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Topics - Jhanda_Amli

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Australian officials warn that the Great Barrier Reef is in grave danger of being further contaminated by oil after a Chinese ship ran aground off Queensland.  The vessel is stuck on a sandbar and has already leaked at least two tons of dark sludge into the water.

A frantic clean-up operation is under way where the Chinese-registered coal ship, Shen Neng 1, is aground in an area where commercial shipping is restricted to protect the world's largest coral reef.

About two tons of oil has seeped into the water so far from the damaged vessel, creating a slick up to three kilometers long.

Aircraft have sprayed chemicals in an attempt to disperse the contamination.

There are concerns that the ship, which ran aground Saturday, may break up and spill 950 tons of oil into the sea.

Salvage experts are on board to try to prevent that from happening.

The Queensland state premier, Anna Bligh, says the emergency team will help to minimize the environmental damage.

"They are part of a major salvage team that will now begin what I think will be a very complex and delicate operation to make sure we get this vessel off the reef with as little damage as possible so that we prevent the possibility of any major oil spill," she said.  "This could be one of the most complex and difficult salvage operations we have seen - certainly in Queensland maritime history and possibly Australia's," she explained.

The ship was taking coal to China when it ran into a large sand bank.  Its owners could face heavy fines because the vessel was sailing through restricted waters.

Coral reef pinnacle, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Pacific Ocean
Coral reef pinnacle, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Pacific Ocean

Conservation groups have long been concerned that freighters travel through the Great Barrier Reef without the help of specially trained marine pilots.

The reef stretches for more than 2,500 kilometers along Australia's northeast coast.  It covers an area bigger than the United Kingdom and is largest living structure on earth.  It is home to hundreds of thousands of species of marine life, many of which are rare.

Scientists say its health is endangered by the effects of climate change, including warmer ocean temperatures, as well as pollution that runs off from farms.

Help & Suggestions / Lyrics for the Kuldeep Manak Song
« on: April 04, 2010, 01:26:33 AM »

Kesse kol eh song de lyrics hegge aa ji ...Aa Samja aukha aa thora Song.. Nai teh Koi janna Likh davvo Please... May be Just First Half :happy:

- Amli, Gaun Walla, Maan Kanjeeri.. Lende Joban wich Bahar .. Budde Ho welle nu thuh de...
Jadoo Himat Jande Harr..

- Thavi Kann Barfiya Gijj je.. Oh Patt dende ghar bharr.

P.S. - an Iconic Song!!.. Awsome

Tech Lounge / Bill Gates: Innovating Energy - Getting to Zero
« on: March 31, 2010, 05:18:27 PM »
Very Innovating talk where is he talking about where the energy will be going in future so that emmision of Carbon Dioxide could be minimized


Wild whooping and cheering broke out as scientists celebrated the “dawn of a new era” of physics yesterday with the first high-energy collisions at the Large Hadron Collider.

In the moments after the images of collisions were beamed into each of the four LHC control rooms, physicists of all ages and nationalities hugged each other, jumped up and down and popped champagne corks.

Heidi Sandaker, a Norwegian physicist, had even brought her baby into work so that her child was “there” at the moment the collisions took place.

After a year’s setback and, for some, several decades of hard work, the beams of protons first smashed together just after noon BST. It was five hours behind schedule but well within the time frame expected by scientists at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN). Two failed attempts in the morning, starting at 5am BST, were enough to ramp up tensions.

On the third attempt scientists watching the event live from around the world described it as an “historic moment” marking the first step towards addressing some of the deepest mysteries in physics. “We are going where nobody has been before. We have opened a new territory for physics,” said Oliver Buchmueller, a senior CERN scientist.

The atomic particles smashed together in head-on collisions, with each beam having an energy of 3.5 trillion electron volts, three times the previous record. By creating ultra-high energy collisions, scientists are mimicking the conditions just after the Big Bang. The two proton beams began circulating ten days ago in opposite directions around a 17-mile (27km) tunnel under the Swiss-French border at Geneva.

Scientists hope that the LHC will eventually find evidence for the existence of the Higgs boson, a particle that theoretically explains the origin of mass but which has never been detected. The LHC will also investigate dark matter, extra-spatial dimensions and whether fundamental particles, such as quarks and leptons, can be broken down into even tinier components.

