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Gup Shup / Re: Do indian people hate us now after Paul Henry's comments?
« on: October 09, 2010, 08:04:06 PM »

By swearing, you're only showing us your maturity. There is a big difference between criticism and plain ignorance.

Nontheless, I feel like, we're all getting offtopic. Discussion upon the topic shall continue. Keep in mind, healthy discussions are always best for all parties.  :happy:

Showing maturity? We're you being sarcastic or did you mean immaturity, or you actually meant maturity?  :laugh:


waheguru's that?

Gup Shup / Re: Punjabi people with drugs, smoking and alcohol
« on: October 09, 2010, 07:54:42 PM »
Drugs - No
Smoking- No
Alchohol - No

I think everyone has their own reasons to do it or not do it..
Personally I do it cos of religion and health reasons  :)
Yeah exactly. That's what i'm trying to say. Because i know it's against the indian culture, religion and beliefs.

who is using it as drug...
iodex should be banned then..
 i dont use drugs and i dont smoke either..
nobody in my village also use this drug and smoke....

Drink then?

Amongst punjabi elders, alcohol is a statement of their richness.
Amongst punjabi youth, drugs is like a statement of their toughness.
Smoking is not as popular, but drugs can change that quite fast.
That's interesting. It's not something you'd expect.

Gup Shup / Re: Do indian people hate us now after Paul Henry's comments?
« on: October 09, 2010, 07:35:27 PM »
elle...u post essay and now............ass....stop, it and give couple of days rest to ur mind ... :waitin: :waitin: :waitin: :waitin:
Oh you've got to be kidding me!

Ne larakiyeee Bus kar hun... :happy:  :loll: :loll:

I am not translating that to english  :hihpanga:


The i'll get LJ to translate that.  :pagel:

Making a point without swearing is testimony to a greater refinement of character. By swearing, we diminish our self-respect and, contrary to our avowed purposes, actually lose the respect of others.

How is he being ignorant? What is right, in your view?

Making a point and swearing is how we do it over here. I'm sorry that you can't stand that i'm cussing all over the place.

I'd agree to londonpunjabi and Noxious's statment too

IF you want to explain/support the views take the right way , swearing and being aggressive isn't going to help but make you look bad.

Only thing I know is one bad word about other race/religion is enough to create birth to racism and the consequences that arises because of it.

IF you cannot pronounce the name just leave it don't make fun of it.

thanks and please no more swearing.
Hahaha. Yeah yeah, just smile. You're in the middle of an argument, just smile and be nice.  /:) I'm sorry but when you're being critical, you're never nice.

do u reali think dat we reali care of dat kind of stupid people???

dat u stupid New Zealanders dun even knw to pronouce a name
shame on u!!
 nd its still better than the name " GAYLORD" many whites have.. :loll: :loll: :loll:
See and did i care that you just said something offensive?  :comeon: And yeah gaylord's a gay name and it's something to laugh at but am i offended in any way? No i am not!!!

 :loll: No comment.  :blah:

News Khabran / Re: Delhi 2010 XIX Commonwealth Games
« on: October 09, 2010, 04:13:27 AM »
NZ has 1 gold medal.  :lost: :surp: A total of 20 medals.  :happy:

Request / Re: Request Video Of The Day
« on: October 09, 2010, 12:26:26 AM »
Play some good ol' Kiwi music. Run by Shihad!

shihad - run

Gup Shup / Re: Do indian people hate us now after Paul Henry's comments?
« on: October 09, 2010, 12:16:30 AM »

That’s about par for the course for someone who has to resort to swearing, as soon as you do that you lose the argument. It must be the level of education in that part of the world; sums you up. You’re not coming across as a great advert for NZ. You are exactly what I imagine you to be. Stop acting like a drama queen and argue the case without swearing.

I couldn’t care less if your BF is Punjabi, or if he’s black, pink or yellow. I think you have a mental block; I am not talking about the woman’s name. I think you should re-read my earlier post and perhaps the penny might drop.

If the 75% didn’t include you then why does it stick in your throat that you can not bring your self to condemn Paul Henry’s offensive views or far that matter your disagreement with the 75%.

I really don’t give a monkey’s ear if it’s TVNZ or NZTV; the result is the same.

As to him being sacked ages ago, perhaps so but did you call for it? Clearly you still do not understand racism. If it had been “just another Indian” I would have said the same because racism is evil. Furthermore by your own admission Paul Henry is guilty of more than “1 bad word” on more than one occasion.

Now, it is 01.35 here in London and I won’t be posting tonight. But rest assured, I will reply to you tomorrow if you should wish to post again on this subject.

