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Topics - Jhanda_Amli

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Religous Videos / Gurdas Mann - Sarbans Daniya Ve
« on: April 24, 2010, 11:21:29 PM »
Gurdas Mann sarbans daniya ve

Religous Videos / Satwinder Bitti - Nagar Kirtan
« on: April 24, 2010, 11:17:29 PM »
Satwinder Bitti - Dhan Teri Sikhi - Nagar Kirtan

News Khabran / Sikh Extremist is on a Rise: Dosanjh (B.C. MP)
« on: April 22, 2010, 05:21:02 PM »
A British Columbia MP taking on CBC recently



Agree or Not agree?

- I agree, as most of the talk (about Khalistan) these days is decieving the Sikh Youth!!

And all the action these days about fight in a temple is making worse for Us(all those who is seeking future in a multicultural nation)

Tech Lounge / Like Feature by Facebook (an effort to take over Google)
« on: April 22, 2010, 11:45:11 AM »
Facebook v Google for web control

Mark Zuckerberg will soon hit the ripe old age of 26. And despite his youth, he clearly possesses no fear as he sets his company's sights on trying to wrest control of the internet from the search giant Google.

Over the last 10 years, Google's efforts at being the window to the web for hundreds of millions of users across the globe has turned it into a billion dollar company and of course a verb.

Now the six-year-old social networking giant is making a bid for the crown.

At its developer conference in San Francisco called F8, Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg arrived on stage in the typical Silicon Valley dressed down uniform of jeans and a black hoodie.

He came across as pretty awkward in front of an audience of 1,500. Then again most people would.

Regardless of that he pulled no punches in setting out his stall for the foreseeable future - a major, if not dominant, role in the future of the web which he said will be all about being social and using your friends to share and connect to a better quality of information which in turn will provide users with a better web experience.

In a blogpost he said "people are increasingly discovering information not just through links to web pages but also from the people and things they care about".

During his keynote speech, Mr Zuckerberg announced a number of products to aide and abet that approach.

They included an open graph protocol which lets partner sites leverage the user's social connections to make the site more relevant to the individual and their social network.

Then there is the "Like" button to let users rate that content by simply indicating they like something and letting their friends see that selection.

Proof of the power of this tool will soon be provided given that Mr Zuckerberg said that he reckoned one billion "Likes" will be served up in 24 hours.

Justin Smith ofInside Facebook told me he saw this as a win-win for businesses and Facebook.

"This will increase engagement and also make the type of information more interesting and therefore allow Facebook to grow and other publishers to increase engagement."
Facebook's plan "is really profound for us," said Tim Westergren, founder of Pandora, an internet music streaming site that has more than 50m users, many of whom also use Facebook.

"Pandora is not all that human, there is no DJ, there is no voice in Pandora. This is going to put a face on it."
At the moment Facebook has over 400m users, but a survey by Comscore said it is hurtling towards the 500m figure at something approaching breakneck speed.

As Google focuses on making all the world's information accessible and searchable and doing it better and faster than anyone else, Facebook clearly believes friends are the best way to find the most relevant information.

"In the past the web has been defined by hyperlinks linking to static content," said Bret Taylor, head of Facebook Platform products. "We think social linking will have as big an impact on the web as hyperlinking did."

"Facebook wants to be the starting point for your world - the new e-mail inbox," Jeremiah Owyang, an internet analyst with the Altimeter Group, wrote on his blog.

"If they turn on advanced search tools, this can threaten Google.com. All this social aggregated content will yield a powerful database of what you and your friends like, the precursor to customized web experiences and social advertising."
Make no mistake this is about Facebook taking on the might of Google, Om Malik of the tech site GigaOM told me.

"The thing is Google understands data very well, it doesn't understand people. I don't think that is a problem for Facebook who understand them almost too well. The Google web is about looking for things and the Facebook web is about serendipity."
In closing his keynote comments, Mr Zuckerberg tried to tell a story about his girlfriend who is at medical school and how the students viewed their professional duty to help sick people.

The story was hard to follow but the punch-line was easy to grasp and really expressed a lofty vision for the power of the web.