“We could be on the verge of a revolution of the type we saw in physics 100 years ago,” said Jürgen Schukraft, spokesman for the Alice experiment, one of the tests taking place. “The LHC seems to have the key to the answers for a lot of things that don’t add up.”

Professor Rolf Heuer, the director-general of CERN, and his deputy, Sergio Bertolucci, were not present for the collisions due to an engagement with the Japanese science minister. Speaking via video-link from the University of Tokyo, with a bottle of wine beside him and glass in hand, Professor Heuer said: “This bottle is from 1991, the year we got sign-off for the LHC. The bottle is empty, but the physics channels will be full very soon. Santé. Stay tuned.”

The announcement of successful collisions brought an outpouring of relief and excitement from scientists who have guided the project. Many had been working continuously through Monday night and Tuesday morning to ensure everything ran smoothly.

Professor Christophe Delaere, a physicist from the University of Louvain, Belgium, had been working for more than 24 hours. “It’s a really exciting moment,” he said.

“I don’t have a speech prepared, because all I’ve been thinking about is Atlas,” said Fabiola Gianotti, leader of the Atlas project, after the collisions. “It’s so intense, everyone’s feeling a big emotion, a big enthusiasm. It’s a machine of unprecedented size and complexity, but behind that are the people, and particularly the young scientists.”

Betting has already begun on what will be the first discovery at the LHC, with the Irish bookmaker PaddyPower making dark matter the 11-10 favourite, followed by black holes at 8-1 and dark energy at 12-1. God remains the 100-1 outsider.

Questions the LHC hopes to answer

Dark matter The existence of an “exotic” type of matter that cannot be seen but whose gravitational effects can be felt, was first hypothesised in 1934 to account for evidence of “missing mass” in galaxies. Dark matter is believed to make up about three quarters of all matter in the Universe, but only the most tantalising hints of it have ever been detected experimentally

Higgs boson The celebrity particle of the LHC, which could explain the origin of mass, was first proposed theoretically in 1964 by Peter Higgs, but has never been observed

Supersymmetry The idea that every particle in the Universe has a symmetric, heavier twin. This idea is an elegant theory, but there is very little evidence for it

Recreating the big bang The Alice experiment will collide heavy lead nuclei, generating temperatures 100,000 times those at the centre of the Sun and producing a tiny sample of the “primordial soup” that existed just after the Big Bang

Extra dimensions In daily life we experience three spatial dimensions, but physicists think there could be either ten or twenty-six curled up so tightly that they are invisible to us

The LHC substructure of fundamental particles The LHC is the highest energy particle accelerator, meaning it could find quarks in particles

Knowledge / Different Categories of Cars
« on: March 29, 2010, 09:48:30 PM »
Ok this the list of only the one which are very common on the road and the list is very general as its not easy to categories

These small cars with a sporty look, typically feature a roof which can be either folded or detached. Although most convertibles are two seaters and/or two door, four seaters and/or four door convertibles are also available. At times, detaching the roof can be a tedious task, and buying power assisted convertibles can save you the trouble involved in it.
- Some of the famous convertibles in market today include the Ford Mustang.


These are small two door cars, sporting a roof that is inclined towards the rear. These are shortened versions of sedans, and you can experience the issue of cramping in coupes, especially when you try to get into the back seat.
- Some of the famous coupe models in market today include the Bentley Continental GT Coupé and Aston Martin DBS.

Bentley Continental

Aston Martin

The USP of hatchbacks is the ample cargo space and a large door to tuck in all your luggage. The cargo space of these medium sized cars is accessible from the rear seat, as opposed to the separate trunk in sedans. Some of the most popular hatchback models include Audi S3, Geo Metro and Dodge Caliber.

Audi S3

Dodge Caliber

These cars range from mid-sized to large models, and typically feature two rows of seats.
- Being considerably large, they provide ample space for people who occupy the rear seat as well. These family cars, especially the large sedans, have a powerful engine and plush, spacious car interiors.
Even though parking can be troublesome owing to their relatively large size, the size does enhance the safety features of these vehicles. The latest inclusion to this car type, luxury sedans have redefined the term luxurious ride to a great extent. Toyota Camry and Ford Taurus are popular medium sized sedans, while Ford Crown Victoria and Buick LeSabre are popular large sedans available in the market.

