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Knowledge / RAPEX.. is it avoid women from Rape????
« on: January 20, 2013, 09:56:54 AM »

Rape has become a pandemic in Everywhere, so a medical technician named Sonette Ehlers developed a product. Ehlers had never forgotten a rape victim telling her formerly, " If only i had teeth down there.”

Some time afterward, a man came into the hospital where Ehlers works in excruciating pain because his penis was stuck in his zipper.
Ehlers merged... those images and came up with a product she called RAPEX. It resembles a tube, with barbs inside. The woman inserts it like a tampon, with an applicator, and any man who tries to rape the woman impales himself on the barbs and must go to an emergency room to have the RAPEX removed.
When critics complained that it was a medieval punishment, Ehlers replied tersely, " A medieval device for a medieval deed."
So what is your opinion of the RAPEX?

Travel / Top 10 works of engineering genius
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:01:26 PM »
1. Great Pyramid of Khufu, Giza, Egypt

Bigger might not be better, but clearly nobody told Pharaoh Khufu that before he built his pyramid in 2570 BC. More than 2 million limestone blocks, each weighing upwards of 2 tonnes, were hefted to create a beast of a building some 146.5m high – it remained the world’s tallest structure for 4000 years. But never mind the size: feel the quality. Not only was the design supremely accurate – each 230m-long side varies by mere centimetres – the subtleties of its construction are exceptional: the internal shafts point towards important constellations, for example, and it aligns with true north. Oh, and it looks phenomenal.

The pyramids are open daily; two are usually open to the public. Arrive before 8am for the best chance of tickets.
2. Aya Sofya, Istanbul, Turkey

No, it doesn’t honour some saintly Sophia – this astonishing construction was named for divine wisdom (sophos in Greek). The name is apt, because the incredible beauty of this ancient building, created by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in AD 537, was possible only thanks to the cunning of the innovative architects who perched its vast, seemingly floating 30m dome on pendentives and hidden pillars. Converted to a mosque after the Ottoman invasion of 1453, Aya Sofya is now a secular monument – but when shafts of sunlight strike the gold mosaics of its cavernous interior, you’ll be forgiven for experiencing a religious moment.

The Aya Sofya is closed on Mondays; come the rest of the week to fully enjoy the wonder of this historic masterpiece.
3. Indian Railways

A glance at the numbers gives a sense of the what has been achieved since the first train chugged out of Mumbai on the 33km to Thane in 1853; today, over 63,000km of track carries 18 million passengers daily. But that’s skimming the surface; the real engineering prowess is demonstrated in the small details. For example, in 1874, Major Stanton constructed an 88km section – from initial survey to loco commissioning – in a mere 65 days. Such feats were repeated throughout the country and now you can ride on comfortable broad-gauge tracks or switchback up to Himalayan hill stations on toy trains (small mountain trains).

IndRail passes, enabling prebooking of seats and berths, are valid from half-day to 90-day options in three classes.
4. Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain

Is it a ship? A flower? A fish? Frank Gehry’s vision for this glimmering creation was unique. Call it deconstructivism or, as did King Juan Carlos, simply ‘the best building of the 20th century’; either way, it continues to astonish. Its flowing, organic lines required a ground-breaking 3-D computer-aided design program, which enabled 60 tonnes of titanium to form sweeping sheets just ½mm thick and specially strengthened glass to curve smoothly around the limestone carapace. Since it opened in 1997, the museum has hosted a dazzling array of works by the likes of Warhol, Rothko and Koons, but it’s the building itself that has kick-started Bilbao’s renaissance.

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is open Tuesday to Sunday year-round, and Mondays in July and August.
5. Great Wall of China:

Genghis Khan reportedly said: ‘The strength of a wall depends on the courage of those who defend it.’ True, but it helps if your wall is really big. The original Great Wall was constructed by the 3rd-century Qin dynasty, who coerced hundreds of thousands of workers into hefting an estimated 180 million cu metres of rocks and mud. The later effort by the Ming dynasty (14th–17th centuries) incorporated 60 million cu metres of stone and bricks. Overall, the various walls spanned almost 2000 years of construction, cost millions of lives and stretched some 6500km. No, you can’t see it from the moon but, yes, it is jaw-droppingly impressive.

The sections nearest Beijing tend to be crowded and busy with hawkers; head to Sīmǎtái or Jīnshānlǐng for a less-touristy experience.
6. Millau Viaduct, France

Concrete: 206,000 tonnes; steel decking: 36,000 tonnes – oooh, don’t stop, you saucy devil! No, really, it is exciting: Sir Norman Foster’s viaduct is an example of the practical – prosaic, even – that is also delicately beautiful. Challenged to build a bridge to span the Gorges du Tarn in southern France, engineers created a record-busting feat of technology: 2460m long, it incorporates the world’s highest pylons, highest mast and highest road deck. But the reason drivers (and tourists) stop and gawp – and they do – is the sense of lightness and fragility something so huge conveys.

The bridge toll is from €5.02 but admission to the visitor centre, open daily, is free.
7. Lalibela, Ethiopia

A while back, there was a bit of a fad for carving buildings out of rock – think Egypt’s Abu Simbel, Jordan’s Petra, India’s Ellora. But Lalibela takes some topping, not least because the rock-hewn churches are still very much active. Come at Timkat (Epiphany; 19 January) for bustling pilgrims, chanting, incense swirling and a peek at the tabots (holy books). Scores of thousands of workers – some of them heavenly, according to local legend – laboured from the 12th century to dig Lalibela’s 11 churches vertically from the ground. Rough-edged they’re not, though; their exquisite carvings and decorations make them visual treats.