"There is an old saying that when you go to heaven all your friends are there and everything is the way you want it to be. Well together, let's make a world that good," urged Mr Zuckerberg.

- This is blog from BBC by Dot.Maggie

A devoloping Story..... What a Wonderful News.. Let see a Sikh at the top of the throne  :superhappy: :superhappy: :superhappy:

A grassroots campaign is underway hoping to convince Prime Minister Stephen Harper to pick a Mississauga, Ont., man as Canada's next governor general.

Akbar Warris is one of more than 12,000 people to have signed the petition asking for Bikram Lamba to be named Canada's viceregal representative.

Among other endeavours, Lamba volunteers his free time helping members of the South Asian community with immigration issues.

"Any problems that people have — let's say on immigration issues, people have employment issues, people have education issues — he's there to help," said Warris.

For most Canadians, the name Bikram Lamba won't spring to mind when talk turns to who will replace Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean.

But like Jean and former governor general Adrienne Clarkson, Lamba has worked in the media. He is well known in the southern Ontario South Asian community for his commentaries on local television. And he does political analysis on a daily South Asian radio call-in show broadcast in the Greater Toronto Area.

He's also ombudsman for the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada and has a PhD in English literature.

Lamba has expressed interest in taking up the role and says he'd be a strong advocate not only for South Asians and new immigrants, but for all Canadians — though it's not clear if he has any facility with French.

Before coming to Canada from India, Lamba acted as a political adviser to a number of governments.

"I have been advising the [former] prime ministers of India Madame [Indira] Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. We advised the government of Uzbekistan on health reforms. We advised the government of Ghana on infrastructure development," he said.

Lamba is flattered by the move to get his name considered for the job of governor general.

Warris said Lamba is deserving of the attention.

"We would want a South Asian to be at a position where we can pay back to this beautiful society and country. So that was the main theme, love for this country … and then we saw that his credentials, or resumé, match the portfolio and that's what started the whole matter," said Warris.

His supporters say they will be collecting signatures for a few more weeks and hope to get the petition to Ottawa by the end of the month.

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/politics/story/2010/04/14/lamba-gg.html#ixzz0l7A2tuvM

Tech Lounge / Brain Cox: Discussing all About Supercollider (LHC)
« on: April 13, 2010, 09:04:37 PM »
A very good talk by Brain Cox (Physicist and Expaliner to the Public) where he talks about the objective of LHC.
Lot more clarification on Higg Particle


Cars / Consumer Report: Lexus GX "Do Not Buy"
« on: April 13, 2010, 05:27:50 PM »

At a time when Toyota Motor Corp. is trying to regain consumer confidence following a series of large recalls and federal probes into safety defects, Consumer Reports on Tuesday warned shoppers not to purchase one of the company's upscale Lexus models because of a rollover risk.

The magazine, which for years has recommended most Toyota vehicles, said the Lexus GX 460 SUV failed a key emergency-handling test and issued a rare "Don't Buy" warning.

The last time the Yonkers, N.Y., magazine, famous for its independent testing of autos and buyer recommendations, issued such a warning was in 2001, when it said that the performance of a Mitsubishi Montero Limited was "not acceptable."

The caution not to purchase the Lexus GX SUV comes as Toyota is using aggressive financing and lease incentives to spur sales of its Toyota-branded vehicles and regain market share lost to safety concerns. The Japanese carmaker has issued nearly 10 million recall notices worldwide in recent months for problems related to sudden acceleration that it blames on sticky gas pedals and faulty floor-mat design as well as braking problems in some hybrid models.

Last week the U.S. Department of Transportation said it would seek the maximum civil fine of $16.4 million against Toyota for delays in notifying authorities about defects in its gas pedals.

Consumer Reports said that it testing staff found that "when pushed to its limits on a handling course" on the magazine's test track, the rear of the Lexus GX "slid out until the vehicle was almost sideways" before the vehicles electronic stability control system was able to regain control. All four of the magazine's test drivers experienced the problem.

The magazine said such a situation could happen in "real-world driving" and that it could lead to a rollover accident.

The phenomenon, known as "lift-off oversteer" could occur "when a driver enters a highway's exit ramp or drives through a sweeping turn and encounters an unexpected obstacle or suddenly finds that the turn is too tight for the vehicle's speed," Consumer Reports said.

