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Author Topic: Shri Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji - The Healer Of All  (Read 3662 times)

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Shri Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji - The Healer Of All
« on: July 23, 2010, 10:26:58 PM »
KI FATEH When midnight had
passed and there was no
indication of the Guru's
recovery, his mother,
Krishan Kaur, who sat by
his bed, looked at his handsome face, became
very sad, and broke forth
into lamentation—' What shall I do alone in the
world having lost my
dutiful son and my kind
husband. Where shall I
find them, and how shall I
live without them ? ' Satguru Ji said in reply, ' Mother dear, feel no
anxiety, the greater part
of your life has been
spent in happiness.
Pass the remainder in
God's service. Satguru Sri Guru Arjan
Dev Ji Maharaj, the king
of kings and the saint of
saints has said:— Quote This Shabad is by
Guru Arjan Dev Ji in
Raag Maaroo on Ang
1008 mwrU mhlw 5 ]
vYdo n vweI BYxo n
BweI eyko shweI
rwmu hy ]1]
kIqw ijso hovY pwpW
mlo DovY so ismrhu prDwnu hy ]2]
Git Gty vwsI srb
invwsI AsiQru jw kw
Qwnu hy ]3]
AwvY n jwvY sMgy
smwvY pUrn jw kw kwmu hy ]4]
Bgq jnw kw
rwKxhwrw ]
sMq jIvih jip pRwn
ADwrw ]
krn kwrn smrQu suAwmI nwnku iqsu
kurbwnu hy ]5]2]32] maaroo mehalaa 5 ||
vaidho n vaaee
bhaino n bhaaee
eaeko sehaaee raam
hae ||1||
keethaa jiso hovai paapaa(n) malo
dhhovai so simarahu
paradhhaan hae ||2||
ghatt ghattae vaasee
sarab nivaasee
asathhir jaa kaa thhaan hae ||3||
aavai n jaavai sa
(n)gae samaavai
pooran jaa kaa kaam
hae ||4||
bhagath janaa kaa raakhanehaaraa ||
sa(n)th jeevehi jap
praan adhhaaraa ||
karan kaaran
samarathh suaamee
naanak this kurabaan hae ||5||2||32|| Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
The One Lord alone is
our help and support;
neither physician nor
friend, nor sister nor
brother can be this. || 1||
His actions alone
come to pass; He
washes off the filth of
sins. Meditate in
remembrance on that Supreme Lord. ||2||
He abides in each
and every heart, and
dwells in all; His seat
and place are eternal.
||3|| He does not come or
go, and He is always
with us. His actions
are perfect. ||4||
He is the Savior and
the Protector of His devotees.
The Saints live by
meditating on God,
the support of the
breath of life.
The Almighty Lord and Master is the
Cause of causes;
Nanak is a sacrifice to
Him. ||5||2||32|| By remembering God
you shalt arrive at such
a superior position that
you shall never know
sorrow and never be
separated from us.' Satguru Ji's mother was
much consoled by this
speech. Satguru Sri Guru
Har Krishan Sahib Ji
Maharaj's final order was
that none should weep for him, but all were to sing
the Gurus' hymns. In the
midst of the hymns and
the repetition of God's
name, Satguru Ji breathed
his last on on March 30, 1664. According to the Guru kian
Sakhian, Mata Bassi, the
grandmother, asked
Gurdas, of the family of
Bhai Bahilo, to start a
reading of the Holy Granth in his memory. Dargah
Mall and Munshi Kalyan
Das were sent to Punjab
with the mournful news.
They first went to Kiratpur
to inform Guru Har Krishan's sister, Bibi Rup
Kaur. The next day, they
set out for Bakala to
inform Guru Tegh
Bahadur. While in Delhi,
he had met Guru Har Krishan and now he
received the news of his
passing away. He
consoled the Sikhs and
taught them to abide by
God's Will. Diwan Dargah Mall and
Munshi Kalyan Das stayed
at Bakala for three days
before returning to Del hi .
According to an entry in
the Bhatt Vahi Talauda Parganah Jind, the ashes
were taken from Delhi to
Kiratpur where they were
mixed with the waters of
the Sutlej. The original
entry is as follows: Sangatbeta Blnne Uppal
ka hasiAmbMari,
parganah MiyenkaMaur,
Nanu Ram beta Baghe
Chhipe ka basi mohalla
Dilwali, Dilli, Jaggu beta Padme ka
hasi Duburji, pnrganah
Sodhara, DarEya
beta Mule ka hasiA
Wiper Shamali,
parganah Multan, Guru Har Krishan ji ki
hhasam Dilli se le ke
aye, parganah Kahlur,
samvat satran sai ikkis,
Bhadon vadi ikadsi ko. Bathuti Satludhar nadi
main parvai. Guru ji ki
karahi hanti. It is translated as
Sangat, son of Binna
Uppal, of Amb Mari,
parganah Miyen
ka Maur, Nanu Ram, son
of Bagha, calico-printer, of Mohalla
Dilwali, Delhi, Jaggu,
son of Padma, of
Duburji, parganah
Sodhara, and Dariya,
son of Mula, of Alipur Shamali,
parganah Multan,
carried the ashes of
Guru Har Krishan
from Delhi and arrived
at Kiratpur, parganah Kahlur, on
the 11 th of the dark half
of the month of Bhadon
1721 Bk/ August 7, 1664.
The ashes were immersed in the
River Sutlej.
Karahprasad was
distributed. Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri
Guru Har Krishan
Sahib Ji Maharaj, the
king of kings, the saint
of saints and the
healer of all. WAHEGURU JI KA

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