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News Khabran / Haiti in Pictures - Lend a hand to Help
« on: January 20, 2010, 12:08:57 PM »

News Khabran / India still home to largest illiterate population: UNESCO
« on: January 20, 2010, 11:36:00 AM »
India still has the largest number of illiterate adults in the world, but has made “rapid advances” in cutting down the numbers of school drop outs, a new UN report on education has said.

The Education For All-Global Monitoring Report, released here on Wednesday finds that out of the total 759 million illiterate adults in the world, India still has the highest number.

“Over half of the illiterate adults live in just four countries: Bangladesh, China, India and Pakistan,” the report said, adding the progress has been “painfully slow” and threatens to obstruct the Millennium Development Goals.

It said about 72 million primary school age children and another 71 million adolescents are not at school, and on current trends, 56 million primary school age children will still be out of school in 2015, it said.

UNESCO’s top official Irina Bokova said the world body was apprehensive that the financial crisis would cause governments to scale back funding on education.

“With the world’s largest illiterate population, India has been making progress,” the report said.

While in 1985 -1994 just about half of the adults in the country were literate, now the number has gone up to two-thirds. “Since the adult population increased by 45 per cent, this marks a real advance,” it said.

Gender disparities remain deeply engrained, with 28 nations across the developing world having nine or fewer girls in school for every 10 boys.

The report said two-thirds of the total illiterate people are women.

On a positive note, it says that out-of-school numbers have fallen “driven by rapid advances in India”. In the three years to 2007, out-of-school population fell by 8 million.

“Much of the decline took place in India, which reported a fall of almost 15 million in out-of-school numbers in the two years after the 2001 launch of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (universal primary education) programme,” the report said.

It finds that with the exception of China, progress towards halving illiteracy has been “painfully slow,” which will make meeting MDG targets difficult.

“On current trends, the world will be less than halfway towards this goal by 2015. India alone will have a shortfall of some 81 million literate people,” it said.

Ms. Bokova, Executive Director of the UN body for education, warned that the present financial crisis would cause parents and governments to scale back on educating their children.

The Education For All Monitoring Global Report comes out in the backdrop of a financial crisis that is driving millions into extreme poverty. “In short it would create a lost generation... a tremendous cost to society,” she added.

“It could force governments to cut their spending on education and parents to pull their children out of school or simply not to send them,” Ms. Bokova said, at the launch of the report here at the UN headquarters.

The report also finds that low-income countries provide poor quality education and caste system obstructs education in South Asia.

Sports Khelan / Google to screen IPL cricket live on YouTube
« on: January 20, 2010, 11:29:07 AM »
Cricket's Indian Premier League has struck a deal with Google to stream its matches live on YouTube in a move that could revolutionise the way sport is broadcast.

The usually staid sport of cricket has been transformed since the advent of the Twenty20 format and the big-money IPL tournament, which is now in its third year. And its latest innovation could have global ramifications for the way people watch sport.

Last year one of England's football World Cup qualifiers was screened exclusively on the internet, with limited success, but the IPL deal goes much further. The tournament will become the first sporting event to be shown live globally on a dedicated YouTube channel.

Viewers will be able to choose their own camera angles, freeze and fast forward footage, log into chat rooms to discuss the action as it unfolds and look at player and match statistics. Replays of games will also be available through an archive feature.

In countries where the IPL has a deal with a broadcaster there will be a slight delay on the internet feed, but in the UK the games will be broadcast in real time. Internet viewers will also have control over how they watch the game as they can choose the feed they watch, some of which are exclusive to the YouTube channel.

IPL commissioner Lalit Modi told the Daily Telegraph: "This changes the world of sports broadcasting. Google have never done this before. This is a first for the whole of sport.

"This will be a true experience for the fan who will be able to control how and when they watch the action... if you fancy watching from the stump cam or from behind the bowlers arm then so be it because 20 different feeds will be available. The viewer will have the choice and not the television companies.

