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Topics - Jass Kalsi

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Tech Lounge / Animate Keyboard Lights
« on: May 12, 2012, 11:38:25 PM »
Do you want to see your keyboard lights play disco? Yes, you heard that right! You can make your keyboard LEDs dance, with a simple Visual Basic script. Now, without much ado, let me give you the script.Copy the following script into a notepad. Then save that file with an extension “.vbs”. Now click on the new file with a script like icon. You see the magic! I am sure you will enjoy seeing them. Here are the codes you need to paste:
There are Two Scripts

This code makes the LEDs to dance randomly -->
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

This code makes the LEDs to dance in a regular manner -->

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")do
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wscript.sleep 50
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

To end this disco, you need to open taskmanager and go to processes end a process called “wscript.exe”. For best results, keep all the LEDs “Off” before starting the script.

Tech Lounge / How to Hide Your IP Address
« on: May 12, 2012, 11:34:29 PM »

Every time your computer is connected to the Internet, it is assigned a public IP address which is used to uniquely identify your computer. Wherever you visit websites or use Internet services, your public IP is also transmetted and recorded in the logs kept on those servers. Thus, your IP address makes it possible to trace all your web activities back to you.

So, How do I Hide my IP Address?   :Tumbup:

The best and the easiest way to hide your IP address is by using a proxy server (anonymous proxy server) in one form or the other. A proxy server is a special type of server which acts as an intermediary between your home computer (or network) and rest of the Internet. This proxy server makes requests for Internet services/information on behalf of your computer using it’s own IP address instead of yours. The obtained information is then passed on to your computer. Thus, your computer is indirectly connected to the Internet via a proxy server where the IP address of the proxy server is exposed and your actual IP address remains concealed. Web proxies are identified by a combination of URL and TCP port number which is similar to something as below:

In the above example, is the URL of the proxy server and 35 is the port number. There are a variety of these proxy servers available:

Transparent Proxy Server
This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server and also makes the original IP address available through the http headers. These are generally used to speed-up the web browsing since thay have a very good ability to cache websites. But they do not conceal the IP of it’s users. It is widely known as transparent proxy because it will expose your real IP address to the outside world. This type of proxy server will not hide your IP address.
Anonymous Proxy Server
This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server, but does not make the original IP address available. Anonymous proxy server is detectable, but provides reasonable anonymity for most users. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.
Distorting Proxy Server
A Distorting proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server, but make an incorrect original IP address available through the http headers. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.
High Anonymity Proxy Server (Elite Proxy)
An Elite proxy server does not identify itself as a proxy server and will not make the original IP address available to the outside world. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.
Which Proxy is the Best?Clearly High Anonymity Proxy (Elite Proxy) is the best to hide your IP address. Because of it’s nature, the elite proxy neither identifies itself as a proxy server nor will expose your real IP address to the Internet. Hence, it provides maximum privacy for your Internet activities.You can obtain a long list of proxy server URLs on Google and configure your browser settings so as to make them working for you. However, most of the free proxy servers you get on the Internet will not be effective in concealing your IP address. Even if some of them work they will be too slow and may take several minutes for a single webpage to load.So, in order to connect to a blazing fast elite proxy server, I recommend you to use the following IP Hiding software:

Hide the IP will put you behind a blazing fast Elite Proxy Server(High Anonymous Proxy) with just a click of a button. With this program, you need not worry about configuring your browser settings.All you have to do is just install the program and select the proxy server you want to be behind. It offers a list of countries from which you can decide which country to be indicated as your origin.How to ensure that the IP is hidden?Before you hide your IP address, you can check your real IP by visiting the following website:


Once you get your real IP, switch on your IP hiding software. Now once again visit the above site and check your IP address. If you see a new IP then this means that your software is doing the right job.
Also, the above site (Whatismyipaddress.com) is capable of detecting many proxies. If you see the words such as “suspected proxy server or network sharing device” or similar words then, it means that the proxy you are using is not an Elite Proxy.
Download Hide the IP now and see the difference for yourself. 

This is For Learning Purposes Only Don't Misuse of This.

