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Knowledge / Re: Personality of the Day
« on: August 11, 2011, 10:59:23 AM »



Born on october 8,1935 at gobindpura near kotmandu in district muzaffarnaghr of west punjab now in pakistan . he is the only athlete who won gold in asian games and commonwealth games and also bettered an olympic record.
milkha singh ran in athletics contests in 70 countries. of the 82 conetest he participated in, he won in 79. participated in 200m. and 400m. in 1956 olympicswd the perfomance of 22.6 and 49.9 seconds, respectively . created a  new asian record 45.6in 400m. in rome olympics games(1960), though obtained fourth position. bt even though 41 years have since passed, no indian athlete has been able to achive that record of 20.7 seconds fr 200m . set on january 30 , 1960 has not been broken  so far. he ws a mamber of the 4 X 400 . realy team which returned a timing of 3:08:8 in tokyo olympics(1964). won  the 440 yards in cardiff commonwealth games in 1958.
milkha singh won four gold medals  in two asian games in 1958 and 1962 . that iclued two golds in 200m. (21.6) and 400m(46.9)in 1958 asian games at tokeyo. again won gold in 400m(46.9) and ws a mamber of 4X400m relay team which got gold medal (3:10:2) in 1962 jakarta asian games. national champion in 200m and 400m frm 1957 to 1960 he is married to athlete nirmal kaur and settled in chandigarh . his son chiranjiv(jeev) milkha singh has become a star golfer ininternational arena at a young age wd several prestigious wins.
the govt of india awarded him padma shree in 1959 and he won world helms trophy fr being one of the greatest athletes of 1959.
he recently , refused to accept arjuna award fr his life time achievments because of dirty manipuions involved in the selection process.

Knowledge / Re: Personality of the Day
« on: August 10, 2011, 10:04:29 AM »


Gurudev rabindrnath tagor's swadeshi and patriotic songs gave expression to the people's anguish and anger, hatred against forgin rule and love fr the country and countrymen. in every note they breathed a poignant love fr the land and people . wd his songs , people rose like one man to resist, suffer and sacrifice.
The british government took every measure to suppress the news of jallianwala bagh and the brutalities infilcted upon the people of punjab . bt they could nt succeed. news flowed down to the rest of the country . wdin a few days the news reached cacutta , to gurudev rabinrnath tagor. as he heard about the terrible inhuman mass slaughtering of unarmed and defencless people at jallianwala bagh by brigadier-general dyer, followed by curfew in amritsar and reign of terror in the rest of punjab wd several humiliating orderson the indian people he , flared up on indigantion. jallianwala bagh massacre ws like thousands of human beings caught up in a mouse trap whr general dyer exhausted all his ammunition. tagore could nt sleep the whole night . he kept on pacing his room as the restless poet up his ws burning in himself. at he down he sat at his desk, took up his pento relinquish his knighthood as a measure of protest. he wrote a strong bt dignified letter to the viceroy giving voice to the protest of the millions of his countrymen surprised into a dumb anguish of terror. he wrote in his declaration.
"    the time has come when badges of honour make our s
    glaring in their incongruous context of humiliation, and i,
    for my part,wish to stand shorn of all special distinctions, by
   the side of my countrymen, who for their so-called
   insignificance, are liable to suffer degradationnt fit for
   human beings."
What goethe ws to germany , wht wordsworth , ws to england wht walt whitman ws to america, tagore ws to india .frm whtever angle one looks at him , he stands as the colossus. wht ws he? the geniuse ? the doyen? the maestro? tagore's achievments have gone beyond labels and definitions. rabindrnath tagore is a metaphor of artistic sublimity.
Rabinrnath tagore is a venerable seer and a sage, born to rule the hearts of men and lead them frm darkness to light frm ignorance to knowladge through his message of universal appeal. in the present distracted world, when the intoxicated imperialist nations are  indulging in a blood-bath , tagore's message of new religion- the religion of mna was his thesis fr wht is tagore's religion? it transcends the limitations of country and community, the artificial boundaries created and imposed by the modren machine civilization. tagore preached his religion not merely as an idealist, as a recuse bt as a practical philosopher who has practiesd his principels in his own life and in his own actions . tagore has expunded his own religionin the following words"   my religionis in the reconciliation of the super- personal man the universal human spirit in own individual being."""""     
He has taught us to love nature in its most intimate moods, to be in communion wd nature in its most closely togather and read in each other's ways always sm lovely analogues. he preferred te modren ideas of freedom in education and believed more in instruction in intimate contact wd nature no one in any quarter of the globe ws there to whom freedom meant more willing , aye and eagerness to make the greatest sacrifice fr it .had the need arisen for him to give his life fr it ,he would have gone blithely to the gallows. he radiated his message to strive fr freedom of speech and exprssion.
Not only did rabindrnathlove india wd an all consuming devotion, bt he ws proud of her physical beauties , her fertilites and bounteousness, proud even more so of the culture built up by slow degrees through the ages. in glory of his motherland he said my country tht is fr ever india the country of my forefathers the country of my children my country has given me life and strength. and again , i shall be born in india again.. wd all hei poverty ,misery and wretchedness,