"A natural impulse is to quickly lift off the accelerator pedal. If that were to happen in the GX, the rear could slide around far enough that a wheel could strike a curb or slide off the pavement," the magazine said.

Consumer Reports contacted Toyota and was told in an e-mail response that the automaker was "mystified by the results of Consumer Reports testing on the Lexus GX 460."

After the magazine issued its do not buy warning, Toyota posted a statement on its website saying that it was "concerned with the results of Consumer Reports testing on the Lexus GX 460 and their suggested buyer recommendation."

Toyota said its engineers conducts similar tests and believes "these procedures provide a good indication of how our vehicles will perform in the real-world; however, we will try to duplicate the Consumer Reports' test to determine if appropriate steps need to be taken."

The automaker said that the vehicle "meets or exceeds all federal government testing requirements."

The report will "scratch the scab" starting to cover Toyota's efforts to shore up its brand name and image, said James Bell, an analyst for auto information company Kelley Blue Book.

It "comes at time when many within Toyota must have been breathing at least a little easier," he said.

Recent tracking of consumer attitudes by Kelley had found that safety concerns about the Toyota and Lexus brands were starting to wane before this latest warning, Bell said.

Consumer Reports, which tested a Lexus that it had purchased to review, said no other SUV it has tested in recent years has slid out as far as the GX 460, "including the Toyota 4Runner, which shares the same platform as the GX." It found the same problems in a second vehicle it obtained to double check its findings.

The magazine said it has reported its concerns to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

The GX 460 has been on sale for about three months and about 5,000 vehicles have been sold, according to Consumer Reports. The magazine said it is not aware of any injuries or accidents resulting from the alleged flaw.

Generally, Toyota vehicles have performed well in Consumer Reports tests. A year ago, Consumer Reports recommended 22 of the 25 Toyota products it tested, more than any other manufacturer. But because of the recalls, the magazine only recommended 13 of 26 Toyota models this year.

Sports Khelan / NHL Playoff Starting Tomorrow
« on: April 13, 2010, 04:54:47 PM »
Alrite folks.. NHL PLayoff starting Tomorrow.. So Pick your Team

Here is the Match Up for the playoff!!

Amazing Engineers- Men of Honor  =D> =D> =D>

Forty years after an accident that threatened the lives of the Apollo 13 space crew, a team of U of T engineers was recognized Tuesday morning for the little-known role they played in averting a tragedy.

Phil Sullivan, Rod Tennyson, Irvine Glass, Barry French and Ben Etkin were honoured during a ceremony at the Canadian Air and Space Museum at Downsview Park for helping the astronauts safely return to Earth.

On April 13, 1970, an oxygen tank exploded as the spaceship was four-fifths of the way to the moon. The crew was forced to scrap the moon mission and focus solely on getting back to Earth alive.

The plan involved the crew members moving from the service module, which was hemorrhaging oxygen, into the cramped, frigid lunar lander while they rationed their dwindling oxygen and electricity.

Using the lunar module as a lifeboat, they swung around the moon and aimed for Earth.

The professors from the University of Toronto’s Institute for Aerospace Studies were called upon by Grumman, a major contractor on the lunar program, to make crucial air pressure calculations needed for the strategy.

With very little data and no computers to rely on, the engineers were able to make the calculation and report it back to NASA.

Fun Time / Some Physically Impossible Feats
« on: April 12, 2010, 10:28:12 PM »
Ok lets start with a very simple one:

- Next Time You Sneeze, Try to Sneeze with Open Eyes

Let see if anyone can Do that?


Number Dujja:

Challo Agla Try kar lavvo ...

- Try to Lick Your Elbow?