Toyota Camry

Ford Taurus

Buick Lesabre


These mid-sized cars provide ample space for passengers, as well as cargo transportation. There is a large variety when it comes to minivans. Some of these multi-utility vehicles (MUVs) are four wheel drive, while some offer seats which can be folded as to convert the passenger car to a utility vehicle. The popular minivan models available today include Dodge Grand Caravan, Volkswagen Routan and Kia Carnival.

Dodge Caravan

Volkswagen Routan

Sports Cars:

These are power packed two seater cars, which are designed to derive the maximum fun of a speedy ride. Their prominent features include a muscular engine and sleek looks, based on the laws of aerodynamics. They may seem to be a bit expensive, but these cars are meant for people who don't like to compromise with power and looks. Ford GT, Ferrari, Lamborghini

Ford GT



Sport-utility Vehicles (SUV)
These cars are designed for regular roads as well as off-road terrain. In some countries, they are also referred to as the off road vehicles or 4x4. The prominent features of SUVs include exceptional ground clearance, four-wheel drive and rugged styling. Though versatile, these cars can cost a fortune to own and maintain. Popular SUV models include BMW X-5, the Lexus RX 300 and Toyota Land Cruiser.


Lexus RX 300

Toyota Land Cruiser

Station Wagons
These four door passenger cars feature a relatively long roof and an ample cargo area in the rear. Though their cargo space is quite less when compared with minivans, one can't ignore the fact that its passenger space is at par with sedans. The four-door vehicle also features a tailgate opening, which ensures easy loading and unloading of cargo.

Chrysler 300C Touring

- All the GMC comes under trucks so dont get shocked  :pagel:

PUDUCHERRY: The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy along with the Union Ministry of Telecommunications is working on converting almost all cellphone towers into “green towers” by using solar panels instead of diesel generators.

“At the bottom of cell phone towers, there are generators running on diesel. We want to shift to solar energy. This will reduce the use of diesel,” Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy Farooq Abdullah said on Tuesday.

He was in Puducherry to inaugurate the international conference on “Green Energy Technologies: Challenges in Research and Human Resource Development,” organised by Pondicherry University and South Asia Foundation (SAF).

Dr. Abdullah along with UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and founder of SAF Madanjeet Singh unveiled the building model and plaque for the Madanjeet Singh School of Green Energy Technologies at the university.

The mechanism of using solar panels was being worked out, he said, adding that subsidies for the proposed initiative would be worked out under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.

As a step towards ensuring greener buildings, Dr. Abdullah said, “The Government of India (GoI) has taken a decision that no GoI building will be made which will not be green. My Ministry is going to meet architects in some of the top cities to talk to them of greener buildings.”

The Minister drew attention to the need to quickly generate energy from the sun. “We are going to generate within the first three years 1,300 MW of solar energy with 1,100 grid connected and 200 non-grid connected. By 2022, we should have 20,000 MW of solar power,” he said. He assured Mr. Singh that all help needed to develop the school would be provided.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Singh said he believed in solar energy. “I hope the government will support in full to build the school into a world-class institution,” he said. Pondicherry University Vice Chancellor J.A.K. Tareen said the cost of the project submitted to the Ministry was Rs. 75 crore.

Knowledge / Most Expensive Houses on Earth
« on: March 28, 2010, 07:23:12 PM »
Ambani House
Mukesh Ambani @ billion $ home

According to facts and figures Indian Tycoon Ambani has the honor of having most expensive house in the world;
- It costs about $ 2 billion
- His house consists of Movie Theater, panic rooms a staff of about 600 servants and this home is 27 storey.

Hearst’s Mansion

- Hearst’s Mansion in Beverly Hills has 29 bedrooms, three pools, one disco, a theater
- Its current market price is $ 165 million.

The Penthouses at One Hyde Park

- It is still incomplete but will be completed and ready for sale by 2010 and its market price is about 160 million dollars
- It has emergency exits leading to an underground tunnel to the nearby Mandarin Oriental Hotel, it also includes floor-to-ceiling refrigerators and 24-hour room service for residents.

Elena Franchuk’s Victorian Villa

- This 128 million dollars house belongs to Elena Franchuk, a businesswoman and AIDS philanthropist from Ukraine
- This house consists of underground indoor swimming pool, Movie Theater, panic room, sauna and gym
- The home is a freestanding, five-story, 10-bedroom Victorian villa.