Tech Lounge / Trick to use Headphone as Mic
« on: May 12, 2012, 11:22:49 PM »
Life is getting complicated enough , were a leisure talk and the fun time with our closed ones has got condensed.Nowadays the world is shifting this downside towards a nippy online chats with their kins.

Not all would be able to afford the purchase of quality Mic and an efficient Headphone., thence abouttricks presents you a simple technique to use the Headset as a Mic too… Interesting right????

Follow the steps below , it would seize you only few seconds to make use of your Headphone as your Mic
1.Connect your head phone to the pink jacket of the sound card.
2. Now open any sound recorder software and start recording.3. Now take the head phone near to your mouth and speak loudly.
4. You will notice the sound recorder recording your voice.

This trick works best in all Windows PC.
Enjoy the trick , but care should be given such as loud voice and good voice recording software..

In this fast moving world , nobody likes to wait for anything :yawn:
Follow these Steps:

1. Initially as a reminder , Plug in your Pendrive

2. Click on MY COMPUTER—-> Open Your Usb Properties.

3. Now open Hardware tab and double click on your Usb.

4. This step for windows 7 --> click on change settings.

5.Now Open Policies Tab and there in removal policy two options showing choose better performence.

The true efficiency and change in the Copying speed of your Pendrive would be realized and would come in handy when you are delayed copying huge sized files from your Drive to System or vice versa.

The usual methodology of SAFE REMOVAL OF DRIVE should be performed to maintain this efficient technique to your system with your drive always.”

Tech Lounge / VLC Media Player Trick
« on: May 12, 2012, 11:14:08 PM »
Awesome VLC Media Player :

  • Open VLC Media Player
  • Press Ctrl+N
  • Type 'screen://' (Without The Quotes)
  • Click on 'PLAY'
  • ​Now, Wait and Watch

Jokes Majaak / Rocking Students
« on: July 08, 2011, 12:38:13 AM »
 1st TO 3rd class-hey! i studied everything for exam.
 4th to 6th class-hey!tht question was very hard,so i leave only tht question.....
 7th to 10th class-hey! i read only imporant questions........
 11th class-i think four chapters r enough to get pass.......
 12th class-kal exam hai yr.......
 nd in clg-batmeezzo bataa to dete aj exam hai.....
 mere pass to pen b nhi hai........

Tutorials / Visit password-protected websites without registering
« on: July 03, 2011, 09:29:54 AM »
We all know how annoying it is when we search Google for something and the result we are looking for leads to a password protected forum or site. You have to register to view content, but who likes doing that?
Fortunately there is a solution to save your time and email account from spam – pretending to be Googlebot. For those of you that don’t know, Googlebot is Google’s “spider” that crawls sites and indexes them for Google’s search results. More about Googlebot. The owner of a password protected site also wants their site to be on Google, so they make a separate account on their site for Googlebot.
We can use this small security hole and visit a website pretending to be Googlebot. This way you are automatically logged into the site or forum and don’t need to enter any password or login info. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Here’s how:
Step 1. If you’re not using it already, get Firefox! It’s a lot better than Internet Explorer and here’s why.
Step 2. Download and install the User Agent Switcher plugin for Firefox. Download - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/59
Step 3. Restart Firefox to complete the installation and go to Tools -> Default User Agent or User Agent Switcher -> Edit User Agents. In the window that opens, select the User Agents tab and press Add.
Step 4. Click On New-->New User Agen. Write Googlebot for the description and Googlebot/2.1+(+http://www.google.com/bot.html)” in the User Agent box as shown above. Press OK and you’re good to go! Ahi Bharna Baki Khaali Chadd Dio..........

Now you can visit most password protected sites and forums that appear on Google’s search results. Here are a few to try:
1) http://www.portaliz.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17780
2) http://www.h4cky0u.org/


Tutorials / Change the start button text on Windows XP
« on: July 03, 2011, 09:13:51 AM »
Hun Tusi Apne Start Button Da Name Change Kr Skde Ho Jive k Main Kita Hai I am Checked This On Windows XP......................
Step 1: Modify explorer.exe If the warning didn’t scare you enough, then the title of this step probably did. Yes, we are going to change Explorer, the backbone of your Windows XP, but don’t worry. Everything should be safe as long as you follow the steps closely.