He added that the deal would give fans more freedom. "You will be able to get up in the morning and, if you have an internet connection, watch the action at a time of your choosing and not have to wait for a broadcaster to repeat it."

The two-year deal will see Google and the IPL share sponorship and advertising revenue. The tournament begins in March and runs until April.

The deal with the IPL in India is in contrast to the search engine's troubles in another emerging market, China, where Google has threatened to quit the country because of hacking attempts and curbs on free speech.

Gup Shup / A girl Looking for "true love"..Anyone Wanna Help?
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:55:50 AM »
Following is a PM to me..
I dont feel like having a long time relationship.. So anyone wanna take a shot  :loll: :loll: :loll: :loll:
I wish It would have said "Dearest Jhanda"  :loll: :loll:

Profile: Anabel4you

Please reply back with my email (anabel.awaza002@yahoo.co.uk)
How are you over there?
I know that you would be excited for the fact that you do not know who is writing.
Actually my name is Mis. Anabel Awaza,Please my dear i will like us to hold a good long time relationship with real love.and I have something very important that I need to share with you. I am very serious; I shall tell you more about myself and send you my picture in my next mail.please reply back with my email address (anabel.awaza002@yahoo.co.uk)
Hoping to hear from you soonest.
Yours Anabel.

NEW DELHI: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday filed chargesheets against former Congress MP Sajjan Kumar and others in two
separate cases related to the 1984 anti-Sikh riots.

Two chargesheets were filed before Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Kaveri Baweja at the Tis Hazari Court here. This is the first time the CBI has chargesheeted Sajjan Kumar.

The first chargesheet pertains to the killing of five people in the Delhi Cantonment area. The second chargesheet relates to the death of many people in riots in Sultanpuri. The CBI also filed a closure report in a case of riots in Mangolpuri area.

The investigating agency chargesheeted Sajjan Kumar and others under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including 302 (murder), 153-A (rioting) and 120-B (criminal conspiracy).

After the chargesheet was filed, the court transferred all the cases to Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Lokesh Kumar, Karkardooma courts, and listed the case for hearing Jan 18.

Hearing of all cases under trial related to the anti-Sikh riots are being held in the Karkadooma courts.

The CBI filed the chargesheets after Delhi Lt. Governor Tejendra Khanna gave it the go-ahead Dec 31 to prosecute Sajjan Kumar in four cases of murder and communal rioting cases related to the 1984 anti-Sikh carnage.

Two cases were registered in the Sultanpuri police station and one each was registered in Mangolpuri and Delhi Cantonment police stations.

Former parliamentarian Sajjan Kumar is accused of instigating mobs that went on the rampage, killing over 3.000 Sikhs across Delhi in 1984 followoing the assassination of then prime minister Indira Gandhi.

The sanction was required as Kumar is a former MP and has been charged under Section 153-A of the IPC (spreading enmity between two communities).

P.S - Simply should be shoot to death, Son of a gun. And took them more then 25 yrs.. Pathetic

News Khabran / India's Feild Hockey Crisis
« on: January 12, 2010, 11:47:00 AM »
The revolt by Indian hockey players seems to be gathering strength day by day.

On Tuesday talks between revolting players and Hockey India officials over the unpaid salaries broke down in Pune. Officials have refused to concede to the players’ demands saying they simply do not have the funds to do to pay the players.

Hockey India officials blame the players of being greedy and putting money before the country.

They also issued a threat to the players saying they (players) have one day to end their strike and return to the training camp otherwise they will be asked to leave the camp.

International Hockey Federation (FIH) has also backed Hockey India, calling the players demands unacceptable..

The players in response say they are not returning to the camp and that they were willing to play the World Cup at their own cost.

Players claim the promised incentives haven't been delivered and that they have been playing for India for 10 years without rewards. All 22 players claim to be united and have demanded resignation of Hockey India officials if they can't come up with the funds saying the intention is to ensure the future of the game.

The players addressed a press conference in a show of unity.