Hahaha oh man that's funny. Hahahahaha!  :laugh: "level of education" and "you lose the argument".  :laugh: You're sounding ridiculously crazy. Got nothing else to say so throw whatever ya can think of at me. What makes you think india's smarter than NZ? Is it just me or was that racist? It's aight, no one will back me up here but hey everyone will probably have your back. So whatever. You don't have to write an essay.

Drama queen my a$$. You're the drama queen making a big deal out of everything. And yeah you don't give a rats a$$ how it is because you're being so ignorant, you're focusing on you! and what you think is right, gee it's all about 'you' isn't it? And just so you know, you mightn't be used to swearing but i am, it doesn't anything about losing an argument just because i'm cussing.

Sports Khelan / Re: Cricket Zone
« on: October 08, 2010, 11:48:07 PM »
oh whay NZ has a cricket team  :pagel:  :loll: :loll:

And India Beats Australia in one of the best Test match in a while. By one wicket on Tuesday  :happy:
Lolz. Um oh yeah that's what LJ asked me the other day, who won between aussie and india and i wasn't too sure so i told him "aussie".  :loll:

The latest match between NZ and bangladesh wasn't a good news so not going to bother.  :happy:

Sports Khelan / Re: Cricket Zone
« on: October 08, 2010, 08:11:18 PM »
Latest match

Zim 168/4(20) | RSA 169/3(15.5)
RSA won by 7 wickets. Man of the match: Smith
Last 2 overs : . . 1 1 1Lb 1 | 2 1 1 4 6

Help & Suggestions / Re: Reputation Levels!
« on: October 08, 2010, 08:02:19 PM »
haha so your bakri now - female goat haha
Why would you say that? Lolz.

Gup Shup / Re: Do indian people hate us now after Paul Henry's comments?
« on: October 08, 2010, 08:00:50 PM »
I wasn’t complaining to you, I was criticising you.

Okay, let’s take it a step further. Andi Brotherston, NZTV's News and Current Affairs PR Manager, sought to defend Paul Henry by saying that what Paul Henry said was what “we quietly think but are scared to say out loud”. Is that what you New Zealanders think? Since you haven’t condemned his actions I assume you are just like the 75% Andi Brotherston is describing. Interesting that she wrote a grovelling apology to her colleagues but did not mention a single word of regret to the people her idiotic presenter insulted. This simply means that she is just as stupid as he is.

As to why sack him now? Well that is for the two bit NZTV to decide. If they are happy to have a racist moron representing them and the people of New Zealand then more fool them. It only suggests Paul Henry’s ignorance is only surpassed by those who employ and support him. Perhaps they should have sacked him before, especially if he a track record in this sort of Neanderthal behaviour.

Regarding the “Indian woman’s last name”, I am not being sensitive about it at all. I simply picked up on your lame excuse justifying his stupidity. Your BF should be able to explain to you the reason for the outrage; it is this: Paul Henry insulted the whole of India by stating that the lady’s name was appropriate for an Indian; he then went on to qualify that further by stating it should be “dick in s***. Now which bit of that do you not understand.

Regarding Anand Satyanand. He is a politician of sort in NZ. If you are happy with bigotry on your screen then that does not say a lot for you and the people of NZ.

Finally, you ask “what the hell happened to freedom of speech!?” It is exactly what I am practising by voicing my opinion.

However, putting all that aside, here is your chance to condemn Paul Henry’s actions. Or am I to believe that you are one of those sheep that form the 75%

For Andi Brotherton’s grovelling apology see link below.[/size]


1 of those sheep? Are you that ignorant now? And no that 75% didn't include me. But um no my bf wasn't outraged about the fact that paul made fun of the woman's lastname. Why is it that you're making a big deal out of this  just because it was another country but if it was just another indian person, no one would've mind.

It's TVNZ btw. And well maybe they are! and maybe!! because a lot of people like paul henry! but seriously, what difference would it make now? if he has to be sack, then it should've happened ages ago, not just today, just because he dissed indian people. Are indian people more special that 1 bad word, he should be sacked straight away?

Gup Shup / Re: Punjabi people with drugs, smoking and alcohol
« on: October 08, 2010, 07:42:24 PM »
I don't drink , don't smoke and No clubbing and anything like that.

Thats bit sad but ya thats true. In Punjab alot of youngsters are getting into the habbits of taking drugs.
Marijuana especially because they are everywhere in Punjab as weed.
Other than that I know some of my mates used to take smack (whatever you call), opium(dodde) and kaali nagni ( dn't know if its marijuana).

Some of the other stuff some stupids do is , they use the Iodex ( pain relief balm) put on bread and eat it or sit in the sun and apply that on their head .
They drink Korex ( cough syrup) that has alcohal in it

Same with LJ. Good on guys.