As explorer is a binary file, we need a special tool to modify it. One of the best ones for this purpose is Resource Hacker. There are of course others that will get the trick done, but we will be using RH this tutorial so I recommend installing it to avoid making mistakes. Install it and let’s continue.
Download Resource Hacker - http://delphi.icm.edu.pl/ftp/tools/ResHack.zip

As always before changing anything. you want to back up. So open My Computer and navigate to   and look for explorer. Copy paste it to a safe location on your hard drive.
Now that you’ve backed it up, fire up Resource Hacker and find the same explorer.exe.

When you’ve found and opened explorer in RH, navigate to String Table -> 37 -> 1033. The “start” value is on line 4, after the 578. Change the text “start” to anything name you want, making sure you keep the quotes. In this example. I changed the text to Jass

Press the Compile Script button to make Resource Hacker put together the code. Now click File and Save the script as explorer.exe. into C: \WINDOWS\inf or another C: \WINDOWS subfolder.
Je inf wala folder nahi aunda ta folder option cho show hidden folders kr lao.................. nai ta ho kite kr dao but hor folder ch krna windows ch krna..................

Note: make sure you choose Save AS, NOT just save!!
And that’s all for the first step! Now let’s move onto the second one -modifying the registry.
 Step 2: changing the registry. By now, you have a modified explorer sitting in the /inf/ subfolder, so we need to tell Windows to use that one, instead of the original one still resting untouched.
To do this, we need to make just one simple registry modification. To open up the registry, press start -> run and type regedit.
In the registry editor window that opens, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\           SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon and look for the registry entry “shell”. Click it.

Change the explorer.exe to inf/explorer.exe or whereever you saved the modified explorer.
And believe it or not, you’re done! All you have to do now is reboot or log out and bacö in to see the changes. Enjoy your new custom Windows XP start button!

Tutorials / Speed up your wireless internet connection on Windows XP
« on: July 03, 2011, 08:51:53 AM »
If you have a slow wireless internet connection that often crashes, then there’s probably something wrong with it. (Duh!) Here are some tips and tricks to fix some of the most common wireless problems on Windows XP. Before you start “fixing” anything, make sure your wireless connection isn’t already at it’s best.  1. Move the wireless router to a better location The first thing you want to do is to make sure your wireless router is in the best location possible. If you have a laptop that you move around all the time or if you have several computers, the router should be in the centre of your home and office. Don’t hide it into cupboards, or under chairs and tables.
But if you only have one stationary computer, use a cable connection to the router or move  the router as close to the computer as possible.
You can check the signal strength from the Wireless connection menu, accessible from Start -> Connect To -> Wireless Connection. You can also access it by clicking the wireless icon at the bottom right corner of the screen if you are connected.
 2. Upgrade the wireless router firmware Sometimes the problem is with the router firmware. Make sure you update your router firmware as often as possible to avoid incompatibility with newer systems. You can update your router firmware from the wireless router control panel. Type your router’s IP address into the browser to access the CP.
The default IP of routers is normally for Linksys, for D-Link and Netgear, some US Robotics routers use and some SMC routers have The router’s default IP address is always in the documentation of the router.
 3. Change the wireless broadcast channelIf there are several wireless networks in your area, they can begin to distract each other. Most routers use the wireless channel 6 by default and the channel can slow down if full of signals coming from many routers. You can change the wireless channel from the Wireless Control Panel.
If changing the channel didn’t speed up your wireless connection, change it back to 6. It’s better not to play with them too much because this can distract your firewall.
 4. Update your computer’s wireless network drivers You can search for driver updates from the Windows Update site or your manufacturers website.
If none of the above tips helped, contact your wireless router manufacturer or just go back to a wired internet connection.