Knowledge / Re: Personality of the Day
« on: August 09, 2011, 12:10:19 PM »

                                                    LENARDO DA VINCI(1452-1519)
                                                               UNIQE GENIUS

One ideals of perfection in mankind is tht of perfect balance.a man whose brain is many sided and can grasp the details and see the inner
laws of arts and sciences, and yet have creative faculties as well as analytic whose body s healthy and beautiful and vigorous, worthy temple fr tht brain whose personality is pleasant
and kind , and whose whole being is animated by a spirit of lofty enterprise such a man has he gifts of life in just
balance, he approaches completness. such a man ws leonardo da vinci the greatest light of the italian renaissance, whose many sided genius in unique in the history of the world.
Lenardo da vinci ws known in Florence as a  youth of charm and address, a man of wit, singer and poet a rising painter ,sculptor and architect. bt they do nt know him as we do today , as one finest painter the world has seen , a draughtsman ,sculptor, architect mechanician , miltary and civil engineer , natural philosopher, a poineer in many realms of science an anticipator of galileo, newton, bacon,
harvey, watt, fulton a genius whose versatility has never been paralleded in the history of the world .
This man , one of the greatest lights and most dynamic forces of italian renaissance, ws born in 1942. he ws the illegitimate son of lawyer ser piero antonioda vinci , whence his family took its nam . his mother , catarina, afterwards married another man , and leonardo ws brought up entirely in his father's house.
Drawing and modelling were the favourite tasks of his childhood , and this led his father to place him under verrocchio, the florentine artist.leonardo came under the tutorship of verrocchio in 1470 . he rapidly became a perficient painter , and we know he ws employed to finish and assist in wrks undertaken by master . in june 1472 we find the name of lynardo di ser piero da vinci entered in the account books of the florentine guild of painters as an indipendent artist .
Wd the exception of an unfinished canvas of the adoration of the kings in the uffizi at florence nearly all of lenardo's early wrk has been lost it said tht he painted one of the inthis period of hid life he did a water colour cartoon of the fall and painting of the medusa. he had already begun to make his mark too as an architect and sculptor, and we are told tht while still a youth, he executed a number of fine heads in terra cotta.
He ws the first painter to go nature fr his example. he owed nthng to old classical rules and patterns. leonardo, again ws the first painter to realize the effects and to appriciate the beauties of light and shades he attemted to reproduce their interplay in his picture --- a mighty advance frm the simple concentration on colour and frm of the old school.
Bt leonardo didn't stop there . he had an insatiable thirst fr knowladge. he not only saw, and attempted to reprouduce, the beauties of light and shades he wanted to know the laws tht governed them. he studied optics and physiology of the eye .
Had his notebook been published at the time of his death science and scientists would have been saved century of labour bt they wr neglected until the ninetenth century , whn it w found tht leonardo had anticipated discoveries in every sphere.
As a writer he helped to mould italian prose. as a theoretician in art he discoverd and laid down immortal pronciples . a century before bacon, showed a finer grasp of the principels of experimental science than bacon did.
He designed an aeroplane whish , if he had some agent such as the petrol engine would have flown . he anticipated the use of steam sketched a steam cannon and designed paddles fr ships he even made drawings fr breech loading cannons. some of the machines tht he constructed and designed such as the saw in the marble quarries of carrara have survived fr ver four centuries.
He ws the originator of the science of hydraulics and discoverdthe camera obscura . he ws convinced of the molecular structure of water had knowladge of sound and and light waves and ws the first to study the structure and arrangement of flowers and foilage. and he ws great philospher. His virtues are nt ended as a man  he ws handsome strong enough to bend horse-shoes, charming tactfulathletic he ws popular and desrved to be he w generous and loyal friend and devoted to his followers and pupils.
There can only be one summary of leonardo da vinci tht almost perfact example of the civilized mind wedded to a healthy body he ws the complete man.
His most celebrated painting the mona lisa(now in louvre, paris) ws done in 1506 the face of the woman portrayed is famous fr its strange and subtle smile