- This became very famous after the Movie - Good luck Chuck


Tejja Number:

Place your hand as shown Below on a flat surface by bending your Middle finger (Dujje Ungle)

- Now try to lift your Thumb (Ungutha), then ur Index finger (phele Ungal) and then You Pinkie (Chechhe)

Pretty Easy eh.. Try the same thing by bending your Ring finger (Tejje Ungle)

Now Wassup? :mean: :mean:

Knowledge / Longest Tunnels in the World
« on: April 12, 2010, 10:22:25 PM »
Delaware Aqueduct (1945)

Delaware Aqueduct was constructed in 1945 to supply water from Rondout Reservoir to Hillview_Reservoir in New York City.  Its 137,000 m length makes it world’s longest tunnel. Sixty four year old tunnel is facing huge leakage problem. Up to 20 to 35 million gallons water leak out every single day out of total 1.3 billion gallons.

Päijänne Water Tunnel (1982)

Päijänne Water Tunnel is 2nd largest tunnel in the world.Starting from Lake Päijänne (end in Greater Helsinki) to provide drinking water to southern cities of Finland. It took 10 years to complete 120,000 m long tunnel with an estimated cost of 200 million Euros.

Orange–Fish River Tunnel (1975)

Eastern Cape Provence was facing shortage of irrigational water because of that thousand of hector of soil couldn’t grow crops. Due to orange-fish river tunnel, irrigation of land is possible with the help of canals and damns. It is largest tunnel of Africa and 3rd largest in the world with estimated costs of about R30 000 /m length.

Bolmen Water Tunnel (1987)

Forth largest tunnel was completed in 12 years. People of Scania Provence (historically it was connected to Denmark) were facing water shortage, to fulfill the problem Bolmen tunnel was constructed in 1987.

Seikan Tunnel (1988)

Seikan Tunnel took 17 years to complete; started in 1971 and opened in 1988. Connecting largest island of Honshū with Hokkaidō Island (2nd largest island). It took 17 years to complete this project on estimated cost of US$3.6 billion

Tech Lounge / Dennis Hong: Seven Species of Robot
« on: April 10, 2010, 10:00:55 AM »
Dennis Hong - As director of a groundbreaking robotics lab, Dennis Hong guides his team of students through projects on robot locomotion and mechanism design, creating award-winning humanoid robots like DARwIn (Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence). His team is known as RoMeLa (Robotics & Mechanisms Laboratory) and operates at Virginia Tech.


A teenager has taken his mother to court for logging on to his Facebook page and reading about his private life.

Denise New has been charged with harassment after her 16-year-old son, Lane, said he wanted criminal charges filed against his mother for her 'snooping'.

The teenager claims his mother changed his password on his Facebook account after he accidentally left his computer on.

He also said she posted slanderous comments and changed the password to his email so he can no longer receive updates to his page.

The teenager, who lives with his grandmother following his parents' messy divorce, made a complaint with prosecutors in Arkansas after the incident last month.

Prosecutors agreed with the teenager and charged Mrs New under the state's harassment laws.

The high tech family row began after Lane accidentally left his computer on while visiting his mother at her home in the town of Arkadelphia.

The 42-year-old became concerned about several entries, including one in which he son wrote about driving home at 95mph after an argument with his girlfriend.

She also read some other postings, which bothered her so much she decided to change the password barring her son's access to the account.

Mrs New said she was simply performing her parental duties, and looking at the Facebook page, was the same as going through his bedroom.

She said: 'You're within your legal rights to monitor your child and to have a conversation with your child on Facebook whether it's his account, or your account or whoever's account.

'I read things on his Facebook about how he had gone to Hot Springs one night and was driving 95 m.p.h. home because he was upset with a girl and it was his friend that called me and told me about all this.

'That prompted me to even actually start really going through his Facebook to see what was going on.'

Her son disagreed with his mother's views and has asked not to have further contact with her.

In his criminal complaint, he wrote: 'Denise first hacked my Facebook and changed my password. She also changed the password to my e-mail so I could not change it. She posted things that involve slander and personal facts about my life.'

State prosecutor Todd Turner refused to comment on the case but cited Arkansas harassment laws that 'a person commits the offence if he engages in conduct or repeatedly commits acts that alarm or seriously annoy another person.'

Mrs New, who has visitation rights to her son while her parents have custodial rights, plans to contest the charge when she appears in court next month.

She said: 'I'm going to fight it.  If I have to go even higher up, I'm going to. I'm not gonna let this rest. I think this could be a precedent-setting moment for parents.'