Tutorials / Top 7 Firefox add-on’s
« on: July 03, 2011, 08:45:02 AM »
 If you use more than one computer then Foxmarks might become handy as it keeps your bookmarks and passwords (optionally) synchronized. Adblock Plus
 This is a must-have add-on for Firefox. Many sites have annoying flash ads in them. Not anymore – Adblock plus blocks them all!
Tired of filling in various web forms and all the spam you get on your e-mail? This add-on automatically fills in registration forms and creates fake e-mails which forward to your e-mail. If you get too much spam from one of the fake e-mail you just cancel forwarding. Simple as that!
If you want to make your browsing more comfortable then this comes handy as you can use all the user made scripts. The largest script database is at Userscripts.
FireFTPDon’t want to install an extra program for FTP? Download this add-on and you gain FTP access to servers from your browser.
 Another useful add-on with which you can chat on IRC networks and you don’t have to install a separate program!
URL Fixer
 Ever mistyped the end of a address? This fixes all of your mistakes – if you type xptricks.ney it automatically corrects it to xptricks.net!

Step 1: Go to your Windows XP’s desktop and right-click it. Select “Properties” and the Display Properties window will appear.
Open the “Screen Saver” tab and look for the “Power” button near the bottom of the window. Click it.Step 2: In the “Power Options Properties” window that opens,  go to the “Advanced” tab.
There is a dialog box in the “Power Buttons” section. Choose what you want Windows to do when the power button is pressed.
“Ask me what to do” will make it open up the shutdown menu.Step 3: Click “OK” and From now on, pressing the power button will open the shutdown menu, letting you decide what you want to do.
Je Nai Aunda Ta PC Restart Kro Vaise Ta aa He Janda Hai....................

Tutorials / 20 Highest Radiation Cell Phones.
« on: July 03, 2011, 08:17:47 AM »
Here is the list of Twenty Highest Radiation Cell Phones.
Cell Phone Radiation measured interms of SAR ( specific absorption rate ), this list is taken as per  measured by the FCC during its certification process.
In the United States, its maximum SAR level must be less than 1.6 watts per kilogram.In Europe, the max. level is  2 watts per kilogram. In Canada a maximum of 1.6 watts per kilogram allowed.
But, In India it goes upto 2.5+!!
#1. Motorola V195 – SAR: 1.6
#2. Motorola Zine ZN5 – SAR: 1.59
#3. Motorola Rival – SAR: 1.59
#4. Kyocera Jax S1300 – SAR: 1.55
#5. Motorola VU204 – SAR: 1.54
#6. BackBerry Curve 8330 (Verizon) — SAR: 1.54
#7. BackBerry Curve 8330 (U.S. Cellular) — SAR: 1.54
#8. BackBerry Curve 8330 (Sprint) — SAR: 1.54
#9. Motorola Crush — SAR: 1.53
#10. Pantech Matrix — SAR: 1.52
#11. Nokia E71x — SAR: 1.53
#12.LG Rumor 2 — SAR: 1.51
#13. BlackBerry Bold — SAR: 1.51
#14. HTC SMT5800 – SAR: 1.49
#15. Motorola Droid — SAR: 1.49
#16. Sony Ericsson W350a — SAR: 1.48
#17. LG Chocolate Touch — SAR: 1.47
#18. Nokia 2320 GoPhone — SAR: 1.47
#19. Palm Pixi Plus — SAR: 1.47
#20 T-Mobile Dash 3G — SAR: 1.47

Tested By Me

Windows XP can look COOL but displaying all the visual items can waste system resources. To optimise:
1.Go to Start
 2. Click Settings
 3. Click Control Panel
 4. Click System
 5. Click Advanced tab
 6. In the Performance tab click Settings
 7. Leave only the following ticked:
 - Show shadows under menus
 - Show shadows under mouse pointer
 - Show translucent selection rectangle
 - Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop
 - Use visual styles on windows and buttons
Windows XP has a performance monitor utility which monitors several areas of your PC’s performance. These utilities take up system resources   so disabling is a good idea.
To disable:
1. download and install the Extensible Performance Counter List
 2.Then select each counter in turn in the ‘Extensible performance counters’ window and clear the ‘performance counters enabled’ checkbox at the bottom.button below.