Updown Court

- This 103 room mansion includes a bowling alley, squash court, 50-seat Movie Theater and five swimming pools
- The mansion totals 40,000 square feet (3,716 square meters)
- And features a 24-carat gold leaf mosaic floor among its 22 bedrooms and 27 baths
- Its market price is 112 million Dollars.


Funny Videos / FIFA 2010 Soccer Ads
« on: March 27, 2010, 07:36:51 AM »
First one is for BP OIL

2010 World Cup soccer - very funny advert

Then Pepsi (I like These Ones)

Pepsi Commercial 2010 Messi, Henry, Kaka, Arshavin, Drogba, Lampard and Akon Oh Africa HD

Henry Vs Meerkat

||Lionel Messi|| - ||Funny Pepsi Commercial|| ||HD 720p||

||Ricardo Kaká and Didier Drogba|| ||Funny Pepsi Commercial|| ||HD 720p|| (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

Knowledge / Youngest Billionares on Planet Earth
« on: March 27, 2010, 06:57:53 AM »
Top the List - Ofcourse Mark Zuckerberg (Age 25)

- He is CEO of world’s most popular social networking website Facebook
- At the age of 25 he is worth $4 Billion
- Zuckerberg co-founded Facebook with fellow classmates Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Chris Hughes while attending Harvard in 2004

Second in the List - Prince Albert von Thurn und Taxis (Age - 25)

- Albert, 12th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
- He is a German prince, owner of 30,000 hectares of woodland in German, and a technology company
- His current worth is $ 2.1 Billion

Third in the List - Google Guy - Sergey Brin ( Age 36)

- Sergery Brin, co-founder of world’s number one search engine Google,
- Currently he is worth $ 17.5 Billion
- Sergery brin and Larry page met in Stanford university during their PHD course where they decided to start a search engine named Google in March 1996.

John Arnold ( Age 36)

- Wunderkind’s Centaurs Energy hedge fund said to be up 80% in 2008. Energy trader diversifying into hard assets: power plants, storage facilities.
- Raised in Dallas, graduated in three years from Vanderbilt University.
- Became an oil trader at Enron in 1995; said to have generated $750 million of the firm’s profits in 2001.
- Founded Centaurs after Enron’s bankruptcy. Returns said to exceed 200% a year since 2002,his current Worth is more than $ 4 billion.

Next one - The other Google Guy - Larry Page (Age 37)

- Professor’s son, heads Google’s product division.
- Met partner Sergey Brin in a computer science Ph.D. program at Stanford University.
- Duo dropped out in 1998 to start Google from a friend’s garage, his current worth is $ 17.5 Billion.

Help & Suggestions / Racist Facebook Page - Help a Cause
« on: March 23, 2010, 01:48:49 PM »
Everyone is mostly ready for a Fight here, Let See who can fight for a worthy Cause

Get this Page deleted... Some Racist Dumb FU**s Speaking Too much shit on Turban.. and Over 400 K ppl reading it .. Check the pictures!!


P.S. - I am not good with facebook so advise ways how it will be deleted.. Report the page?

Pics / Pictures that Shocked the Entire Globe (Disturbing Content)
« on: March 23, 2010, 12:07:07 PM »
Some content in this post is disturbing,

Scroll down for the picturs at your own risk!!
Death Caused by Earthquake 2005

Burning Monk

A Vietnamese Buddhist monk who burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road intersection on 11 June 1963, as a protest against persecution of Buddhists in Vietnam.

Iraqi Soldier

The image shows a burned-beyond-recognition Iraqi soldier in the front window of a destroyed truck.

Burial of Unknown Child

One of the victims of the world’s worst ever industrial disaster known as Bhopal gas tragedy, took place at a Union Carbide pesticide plant in the Indian city of Bhopal on December 3, 1984.The plant released (MIC) gas and other toxins, resulting in the exposure of over 500,000 people.

Sudanese child

Sudanese child being stalked by a vulture nearby. It is quite obvious that the child was starving to death, while the vulture was patiently waiting for the toddler to die so he can have a good meal. Nobody knows what happened to the child, who crawled his way to a United Nations food camp. Photographer Kevin Carter won a Pulitzer Prize for this shocking picture, but he eventually committed suicide three months after he took the shot. << - Oh Jezz!!