Lalibela’s churches are open daily. To avoid catching fleas from their carpets, try dusting your socks with flea powder.
8. Falkirk Wheel, Scotland

Boats: great for floating, not so hot going downhill. As for going up – rubbish. If you’re a boat, and you want to head uphill, say, between Scotland’s Forth and Clyde Canal and the 35m-higher Union Canal, what you need is either a series of locks stretching over 1.5km, or a vast steel contraption that rotates a pair of enormous, water-filled gondolas. Each gondola on the Falkirk Wheel carries boats like you on their up or down journeys. It took 1200 tonnes of steel, more than 15,000 bolts and a really, really big crane to put the wheel together in 2001. Unique.

Hour-long boat trips, including lifts up and down, operate daily.
9. Yaxchilán, Yucatán, Mexico

Maya sites are fascinating – ball courts, pyramids, carved frescoes – and Yaxchilán is cooler than most, perched dramatically above a jungle-clad loop of the Río Usumacinta. A wealthy city during its heyday (AD 680–800), Yaxchilán has exceptional and intricately carved facades and roof combs, but arguably the most interesting feature isn’t even there anymore: a suspension bridge whose 63m central span was the world’s longest for 700 years. The existence of the bridge, posited in the mid-1990s as a result of archaeological research and computer modelling, is still debated, but the idea certainly adds to the allure of one of the Americas’ most intriguing ancient sites.

Yaxchilán isn’t accessible by road or rail; hire a motorboat for the 45-minute journey from Frontera Corozal.
10. Burj Khalifa, United Arab Emirates

OK, so this one really is all about the size: the world’s tallest building isn’t huge – it’s simply colossal. In the way Gulf states seem to do things (creating vast artificial islands in the shapes of trees, creating the world’s first seven-star hotel, etc), Burj Khalifa didn’t just sneak past the previous incumbent, it roared ahead. Taiwan’s former champion tower, Taipei 101, is a tiddling 509m, while Burj Khalifa is a whopping 300-plus metres taller. It’s so high the air temperature at the top is a full 6°C lower than at its base.

Travel / London to Beijing by high-speed train..!!!!!
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:42:46 PM »
maybe not just yet. But according to a report in the Telegraph, China is in negotiations to build a continent-spanning high-speed rail network within the next ten years.  :surp:

These trains would be able to travel at over 200mph, meaning travellers could jump aboard in London and alight 5,070 miles and two days later in Beijing. It would also run to India and Pakistan, with follow-on projects creating routes through Russia to Germany, segueing into Europe’s rail system. Even further down the track (ahem) will be routes into Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar/Burma and Malaysia.

Pretty amazing concept, ? Instead of interminable bone-rattlers, you can get on this rocket-like train and feasibly travel thousands of miles in relative speed and comfort. This also has implications for the environment, making the idea of green long-haul travel a distinct possibility. It may not have the romance of old-school rail travel but it may redefine the experience to be exciting in a different way.

Would you choose rail over air if this high-speed option was available to you? Would cost be a factor? What do you think could be the knock-on effects of such a service on the travel industry?  :wait: :wait: :wait: :wait:
so manyyyyyyyyy cnfusionsssssssssss  :dnk:

Travel / Re: What $1 buys around the world :D
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:37:29 PM »

punjab ch nahi hun ina kuch milda khaan nu 50 rs wich lol, bahut mehngayi ho gayi :P
:hehe: tahio kolkata mension kita naal

1. Leh, India

From the town of Leh in the northern Indian region of Ladakh you can depart for a two-day trip (from mid-July to mid-September only) across the ‘roof of the world’, a lovely global precursor to the roof over your heads. Get married at the end of day one and test your bond on day two. This strenuous pass will take your breath away at 5600m. Make each other proud by crossing the perilous swing bridges between canyons. Buddhist monasteries dot the serene landscape: pay a visit for first-hand instruction in kindness and tolerance. From 1–15 September the Ladakh Festival spices up Leh and surrounding villages; plan your trip at www.lehladakhindia.com.
2. Tuscany, Italy

Why not make the wedding just as memorable for your friends as it will be for you? Schedule the event as follows: hire the main villa for you and your mates, and a series of connected cottages nearby for both sets of family. Get everyone to arrive the night before and meet up in the irresistibly convivial atmosphere of the local pizzeria – ideally it’ll be in a hilltop town, accessible only by foot. The next day, after a lazy, sunny morning getting ready, be married in the little fresco-painted chapel on the property. Hold an evening reception on the lawns, surrounded by fireflies and caterers with gallon jars of homemade red plonk. The romantic medieval city of Lucca is a great place to explore the rest of Tuscany; hear bells ringing at the church of San Michele, Duomo of San Martino and Basilica of San Frediano.
3. Manchester, England

Make an instant chemical friend every night in one of Manchester’s myriad dance clubs. You may not even have to talk, but you’ll immediately know you’ve found one of your kind at Poptastic or the Northern Monkey Music Club. Intellectuals can be found at the Best Indie Night in the World… Ever!, while simpler types bust a move at Giggle & Funk. But don’t expect these clubs to stay the same. Tomorrow’s a new day – possibly even a Happy Monday. Manchester After Dark lists all the city’s hottest spots; information about dealers is harder to find.
4. Western Cape, South Africa