Your desktop background consumes a fair amount of memory and can slow the loading time of your system. Removing it will improve performance.
1. Right click on Desktop and select Properties
 2. Select the Desktop tab
 3. In the Background window select None
 4. Click OK
Keeping your pagefile defragmented can provide a major performance boost. One of the best ways of doing this is to creat a separate partition on your hard drive just for your page file, so that it doesn’t get impacted by normal disk usage. Another way of keeping your pagefile  defragmented is to run PageDefrag. This cool little app can be used to  defrag your pagefile, and can also be set to defrag the pagefile  everytime your PC starts. To install:
Download and Run PageDefrag
 Tick “Defrag at next Reboot”,
 Click “Ok”
BootVis will significantly improve boot times
 1. Download and Run
 2. Select Trace
 3. Select Next Boot and Driver Trace
 4. A Trace Repetitions screen will appear, select Ok and Reboot
 5. Upon reboot, BootVis will automatically start, analyze and log your system’s boot process. When it’s done, in the menu go to Trace and select Optimize System
 6. Reboot.
 7. When your machine has rebooted wait until you see the Optimizing System box appear. Be patient and wait for the process to complete.

Tutorials / Pen Drive Formatting Problem Solution
« on: July 03, 2011, 08:04:32 AM »
Many users complain that they are not able to format their Flash drive.
 They experienced an error message which said- “Windows was unable to format drive G:”
Don’t worry!
Follow these steps-
-Just right click on the My Computer icon.
-Select Manage.
-Select Disc management.
-Now find your concerning flash drive in current window.
-Right click on concerning Flash drive.
 Select format.
-Select Continue at every process.
-Your faulty flash drive will be formatted in few seconds.
Apply this procedure and gain powerful results!

Tutorials / India's Useful Toll Free Phone Number Lists
« on: July 03, 2011, 07:45:47 AM »
Airlines Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 Indian Airlines – 1800 180 1407
 Jet Airways – 1800 22 5522
 SpiceJet – 1800 180 3333
 Air India — 1800 22 7722
 KingFisher – 1800 180 0101
 Automobiles Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 Mahindra Scorpio – 1800 22 6006
 Maruti – 1800 111 515
 Tata Motors – 1800 22 5552
 Windshield Experts – 1800 11 3636