Knowledge / 5 Wierdest Achievements Ever
« on: March 23, 2010, 11:56:07 AM »
Most marriages by one woman

It is the dream of every woman to get married. But the story of an Indian woman gives an electric shock to everyone. Linda Lou Taylor married 23 times in last 51 years to people from different professions. She also married Glynn “Scotty” Wolfe;record holder for most marriages in the world. Most of the people get dis hearted if their first marriage fails but not Linda. She married preachers, a musician, a homeless man, several men who beat her, and even two gay men.You Rock Lady!!!

Most birth by one woman

This world is full of crazy people and their mind boggling achievements. Like Linda, there is another crazy women holding the world record of most births. Although her name is unknown but we know her husband Feodor Vassilyev. He used to live in a town called Shuya, in Ivanovo Oblast, Russia. His first wife gave birth to 69 kids over the time period of 40 years. << --- how the hell is that possible.. 9 month each .. So always Pregnent?

Most pair of twin at one birth

The record is also held by the first wife of Feodor Vassilyev. From 1725 and 1765 she gave 27 births in which 16 pair of wins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets.

Shortest marriage of a couple

Although it is almost impossible to find out whose marriage was shortest. We know about marriage of Britney and Jason Alexander which couldn’t last more then 50 hrs or the marriage of Cher and musician Gregg Allman which ended after nine days. It was reported in media;a 50 year old husband wanted to cut off the hairs of his 35 year old newly wed bridge with kitchen’s knife; she obviously rejected followed by divorced just after few hrs of their marriage.
     :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Most Marriages by one Man

His first marriage ended on the death of his first wife and last marriage on his own death. Glynn Wolfe was a Baptist minister but gain popularity for his 29 marriages. He also married Linda Lou Taylor who was another marriage giant famous for 23 marriages

News Khabran / [Must See] Solar City Tower - For Olympics 2016
« on: March 20, 2010, 06:43:30 PM »

This is Some next Shyt, Damn .. An artifical waterfall and the solar energy source for 2016 olympics !!


The aim of this project is to ask how the classic concept of a landmark can be reconsidered. It is less about an expressive, iconic architectural form; rather, it is a return to content and actual, real challenges for the imminent post-oil-era. This project represents a message of a society facing the future; thus, it is the representation of an inner attitude. Our project, standing in the tradition of “a

building/city as a machine”, shall provide energy both to the city of Rio de Janeiro and its citizens while using natural resources. We hope to attain an international Olympic message with a political appeal. After hosting the United Nation’s Earth Summit in 1992, Rio de Janeiro will once again be the starting point for a global green movement and for a sustainable development of urban structures. It will perhaps even become a symbol for the first zero carbon footprint Olympic



The project consists of a solar power plant that by day produces energy for the city respectively the Olympic village. Excessive energy will be pumped as seawater into a tower. By night, the water can be released again; with the help of turbines, it generates electricity for the night. The electricity produced can be used for the lighting of the tower or for the city. On special occasions, this “machine

building” turns into an impressive wonder of nature: an urban waterfall, a symbol for the forces of nature. At the same time, it will be the representation of a collective awareness of the city towards its great surrounding landscape. Via

an urban plaza located 60 meters over sea level you gain access to the building. Through the amphitheatre, you reach the entrance situated on the ground floor.


Both entrance area and amphitheatre can serve as a place for social gatherings and events. The public spaces are also accessible from this point on. The cafeteria and the shop are situated beneath the waterfall and offer a breathtaking view. The public elevator takes the visitor to the observation decks and the urban balcony. The administration offices can be reached directly from the foyer. Its inner circulation is organised by an own entrance and the elevator. The semi-public spaces are located in the back area of the building; thus, they can be used separately. A retractable platform for bungee jumping is located on level +90.5. Long distance observation can be done from the observation deck on level +98.0. The urban balcony is situated at the top of the tower 105 meters above sea level. Here the visitor has a 360° view of the landscape and can experience the waterfall while walking over the glass sky walk.

Knowledge / Mega Machines
« on: March 20, 2010, 12:20:00 PM »

1. World's Largest Digging Machine

This is the largest digging machine (or trencher or rotating shovel) in the world. It was built by Krupp and is shown here crossing a road in Germany on the way to its destination, an open air coal mine. Although at the mine the treads are unnecessary, it was cheaper to make the machine self-propelled than to try and move it with conventional hauling equipment.