Say your vows (and your prayers?) in a shark cage off Gansbaai, 175km southeast of Cape Town. For those who dated at scary movies, this is just a natural progression. Admittedly your celebrant will have to be capable of some depth and your parents might be practising speeches long before the event. But if the cage is as strong as your love, you’ll be fine. Great white sharks are now on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species – although critics maintain that humans are more endangered since shark-cage diving started, as the pelagic predators are encouraged to associate bait with us. April to October is the peak shark season; the working fishing village of Gansbaai is a 2½-hour limo ride from Cape Town.
5. Antarctica

For those who have decided to ignore the cold feet and dedicate themselves to the mating season, what better place to marry than Antarctica? Join your life partner on the good ship Aurora, on your deliciously slow way down to the largest continent on earth (you could propose here too, as it’s the ultimate icebreaker). Ecotourism honeymoon expeditions can include polar adventure activities such as sea-kayaking, scuba diving and camping, and there’s the potential for interaction with whales. Take a tip from the emperor penguins: the best answer to the weather is to go into the most natural of huddles. Life will seem cosy after this trip. Travel in November to see whole penguin colonies engaged in courtship rituals; February to March is when you’ll see the newborn chicks.
6. Nicobar Islands

It’s a rare thing when two ‘morning people’ find each other. What better way to demonstrate your purposeful compatibility than to marry at dawn? Somewhere along a line in the Indian Ocean, the sun creeps first onto hundreds of tiny islands, islets and rocks. Sparrows fart first here, in the idyllic Nicobar Islands, a union territory of India, located in the Indian Ocean. Isolation has preserved lush forest cover and flourishing fauna, and there are people of many faiths, including Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs. Should make designing a wedding ceremony all the more interesting. The jewel in the crown is Havelock Island; from Port Blair hop on a boat at the Phoenix Bay Jetty and five hours later you’ll be in paradise.
7. Buenos Aires, Argentina

The World Tango Festival, held in venues all over a summery Buenos Aires, is a perfect opportunity to find a new partner who’ll hold you like you want to be held. Workshops are run by the Great Masters of Tango, milongueros. Held in the best dance halls and sports clubs and culminating in the grandest ballroom in the city, the Palais Rouge, the workshops are accompanied by six ‘orchestras’. In broader terms, this dance is also a physical interview for that greater tenet of coupledom: commitment. Can he take the lead and is she capable of following? Has he got big feet? Will he drop her? Test it out. The festival is held in October. Related events include scores of tango dance classes; check session times and book online here.
8. Elora, Canada

Just over an hour from Toronto, this rustic sandstone mill town preserves the pious ways of the old world, when couples huddled together through fierce Canadian blizzards. The local Mennonite community will teach you how to cook and sew. You’ll learn to survive without TV, takeaway, computer games, shoe therapy, haircuts or counsellors (no powerlines means it’s time to talk to people around you). Best of all, now you can eat what you like: try locally produced maple syrup with every meal or organically grown veggies, the choice is yours. Go on a date with a new prospect in a horse-drawn buggy. Book you and your new beau a room at the historic Elora Mill Inn; check out other fun pursuits at www.elora.info.
9. Hustadvika, Norway

Chaotic, salt stained, yet free – this stretch of ocean in a storm is a perfect metaphor for your dark heart. Stare out at the fantastically wild waves and contemplate how you got dumped. Or muse over the notorious history of this coast: ships have been sinking here since the Middle Ages. Then jump into an appropriately Scandinavian car and head down the Atlantic Road towards the western fjords and the fishing village of Kristiansund. Along this winding stretch you’ll cross no fewer than 12 bridges over less troubled water. When you’ve finished brooding head to Hustadvika’s old liquor store and drink to forget. Or take part in healthier pursuits – see www.hustadvika.no for ideas.
10. Aitutaki, Cook Islands

Your return to the blue lagoon of Aitutaki, just an hour’s flight north from the Cook Islands’ Rarotonga, is long overdue. Nominated as the world’s most beautiful island by Lonely Planet’s founder, Tony Wheeler, it’s better looking than your ex too. The truly buff inhabitants won the Cooks’ ‘best young island dancers’ award three years running. They perform every night at alternating beachside restaurants, so learn how to shake it and get on with attracting your next partner. Alternatively, hire a moped for a circuit of the island and feel the breeze in your free-flowing, newly single hair. The Overwater Bungalows is the premier accommodation option; spend the NZ$1235 per night and glare at all the happy honeymooners.

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: jaaaao viaaho te kuwaaario dil tutteo  :break:  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Travel / Re: Top spots for a medical adventure
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:29:38 PM »
hahaha lol
chalo wadiya gal hai
nice work
keep it up..........
thnxxxx ji

Travel / What $1 buys around the world :D
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:29:06 PM »
>Chester, England: US$1 (63 pence) gets me half a loaf of bread. As for Philippines, one of the best things you can get with $1 is a big bag of sweets to keep in your backpack, to hand out to kids.

>Vienna: a dollar would buy you a freshly baked Kornspitz (a kind of bread roll), but wouldn’t be enough for a salty pickle from a street market or a short-distance public transport ticket. However, with the change from that Kornspitz, you can visit the museum of applied art (MAK) on a Saturday since it’s free of charge.

>Tenerife, Canary Islands: it will get you a good cup of coffee in the capital, Santa Cruz, but in the tourist areas of the South you will be lucky if it gets you half a cup.

>South India: it will give a unlimited servings of rice with rasam, sambhar, curd, papad, 1 piece sweet on a banana leaf.

>Cebu, Philippines: $1 can get 30-45 minutes of a glorious foot massage

>Nepal: you can get momo (ten units of dumpling) and a 250ml of coke.

