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Topics - Jhanda_Amli

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Man Nimane Toon Dani Tere Bharwasa - Bhai Onkar Singh Ji

Help & Suggestions / Caribbean Medical School?
« on: October 01, 2010, 04:24:42 PM »
Do anyone knows what up with this caribbean medical school fever going on these days. I mean why every second kid in medical running to carribbean?

- I have so many friends .. Either they are going WI or Manipal.. I do know Canadian medical schools are hard to get in but what you gonna do with this Caribbean degree - Wait for another 6-7 years to just come into the real world. :|

News Khabran / US Armyman Kills Afgans (in afganistan) for Sports
« on: September 28, 2010, 12:27:34 PM »
Tapes obtained by CNN of interrogations of a group of U.S. servicemen charged with the unprovoked killings of Afghan civilians describe gruesome scenes of cold-blooded murder carried out under the influence of illegal drugs.

The following is a partial transcript of those tapes, between a military investigator and Cpl. Jeremy Morlock, one of the five U.S. soldier charged with the premeditated murder of three Afghan civilians.

"So we met this guy by his compound, so Gibbs walked him out, set him in place, was like standing here," said Morlock, detailing how, on patrol earlier this year and under the command of his sergeant, Calvin R. Gibbs, he and others took an Afghan man from his home, stood him up and killed him.

"So, he was fully cooperating?" the military investigator asks on the tapes.

"Yeah," Morlock responds.

Investigator: "Was he armed?"

Morlock: "No, not that we were aware of."

Investigator: "So, you pulled him out of his place?"

Morlock: "I don't think he was inside. He was by his little hut area ... and Gibbs sent in a couple of people. He sent Rodriguez off a little ways, far side security. As I said, I'm not even sure Rodriguez knew what was going on and them."

Investigator: "Where did they stand him, next to a wall?"

Morlock: "Yeah, he was kinda next to a wall, so where Gibbs could get behind a wall when the grenade went off and then he kind of placed me and Winfield off over here so we had a clean line of sight for this guy and, you know, he pulled out one of his grenades, an American grenade, popped it, throws the grenade and tells me and Winfield, 'Alright, wax this guy. Kill this guy, kill this guy.' "

Investigator: "Did you see him present any weapons? Was he aggressive toward you at all?"

Morlock: "No, not at all. Nothing, he wasn't a threat."

The Army alleges that three Afghan civilians were killed between January and May of this year.

Morlock's civilian attorney, Michael Waddington, did not deny that his client killed for sport. "That's what it sounds like," he told CNN.

Waddington said his 22-year-old client was brain-damaged from prior IED attacks, was using prescription drugs and smoking hashish and was under the influence of and in fear of his commanding officer, who is also charged.

A hearing is set for Monday for Morlock, the first of five soldiers charged with the premeditated murder of three Afghan civilians.  The hearing at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington will determine whether the military has enough evidence against him to proceed with a court-martial.

Some background on the case:

Over this summer, 12 U.S. soldiers were charged for a variety of crimes in what military authorities believe was a conspiracy to murder Afghan civilians and cover it up, along with charges they used hashish, mutilated corpses and kept grisly souvenirs.

Five soldiers face murder charges, while seven others are charged with participating in a coverup. All of the men were members of a 2nd Infantry Division brigade operating near Kandahar in southern Afghanistan in 2009 and 2010.

According to the military documents, Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs and four other soldiers were involved in throwing grenades at civilians and then shooting them in separate incidents. Three Afghan men died.

Authorities allege Gibbs kept finger bones, leg bones and a tooth from Afghan corpses. Another soldier, Spc. Michael Gagnon II, allegedly kept a skull from a corpse, according to charging documents. Several soldiers are charged with taking pictures of the corpses, and one – Spc. Corey Moore – with stabbing a corpse.

Five soldiers were originally arrested in June and seven others were charged last month.

The five facing murder charges are Gibbs, of Billings, Montana; Pfc. Andrew Holmes of Boise, Idaho; Winfield, of Cape Coral, Florida; Spc. Michael Wagnon, of Las Vegas, Nevada; and Spc. Jeremy Morlock of Wasilla, Alaska.

The five are from the 5th Stryker Brigade of the 2ID, based out of Fort Lewis, Washington.

