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baba nand singh ji maharaj
« on: January 15, 2012, 06:59:21 AM »

According to Janam Sakhi Lord Satguru Nanak Dev Ji will come in 10 pargat rup(10 gurus), eleventh form as Shabad and 72 times as nit avtaar or in the form of saints. Names of those saints are given in the Sau Sakhis written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. Baba Nand Singh ji is one of them, baba jis' name is beautifully mention as"NAND SINGH GARJA SINGH AADI,JIN LAAJ PANTH KI SAJI ".Baba Nand Singh Ji, was born in the month of katak(november) 1872 A.D. in village sherpur, Tehsil Jagraon, District Ludhiana, Punjab, India.His father, Sardar Jai Singh, and his mother, Mata Sada Kaur,were of extremely pious and religious nature. Baba ji had 3 elder brothers,bhai Santa Singh, Bhai Bhagat Singh and Bhai Jagat Singh.

Even as a small child, Baba Nand Singh Ji possessed supernatural charms.He would not like to mix with others. He heard the story of Baba Budha Sahib, upon whom Guru Nanak Dev Ji ,had conferred his grace, while he was only seven years of age.Baba Nand Singh Ji, as a child was so impressed with this story that he would sit in meditation for hours, in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.He would go on repeating the name of "WAHEGURU" or Mool Mantra, while awake or asleep.

One day , he left his village. He was then about 20 years of age. He was determine to reside in Hazur Sahib,in order to see God face to face. At Hazur Sahib,Baba Nand Singh Ji undertook to perform the duty of bringing two brass pitchers, full of water, from river Godavari, at 12.15am(each midnight) for the purpose of ablution of the sacred Gurdwara. While performing this seva Baba Ji had the darshan of Sri Guru Hari krishan sahib, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib , Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj, many times.He got divine instructions, to get full knowledge and understanding of Gurbani.

So he left Hazur Sahib in about 1904 A.D. and finally adopted Sant Wadhawa Singh of village Lehra Gaga,Punjab,India as his teacher , for learning thoroughly the Gurbani and its meaning etc.Sant Wadhawa Singh Ji was wonderstruck to observe the supernatural powers of Baba Nand Singh Ji.Sant Wadhawa Singh ji used to call Baba Ji as"Rikhi Ji".

Sant Wadhawa Singh Ji seeing the spiritual development of Baba Ji, told Baba Ji to seek the blissing of Baba Maha Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj . It was through Baba Maha Harnam Singh that Baba Nand Singh Ji had Darshan of Lord of the world Dhan Dhan Satguru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj.Baba Maha Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj told Baba ji to spread the teaching of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to mankind.


Baba Maha Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj ,the spiritual master of Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj was a Nirmala Saint , born in the village of Dhindsa,in the Doaba region of Punjab.He was called "Roomiwala saint".He was fully conversant with Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian etc.He knew all the Hindu Scriptures and the koran by heart.His knowledge of Gurbani was unique.He possessed all the occult and supernatural powers that exist in the universe. Great personalites like Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, Narad Muni use to visit this true Brahmgiani, who had become one with God. He would remain in meditation most of the time.His face glowed with Divine redness.He used to take a little milk once , after eight or ten days and piece of bread once a year.


The word thaath means the built up area, where religious gathering are held in presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It was at Thaath that arrangements were made for the stay of Baba Ji and his devoted Behangams(true renouncers of home) .

Baba ji used to sit in meditation for days and days,in places away from towns and habitations. His unique dependence on Almighty God,Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji induced some fortunate devotees to bring food and bare necessities for him.In due course, the number of devotees went increasing .Baba ji then used to direct them to build with mud one temporary hut-mlike structure for himself and another for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.When he left one place for another, he used to get the structure demolished and burnt, so much so, that even temporary hand pumps were taken out,so that none should use the place for making it a dera his name.

In due course , Baba Nand Singh Ji wanted to establish a gurdwara in a secluded place , near Jagroan, District Ludhiana , Punjab , India.On his direction , a deserted tract of land , full of thorny bushes was selected.Baba Ji remarked that this place was suitable for meditation.A few devotees , who accompanied Baba Ji , submitted that the area was infested with wolves and other wild animals and that the water in the well was dirty and bitter.Baba Ji again observed "Take out a few buckets of water and then clean and sweet water will be available." This direction was complied with.To the great astonishment of all , clean and sweet water was soon available. Thus a great thirath for the people of age of darkness was founded.History bears witness that this place was visted by Satguru Nanak Dev ji and again in the form of Satguru Har Gobind Sahib Ji.In the early yugas this place was inhabited by great saints and rishis like Goswami Sukdev ji ,Goswami Beas ji and many other great souls of that time.