Knowledge / Deepest Holes on Earth
« on: April 09, 2010, 06:57:53 PM »
Mirny Diamond Mine

Mirny Diamond mine is considered to be the biggest hole in the world; it is located in Mirny, Eastern Siberia, Russia ,it is 1 1/2 km wide, 500 meter deep hole, average winter temperature in mirny is just below -40 Celsius; flights are not allowed  above the hole because due to suction many helicopters fell down into the hole.

El Zacatón Cenote

El Zacatón Cenote is world’s deepest water-filled sinkhole,it is 318 metres deep,it was discovered by the help of robotic vehicle designed for underwater exploration by the National Aeronautic Space Agency

The Great Blue Hole

The great blue hole is a circular shaped hole located 100 kilometers (62 mi) from the Belize City and is 300 metres across and 125 metres deep;it was formed due to rising of oceans ,when limestone caves flooded and caves collapsed.

The Door to hell

This hole named Derweze is located in Turkmenistan, it was discovered in 1971 when drilling was going on by geologists,suddenly ground under the rig collapsed leaving a hole of about 50-100 metres,scientists decided to burn the discharging gas which is still burning since that day.


In February 2007 a large sinkhole opened in northeast Guatemala city, killing three people. The sinkhole was 100.5 m (330 ft) deep, and apparently was created by fluid from a sewer dissolving the rock underneath. As a result, one thousand people have been evacuated from the area

Knowledge / Some Great Geniuses who Suffered from Mental Disease
« on: April 09, 2010, 06:50:47 PM »
John Forbes Nash 1928

John Nash is a world famous mathematician.  He suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. He spent approximately 30 years in and out of hospitals, with hallucinations, delusions and hearing voices.  Making great strides with recovery in the late 1980’s, he went on to earn a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1994, for his earlier works.  His idea of (Nash Equilibrium) for game theory was applied in many fields.

Vincent Van Gogh   1853-1890

Vincent van Gogh was one of the greatest painters in history, but earned fame only after his death.  His life was difficult, which ended up in suicide.  He was suffering from bi-polar disorder, and some believe schizophrenia. His work appeared to correlate with his patterns of mood and psychosis.Out of depression he once cut off part of his own ear.

Edgar Allan Poe   1809-1849

Edgar Allan Poe was a famous writer, who was known to have a problem with suicidal tendencies and alcohol.The cause of his death at 40 is still unknown.  Poe was also known as a manic-depressive.  Poe once wrote the following quote;  ” Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence– whether much that is glorious– whether all that is profound–does not spring from disease of thought– from moods of mind exhalted at the expence of the general intellect”.  He was best know for his poen The Raven.

Ludwig van Beethoven   1770-1827

Beethoven was a famous music composer who also led a difficult life.  He was raised by an alcoholic, abusive father.  Between the ages of 30 and 49 he gradually lost his hearing, believed to be caused from the beatings from his father.  His most famous work came about after he lost his hearing.  He also had suicidal tendencies, and believed to have bi-polar disorder as well.  Diagnosis attributed to his behaviors with periods of depression, and periods of highly intense creativity.  Tests taken of his hair shows extremely high level of lead.  High lead content may have led to his mental illness.

Sir Isaac Newton  1642-1727

Sir Isaac Newton was a famous scientist.  He was renowned for his work in physics and mechanics, calculus, universal gravitation, laws of motion, and helped build the first reflective telescope.  His psychotic tendencies, mood swings and behavior were due to possible bi-polar disorder.  Some evidence lends credence to possible schizophrenia from delusional letters he had written to his brother.  Some would believe his mental disorder stemmed from traumatic childhood experiences.

A mathematician, an artist, a writer, a musical composer, and a scientist— all genius, all troubled, world famous.

Religous Videos / Bhai Lakhwinder Singh ji - Hazuri Raggi
« on: April 08, 2010, 07:29:58 PM »
Bhai Lakhwinder Singh - Jis Nu Teri Nadar Na Lekha Pucheeye

Bin Dekhe Pritma - Bhai Lakhwinder Singh Ji Hazuri Ragi

Apna Guru Dhyayei - Bhai Lakhwinder Singh Hazuri Ragi ASR

Bhai Lakhwinder Singh - Ehai Ardas Hamare Swami Visar Nahi SukhDaatay

Deho Dars Mann Chao - Bhai Lakhwinder Singh Ji Hazuri Ragi (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

Toronto: A 45-year-old Sikh woman has been arrested by Canadian police for her alleged involvement in a double-murder-for-hire plot.

