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Topics - Mirza_jatt

Pages: [1]
Help & Suggestions / Request for voting for Pj gabru/muteyar.
« on: January 12, 2013, 11:00:02 PM »
Friends i think that Pj te Promotions vaste Voting honi chaidi aa.,, For PJ gabru and PJ Muteyaar vaste ...

Because how can alone moderators decide that someone is eligible for the post of Pj garbu/muteyaar.

Voting must be done to promote anyone

Ha, enna hove that users having more then 500 posts or 1000 votes are able to vote.

and promotions request should be put by the admins

1. when user completes 500 posts + 10 topics or more + 10 likes received
2. when user completes 1000 posts + 20 topics .

and so on.

and even i had seen that girls are promoted most earliest then boys ..
In today's world when we talk about equality, why so difference, everyone is equal na, 
then  there should be equal promotions.

once again i would like to say that alone moderators deciding somebody's promotions is not equality,
users should vote , thatz it.

else, all users should give comments on this suggestion.

this is a suggestion ,only and only suggestion.plz co-operate.

PJ Games / Realtionship status of above person, Guess?
« on: December 16, 2012, 02:30:50 AM »
Guess kro, Relationship status person above you da..

Pages: [1]