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Author Topic: information regarding Punjab's progress is welcome.  (Read 1656 times)

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information regarding Punjab's progress is welcome.
« on: December 01, 2007, 06:23:04 AM »
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Sat Sri Akal. Please go through the exhaustive list of achievements made by Gujarat, which was forwarded by one of my Gujarati friend. Kindly help me in compiling a similar list for Punjab. Any type of information regarding Punjab's progress is welcome.
With warm regards,
Facts about Gujarat:
Gujarat is one of the most prosperous states of the country, having a per-capita GDP 3.2 times India 's average.

If it was a nation it would have been 67th richest nation in the world above many European and Asian economies like China and Ukraine.
Gujarat holds many records in India for economic development:
20% of India 's Industrial Output
9% of India 's Mineral Production
22% of India 's exports
24% of India 's textile production
35% of India 's pharmaceutical products
51% of India 's petrochemical production

The world's largest ship breaking yard is in Gujarat near Bhavnagar at Alang.
Reliance Petroleum Limited, one of the group companies of Reliance Industries Limited founded by Dhirubhai Ambani operates the oil refinery at Jamnagar which is the world's largest grass roots refineries.
Gujarat ranks first nationwide in gas-based thermal electricity generation with national market share of over 8% and second nationwide in nuclear electricity generation with national market share of over 1%.

Over 20% of the S&P CNX 500 conglomerates have corporate offices in Gujarat

Over 35% of the stock market wealth of India is with Gujarati People.
Over 60% of Indian Population in North America is Gujarati.
An average income of a Gujarati family in North America is three times more than the average income of an American family.

Gujarat is having the longest sea shore compared to any other Indian state

Gujarat is having the highest no. of operating airports in India (Total 12).

India's 16% of Investment are from Gujarat ..

Gujarat is having highest no. of vegetarian people compared to any other state in India ..

The first ALL VEG PIZZA-HUT was opened in Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad – the commercial capital of Gujarat is the seventh largest city in India ..

Surat is the fastest growing city in the world.

Gandhinagar is the Greenest Capital City in whole Asia ..

Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad(IIMA) is Asia's 1st and world's 45th ranked management college located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Gujarat is the safest state as the Crime rate of it is 8.2 which is the least in India even after considering 2002 communal riots, stated by India Today 2005 report.

Gujarat is having least crime against women among all Indian states (excluding Goa) where AP is 1st, Delhi is 2nd , Bihar is 3rd ,Zarakhand is 4 th and UP is 5th.
Ahmedabad which is the seventh largest city in India is the lowest in crime rate among all Tier-I and Tier-II cities of India as per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report.

Ahmedabad is ranked
2nd in Real Estate - Ahead of Bangalore ,Chennai, Hyderabad , Mumbai & Delhi.
3rd in Policy Initiatives - Ahead of Bongolore, Chennai, Calcutta , Mumbai & Delhi.
4th in Manpower - Ahead of Bangalore ,Chennai, Mumbai & Delhi.

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