According to police, Amarjit Kaur Lally planned to kill two individuals by hiring a hit man at Delta city in British Columbia.

Lally, who has appeared in Surrey provincial court yesterday, was charged with two counts of counselling to commit an indictable offence - murder, The Vancouver Sun reported.

She was remanded in custody.

"Lally was arrested after a six-week investigation initiated after a tip to the force," Delta police constable Sharlene Brooks said without giving any details about the intended targets.

"The intended victims were notified by police with respect to their risk of personal harm and safety, and protection measures were put into place during the course of the investigation," Brooks said.

"We believe that money is the motive behind this. Obviously when we receive information of this nature we take it seriously, and we embarked on an investigation."

Lally was convicted in Delta in 1997 of theft and got a six-month suspended sentence and six months probation.

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Explicit Content - Adults only (if you are a Minor Please leave or this video will Haunt you) - Very Disturbing 1 Hr long Footage of how the attacks were carried out!


This is the complete story of what exactly happened on 26 November 2008 when a bunch of terrorists attacked Mumbai. Commissioned by Channel 4, UK, award-winning filmmaker Dan Reed gets access to some highly classified never-seen-or-heard-before material. Terror in Mumbai tells the story of what happened when 10 Muslim gunmen held one of the world’s busiest cities hostage; killing and wounding hundreds of people while holding India’s crack security forces a More..t bay. MOB held Dan Reed hostage who revealed how he managed to make a definitive documentary about a tragic event that was made a complete mess by over-zealous Indian media and a clueless establishment.  Read the transcript and be part of the big discussion hosted by CMYK bookstore in Delhi on 25 November 2009 (details below).

News Khabran / China Hackers Launch Cyber Attack On India, Dalai Lama
« on: April 06, 2010, 06:00:49 PM »
This news from the Research that recent happened at University of Toronto

A cyberespionage group based in China hacked into India's computer systems to steal sensitive documents from the India Defense Ministry and e-mails from the Dalai Lama's office highlighted in a Canadian report Tuesday, Reuters reports.

The report, authored by Canadian and American researchers out of the University of Toronto, found that the attack was linked to an underground cyberespionage organization in the south of China, which might have funneled information to certain channels in the Chinese government.

The stolen documents that were recovered contained sensitive information from India's National Security Council Secretariat, as well as classified documents detailing the security situation in bordering nations Tibet, Bangladesh and Myanmar.

The report, titled "Shadows in the Clouds," indicated that Chinese cyberattackers capitalized on social networks such as Twitter, Google Groups and Yahoo (NSDQ:YHOO) Mail to propel a botnet designed to infiltrate and infect Indian computers with malware and connect them into Chinese command and control centers.

Among the compromised systems subject to a massive data breach is the Shakti, the Indian Army's artillery combat and control system, as well as India's mobile missile defense system known as Iron Dome, according to Indianexpress.com.

The eight-month investigation -- which researchers said is ongoing -- found that the Dalai Lama's office was targeted in the attacks between January and November 2009.

A year ago, the same University of Toronto researchers authored another report describing a cyberattack on the Tibetan government, called "GhostNet," which was used to create a botnet that had infected 1,295 computers in 103 countries. Similarly, that investigation was launched at the behest of the Dalai Lama.

China denied involvement in the attacks, and the country's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told the BBC that the country was "firmly opposed to hacking." She added that the researchers had not contacted the Chinese government, although they claimed to have contacted China's Computer Emergency Response Team.

The cyberattack against Tibet was initiated just days after Google (NSDQ:GOOG) discontinued its Chinese language search services from mainland China.

High-profile cyberespionage has gained media attention in recent months after a sophisticated cyberattack was launched aimed at stealing intellectual property from the network of Google and more than 30 other corporations. Googel and security experts say that the attack originated from China.

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