>Croatia:  a big scoop of ice-cream.

>The UK: 60 pence buys you about 3/4 litre of milk, half a litre of petrol/diesel for your car, 2 cigarettes (that’s two single ones, not a packet), 3 apples, 2 days supply of the Sun tabloid newspaper, a small portion of fries from Maccy D’s or a can of coke from my office vending machine.

>Denmark: you can get a litre of milk, a ciabatta bun in the Godthaabsvej Bakery, a stamp for a postcard/letter with receiver in Denmark, a cucumber or maybe a chocolate bar. 1 dollar = 5,5 danish kroner

>Budapest: 1 scoop of ice cream/4 small apples/1 plain hamburger at McDonald’s/1 postcard/1 daily newspaper/30 minutes parking in the downtown area

>Canada: Nothing! Haha. Blame it on Canadian taxes

>Faroe Islands, a pack of chewing gum, 2 apples at the supermarket, some candy probably, hardly anything

>Vietnam: you can buy either 1 hat, 1 or 2 magazine(s), 1 DVD, 3 pairs of flip sandals, 5 instant noodle packages or snacks, 1 meal in some cheap food courts. ALOT, rite?

>In middle Italy: a litre of cheap wine or 1kg Spaghetti or 6 bottles of mineral water and just about one tablet of Ibruprofen which you might need if you drank the cheap vino!!!

>Chiang Mai: The question is, what can’t you get in Chiang Mai for US$1? Street food doesn’t usually cost more than that. I even get a cooked to order vegetarian lunch delivered to my office everyday for that price.

>Bogotá, Colombia: A cup of coffee and 2 fresh baked cookies. Or an arepa with some spicy home made aji salsa!

>Seoul: one subway or bus ticket and a mask pack for your skin.

>Egypt: you could buy a koshary plate which is an Egyptian dish which basically includes spaghetti, rice, lentil and fried onions on the top. Another choice would be about ten Fool (beans) sandwiches maybe even some falafel or in other parts of Cairo just a donut.

>India:  ‎1USD = around 50 Indian Rupees which can get you a hearty meal of boiled rice, dal, vegetables, pickles, chutney and papads in a Kolkata ‘basa’ …and it’s usually eat as much as you want!

>Costa Rica: you can buy one papaya, one watermelon, one pineapple… and perhaps a cup of coffee of decent quality.

>Los Angeles: one hour of street parking

>Paris: about 40% of an espresso at Starbucks.

>Dubai: a dollar will get you a ‘Jabal Al Noor’ shawarma.

>Portugal: 1 espresso coffee. Except if you are in the airport :)

>Australia: a scratchy (lottery ticket) with the chance of getting enough cash together for your next trip

Travel / Re: 10 places to travel for a higher cause
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:23:25 PM »
thnkuu ji

Travel / Re: Top spots for a medical adventure
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:22:01 PM »
hahaha mainu lagda badaam khade ohne - tahi sirf general knowlegde de topics post ho rahe ne .. lol
odddee wich lgda mmy ne paa te c.. mainu v tahi lor jyi uthi jndi topics paun di :laugh:

Travel / Travel etiquette tips : body language
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:18:55 PM »
1. In Asia, never touch any part of someone else’s body with your foot, which is considered the ‘lowest’ part of the body. If you accidentally do this, apologize by touching your hand to the person’s arm and then touching your own head. Don’t point at objects or people with your feet, don’t prop your feet on chairs or tables while sitting.

2. Also in Asia, refrain from touching people on the head or ruffling their hair. The head is spiritually the ‘highest’ part of the body. Don’t sit on pillows meant as headrests, as it is a variant on this taboo.

3. Shaking hands was introduced to Fiji in the 19th century by way of Tonga, and quickly became the established custom. An affectionate handshake can be very long, and may even last throughout an entire conversation.

4. In Nepal, it’s bad manners to step over someone’s outstretched legs, so avoid doing that, and move your own legs when someone wants to pass. Also do not step over or sit on a monk’s cushions in or near a temple, even if no one is sitting on them.  Always walk around stupas and chortens (Tibetan-style stupas) in a clockwise direction.

5. In Japanese baths, called onsen, always wash first before entering the water. The water is considered fouled if someone does not do this, kind of like the American equivalent of peeing in a pool. Also, use a wash cloth to cover your private bits and pieces. 

6. The people of Italy are emotionally demonstrative, so expect to see lots of cheek kissing among acquaintances, embraces between men who are good friends and lingering handshakes. Italian men may walk arm-in-arm, as may women. Pushing and shoving in busy places is not considered rude, so don’t be offended by it. Try to hold your ground. The Italian body language vocabulary is is quite extensive, but the following six may prove useful when traveling:

Italian Body Language

Six examples of Italian body language with their matching translations

7. Shaking hands across a threshold is considered unlucky in Russia. An interesting feature of this is that some pizza delivery guys refuse to conduct a transaction across a threshold; you either have to go out to the hall or invite them just inside the door.

8. In India it is possible to pay a tremendous compliment with body language alone. When somebody approaches a person with their tongue between their teeth and gathers the air around the person’s head with their hands to draw it into their own personal space, it means they find the person either unbearably beautiful or extraordinarily intelligent.