Banks Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 ABN AMRO – 1800 11 2224
 Canara Bank – 1800 44 6000
 Citibank – 1800 44 2265
 Corporatin Bank – 1800 443 555
 Development Credit Bank – 1800 22 5769
 HDFC Bank – 1800 227 227
 ICICI Bank – 1800 333 499
 ICICI Bank NRI – 1800 22 4848
 IDBI Bank – 1800 11 6999
 Indian Bank – 1800 425 1400
 ING Vysya – 1800 44 9900
 Kotak Mahindra Bank – 1800 22 6022
 Lord Krishna Bank – 1800 11 2300
 Punjab National Bank – 1800 122 222
 State Bank of India – 1800 44 1955
 Syndicate Bank – 1800 44 6655
 Cell Phones Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 BenQ – 1800 22 08 08
 Bird CellPhones – 1800 11 7700
 Motorola MotoAssist – 1800 11 1211
 Nokia – 1800 425 3388
 Sony Ericsson – 3901 1111
 Computers/IT Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 Adrenalin – 1800 444 445
 AMD – 1800 425 6664
 Apple Computers – 1800 444 683
 Canon – 1800 333 366
 Cisco Systems – 1800 221 777
 Compaq – HP – 1800 444 999
 Data One Broadband – 1800 424 1800
 Dell – 1800 444 026
 Epson – 1800 44 0011
 eSys – 3970 0011
 Genesis Tally Academy – 1800 444 888
 HCL – 1800 180 8080
 IBM – 1800 443 333
 Lexmark – 1800 22 4477
 Marshal’s Point – 1800 33 4488
 Microsoft – 1800 111 100
 Microsoft Virus Update – 1901 333 334
 Seagate – 1800 180 1104
 Symantec – 1800 44 5533
 TVS Electronics – 1800 444 566
 WeP Peripherals – 1800 44 6446
 Wipro – 1800 333 312
 xerox – 1800 180 1225
 Zenith – 1800 222 004
 Couriers/Packers & Movers Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 ABT Courier – 1800 44 8585
 AFL Wizz – 1800 22 9696
 Agarwal Packers & Movers – 1800 11 4321
 Associated Packers P Ltd – 1800 21 4560
 DHL – 1800 111 345
 FedEx – 1800 22 6161
 Goel Packers & Movers – 1800 11 3456
 UPS – 1800 22 7171
 Education Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 Edu Plus – 1800 444 000
 Hindustan College – 1800 33 4438
 NCERT – 1800 11 1265
 Vellore Institute of Technology – 1800 441 555
 Amity University NCR Delhi – 1800 110 000
 Healthcare Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 Best on Health – 1800 11 8899
 Dr Batras – 1800 11 6767
 GlaxoSmithKline – 1800 22 8797
 Johnson & Johnson – 1800 22 8111
 Kaya Skin Clinic – 1800 22 5292
 LifeCell – 1800 44 5323
 Manmar Technologies – 1800 33 4420
 Pfizer – 1800 442 442
 Roche Accu-Chek – 1800 11 45 46
 Rudraksha – 1800 21 4708
 Varilux Lenses – 1800 44 8383
 VLCC – 1800 33 1262
 Home Appliances Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 Aiwa/Sony – 1800 11 1188
 Anchor Switches – 1800 22 7979
 Blue Star – 1800 22 2200
 Bose Audio – 1800 11 2673
 Bru Coffee Vending Machines – 1800 44 7171
 Daikin Air Conditioners – 1800 444 222
 DishTV – 1800 12 3474
 Faber Chimneys – 1800 21 4595
 Godrej – 1800 22 5511
 Grundfos Pumps – 1800 33 4555
 LG – 1901 180 9999
 Philips – 1800 22 4422
 Samsung – 1800 113 444
 Sanyo – 1800 11 0101
 Voltas – 1800 33 4546
 WorldSpace Satellite Radio – 1800 44 5432
 Hotel Reservations Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 GRT Grand – 1800 44 5500
 InterContinental Hotels Group – 1800 111 000
 Marriott – 1800 22 0044
 Sarovar Park Plaza – 1800 111 222
 Taj Holidays – 1800 111 825
 Insurance Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 AMP Sanmar – 1800 44 2200
 Aviva – 1800 33 2244
 Bajaj Allianz – 1800 22 5858
 Chola MS General Insurance – 1800 44 5544
 HDFC Standard Life – 1800 227 227
 LIC – 1800 33 4433
 Max New York Life – 1800 33 5577
 Royal Sundaram – 1800 33 8899
 SBI Life Insurance – 1800 22 9090
 Mattresses Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 Kurl-on – 1800 44 0404
 Sleepwell – 1800 11 2266
 Investments/Finance Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 CAMS – 1800 44 2267
 Chola Mutual Fund – 1800 22 2300
 Easy IPO’s – 3030 5757
 Fidelity Investments – 1800 180 8000
 Franklin Templeton Fund – 1800 425 4255
 J M Morgan Stanley – 1800 22 0004
 Kotak Mutual Fund – 1800 222 626
 LIC Housing Finance – 1800 44 0005
 SBI Mutual Fund – 1800 22 3040
 Sharekhan – 1800 22 7500
 Tata Mutual Fund – 1800 22 0101
 Paints Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 Asian Paints Home Solutions – 1800 22 5678
 Berger Paints Home Decor – 1800 33 8800
 Teleshopping Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 Asian Sky Shop – 1800 22 1800
 Jaipan Teleshoppe – 1800 11 5225
 Tele Brands – 1800 11 8000
 VMI Teleshopping – 1800 447 777
 WWS Teleshopping – 1800 220 777
 Travel Toll Free Phone Numbers :
 Club Mahindra Holidays – 1800 33 4539
 Cox & Kings – 1800 22 1235
 God TV Tours – 1800 442 777
 Kerala Tourism – 1800 444 747
 Kumarakom Lake Resort – 1800 44 5030
 Raj Travels & Tours – 1800 22 9900
 Sita Tours – 1800 111 911
 SOTC Tours – 1800 22 3344
 UPS :
 APC – 1800 44 4272
 Numeric – 1800 44 3266
 Indian Railways :
 Indian Railway General Enquiry 131
 Indian Railway Central Enquiry 131
 Indian Railway Reservation 131
 Indian Railway Railway Reservation Enquiry 1345,1335,1330
 Indian Railway Centralised Railway Enquiry 1330/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9
 Others Important Helplines :
 Consumer Helpline – 1800 11 4000
 loreal garnier – 1800 223 000
 KONE Elevator – 1800 444 666
 Indane – 1800 44 51 15
 Aavin – 1800 44 3300
 Pedigree – 1800 11 2121
 Kodak India – 1800 22 8877
 Domino’s Pizza – 1800 111 123
 World Vision India – 1800 444 550
 Telecom Monitoring Cell – 1800 110 420