Gup Shup / Re: ashfaq_gujr nu chat mod banuna chayi da k nai?
« on: August 01, 2011, 01:11:28 PM »
lei mkhna paa ti vote tenu

Gup Shup / Re: ashfaq_gujr nu chat mod banuna chayi da k nai?
« on: August 01, 2011, 12:58:29 PM »
haa yaar  bnaa do odda v vichara roja rkhda hona te naale chat  ch bethda mehnat da kamm aa es  rmjaan ch gujr nu gift kro 

PJ Games / Re: Describe Yourself In Single Word
« on: August 01, 2011, 06:49:19 AM »
a  majnu (finding my existence)

yr chaahe punjabi ch disscuss karo chaahe hindi ch or english ch ..
language koi v challoo  :thaa:

but pehle

explain : Presidental democracy and parliamentary democracy

coz mainu politcal knowledge gai 0%  :thinking:

 Presidental (prdhaan mantri de related  kuch v ) means about president secondly democracy (prjatantr) it  implies like society in which all citizens r treated as equals and  parliamentary (sansad  de related kuch v ) anything of parliament . agge tusi aap dekh  lo ki matlb hona
enna k kaafi aa  esdi explaination vich j es to agge v jana  ta political science da  10 number da topic ban jana

Gup Shup / Re: Ki tusi kadae kise da katal kita?
« on: August 01, 2011, 05:03:42 AM »
katal nu ta chad baai tu kam ki krda  rehna sara din i mean ki sochda rehna ehe kida de topic pauna  tu  :D: wese  ajkal ik ratanjot naam di user v heigi aa oh lgda gs da katal krn nu firdi aa  :D:   

Knowledge / Re: Personality of the Day
« on: July 23, 2011, 06:37:06 AM »

MOTHER TERESA(1910-1997)


Agnes gonxha bejaxhia ws born to aldanian parentss in the town of skopje,macedonia. at thw age of 18, she  entered the roman catholic order of the sisters of our lady of loretta in ireland. after she recieved training in dublin and darjeeling, india, she her vows. in 1929, as sister teresa, she became part of a group of loretta nuns in calcutta and taught high school there fr nearly 20 years. while wrking as a teacher , she deeply moved by the incredible suffering of the sick and dying she encountered daily on the crowed city streets. on september 10, 1946, while riding a trainin darjeeling, she recivedwht she believed to be a clear call frm God to leave the sisters of loretta and to devoted her life to wrking fr impoverished of the city while living among them.
Granted permission by the pope to leave her post at the convent, in 1948 mother teresa began her lifelong ministry among the poor two years later, she and her workers wr approved by the archdiocese of cacutta as the new order of the missionaries of charity . th order ws later recognized as a pontifical congeregation under the direct jurisdiction of Rome.
                    Woman joining this religious community took four vows upon acceptance. in addition to the traditional clerical vows of poverty , chastity  and obedience, missionaries of charity took fourth vow pledging srvice to the poor.
                     The basic belief underlying mother teresa's wrk ws tht the poor symbolized christ and tht by serving them , she and her sister wr serving christ. the sisters saw their primary mission as a religious one although they carried out their wrk in various ways as nurses and social wrkers.
                      In 1952 mother teresa opened the nirmal hriday(pure heart) home frdying destitutes in culcatta. since tht time she hs extended hr wrk to five continents. her book about her life 'gift frm god' ws published in 1975. in recognition of her achievements , she received the presidential medal of freedom from the united states, bharat ratna in 980 and numerous other prestigious awards.
                      The angel of mercy conquered the world by serving the poorest of poor, became a citizen of india in 1962. her selfless service wd a smile amongest the most downtrodden people made her a most revered figure on the world arena.
                     The vatican has announced tht mother teresa would be beatified by the spring of the 2003 . beatification is the last step before sainthood. mother teresa is regarded by the pope as a much needed role model of holiness fr the modern world.

