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Author Topic: baba maha harnam singh ji ( some life stroies about him)  (Read 10141 times)

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baba maha harnam singh ji ( some life stroies about him)
« on: October 31, 2010, 11:05:28 PM »
Baba Harnam Singh Ji was the highest spiritual Luminary, God has ever gifted to mankind.

nce Baba Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj, who always used to sit in a dark room, asked a Sewak whether it was day or night? The sewak out of curiosity asked Him the reasons for this query. Baba ji replied, “Just as in the sun there is no darkness, for those established in the luminous paramjot, brilliance of thousands of such moons and suns fades away into insignificance. This brilliance and light of the physical sun is only a borrowed fraction of the eternal source of light. In this Luminousity Eternal the sages always remain established. Thousands of such luminous suns and moons can not dispel the darkness of ignorance, and the delusion of  ‘maya’, which a mere glance of a perfect saint could do and achieve”. Baba Harnam Singh Ji was the highest spiritual Luminary, God has ever gifted to mankind.

2) Most compassionate Baba Ji just looked at the sky. The sky thundered with a frightening sound of lightning and instantly followed a ferocious heavy downpour......God of Rain and God of Fire rolled at the holy feet of Baba Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj in total submissiveness.

nce Baba Harnam Singh Sahib was sitting in meditation under a tree, some distance to the North of a village called Siriewale. He used to keep his face covered. Some young boys came that side and sat near Him. They requested Him to uncover His face. They also questioned Him as to why He was keeping His face covered. On their insistence, Baba Ji politely told them that the time was not yet ripe to uncover his face, because everything dry that came under His gaze would catch fire. Not realising, the implication of this remark, a couple of boys removed the cloth covering Baba Ji's face. No sooner was this done, than the whole village, and all the the dry crops stacked in it instantly caught fire. The boys ran helter skelter in panic as did the villagers who knew not the cause of such a devastating fire. When errant boys told the elders the strange tale, they came running to Baba Ji and falling prostrate at His holy feet, begged for forgiveness. Most compassionate Baba Ji just looked at the sky. The sky thundered with a frightening sound of lightning and instantly followed a ferocious heavy downpour. Now the villagers ran to the village to salvage their belongings from heavy rain. Later when they went back to thank Baba Ji and to pay their homage to him, they found the place deserted. Baba Ji was no more there. He had already left. It was many years later that one of the villagers came to Bhuchon and recognised Baba Ji. Such was the intensity of the divine glow on His holy face. God of Rain and God of Fire rolled at the holy feet of Baba Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj in total submissiveness. Such was the Glory of the powerful sage of Bhuchon Kalan.

3)   BabaJi's marvellous word or glance could transport one into the wonderous state of Nam Ras, Atam Ras where body consciousness was non-existent. The Great Master could bestow and grant such rare and highest ecstasy and bliss with a mere touch or a glance.

aba Ji once appeared outside village Jandawale and sat under a dry pipal tree. It was the month of June. An old man named Mala Singh used to pass by that side daily. He once requested BabaJi to accept some service from him and on being allowed started bringing milk once a day. The country-side was sandy, and it being the month of June, was scorchingly hot during day time. Mala Singh noticed that Baba Ji continuously sat at one place all the time, and had not moved since the time He had come there. He could not help but ask BabaJi as to how could He bear all that burning heat sitting as He was without any shade. Babaji replied:

"Mala Singh, sadha garmi sardi naal koi sambandh nahin, sadha es shareer naal vee koi sambandh nahin."

A perfect and true sage is totally detached from body, being permanently established in Atam Ras, Har Ras. He is totally free from the opposites like heat and cold, pain and pleasure and so on. And Baba Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj was God in the garb of a sage.

Simple old man could not understand the mystic implication. Gracious Babaji asked him to come the next morning. He came accordingly. Babaji asked him to repeat the Holy Name of Waheguru and sit at a distance of a few yards, and advised him to come only when called. Accordingly, Mala Singh sat reciting the Holy Name.

Babaji called him by name and awakened him from the blissful samadhi. He realised it was late evening.

Immersed deeply in the Nectar of Nam Ras, the sikh blessed by Baba Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj became completely oblivious to burning heat of the hottest season and discomfort arising therefrom, for the whole of the day.

BabaJi's marvellous word or glance could transport one into the wonderous state of Nam Ras, Atam Ras where body consciousness was non-existent. The Great Master could bestow and grant such rare and highest ecstasy and bliss with a mere touch or a glance. The effect used to be instantaneous. Numerous were such blessed souls who experienced this bliss from His benevolent and infinite compassion.

A mere word or touch by Him was so powerful and magnetic as to awaken God-consciousness within and insulate the soul from body-consciousness.

4) So unique, mysterious and miraculous was the relationship between the holy disciple and the divine Satguru. Such wonderful is the divine reciprocation of prema, of divine love.

nce Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj was journeying bare-footed through a dense jungle with His feet profusely bleeding with instuck thorns. He wanted to visit His beloved Master after a year's long tapasaya and was heading towards the railway station, a long distance away. A camel rider who happened to cross His way, stopped, got down and offered the camel to Baba Ji. He made Baba Ji sit comfortably on the camel and then proceeded towards the railway station. While thus walking, the man removed the thorns from Baba Ji's bleeding feet one by one. He, at the railway station, purchased a ticket and made Baba Ji comfortable in the train. When Baba Ji reached the holy presence of Baba Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj and was in the process of paying His homage, Baba Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj applied the dust of the holy feet of Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj on His forehead. Baba Ji, thus bewildered, started crying. On this, Baba Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj smiled and asked Him why He did not cry when He removed the thorns from His feet on the way to railway station. So unique, mysterious and miraculous was the relationship between the holy disciple and the divine Satguru. Such wonderful is the divine reciprocation of prema, of divine love. Little did anyone know then that this towering Divinity spending all his time in deep and long meditation in complete solitude, was to become known to the world as the great spiritual preceptor and beloved Master of Mahan Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj.

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