9. Don’t stick your index finger and middle finger up with the palm of your hand facing towards you in the UK… it’s the equivalent of giving someone the finger. Tip: Don’t order two beers in this fashion in UK bars. Doing it palm facing out is OK (i.e., the peace sign)

10. Moroccan greetings can last up to 10 minutes. Shake with your right hand then touch your hand to your heart, to indicate that you’re taking the meeting to heart. Good friends may tack on up to four air kisses, accompanied by a stream of well wishes: ‘How are you? Everything’s good with you? I hope your parents are well? Baraka (blessings) upon them!’

Travel / Top 10 flashiest lighthouses
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:14:24 PM »
1. Hook Head, Ireland

The great granddaddy of lighthouses, Hook Head is arguably the oldest working light in the world. The site had humble beginnings, reportedly as far back as the 5th century, with monks lighting a beacon there. The structure as it stands today has existed for 800 years. It’s an automated light, squat and a little…plump (they say horizontal stripes emphasise a thick waist, so it might just be an illusion). Access to the light is by tour, organised through the visitor centre. A historical teaser – have you ever wondered where the phrase ‘by hook or by crook’ comes from?
2. Creac’h, France

The black-banded Creac’h, standing tall (seriously tall, at 54.85m) on Isle d’Ouessant (Ushant), is one of the most powerful lighthouses in the world. The French Atlantic coast is famous for its churning, storm-swept oceans, made treacherous by the numerous granite outcrops that lie off the Brittany shore. The Creac’h cuts across the waters with a beam reaching 60km. A lighthouse museum provides an insight into the workings of the light. As a bonus, a visit to the Creac’h is an opportunity to visit the nearby Stiff Lighthouse, one of the older lighthouses still in use, built in the late 17th century.
3. Green Cape, Australia

Where else would you expect to find a lighthouse, but at the tip of a bay bearing the name Disaster. Green Cape lighthouse, in New South Wales, has seen a few wrecks in its time, most significantly the SS Ly-ee Moon which ran aground in 1886, just three years after the lighthouse was lit; 71 sailors died and 15 were rescued by the keeper. Disaster Bay is at the border of two national parks (Croajingalong and Ben Boyd), and the lighthouse is perched above the epitome of an Australian bush beach: chalky, fine sand, rugged cliffs festooned with tea trees, wild blue waters and the lingering scent of eucalyptus.
4. Eddystone, UK

The lighthouse on the Eddystone rocks is the fourth such structure to bear the Eddystone name. The Great Storm of 1703 (a hurricane that blew for a week) destroyed the first incarnation, lit in 1698. The second structure was a wooden wonder, lit in 1709 but destroyed by fire in 1755. The third attempt was made from stone and lit in 1759, but the rock it was built on was unstable, so the structure was dismantled 120 years later – today, you can visit the reassembled lighthouse at Plymouth. In 1882 the current structure was lit, a sleek, modern-looking tower built near the stumpy remains of Eddystone III.
5. Cape Hatteras, USA

You’ll know it by the barbershop spirals coiling around the tower. And possibly the height – Hatteras is the tallest lighthouse in the USA at 63m. An earlier incarnation was completed in 1803 but was damaged during the Civil War. The current building was first lit in 1871. Due to erosion of the shore, the Cape Hatteras lighthouse was moved, in 2000, from its original location at the edge of the ocean to safer ground approximately 800m inland. There’s a visitor centre and museum at the site. It remains an active lighthouse, guiding vessels past the treacherous Diamond Shoals off the North Carolina coast, cause of some 2000 wrecks over 400 years.
6. Slangkop, South Africa

Looking out from the infamous Cape of Good Hope, Slangkop was built in 1914 but first lit after WWI, in 1919. A few years prior to its construction, the SS Maori was wrecked, highlighting the need for a beacon. The brilliant white of the structure has you pondering the repainting cycle, which must be constant – you can ask the keeper on a guided tour. This cast-iron lighthouse overlooks Kommetjie, a village about 30km from Cape Town, where you can combine your lightspotting with some crayfishing – crayfish is a local speciality.
7. Pondicherry, India

In a country most would associate with English colonialism, Pondicherry (Puducherry) is a strongly French-influenced town in the south of India. It grew from sleepy village to significant trade centre for the French East India company, which eventually replaced a log fire on a hill with a lighthouse to give ships fair warning. The lighthouse shot out its first beam in 1836 and remained in use for 150 years. It stands now as a monument, but is being restored as a museum to the French architecture of the town.
8. Cape Palliser, New Zealand

The 1897 Cape Palliser Lighthouse, resplendent in its wide red bands, is a cynosure to ships navigating the Cook Straight, off the southern tip of New Zealand’s North Island. Inland it looks over fine wine-and-food country, so it’s a gourmet lightspotter’s paradise and, as you’d expect in New Zealand, the adventure activities in the region are many. The light is still in service – though you can still climb up the 250 steps to get a light’s eye view of ocean and land.
9. Marjaniemi, Finland

To get a good feel for the romance of lighthouse-keeping – the storms, the constant wind, the tumult of crashing ocean – spend a night in one. The pilot station at this 1871 lighthouse is now a hotel. Getting to Hailuoto Island by ferry adds to the nautical adventure. Hurry, though; continental rebound (the earth rising back up after being compressed from the glacier-weights of an ice age) will eventually see the island join the mainland.
10. Gibbs Hill, Bermuda

The Gibbs Hill Lighthouse stands high on a hill in Southampton, and climbing to the platform gives you a view of the entire island, with Caribbean splendour all around. Early in the year you might catch a glimpse of migrating whales. At such a height, the beacon can be seen up to 60km away. Back on ground it’s more standard tourist fare, with a café and gift shop; the owner’s grandfather was the last keeper before the lighthouse was automated, so the romance is not all gone.