"He will play in the World Cup on our own cost and put the country before self," said team member Deepak Thakur said.

"We have been playing for the country for the last 10 years. We have not received much incentive" said another member Prabhjot Singh.

"They didn't give us any assurances. They did not give us anything in writing, nothing in black and white," added goalkeeper Adrian D'Souza about the meeting.

The players addressed the media after a stormy press conference where Hockey India refused to budge claiming the players were greedy and unwilling to understand their financial concerns.

"We pleaded with then. Tony also told them the international practices that nowhere no country was playing for money. They are playing for the colour of their country, to bring glory to the country. Unfortunately that also was not heeded," Hockey India President AK Mattoo said.

The war between the players and the officials has left Indian hockey in the lurch.

Hockey India officials have also threatened to sack the entire team and look for a new set of players to play at the World Cup.

The FIH is also shell shocked by the ongoing crisis in Indian hockey.

"What more can he do? Hockey India exists only since May 2009. Since October 2009 there has been a new sponsorship agreement. How can Hockey India, which is an interim body until the elections, commit for the future," said FIH Vice-President Antonio von Ondarza.

While the players prepare to pack their bags and head home with a critical message that they are doing this to ensure the future of the game.

"We are not only worried about the World Cup. We are worried about the future of the sport," said D'Souza.

It is clear that Indian hockey is embroiled in its greatest crisis ever with no obvious end in sight.

News Khabran / "Google" is the word of the Decade
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:45:30 PM »
(CBS)  Chances are, in the past year, you read a blog about a bank bailout, a balloon boy and a beer summit.

And you may have been inundated with tweets about mini-Madoffs, Climategate and Octomom.

Indeed, 2009, like every other year, spawned a vocabulary torn from the headlines: "inaugurate," "H1N1" and "rogue" all caused gridlock in Web traffic. Depending on which dictionary you trust, either "admonish" (Merriam-Webster) or "unfriend" (New Oxford American) was anointed 2009's word of the year.

But what was the top word of the past decade?

"Google" (the verb) takes the prize, according to the American Dialect Society, which made the declaration Friday evening in Baltimore.

"It's hard to imagine life before we were Googling," American Dialect Society executive councilmember Ben Zimmer tells CBSNews.com.

In the end, "Google" beat out five formidable finalists for Word of the Decade: "9/11," "green," "blog," "text" and "war on terror." (The ADS deemed "tweet" top word for 2009.)

Zimmer notes that way back in 2002 (when "weapons of mass destruction" was crowned Word of the Year), "Google" was voted most useful and "blog" most likely to succeed.

While many of the decade's most popular words were products of the Web, most were spawned by politics and media - and sometimes both.

Take, for example, the recently ingrained terms "red states" and "blue states." The practice of color coding political parties dates back more than a century, but only in the past decade did the color red come to symbolize Republican and blue Democrat, says Zimmer, who's day job is executive producer of Visual Thesaurus.

Beginning with the 1976 presidential election, TV networks assigned the color blue to the incumbent party (at the time, the GOP) and red to the challenger. That model continued until 2008, when the Democrats (at the time, the challenger) were supposed to be switched to red. However, thanks to the likes of Tim Russert and other TV analysts who had color-coded maps in the 2000 and 2004 elections, the blue/red distinction had become so synonymous with Democrat/Republican, that the colors stuck.

"It just became unavoidable," Zimmer says. "That coincidence of how the map was colored had a big linguistic effect on how we divide the country."

The intersection of politics and news gave birth to other notable words. The disputed election of George W. Bush, for instance, made "chad" the American Dialect Society's word of the year in 2000.

Not surprisingly, much of the lingering lexicon from the Bush era revolves around war - "axis of evil," "9/11," "WMD," "ground zero" and "IED" are all ingrained in our vocabulary.

As for Barack Obama's imprint on language, history will tell. For all of Mr. Obama's eloquence, the president has yet to produce any catch phrases, buzz words or memorable expressions.

The one exception?