Shayari / Re: A true fact ->>
« on: July 23, 2011, 03:05:17 AM »

ਇਹ ਦੁਨੀਆ ਰੰਗ ਬਰੰਗੀ ਏ

ਨਾ ਭੈੜੀ ਏ ਨਾ ਚੰਗੀ ਏ

ਇਹ ਨੰਗਿਆ ਦੀ ਮੰਡੀ ਏ

ਬਸ ਸਭ ਨੇ ਇਕ ਦੂਜੇ ਤੋ

ਚਾਦਰ ਮੰਗੀ ਏ

chaa geya   mitra  lgda  galib da mirza jageya ehde  vich  :okk:

Gup Shup / Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara review
« on: July 23, 2011, 02:53:22 AM »
A grown up bromance

[/color]Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara
Director:[/b] Zoya Akhtar
Starring: Hrithik Roshan, Farhan Akhtar and Abhay Deol
Rating:      4 stars

Jokes about teachers. Fights over girlfriends. Silly word games. Bare chests. Rippling muscles. Streaked hair. Sigh. Glossy looking and beautifully written. I must confess by the time I finished watching zindgi na milegi dobara I was convinced that no one can make a bromance as beautifully as a woman.
The film is gentle, taking time out to look at horses running in the meadows, feel the wind the air, swim with the fish underwater. All that male beauty may be a little manipulative and the plot is a little contrived--three adventure sports to test your courage--but the story keeps you engaged.
A meditative take on growing up, becoming a man, taking responsibility for one's actions, it has the courage to go for long periods with no dialogue. A scene where hrithik roshan does a Finding Nemo and another where the boys discover the joys of sky diving is all about just being. Seizing the moment. Living for the day. Yes, yes, cliches all, but shot with such sisterly care that the boys flourish in the female gaze.
Naturally the trip to Spain is not just a trip. It is a journey of the soul. There's Kabir whose family runs a contruction company. There's Imran, a copywriter who is a poet in his spare time (and fortunately writes Javed Akhtar style poems). And there's Arjun, a stockbroker who lives in London and has trouble with commitment. So that's Abhay Deol, Farhan Akhtar and Hrithik Roshan. And naturally the love of a free spirited good woman Katrina Kaif will cure Hrithik of his permanent state of melancholy.
Lots of manly tears. Even more bare chests on the beach. And many more scenes of drinking wine and tossing back shots (where the women give as good as the men get). It's all very glamorous. And very seductive. Yet the film pulls you in, partly because of the frank, unvarnished performances by its leads. Hrithik is lovely as Arjun, shorn of the pretence that his recent performances have shown. Farhan is sensitive, soulful and perfectly capable of reading out his father's poetry. And Abhay for a change is playing the rich brat who is virtually pressganged into marrying his family friend Kalki Koechlin, giving a perfectly posed performance as a spolit little madam.
My favourite moment of the film? Not the showy moment when Hrithik discovers the meaning of life with one deep sea dive with Katrina Kaif. Or when Farhan confronts his pot smoking ageing painter dad-can't tell you who he is, but it's a lovely piece of casting. Or even when Abhay decides he has to run with the bulls.
It's when the three boys are sitting together on their last day, drinking, singing the Doordarshan theme song.
Lovely. A bromance that has more style and heat than most rubish romcoms. Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara? It's a film you will want to watch dobara.

sry m late  happy bday  man baai u make progress by leaps and bounds  :hug:

Ace shooter Gagan Narang has been chosen for the country's highest sporting honour -- Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna -- for 2010-2011.
Narang, who won four gold medals in 2010 Commonwealth Games, was disappointed at missing out of the honour last year. He was chosen ahead of tennis star Somdev Devvarman, fellow shooter Ronjan Sodhi, athlete Krishna Poonia and rower Bajrang Lal Takhar.
Narang is one of India's prime gold medal hopes at 2012 London Olympics and the latest honour should spur him for greater deeds next year. While Ronjon had won gold in World Shooting Championship and Asian Games, Gagan had won bronze in these two events.
Indian pace spearhead Zaheer Khan was chosen for the Arjuna Award along with Asian Games gold medallist Preeja Sreedharan, archer Rahul Banerjee and gymnast Ashish Kumar amongst others.
The awardees are:
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award:
Gagan Narang (Shooter)
Arjuna Awrdees:
Zaher Khan (Cricket)
Ashish Kumar (Gymnastics)
Rahul Banerjee (Archer)
P Sridharan (Athletics)

Help & Suggestions / Re: ***Lost Friend***
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:17:46 AM »
yr net te bahut jaane veere bande aa...

mere v net te 2 veer bane ..jina chon ek naal aje v contact aa..but hun kadi fone
te gall ni kiti veere naal...but facebook te contact hai
but dooje veer ji naal main gussa ho gi c..so no contact..

te ek PJ te jassu... but ohde naal sirf chat ch hi contact rakheyaa aa

so its real..net te bahut achhe achhe frends te veer bande ne..eh saareyaa ne
wrong concept banaa ke rakheyaa ke..net te loki heer ranjhaa bande ne..