Travel / Re: Top spots for a medical adventure
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:12:34 PM »
hahahaha ajj ki khada si swere swere? lol
gajrela :pagel:

Travel / Top spots for a medical adventure
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:10:02 PM »

With its colour, culture and chaos, India is one country where you’ll be wanting 20/20 vision. Just as well the country’s eye surgery facilities are top-notch! The Aravind eye-care system, centred in Madurai but with hospitals around India, is a remarkable program originally designed to minimise unnecessary blindness; in addition to foreigners, it has helped over 2.4 million poor Indians to see in the past 30 years. Aravind’s Eye Hospitals treat everything from glaucoma to cataracts and even eye replacement. Patients relax in private suites costing US$20 per day; specialist doctors commandeer the latest technologies and speak faultless English.
Bangkok, Thailand

Back in 1984, British pop singer Murray Head noted that ‘one night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble’. Oh, but Bangkok makes a hard man so much more than that… Welcome to Thailand, sex-change capital of the world. Whether you want to re-emerge from the operating room as he, she or ‘other’, Bangkok’s highly trained surgeons are world leaders in the art of ‘gender reassignment’. Thailand is also famous for heart surgery, eye surgery and more. State-of-the-art Bumrungrad International Hospital is a major destination for overseas patients.
Beijing, China

Somehow, experiencing acupuncture in its home setting just feels right – especially when you get the balms, oils and smelly unguents of traditional Chinese medicine. Since 1975 Beijing has been home to the International Acupuncture Training Centre, a university for foreign doctors who want to have a stab at it. Prefer to be pricked rather than do the pricking? Book yourself in at Dongzhimen Hospital. The People’s Republic is also pioneering stem-cell treatments, offering patients with the gravest conditions a chance to try new treatments not yet approved at home.

North Americans and others head to Colombia for complex treatments performed by crack doctors at bargain rates. Bogotá offers a wide variety of medical treatments and operations, ranging from dentistry and cosmetic surgery to open-heart surgery. Joint surgery is one of Colombia’s specialties: getting a hip replaced or ‘resurfaced’ costs one-fifth of what it does in the US, while the prosthetics used are of high international quality. Many Colombian doctors are foreign-trained.
Nuuk, Greenland

Imagine you’re in Greenland and a polar bear bites your arm off. Don’t just leave it there! Dronning Ingrids Hospital, in the southwestern capital of Nuuk, is the main hospital on this frigid maritime landmass, and is renowned for performing special operations requiring very low temperatures (such as reattaching severed limbs). They don’t need air-conditioning here, and the heating system prevents any contaminated airflow. You’ll quickly feel good as new when recovering on this sparsely populated island: not only is the air is clean and, er, invigorating, but the seafood is excellent.
Tehran, Iran

How does Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad keep up his fierce stare? We’re not implying anything, but plastic surgery in Tehran is big business these days. Iranian plastic surgeons do lifts, chin implants, tummy tucks and almost everything else that’s done in the West, but for less. Nose jobs are especially popular, interestingly enough. For Muslim women in the Islamic Republic, their nose is often one of the few body parts they can display; however, Iranian men also seem to be fond of the procedure.

So you’ve arrived on a Communist-run island and the authorities have confiscated your passport and money. Some might say it comes with the territory – or you might be at a Cuban rehab clinic, where it’s often standard procedure. Frequented by ordinary folks and famous figures alike (Argentine soccer star Diego Maradona among them), Cuba’s rehabilitation villas are renowned for their professional service, effectiveness and super-reasonable rates. Rehab here mixes balmy island living with no-nonsense regimes for keeping you stone-cold sober, with the assistance of trained psychologists, doctors, and – of course – Caribbean sea breezes. You can book a private rehab getaway through an operator such as Grupo Cubanacan.

Mix pleasure with procedures in Malaysia, another leading destination for medical travellers. Places like the beach resort town of Penang are popular for breast-enhancement surgery; some package-tour companies even cater to this kind of trip. It’s great that a recuperative beach vacation is included, since doctors warn that long plane journeys after surgery can cause thrombosis. The dynamic capital, Kuala Lumpur is where more complex procedures (such as brain surgery for epilepsy) are performed.

Travel / 10 places to travel for a higher cause
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:02:24 PM »
1.Golden Temple (India)

Resting against the India–Pakistan border, the city of Amritsar has a golden heart, with the Golden Temple, the holiest site in Sikhism, dominating the city. Glowing in the hot Punjabi sun, the temple is as golden as its name suggests, and sits in the middle of the holy Amrit Sarovar pool, which lends its name to the city. Pilgrims bathe in the pool, and amble clockwise around its marble edges, while the temple kitchen by the eastern entrance spoons out free meals to pilgrims and tourists alike. Visitors are welcome to join the faithful in and around the temple.
2. Mt Kailash (Tibet)

As the source of several of Asia’s mightiest rivers, including the Ganges, Karnali and Indus, it’s little surprise that peak of Mt Kailash in Tibet is revered in a number of religions. To circuit holy Kailash is a pilgrimage for Buddhists, Hindus, Bonpos, Jains and, more recently, trekkers. The most ardent pilgrims walk the 52km circuit in a day, while the truly pious prostrate themselves around the mountain, lying down with arms outstretched, then standing and lying down again at the point that their hands reached. The journey to Kailash is itself an epic worthy of being called a pilgrimage, so allow time for this remarkable trek.
3. Camino de Santiago (Spain)