"Wee'd wee'd up," says Zimmer, who nominated the term, along with 31 others, as 2009's word of the year. ("There is something about August going into September where everybody in Washington gets all wee-weed up," the president said of his agitated detractors last summer.)

Politics also gave a boost to the suffix "-er" in the last decade. For example: "flip-flopper" (coined during the 2004 election), "birther" (someone who doubts Mr. Obama was born in the U.S.), and "deather" (one who subscribes to Sarah Palin's "death panel" claim).

While Democrats clung to sterile terms like "public option," Zimmer says Republicans were far more effective at leveraging the "-er" suffix to their advantage - even if it was in an alarmist or conspiratorial fashion.

While "-er" ruled the ends of words, "un-" was the decade's dominant prefix. Sites like Facebook forced the word into our cyber consciousness as a quick, often cold, way of undoing an action - or an online relationship. "Unfriend," "unfollow" and "unfavorite" are examples.

Zimmer says "un-" has supplanted "de-" as the preeminent reversative prefix. Similar to the Twitter-spawned interjection "fail," the negative prefix serves as a metaphor for the decade.

"It extends into social relations," he says. "It has big social ramifications because the whole concept of friendship is changing."

Of course, for every shiny new word that became a permanent dictionary addition, there was one that faded into obscurity. Called "stunt words" by lexicographers, some words just don't stand the test of time. These fleeting words include "muggle" (a word popularized in 2000 from Harry Potter, meaning a mundane, unimaginative person) and "plutoed" (2006's word meaning to be demoted or devalued, like the erstwhile planet). Maybe the most forgettable word of the year in American Dialect Society history: 1990's "bushlips."

Which brings up a final linguistic quandary: what do we call the first decade of this century? Even now, there is no consensus. The aughts? The naughties? The zeroes? The oh's? The double oh's? As Rebecca Mead of the New Yorker points out, the de facto choice - the aughts - is actually a corruption of the word "naught," meaning nothing or zero.

While the "aughts" is uninspiring, the "naughties" has more sex appeal. In fact, at the dawn of the decade, there was already a grassroots campaign in support of the "naughties." Ten years later, the name seems apt. After all, in a decade marked by "axis of evil," "mini-Madoffs" and "sexting," naughtiness prevailed.

Some Words That Shaped the 00's:

Here is a list of some notable words of the decade, according to the American Dialect Society. The ADS's annual Word of the Year vote includes several sub-categories - most outrageous, most useful, most likely to succeed, least likely to succeed, most euphemistic, etc. The first words listed were crowned Word of the Year.

Chad; Courtesy call; Civil union; Nader traitor

9/11; Shuicide bomber; Ground zero; Misunderestimate

WMD; Google (verb); Blog; Amber alert; Regime change

Metrosexual; Embed; SARS; Pre-emptive self defense

Red state, blue state, purple state; Flip-flopper; Phish; krunked

Truthiness; Katrina; Podcast; Sudoku

Plutoed; Macaca; YouTube; Lactard; waterboarding

Subprime; Facebook; Green- (prefix); Truther; Toe tapper

Bailout; Barack Obama; Change; maverick; Shovel ready; TWD (texting while driving); Bromance; Terrorist fist jab

Tweet; -er (suffix); Fail; Public option; H1N1; Death panel; Sexting

News Khabran / Tiger Kills the Owner
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:23:11 PM »
The deputy mayor of a southwestern Ontario town says local residents long wanted to ban Norman Buwalda from keeping exotic animals on his property, long before the man was mauled to death by his pet tiger.

Norman Buwalda died at his residence in Southwold, Ont., after entering a cage to feed a 300-kilogram Siberian tiger that he kept on his property. A family member found his body in the cage and was able to lock the tiger in a separate portion of the cage.

Police say the tiger attacked and killed him. A post mortem examination is expected to take place Monday.

In total, Buwalda kept five wild cats -- including a lion and a cougar -- on his property.