actual ch tusi aap jiwe de hunde ho..thonu definitely odaan de achhe lokk mil jaande ne..no doubt kuch gadbad lokk v milde ne...but ohnaa da pata chall jaanda hunda...ke eh fake personality aa

so gudddddddd muskaan..tusi nice ho

nic wording madam  ji  wese j change c ta chad k kio gye odda mere veer  jinne v nei real vich nei te oh mere  bachpan to ee mere naal nei net te sirf kuch change insaan mil sakdey nei veer nhi

Gup Shup / Re: Display Pic
« on: July 22, 2011, 12:45:11 AM »
I don't know exactly.. but I assume u someone like this in this fast modern world.. Someone who is trying to run, fly and serious thinker too in today's world..  :pagel: so u can pick something like this too..

j es pice vich koi munda hunda ta mein chakk k apni dp te laa leini  c koi ehde piche  edda lagda jidda hneri chal rahi hundi aa :hehe:

PJ Games / Re: Aapde Pind di Film Banawo Competition
« on: July 22, 2011, 12:39:34 AM »
sada pind

 plz competition vich na pouna   X_X X_X X_X

nic wrk n i luv tht song asi sab jandey aa i'd thankful to whomsoever giv link of  tht  song

Knowledge / Re: Personality of the Day
« on: July 21, 2011, 03:47:05 PM »


 Ruthless Dictator
Birth :  born in braunan-am-inn, austria on april 20,1889.
 Parents:  his father ws Alois Hitler hitler loved his mother passionately. she wanted hitler to become an artist.
 Childhood :   he experienced privation in his early years. in 1914 he enlisted in the army as a private, became a corporal and served on the western front ,  and ws wounded, gassed , and temporarily blinded . in 1919, while  still wd his regiment bt acting as a sort of spy wd the duty of reporting on workers meetings, he came into contact wd a socialist group called the german worker's party by his remarkable powers of oratory he soon rose to become the leader of the group.
 Career:    Germans wanted more territory after the first world war . hitler by his violent speeches convinced most germans of his divine mission to unify them as a people and lead the to world domination. the nazis attemped a rising in munich against the bavarian goverment in 923 bt were quelled. hitler ws arested and sentenced to five years imprisonment . he ws released after serving only fight months. while in prison he wrote his autobiography called mein kamf (my struggle)
         in 1930 the nazis again rose to prominence wd 107 seats in the parliment compared to 12 seats 1928. a political crisislead to the formation of coalition goverment wd hitler as
 chancellor. after arresting all communist memmbers of the parliament he obtained a vote conferring upon him dictatorial powers. in a short time all parties except the nazis were forbidden, trade unions suppressed and free speech denied. on the death of the aged president hitler became president as well  aa chancellor the fuehrer (leader)of the reich.
         in 1934 ernest rohm and other rivals were killed at the instance of hitler . by breaking the power of the brownshirts he relied on the german army fr his power. in march 1935 he reintrduced military conscription in defiance of the versailles  demilitarised . in 1938 he annexed austria . in september , he gained sudetenland in czechoslovakia by the munich agreement and in 1939 he seized most of czechoslovakia. these achievments of hitler terrified europe and bedazzled germany hitler ws raised to the position of a demi-god in the eyes of the german people.
         his personal charactr also made him famous . he ws a vegetarian and neighterdrank nt smoked. the nazis declared the three chief enemies to be the jews the communiste and the russians a pact of friendship ws sigend between russia and germany in august 1939 which surprised observers . this pact left hitler free to attack poland .  he attacked poland on 1september 1939 thus beginning the second world war . in 94, he broke his pact wd russia and ordered the invasion of the high command  of the army . and few months later dismissed his best strategist,, halder the generals plotted to kill him on july 20 , 1944 whn a bomb ws carried to his conference room . he had a lucky ascape bt took a rerrible revenge on suspected conspirators and their friends. fifty officers and hundereds of others were executed. he ws a master of diplomatic trickery and retained his alomost his hypnotic power over his followers right to the end of his life .
 Marriage:   he married eva braun, the day before his death. she also committed sucide on the day hitler died.
 Death:   he killed himself by shooting a pistolin his mouth.
 Life span:  56 years

lai baai mein ta mitti paa ti

Gup Shup / Re: Punjabi Janta News
« on: July 21, 2011, 09:50:38 AM »
 :D:    tusi great  o  sab

Shayari / Re: jehdia hwa kardia ne ......
« on: July 21, 2011, 03:35:08 AM »
haha malwiya tu kehre raah tureya firda odhr aja veyah ch

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