One of the great Christian pilgrimages is to the tomb of the apostle St James in the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela. It’s a journey of such spiritual note that it has been named Europe’s Premier Cultural Itinerary and is also listed on the Unesco World Heritage register. The Camino begins in Roncesvalles, on the French border, and covers 783km to the Atlantic coast. Cycling and horseback are considered appropriate forms of pilgrim transport, but most people walk the route, wandering between an extensive system of albergues, spending around one month as a modern pilgrim.
4. Međugorje (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

On 28 June 1981 six youths in the Bosnian mountain village of Međugorje claimed to have seen an apparition of the Virgin Mary. Instantly, a place of pilgrimage was born, complete with bus tours and an unholy number of souvenir stands. The Virgin is said to still appear at Međugorje, bringing messages to the world, delivering them through the original six ‘visionaries’ – three of them see the apparition daily. For a Međugorje vision of your own, begin in the famed bridge town of Mostar; Međugorje is about 30 mountainous kilometres away.
5. Source of the Ganges (India)

The River Ganges is Hinduism’s holiest river, beginning in the Himalayan peaks of Uttar Pradesh and spilling out into the Bay of Bengal more than 2000km later. For Hindus, the source of the Ganges is a holy of holies, and many thousands make the pilgrimage to its source near Gangotri. To join them requires a trek of 24km from Gangotri, threading through Himalayan valleys to Gaumukh, where you’ll find the trickle of water that will flow on to become one of Asia’s major rivers. Pilgrims perform darshans (offerings) as near as possible to the point where water flows from the ice wall beneath the terminal moraine.
6. Shashemene (Ethiopia)

With Rastafarianism founded on the belief that Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie is an African Messiah, it’s unsurprising that a Rasta community has taken root in Ethiopia. Around 240km from Addis Ababa, Selassie himself granted land in the town of Shashemene to Jamaican Rastafarians in the 1960s. It was first settled by 12 Jamaicans but the community has now grown to number hundreds. In the late 1970s the most famous Rasta of all, Bob Marley, visited Shashemene, and in recent years his widow has talked of relocating his remains here, which would indeed turn this southern town into a site of rock and Rasta pilgrimage.
7. Mt Athos (Greece)

Known as the Holy Mountain, Mt Athos is a self-governing community of 20 Eastern Orthodox monasteries sprinkled around the slopes of 2033m-high Mt Athos on Greece’s Chalkidiki Peninsula. A strict entry-permit system applies: 100 Orthodox pilgrims and 10 non-Orthodox visitors are allowed in at a time; only men over 18 years of age can visit; permit applications from non-Orthodox visitors must be made at least six months ahead; and diamonitiria (permits) usually allow stays of just four days. The Holy Mountain is reached by boat, and you then walk between monasteries, each of which contains a guesthouse.
8. Mashhad (Iran)

With a name that translates as The Place of Martyrdom, Mashhad is sacred to Shiites as the place where the 8th imam and direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammed, Imam Reza, died in 817. Each year, more than 15 million Shiite pilgrims visit the city in eastern Iran, which literally radiates out from Astan-e Qods-e Razavi, the site of the Holy Shrine. The busiest pilgrimage times are around the Iranian New Year (March 21) and a dedicated pilgrim season from mid-June to late July. Non-Muslims are not permitted into the Holy Shrine itself, though there are three attached museums that can be visited.
9. 88 Temple Circuit (Japan)

On the Japanese island of Shikoku there are 88 temples, a number equal to the evil human passions as defined by the Buddhist doctrine. If you want to free yourself from every one of these passions in a single hit, you can do so by completing the 88 Temple Circuit. Traditionally the 1500km route was walked, even though there’s a space of more than 100km between a couple of the temples. In modern times, however, it’s become just as acceptable to complete the 88 Temple Circuit by tour bus – who said the gods weren’t modernists? The circuit begins in Tokushima and most pilgrims go clockwise.
10. Adam’s Peak (Sri Lanka)

In the highlands of Sri Lanka there is a mountain that’s all things to all religions. Depending on your spiritual persuasion, the indent on the summit of Adam’s Peak is either the place at which Adam first set foot on earth, or a footprint left by Buddha, Shiva or St Thomas. Small wonder the track to the summit is like an ant trail in the pilgrimage season (December to May). Secular pilgrims will find the view alone worthy of the journey. On a clear day it stretches to the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo, 65km away.

The cool allure of India’s hills drew the British onwards and upwards during the Raj. The hill stations they established are enduring attractions that offer relief from the heat and dust of the plains during summer and even – in the north – offer snowfields and skiing in the winter.

In fact they’re so popular that they risk being loved to death. Shimla, famous as the former summer capital of the Raj and beloved by Bollywood directors for its historic and scenic backdrops, is heavily visited. This means that while there’s a mass of things to do and see, there’s also increasingly chaotic traffic and people-pressure on the landmark Victorian buildings, institutions and infrastructure. So what to do?


Well, the notion of reduce, reuse, recycle has been taken on board in Shimla. One of the town’s working strategies is to reuse old for new, and reviving colonial buildings for contemporary purposes is one way to keep historic buildings viable. The massively opulent 1888 Viceregal Lodge (more baronial castle than lodge, actually) now houses the highly regarded Indian Institute of Advanced Studies and there’s public access to its gorgeous grounds. The Gaiety Theatre, one of the hubs of Raj-era social life, has recently been restored and is a hive of dramatic activity where theatre workshops and visiting performers now compete with local dramatic society productions.