A small area measuring a few feet, where one could hardly lie down, was dug up , on direction of Baba Ji.It was roofed by putting tall grass etc. Baba Ji was highly pleased to see it and observed that his place of abode was beautiful.

A room,built with unburned clay bricks was also got constructed, where Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji was placed.Baba Ji laid down the following principles:

At about 4.00pm meaning of Divine Hymns were read by selected devotees.Then the evening prayers Rehairas was recited and then about 10.45pm Kirtan Sohila was read. For all this programme , six devotees used to stay there.

The place where Baba Ji used to sit down was at lower level than the sangat. No Behangam could see or talk to a women , other then his own mother or sister.There were many restrictions imposed on them. They were punished for non-observance of their duties.The punishments were in form of sweeping the ground, taking out water from the well and so on. Devotees were not allowed to stay in the thaath after 10.00pm and they used to stay in the gurdwara in the village nearby, keleran.Only those Sevadars who could observe the strict rules of rising in the mid of night and sit in meditation were allowed to stay in the Thaath. No Behangams could go out without permission beyond the railway line which is nearly 400 yards from the thaath.

A beautiful gurdwara was built here by Baba Isher Singh Ji , who succeeded Baba Nand Singh Ji.


It was (and has ever been) the unique feature of Nanaksar , during the life time of Baba Ji that milk, food, Karah Parshad, clothing and all necessary things used to be offered in abundance by the devotees, without any one's asking.

Offerings before Sri Guru Granth Sahib in form of money is prohibited in Nanaksar Gurdwaras. Praises of Supreme Personality of godhead Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is sung here.No one is invited through posters etc. to come here.There is no scarcity of food and clothes here in nanaksar gurdwaras around the world.

Baba ji used to observe ," By reading and hearing the divine Hymn, Sukhmani Sahib , one gets rid of all his worries and miseriers,he obtains both spiritual and material wealth." Baba ji had directed the recitation of this Divine Hymn in 1928 at the Thaath for the whole of the day.Since 1930, this is being recited day and night.Where ever Baba Ji went , the continuous recitation of this divine Hymn was made obligatory.


"Eh Jeonda, Jaagda, Bolda Guru Nanak Hai"(Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj)

The unique way in which Sri Guru Granth Sahib is worshipped as the living guru at nanaksar gurdwara is worthy of all praise. We all identify ourselves with our body and name. All the Holy Gurus in line of succession identified themselves with the Holy Name of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib. Sri Guru Nanak Sahib out of compassion has chosen to identify Himself with the Holy Body of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. It is His unbounded Mercy for us that He chose this sacred identification for our sake, so that we could talk to Him, we could hear Him, we could serve and love Him in this Holy Body, perceptible to our physical senses. And it is again out of compassion that He has chosen to reveal Himself in all His splendour and glory to the chosen few, His true Divine lovers from this Divine Body and Form. Sri Guru Nanak Sahib has not merely identified Himself with this Holiest of the Holy scripture but eternally dwells and resides in Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

Bhagat Nam Dev's innocent child-like approach, sincere and deep bhavna converted a stone image into God who had to, perforce, gracefully accept the offered milk. Bhagat Dhana's pleadings, implorings and later resolve to fast unto death compelled the Lord to appear from the stone and accept the offered food. Their's was not the Pathar Drishti or Stone Bhavna. Bhagwan Drishti and God Bhavna converted the stone image into God.

Baba Nand singh used to observe :

Eh Jeonda, Jaagda, Bolda, Guru Nanak Hai

Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the Living, awake Sri Guru Nanak Sahib who talks.

A true lover of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib is not content with mere Kitab Drishti or Book Bhavna in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. With proper orientation of mind, with yearning Guru Drishti, with Nirankar Bhavna, Bhagwan Bhavana, he loves and worships Sri Guru Granth Sahib as the living Sri Guru Nanak Sahib, as the living Lord.

"Kalyug Ke Bohit,

Nam Ke Jahaj,

Halat Palat Ke Rakhiak,

Lok Parlok Ke Sahayak,

Dason Patshahian Di Hazar Nazar Jaagdi Jot, Sri Guru Granth Sahib."