Stan Lidster, the deputy mayor of the Township of Southwold, said that Buwalda was a "decent gentleman" who first raised the ire of his neighbours with the way he kept his animals several years ago.

Back then, he had "a couple of small tigers, and a cougar and a lion," Lidster told CTV News Channel during a telephone interview from Shedden, Ont.

"The lion was running with the dogs and the residents were concerned that when it grew up, it would still be running loose," he said. "But as far as I know, those animals had left the property, so all that was left was the tiger."

Buwalda's controversial animal keep also made the news in June 2004, when a 10-year-boy was mauled while taking a photograph of one of the tigers. The child survived, but suffered severe neck and head injuries.

In 2004, Buwalda won a two-year court battle with the town, which he claimed was abusing its power to have his animals removed from his property, Lidster said.

"We were fighting on behalf of the residents of Southwold to have those removed and unfortunately this is a terrible accident for Mr. Buwalda," said Lidster, making reference to the fatal incident on Sunday afternoon.

Neighbourhood resident Nicole Balogh was one of many people who helped pass a bylaw banning a person from owning an exotic animal. But Buwalda fought it successfully.

"We tried to get something done about the situation in general, but it was overthrown and there wasn't a whole lot we could do about it," said Balogh, who lives down the road and has two small children.

Lidster said it is likely that town council will have to consult with Buwalda's family to determine what happens to the tiger.

"I believe that the council will probably have a discussion on it," Lidster said, noting that it is likely that Buwalda's family will also be consulted.

Mayor James McIntyre told reporters on Sunday night that local council members would discuss the matter as early as Monday evening.

"I think we need to re-discuss this again as council and it will likely be brought up in open session tomorrow night as a new business item," McIntyre said.

P.S. - Seriously, Craziness to its max.. Why the hell you would keep a 300 Kg Tiger in your damn Backyard


A man who was stabbed to death in a London suburb while confronting two muggers who were running away after snatching a woman's handbag has been described as a hero by police.

Sukhwinder Singh, 31, who has one child, chased the thieves after witnessing the attack on a 28-year-old woman near Barking station in east London. After pursuing the two men along several residential streets, Singh caught up with the pair and a fight broke out, during which he was fatally wounded.

Singh, a builder, was taken to the Royal London hospital, where he later died. Police said the dead man was a hero who had lost his life bravely trying to prevent more crime being committed in his community.

The woman was walking home at about 6.40pm yesterday when the attackers struck from behind and stole her bag. Singh, an Indian national who has lived in London for 10 years and is believed to have been staying with cousins in Barking, intervened despite not knowing the victim.

Tributes were paid to a "brave" and "special" man who would help anybody. Nirmal Singh Gill, who represents the Longbridge ward on Barking and Dagenham council, said he knew Singh by his nickname, "Bittu".

"He was a very nice young man. He used to go the Gurdwara every evening and was always helping. He was a smart guy who didn't drink at all and was a very clean-living person. He would help anybody so it doesn't surprise me that he was trying to help a lady.

"He didn't deserve this – nobody deserves it – but he was a special young man. He was very well known in the Sikh community and everyone is very shocked. It's a very big loss to everyone, both here and in India."

Detective Inspector John Sandlin said: "This is a tragic death of a man who was killed for attempting to stop others committing crime, and our thoughts are with Sukhwinder's family. However, I would also to reassure the wider community that tragic events such as these are very rare.

"What Mr Singh did was obviously very brave but I would not encourage that members of the public do that. What I would encourage the public to do is contact us immediately."

Mohammad Jubran, 22, who lives on the road where the attack happened, said: "I was just coming back from the gym and, when I got home, my mum said she heard someone screaming, calling out: 'Don't let them run'.

"It's terrible. I've been living here for 16 years and it's the first time I have heard someone has been murdered. It makes you more scared about going outside at night. It was a brave thing he did."