Pain relief balm? Hahahaha.  :loll:

News Khabran / Re: 80 + Year old Singh locked at home for 5 years
« on: October 08, 2010, 07:07:14 PM »
yes i know thats where old people who no longer can take care of themselves go and trust me i understand where ur coming from ...however me being indian and from what i understand its not really considered acceptable in most indian families...yes its changing and some people think its best thing to do ...i just feel sad that parents take of kids when they are in need however kids cant take care of parents when they need them the most :)
im not saying ur wrong or anything :D just an opinion :blink:
I know what you're saying. Parents took care of us and so we should return the favour later on. But yeah.

Gup Shup / Punjabi people with drugs, smoking and alcohol
« on: October 08, 2010, 07:01:59 PM »
Like many others, i don't associate indian people with drugs and smoking. It's not a very indian-thing. Because i find indian people to be conservative with a few exceptions. Alcohol is 1 of the exceptions, my BF's brother and my mate who are both indians are drinkers.

My mate introduced me to 5 punjabi guys. And he told me that they drink, smoke and do drugs. Of course that was a surprised especially the "drug" bit. But he also said, it was because of the guys GFS are the reason they smoke marijuana. 3 of the guys have got kiwi GFS, 1's got indian and the other i'm not too sure of.  /:)

Do any of you guys smoke, drink or do drugs?  :loll:

Pics / Re: new smilyes
« on: October 08, 2010, 06:37:00 PM »
Lolz. We going to have those?

Gup Shup / Re: Do indian people hate us now after Paul Henry's comments?
« on: October 08, 2010, 06:33:23 PM »
Looks like we gonna have a heated discussion over here  :happy:

Guys, She didnt do it, its Paul Henry.. Just making sure you guys remember that  :happy:
Exactly! Lolz. I'm not Paul Henry. And what the hell happened to freedom of speech!?

after watching that video i can say he is a true hater !
I wish he was in India when he said that!
Probably gone missing in few hours time  :happy:
If you guys thought that was racist and offensive then i'd like to hear what you guys have to say about what he said about our governor anand satyanand. This is what paul said "Are you going to choose a New Zealander who looks and sounds like a New Zealander this time ... Are we going to go for someone who is more like a New Zealander this time?"

Gup Shup / Re: Do indian people hate us now after Paul Henry's comments?
« on: October 08, 2010, 06:19:48 PM »
Firstly, to answer you original question “Do indian people hate us now after Paul Henry's comments?”
The answer would be no, we do however pity you for defending morons like Paul Henry.

He was just kidding? It just slipped out of his tongue?

You clearly have no concept of racism. You obviously do not understand the difference between how a remark is made and how a remark is perceived. Are you really that thick that you can’t understand that concept? That just proves one thing to me, the brain of a racist is indeed small.

Having now seen the video I sincerely believe that it did not slip off his tongue, if it did then I would suggest Paul Henry’s brain is not in control of his tongue, or else it would not have slipped off his tongue at least not six or seven times. Then to go on and insult the whole of the Indian people is nothing short of a disgrace. You are unforgiveable for defending such actions; you should be condemning such behaviour.

Your words prove that NZ is fifty years behind the rest of the western world. If that nutcase had been on the BBC here in the UK he would have been fired immediately and rightly so.

If NZ television authorities have any sense they would shoot this Muppet out of a cannon. He is as stupid as those who seek to defend him. He is as dumb as those in NZ who think he is “awesome”, If the people of NZ think so highly of him it only suggests they are nothing but backward, racist and morally bankrupt fools.  It seems as though evolution is passing them by.

/:) You can't argue with the poll results of about 75% voted that he shouldn't be sack because of that. Why should he be sacked now when he's done/said things like this several times already on the past but hasn't been sacked, so why should he be sacked now? Why didn't he get suspended before?

If this is you talking about the indian woman's lastname issue then i'm surprised as to why you're being super sensitive about it. My BF's punjabi and he even defended paul henry saying it wasn't his fault because the woman's lastname does! indeed! sound like how paul pronounced it. He was only offended by what paul henry said about anand satyanand which is a different story!!

Don't complain to me! complain to TVNZ. I'm just the thread creator! Jeebus!

News Khabran / Re: 80 + Year old Singh locked at home for 5 years
« on: October 08, 2010, 06:03:37 PM »
why should he be put into rest home?

he is a parent ..if parents can spend their whole life taking care of their kids... why cant the kids do the same? good deeds do pay off at some point in life and i believe the least a child can do for his/her parents
Because that's where old people who can no longer take care of themselves should be. Better than where he's at now. Yeah, you made a point but it's not the same over here.

Help & Suggestions / Re: Reputation Levels!
« on: October 08, 2010, 05:58:30 PM »
We need to rearrange this.

should be:


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