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Author Topic: Kar Seva Bhaj Har Har Guramath  (Read 781 times)

Offline Sardar_Ji

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Kar Seva Bhaj Har Har Guramath
« on: September 02, 2010, 10:50:36 AM »
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Baba Shaam Singh Ji was a beautiful Sikh of Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj who dedicated his life to seva. For over 70 years Sant Baba Shaam Singh Ji was blessed with kirtan seva at Sackhand Sri Darbar Sahib. Every morning as Sant Ji made his way to the house of Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Raam Das Ji Maharaj he would lead the sangat in singing:

This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Ang 856

bilaaval ||

dharamaadhae t(h)aadtae dharabaar ||
I stand humbly at Your Court.

thujh bin surath karai ko maeree dharasan dheejai kholih kivaar ||1|| rehaao ||
Who else can take care of me, other than You? Please open Your door, and grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||Pause||

thum dhhan dhhanee oudhaar thiaagee sravananh suneeath sujas thumhaar ||
You are the richest of the rich, generous and unattached. With my ears, I listen to Your Praises.

maago kaahi ra(n)k sabh dhaekho thumh hee thae maero nisathaar ||1||
From whom should I beg? I see that all are beggars. My salvation comes only from You. ||1||

jaidhaeo naamaa bip sudhaamaa thin ko kirapaa bhee hai apaar ||
You blessed Jai Dayv, Naam Dayv and Sudaamaa the Brahmin with Your infinite mercy.

kehi kabeer thum sa(n)mrathh dhaathae chaar padhaarathh dhaeth n baar ||2||7||
Says Kabeer, You are the All-powerful Lord, the Great Giver; in an instant, You bestow the four great blessings. ||2||7||

One time as Mahapursh was walking towards Sachkhand Sri Darbar Sahib at amritwela he noticed that one of the shops which sold badam milk was left unattended. As Sant Ji proceeded he saw that the shopkeeper was sleeping on the floor. Beside him there was a large tub which was filled to the top with used cups.

Sant Ji immediately went over to the tub and while continuing with his Naam Simran began to wash the dirty cups. As Mahapursh made his way through the cups the shopkeeper woke up to the beautiful sound of Guru Sahib’s kirtan. The shopkeeper looked around and instantly recognised Sant Ji as Mahapursh used to make this journey every day. The shopkeeper reached for Sant Ji’s feet and with tears in his eyes asked Mahapursh why a bramhgyani, a kirtani of Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj was washing dirty cups.

Mahapursh smiled and said, “Gurmukho, what else is this body for? I do an ardas to Maharaj to bless me with such seva.”

May Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj bless all his beloved Sikhs with such an outlook.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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