‘Institute of Advanced Studies’

Green initiatives are being introduced. The Himalayan Queen – the world heritage-listed toy train that makes a daily zig-zag journey up to and down from Shimla – has invested in solar panels on each coach to reduce fuel consumption. Plastic bags have been (mostly successfully) banned in local shops for some years; a knock-on effect of the ban is that more newspapers are being recycled to make paper bags in replacement. And while littering is still an issue, at least paper disintegrates faster with the monsoon rains (and makes it easier for the town’s resident monkeys to perform their own daily digestive recycling initiatives).

Nostalgia isn’t the prerogative of the British in India. Conversations with older Shimla locals reveal a reluctance to embrace modern building styles and standards. This is balanced by the realisation that 100-year-old buildings designed to be staffed by an army of servants are hard to maintain without them. Mock-Tudor cottages in various stages of decaying grandeur (often with emphasis on the decaying, rather than the grandeur) are dotted all over town.

‘Himalayan Queen’ by mkosut.

Some are in use as heritage hotels that cater to all budgets; some are government guesthouses and private residences. Others are tumbledown ruins, with overgrown gardens of roses and honeysuckle. All are great photo opportunities. A fond childhood memory of many is the daily performance of the police band, in the classic bandstand on the Ridge, up until the late 1960s. The bandstand is now a restaurant, with terrific views across the valley.

Similar scenarios can be found throughout the popular northern hill stations – like Manali and Mussoorie – while less-visited locations such as Kasauli and Chail retain more of a small-town feel. Heading south, hill stations in the Western Ghats – Kodaikanal, Ootacamund (immortalised during the Raj as ‘snooty Ooty’) and Conoor for example – offer a gentler experience. The hills here are just that – hilly rather than mountainous – with manicured tea plantations interrupting the contoured slopes.

‘Western Ghats’

Outdoor pursuits enjoyed by the Raj visitors are still available in the hill stations. Marked walking trails abound for do-it-yourself types. Entrepreneurial, multi-lingual guides offer their services for hiking and wildlife-watching in spectacular landscapes. There is horse-riding, golf and cricket. While history and politics may have well and truly moved on, the attractions of the past are still well and truly present.

Travel / 5 tips for India first-timers
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:45:00 AM »
1. Choose your route wisely

Think about what interests you, what you like doing, and tailor your trip accordingly.

The most popular India tour is the all-time classic Golden Triangle. Clichéd, yes, but if time is short this is a fantastic introduction to three of India’s very best destinations. Start in Delhi (Hamayun’s Tomb, Old Fort) before hitting Agra (Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri) then Jaipur (Pink City, fort at Amber) then Punjab(Golden temple). Head back to Delhi’s wonderful bazaars for a final shopping spree before you fly home.

And if you have more specific interests:

Shopping - Delhi
Beaches - Goa
Trekking - Himachal Pradesh
Yoga - Rishikesh
Food – Punjab
Tigers - Madhya Pradesh
Thrill-seekers - Manali
Religious fervour - Varanasi
Just chilling - Kerala
2. Slow down

Too many people try to cram too much into a visit to India. Don’t be one of them. Seeing one place slowly is so much more rewarding than seeing many places in a flash. You’ll be less stressed, gain a deeper understanding of where you are and have more time to build relationships with the people you meet.
3. Avoid the crowds

One billion locals gets a bit too much for some travellers, but India also has plenty of quiet retreats. If you need to escape the crowds in the sprawling cities, consider heading south to the backwaters of Kerala, north to Tibetan-influenced mountainous regions such as Ladakh or paying a visit to one of India’s many hill stations.
4. Stay healthy

Avoid tap water, and any food that may have been washed in it, at all times. No ice, no salads and no fruit you haven’t just peeled yourself.

Many travellers go veggie whilst in India. It’s not a bad idea. A dodgy bit of meat will do you a lot more harm than slightly undercooked vegetables. Plus, many Indians are vegetarian, so there’s a fabulous choice of vegetarian food. If you do eat meat, make sure it’s well cooked. If in doubt, eat at a place that’s packed with locals.

Toilets are notoriously bad in India, but they don’t have to be health hazards. Consider using the left-hand-and-water-jug method preferred by many locals (it is, after all, so much more hygienic than using dry paper), but don’t forget to carry soap with you so you can wash your hands properly afterwards.
5. Keep cool

India is renowned for its touts and scams, for its in-yer-face hassles and for being generally bloody hectic. There are various ways you can reduce the chances of being overcharged or just plain cheated (see scams in India), but there’s no way you can avoid them altogether, so the single most important piece of advice for any India first-timer is to try to remain calm, no matter what. Frustrations boil over easily in India, and being able to control them, take a deep breath and move on, is key to enjoying your overall experience.

Hv great journy  :happy:

PJ Games / Re: which pj member do u miss ryt now?
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:17:54 AM »
Lao ji mainu kyu gusa hona
:sad: sanu ki ptaa..

PJ Games / Re: which pj member do u miss ryt now?
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:12:33 AM »
Yahoo te ta kide koi MSG v nai aya rehn deo Garry :sad:
gussa kise da kaddna mere te hunda :huhh:

PJ Games / Re: which pj member do u miss ryt now?
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:00:31 AM »
Na hello na SSA :sad:
main kinni wari bulaaya :sad: mehko ptani kithe busy hundi.. Chaahe IM chk kro yahoo te :huhh:

. Har vele
aglya ne PJ te paise laaye aa :laugh: ooh malik aa kamliye.. Apna ki a ehde ch :sad:

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