In this Terrible Kali-Age, Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the Saviour Ship. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the Celestial Ship of the Divine Name. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the Protector, the Saviour in this world and the worlds hereafter. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the Eternal Guru, Jaagdi Jot. Is the Illuminator and the Divine Sustainer of the whole universe. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is an Ocean of Nectar and a drop of this Nector is enough for emancipation

Part of Ardas Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj


Baba Ji uesd to distribute "Dargahi Parshad" after every diwan. Every gursikh should read the entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at least once a month.OR one should recite 50 Sukhmani Sahib Path in one month .OR one should recite 250 Jap Ji Sahib Path in one month. OR one should recite the first Stanza(Pauri) of Jap Ji Sahib on a rosary of 108 beads , reciting it on each bead and on this way the rosary should be rotated six times a day.OR one should utter "Waheguru" "Waheguru" on each bead of a rosary of 108 beads, rotating the rosary for eighty times. OR one should utter "Ram" "Ram" by rotating rosary for one hundred and sixty times.Every new comer to nanaksar is advised to follow the above programme.


Baba ji used to observe,"In Gurbani it is repeatedly ordered that one should sit in the company of the True Saints and should pay respect to them.The saint , who stresses the worship of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and himself practically does so , is True Saint. He assists the fallen souls in distributing the Holy Name, and make them true sikhs of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji. He helps all in fully believing that Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the True Guru and is the embodiment of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Puranmashi (full moon) day is considered to be very auspicious as Guru Nanak Dev Ji Advent was on a full moon day.Baba ji used to observe that remaining awake throughout the full moon night gives immense spiritual and worldly benefits.

However , remaining awake on the night preceding the day of Puranmashi on the day of advent of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, confers such benefits, which one will get by remaining awake throughout the year.


Baba ji recomended Sargun bhagti, to worship lord in a form.Baba ji's teaching was that Waheguru has two forms Nirgun and sargun.Just like the sun though stationary at a place, its rays spreads to every corner of the world,so is the lord in sargun form dwilling in sachkhand and in the Nirgun form, everywhere. Satguru Nanak Dev ji used to appear personally before Baba Nand singh ji and would eat from the hands of Baba ji.Baba Ji, used to place the parshad before Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji,and history bears witness that Satguru Nanak Dev Ji used to appear from Sri Granth Sahib Ji, and baba ji would personally feed the lord with his own hands.

There are many stories in proof of the fact that the Satguru did eat Parshad.One of them is as follows:

It so happened that one day baba ji was not feeling well, and could not go inside the parkash asthan to offer parshad to Satguru Ji.Baba Ji saw a boy among the devotees and called him.Then baba ji observed that this boy has got many virtues deeds to his credit, done by him in his previous births .He should go in side to offer parshad to satguru.Baba Ji instructed the boy to place the tray of parshad before Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, at the time of ardashe would see the lord partaking parshad .The boy went inside and followed the instructions, there was such magnificent brilliance from the lord's spiritual body that he trembled and fell down.He regained his sences and found that the light had vanished. He came out and fell at the lotus feets of baba ji.There are many such stories in Anand Chamatkaar.


In 1924 during the summer season Baba Ji, visited the village Jhoraran.It was after midnight, when a young boy by the name of (bhai)Inder Singh by the pull of a mysteries voice came into baba ji's tent and had the darshan of his holiness Baba Nand Singh Ji.It was love at first sight.(bhai)Inder Singh at once knew that his search to find a puran murshad have come to an end. This was the first meeting in this world between Baba Nand Singh Ji and his future successor.Inder Singh's name was later changed to (baba)Isher Singh by Baba Nand Singh ji.(Baba) Isher Singh Ji, in service of his master forget day and night and even himself.After Baba ji disappeared from this material world Baba Isher Singh Ji was made the successor

It is not possible to narrate the most extraordinary events and results that happened during the lifetime of Baba ji. However a brief list is as follows :

    * a) He knew the internal conditions and thoughts of those who came to pay respects to him.

    * b) He had seen Guru Nanak Dev Ji many times ( each day) and he used to talk with him. He was always in contact with the Creator.

    * c) He used to take nominal quantity of food and never slept.

    * d) He would sometimes wipe the feet and shoes of the devotees himself.

    * e) Many childless couples had children and sincere devotees, who suffered from incurable diseases, were cured.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 07:07:55 AM by PrInCeSs oF gOd »

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