Tutorials / Some Accessibility Shortcuts For Windows
« on: July 03, 2011, 07:37:47 AM »
Its really helpful if you use Windows OS. These are tested ‘OK’

  • Right Shift for              eight seconds: Toggle FilterKeys on and off. FilterKeys must be              enabled.
  • Left Alt + Left              Shift + PrintScreen: Toggle High Contrast on and off. High Contrast              must be enabled.
  • Left Alt + Left              Shift + NumLock: Toggle MouseKeys on and off. MouseKeys must be              enabled.
  • NumLock for five              seconds: Toggle ToggleKeys on and off. ToggleKeys must be enabled.
  • Shift five times:              Toggle StickyKeys on and off. StickyKeys must be enabled.
  • 6.) Microsoft              Natural Keyboard with IntelliType Software Installed
  • Win + L: Log off              Windows.
  • Win + P: Open Print              Manager.
  • Win + C: Open              control panel.
  • Win + V: Open              clipboard.
  • Win + K: Open              keyboard properties.
  • Win + I: Open mouse              properties.
  • Win + A: Open              Accessibility properties.
  • Win + Space:              Displays the list of Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys.
  • Win + S: Toggle              CapsLock on and off.

Tutorials / How to make startup program...........
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:42:17 PM »
How to make startup program...........
 Sometime you need to open the special program or file automatically whenever your computer is start.......
 Search the StartUp folder in your computer
 copy your program or file into this folder............
 now restart your computer
 Your program or file will be open automatic at the time of starting the computer.

Tutorials / Common Filetypes
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:37:22 AM »
If a file does not appear to have a filetype extension, open the folder it is stored in and click on Tools from the menu, then Folder Options. Click on the View tab and un-tick Hide extensions for known file types.
  • .avi - video file. Open with Windows Media Player
  • .bmp - image file. Open with Paint
  • .cfg - configuration file.
  • .dat - data file.
  • .doc - document file. Open with Word
  • .exe - program file. Double-click to run
  • .gif - image file. Open with Paint
  • .htm - web document. Open with Internet Explorer
  • .html - web document. Open with Internet Explorer
  • .ini - text configuration file. Open with Notepad
  • .jpeg/jpg - image file. Open with Paint
  • .mov - movie file. Open with Quicktime
  • .mpeg/mpg - video file. Open with QuickTime
  • .mp3 - audio file. Open with Windows Media Player
  • .pdf - secure document file. Open with Adobe Reader
  • .pps - slideshow presentation. Open with PowerPoint
  • .ppt - presentation file. Open with PowerPoint
  • .sys - system file.
  • .txt - text file. Open with Notepad
  • .wav - audio file. Open with Windows Media Player
  • .xls - spreadsheet file. Open with Excel
  • .zip - compressed file. Open with WinZip

Tutorials / Automatically complete a URL
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:35:17 AM »
Automatically enter the www. and .com into most major browsers URL or  address bars by typing the name of the page and pressing CTRL + ENTER on  the keyboard. For example, if you type: hungama and then press  CTRL + ENTER you will automatically be sent to website

Tutorials / Solving The View Folder Option Problems
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:33:32 AM »
Sometimes a virus or some malicious script makes the Folder Options not visible even when it is explicitly enabled.
 In this case you can’t configure your computer to let you see your hidden files and folders,your fles system ,the extensions of your files and a lot of other features
 Now lets see how to fix it :
 Go to start/run or ctrl+r and write regedit (see the picture)

and go to   HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer


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