A 36-year-old resident, who asked not to be named, said the roads near the station were well lit at night, but added: "There are quite a lot of robberies because it's quite secluded and there is a bridge by the station so people can run to the other side quickly. But I have never heard of anything like this. It's a shock – I hope they catch whoever did it."

The attack comes weeks after Home Office figures indicated that 375,000 people were mugged in England and Wales last year – the equivalent of one every 90 seconds.

Tonight, officers appealed for witnesses as police searched the area for the murder weapon or the handbag, which may have been thrown away by the muggers. Drivers passing through the area were stopped and interviewed as detectives attempted to discover in which direction the muggers fled. They are described as black men aged in their 20s or 30s and 5ft 7in to 6ft tall.

Sandlin added: "My officers are also keen to hear from anybody who witnessed the initial robbery, the actual altercation that led to the stabbing. I am appealing for anyone that knows who committed this crime, or who has any information about those who committed this crime, to do the right thing and come forward.

"It is also possible that the suspects may have abandoned the bag stolen, and I appeal to anyone who may find a brown leather shoulder bag to contact police."

A postmortem examination was due to take place at Queen's hospital, Romford, yesterday afternoon. Police have declined to say which part of the body Singh was stabbed in or how many wounds he received.

The charity Witness Confident reported recently that nine out of 10 muggers escaped justice last year, and warned that the public were so disillusioned with the police and criminal justice system that only 153,750 of the crimes estimated to have taken place – about 40% – were reported.

East London remains a "hotspot" for knife crime, with weapon carrying a problem, particularly among gang members. Days before Christmas an 18-year-old was found lying in a Bow street after being attacked with a knife. Salum Kombo died after suffering multiple stab wounds in an attack just yards from his home.

The government recently called for tougher sentences for knife crime, while last week a court heard how a man carried out a casual knife-point mugging in the hope he would be deported back to his war-torn African homeland because he hated life in Britain.

News Khabran / 3 dead after a Gun attack on Togo Soccer team
« on: January 09, 2010, 12:27:27 PM »

The death toll from an attack on Togo's football team as they travelled in Angola has risen from one to three, reports say.

The team bus driver was killed in Friday's attack, with the deaths of the assistant coach and a spokesman announced a day later.

Two players were among nine people injured in the attack as the team headed to the Africa Cup of Nations.

The team withdrew from the competition, due to start on Sunday, reports say.

The team has not yet left Angola, however, and has just held a meeting with the tournament's organisers and the Angolan government.

The outcome of the meeting is not yet clear, but organisers appear desperate to keep Togo in the competition despite the attack, the BBC's correspondent says.

The attack happened in Angola's northern province of Cabinda on Friday.

Goalkeeper Kossi Agassa, who plays for French club Istres, told France-Info radio that the assistant coach and a spokesperson had died.

# Oil-rich province cut off from the rest of Angola by DR Congo
# Flec rebels fought for region's independence
# Rebels laid down arms in 2006 but some unrest continues
# Angola had dismissed concerns about staging games there

Among the nine people injured were two players, an assistant manager, physio, goalkeeping coach and another coach.

The attackers machine-gunned the vehicle after it crossed from the Republic of Congo into Angola's oil-rich territory of Cabinda.

Rebels who have been fighting for the region's independence later said they had carried out the attack.

The Angolan government called the incident an "act of terrorism".

Togo had been due to play their first cup game in Cabinda on Monday, but reports suggest that they will now fly home on the presidential plane which is being sent to collect them.

The Ghanaian team was also said to be considering pulling out.

The Angolan Prime Minister, Paulo Kassoma, described the attack as an "isolated act", and guaranteed the security of teams, AFP news agency reported.

The BBC sports correspondent says that, if confirmed, Togo's decision to withdraw will be a crushing blow for the Angolan hosts, who hoped the tournament would show how far their country had progressed since the end of the civil war.

The tournament's organisers, the Confederation of African Football (CAF), said the team should have travelled by air rather than road.

