terrestrials who are much more advanced than us,as for us,we can call them by "Gods" or enemy Gods.  They do exist. Some of Nordic Gods live on a planet in the belt of orion constellation,They are Demons and Satan. Demons are indeed Egyptian Gods. And some of nordic aliens or to say Extra-terrestrials are enemy of humanity. They are known as angels.

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: The Reptilian Jews !!
« on: November 20, 2012, 02:22:52 PM »
I see now why in the above comments you've termed them as a race produced by the "enemy E.Ts" in aligment with the main text.

I'll go through this, and then come back.
I guess there is  going to be a long discussion on this.

How long you've been a Satanist ?

Just did, Also one more thing,jews have been smarter than human race for centuries just because they had destroyed every knowledge of immortality,occult power etc. So,human race became stupid than them and human can become much more powerful and more advanced than jews if only humans attach to its true creator god Satan where they will get guide.

been a Satanist for few months.

and to know about Extra-terrestrials,they site may greatly help you.  http://www.luciferianliberationfront.org/aliens.html

Hope moderators won't delete the link.

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: The Reptilian Jews !!
« on: November 20, 2012, 02:04:03 PM »
In the following topic which you made :

It says that the human race is a product of genetic engineering by extraterristrials.

So if we go by this, then why are the Jews solely being claimed as a cross genetic breed of humans and alies ?

Do you mean to say that the human race is different from the Jews ?
If we go by this, then aren't the Jews suppose to be a more smarter and a superior race than the other human races, since they're are the cross genetic link of human and aliens(who according to your provided texts are smarter than human) ?

Where do you connect the dots ?

Jews have nearly IQ of 135  that is much more than an average human. There are many extra-terrestrials beings like Nordics,orions,greys etc. Some of nordic gods are the one who liberates humanity like Satan,these nordic beings have blondie hair,very tall about 9-10feet and weell built,so forth. How and why jews were created by Grey aliens is because Satan had lost a battle a long time ago becaause of "Outnumbered". So,the other aliens E.Ts had have the power upon earth to run it as they want. and  Just a matter of Power. Sure jews are smarter than normal humans(Gentiles)

Wars in the outer space or anywhere between Extra-terrestrials is always Spiritual but never physically! Satan has won the War,it has been told by Satan himself to one of his High Priestess. Every day a new person comes to satanism.

So,yeah jews race is different from human race genetically as Grey E.Ts have created them. These Grey aliens have monsterous mind power!


I read about pictures of UFOs drawn upon the walls of Egyptian monuments and pyramids, while I was researching over the "End of the world, 2012" according to the Mayan calender.

The above provided text by you, sounds interesting, although I have come across this kind of information before I can recall but didn't go deep enough.I shall conduct my own study and research over this, do the scrutiny and then I would have some questions to discuss with you.

Thanks for sharing.
Aha,sure. your welcome.

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: The Reptilian Jews !!
« on: November 20, 2012, 01:21:22 PM »
lyncis = racist crackhead
wonders,how and where a kiddie dwarf got guts from to go against a veteran?!?!?

Fun Time / Re: Quick Quiz..
« on: November 20, 2012, 01:17:17 PM »
:D: im having tht moment where i feel stupid mein kein lagi si 'wssup' :laugh:
Lol haha

lol you are stupid
Prove it with an evidence or you rather prove that my above statement isn't stupid or true.


Knowledge / Re: Psychic energy and the truth about "Prayers"
« on: November 20, 2012, 11:35:40 AM »
Already read that thanx fr sharing :hehe
Lol okay nice then. np

Knowledge / Re: Psychic energy and the truth about "Prayers"
« on: November 20, 2012, 11:26:38 AM »
Mein ik thread post kita c http://punjabijanta.com/religion-faith-spirituality/how-we-humans-were-created!!!i-strongly-urge-you-to-read/ 
Read this te tuhanu pata lag jau ke kiven Shaitaan nu evil being vich badleya gaya. te main eh ni keh reha ke tuhanau apne rabh nu chadna chahida,eh tuhade te depend karda,tuhadi choice aa. mein ta just share kar reha jo sach aa. and Type : spiritual warfare in google, tons of spiritual warfare sites will pop up at your screen. But none of them will succeed against Satan.

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