Some factoids:
•The machine is 95 meters high and 215 meters long (almost 2.5 football fields in length)
•Weight is 45,500 tons (that's equivalent to a bumper to bumper line of jeeps 80 miles long)
•It took 5 years to design and manufacture at a cost of $100 million
•Maximum digging speed is 10 meters per minute
•Can move more than 76,000 cubic meters of coal, rock, and earth per day

News Khabran / Navjot Sidhu - On Amritsar Sahib 'Heritage City Status'
« on: March 16, 2010, 06:50:09 PM »
This happened on December 16, 2009...


In News:

MP Navjot Sidhu's speech in Indian Parliament on getting Amritsar Sahib Heritage City Status

- Do anyone have any updates on this.. What happened after the speech?

- Now this reminds me an accident that happened on Punjabi Janta where Sukhbeer was offended for being called from someone from Amritsar.. Well Whatever was the intention behind.. Bus enna kahho "Ke lahnat aa ehho jehhe punjabi te, jehra ek Gura Peraa de Tarti da Majak baunda aa... Nalle Sharam karoo..Punjabi hon de bhavjot je apni hertige da majak baunde oo.. Je tusse ijjat na karoo ke teh baroo aa ke teh koi karno rehha... Guru Phera de Tarti aa teh Punjabi ho ke kehho jehha galla karde oo?

Tech Lounge / Apple to sell 1 million iPads in just two weeks
« on: March 15, 2010, 11:35:37 AM »
With iPad pre-orders officially opened on Friday of last week, it would appear that customer anticipation is certainly high for Apple’s trend-leading tablet computer as its April 03 street date looms.

More pointedly, initial pre-order estimates offered up by the dedicated watchers over at Apple Insider suggest that Cupertino-based Apple Inc. managed to secure some 120,000 iPad pre-orders during the device’s opening 24 hours on the market.

Citing the AAPL Sanity Board at Investor Village, the Insider report also claims the multi-touch tablet computer enjoyed immediate impact with prospective buyers, who snapped up 51,000 units in the first two hours of pre-order availability.

If ongoing pre-order figures and launch sale projections from Investor Village are anything to go by, Apple can expect to shift a full 1 million iPad units by the end of the device’s second week on store shelves.

Should that level of retail performance be awaiting Apple’s iconic iPad, it will represent a significant upsurge when compared against initial Wall Street estimates that had suggested Apple would require a full year of sales to scale that particular peak.

With 120,000 units supposedly already marked and ready to go, two-thirds of which are thought to be Wi-Fi models, the current pre-order “guesstimate” offered by Venezuelan blogger-analyst Daniel Tello points to weekday orders of around 30,000 units with a weekend drop-off of 15,000 units.

Add Tello’s prediction to the 120,000 outlined by AAPL, and Apple may well have shifted more than 600,000 iPads before the device’s formal launch.

Sports Khelan / David Beckham(might be) Ruled out of Summer World Cup
« on: March 15, 2010, 10:55:54 AM »
England's David Beckham to miss World Cup with injury A rupture of the Achilles tendon

The one thing more important than all else for David Beckham -- playing in this summer's World Cup -- looks like it won't be happening after he tore his Achilles' tendon all on his own during AC Milan's 1-0 win over Chievo Verona on Sunday. The early reports are that Beckham will be out for at least six months, which ends any chance of him going to South Africa.

It's hard not to feel bad for the guy. He did everything he possibly could to get himself on England's World Cup squad, with the loan spells at Milan and traveling wherever necessary to get every England cap he could, and just when it seemed that Fabio Capello had warmed to the idea of including him, this happens.

And as if the injury wasn't bad enough, he also took a boot to the face earlier in the same match. I think March 14 now has the inside track on being David Beckham's least favorite day of 2010.

Sports Khelan / IPL (Indian Premier League) 2010
« on: March 13, 2010, 01:28:30 AM »
IPL Started today

First match was KKR vs Deccan Charger - KKR won

and if you dont have the broadcast of the matches.. Youtube will be stream all of the live


Gup Shup / Academic Awards 2010
« on: March 08, 2010, 12:52:08 AM »

For all those who missed it or In short

Best Picture: Hurt Locker
Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
Best Actress: Bullock
Animated Picture: Up


etc etc

Pics / Check your Kid's Homework
« on: March 01, 2010, 11:41:50 AM »

 :loll: :loll: :loll: :loll:

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