Complaints / Complaint - PJ Radio
« on: January 09, 2010, 11:34:04 AM »
Why is PJ radio not working?  :angr:

We are happy.. Let us be happy...  /:) ... So Sadda Radio hunne Challo  :spam: :spam:


News Khabran / German held at airport after bomb-in-briefs joke
« on: January 06, 2010, 01:34:56 PM »
Authorities at Stuttgart airport temporarily detained a German man Tuesday after he repeatedly told security personnel he had explosives in his underwear.

Police said a full-body search of the 42-year-old did not turn up any explosives. However, Tuifly airline refused to let the man, his wife and daughter board the plane to Egypt where they had planned to have a vacation.

The police said the family would not be refunded for the cost of their trip and could expect a fine of up to 1,000 euros ($1,495 Cdn) and possible additional costs. The names of the man and his family were withheld in accordance with German privacy laws.

The man was apparently making a joke about the failed attempt by a Nigerian man to set off a bomb on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, is accused of trying to ignite explosives concealed in his underwear on the Northwest Airlines flight.

P.S. - Funny... Son of a gun  :loll:

News Khabran / In-Law Booked after a Girl commit suicide during Holidays
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:53:51 PM »

In Short: Girl jumped of the cruise and commit suicide during the Holidays in bahamas. Then the parents in India recieved an email detailing the abuse she is being through. More Info follows...

The police in Gurgaon on Sunday lodged an FIR against a doctor and his family for the death of their daughter-in-law who jumped to her death from a cruise ship in the Bahamas after allegedly being beaten by her husband for dowry.

Gurgaon civil surgeon S S Dalal, his wife Nirmala, his son Ankit, and daughter Anika have been booked for dowry harassment, assault and criminal breach of trust, said Deputy Commissioner of Police (West) Rakesh Arya.

Suresh Chhikara has alleged in his police complaint that his daughter Neha, who married in October 2008, was harassed and beaten by her husband Ankit Dalal for not bringing enough dowry.

Chhikara alleged that Neha jumped off the deck of an American luxury cruise ship in the Bahamas Sea on December 31 after she was severely beaten by Ankit. Neha’s body is yet to be recovered.

The DCP said the police would book Ankit for dowry death when Neha’s death is confirmed.

Neha's brother Anuj alleged that she had sent an e-mail from the ship in which she wrote about her harassment. “Ankit has been beating me every day on the ship. I have lost the strength to live," he said, quoting her e-mail.

Anuj alleged that police took three days to lodge an FIR because S S Dalal was a friend of Haryana Director General of Police Ranjiv Singh Dalal. No arrest has been in the case yet.

News Khabran / Indian Student Stabbed to Death in Australia
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:43:10 PM »

Age: 21

An Indian youth was on Sunday stabbed to death by unidentified assailants here, becoming the first victim to succumb to injuries amid a string of racial attacks on the community members in Australia.

Nitin Garg, 21, who migrated from Jagraon in Punjab and had permanent residency in Australia, was stabbed in the abdomen in a park while on his way to a restaurant, where he worked part-time. He staggered into the restaurant at about 10 pm local time on Saturday and pleaded for help before collapsing. Garg, who on a previous occasion also was beaten up by a group of men at the Newport Railway Station, was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital, where he later died.

Varinder Kumar, the victim’s uncle, said, “Nitin had gone to Australia for higher education some three years ago. He would study by day and work part-time in a food chain called Hungry Jack’s.”

News Khabran / It will be a Blue Moon on New Year Eve
« on: December 30, 2009, 12:29:41 PM »

(CNN) -- It happens only once in a blue moon -- and scientists say a blue moon is exactly what we'll see in the skies this New Year's Eve.

Don't expect an azure glow over our lunar satellite, however. The term "blue moon" simply refers to the second full moon in a calendar month, something that hasn't happened on a New Year's Eve for nearly 20 years, NASA says.

"December 1990 ended with a blue moon, and many New Year's Eve parties were themed by the event," said Professor Philip Hiscock of the department of folklore at Memorial University of Newfoundland, in Canada. "It was a lot of fun."

Most months have just one full moon, because the 29.5-day cycle of the moon matches up pretty well with the length of calendar months. Occasionally, there will be two full moons in a month, something that happens about every 2½ years, NASA says.

But a blue moon on December 31 is rare.

Elvis Presley crooned about it when he sang the old Rodgers and Hart song "Blue Moon," in which he stood alone without a dream in his heart or a love of his own.

He struck a more hopeful tone in another tune, singing about his love returning to his arms "When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again." He also covered Bill Monroe's bluegrass classic, "Blue Moon of Kentucky."

It is possible for the moon to have a cerulean hue, NASA says, but that's sometimes caused by fine dirt circulating in the Earth's atmosphere or the dark blue tone of the sky.

A blue moon hasn't always meant the second full moon in a month. Hundreds of years ago, it simply meant "never" or "absurd," Hiscock said.

"The phrase 'blue moon' has been around a long time, well over 400 years, but during that time its meaning has shifted," he said. "I have counted six different meanings which have been carried by the term, and at least four of them are still current today. That makes discussion of the term a little complicated."

When the Indonesian volcano Krakatoa erupted in 1883, it put so much dust in the atmosphere that the moon actually appeared blue -- an event so unusual that the term "once in a blue moon" was coined, according to NASA's National Space Science Data Center. The effect lasted for almost two years, Hiscock said.

Full moons used to have 12 names, one for each month, such as "harvest moon," NASA said. The term "blue moon" referred to the 13th full moon in a year.

The term acquired its current meaning in the 1940s, after the Farmer's Almanac of Maine offered an astronomical definition of a blue moon "so convoluted that even professional astronomers struggled to understand it," NASA wrote on its Web site.

A writer at Sky and Telescope magazine in the late 1940s tried to explain the almanac's definition by saying it referred to the second full moon in a month.

"That was not correct, but at least it could be understood," NASA wrote. "And thus the modern blue moon was born."

News Khabran / U.K. fugitive taunts police on Facebook
« on: December 30, 2009, 12:16:00 PM »
An escaped British prisoner is taunting police over the internet, using his Facebook page.

Convicted burglar Craig Lynch, 28, has been updating his profile regularly since he escaped from prison in Suffolk three months ago.

He has been mocking authorities for failing to find him and openly musing about moving across the Atlantic. His profile picture shows him making an obscene gesture at the camera.

One fan warns him to be careful and "don't get caught" because his IP address is given to Facebook at every log-in.

In a recent update, Craig (Lazie) Lynch says Facebook deleted his original page of over 4,000 fans, but since signing up again, that number has already risen to 3,000.

"Trying to figure out my plans for New Years. I know what I want to do but it's not that easy," he writes.

Police said Lynch was serving a seven-year sentence for committing a burglary with a weapon. They're appealing to his Facebook friends to help track him down.

- This is funny.. Modern Chor  :loll: :loll:

Tech Lounge / Universe has 11 Dimension - String Theory
« on: December 28, 2009, 06:42:41 PM »
Ok they working on a new theory called a string theory which states that the universe has 11 demenision
Its a very innovating Idea.. Basically this will define what is the most fundamental form for any kind of system (Newtonian motion, Electromegnatic Motion .. ETC )

This is a very intense talk n seems like BS at first, but hold your thought till the second half of the Video ...


News Khabran / Detective pulling a Gun on a Snow Ball Fight Make Headline
« on: December 25, 2009, 09:36:27 PM »


Happened - Dec 19, 2009

Officer Draws Gun at D.C. Snowball Fight

Warning: Offensive Language

snow ball fight gone wrong - washington dc police pull weapon - raw cut

Funny Videos / Funny Animations
« on: December 24, 2009, 08:59:32 PM »
Funny Animation

Animator vs Animation I comedy funny comic komik

Fun Time / MOVED: I.Q Test for Blondes
« on: November 30, 2009, 06:32:23 PM »

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