In May, CNN reported that the Fort Lewis Stryker Brigade, known as the "5-2," had been the subject of controversy for months inside Army circles. The unit has suffered some of the highest casualty rates of the war. Several senior U.S. Army officials had told CNN there has been a growing belief inside Army circles the brigade was not embracing McChrystal's counter-insurgency strategy and was too heavily focused instead on combat operations.

In one of the most comprehensive analyses of the 5-2's troubled tour in southern Afghanistan, the Army Times reported in January that the brigade commander Col. Harry Tunnell replaced one of his company commanders whose group had suffered high casualties.

But the Army Times, a privately-published newspaper, quoted several soldiers who said that company commander was very popular with the troops, and that the unit's deep-set troubles and casualties resulted from a lack of training for the type of counter-insurgency warfare now being called for.

"What we're doing is not working, and we need to go on a different tack," the Army Times quoted one soldier as saying.

A senior U.S. Army official directly familiar with Stryker operations said the command of the 5-2 has been a concern to the Army for months.

News Khabran / University of Texas - Under Attack, One Gunman dead.
« on: September 28, 2010, 11:50:46 AM »
University of Texas is under attack today morning. Reports noone hurt and one Gunman killed himself.

- I hope everyone who goes to U of Texas is safe. Call your buddies folks, get off the campus 

(CNN) -- A suspected gunman fired shots inside a library at the University of Texas at Austin on Tuesday morning before shooting himself, university spokeswoman Rhonda Weldon told CNN.

The gunman died, Weldon said. No one else was hurt.

An ambulance was seen just before 9 a.m. in front of the Perry-Castaneda library, CNN affiliate KXAN reported. SWAT teams, armored vehicles and helicopters surrounded the campus.

On its Facebook page, university police said they were searching for a possible second suspect. The identities of the suspects were not immediately known. Weldon said it was also not known whether the second suspect was armed.
The university was closed, said an alert posted at 9:48 a.m. on the university's emergency website.

"A suspected shooter in PCL library is dead. Law enforcement are searching for a second suspect. If you are off campus, STAY AWAY. If you are on campus, lock doors, do not leave your building," the alert said.

"It's chaos right now," said student Micah Geisenberg, who heard a gunshot as he got off a bus near the library.

Matt Holiner heard a series of loud bangs from his dorm room, a couple of blocks south of the library. He suspected they might be gunshots, especially when he saw people running away. By mid-morning, there were at least 10 police cars outside his window.

"It's been quite an exciting morning to say the least," he said.

CNN's Devon Sayers contributed to this report.

News Khabran / NRIs will be able to access land records online - Mid 2011
« on: September 27, 2010, 09:32:30 PM »
With a view to providing the NRIs an option to check details of their land records in the state, the Punjab Government would soon start a new system for checking all such records online. This was stated by Minister for Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management, Punjab, Ajit Singh Kohar.

“It is really cumbersome for the NRIs to get the details of their land records, but now the process of computerisation of all 156 tehsils and sub-tehsils of Punjab is underway. So far, 56 tehsils and sub-tehsils have been computerised and the rest would be made fully computerised by March 31 next year,” he said.

Speaking to The Tribune after inaugurating the Kisan Mela organised by the Young Farmers Association in coordination with the Agriculture Department at Rakhra village, here today, Kohar said, “Once the computerisation process is over, we will immediately start the project for providing online land records and the project is likely to be completed by mid 2011”.

He added that in order to make the process simple, the powers to give the copy of ‘Fard’ (revenue sheet) had been bestowed with the employees lower than the rank of patwari.

“However, the authority to attest the Fard will remain with patwari only,” he said, adding that now tehsildars had been empowered to make changes in the Fard, as earlier, such powers were with the SDM only.

“In order to provide speedy services to the masses, we have decided on the project and directions have been issued. After the land registry is executed, the copy of the same can be procured the very next day. Also, for subsequent demand for the copy of the land registry, the applicant has to pay a fee of Rs 20 per page,” he added.

News Khabran / 80 + Year old Singh locked at home for 5 years
« on: September 27, 2010, 09:24:44 PM »

He screams when he is hungry, but no one is there to feed him. He can’t sleep properly and is in a pitiable condition. He has got two sons and a daughter, but at such a crucial age, there is no one to look after him.

This is the plight of octogenarian Gurbhajan Singh, who is locked alone in a house in Mooran Wali
Gali, Patiala, for the past five years.

However, the matter came to light when residents of the area recently approached the Kotwali Police and urged the authorities to allow them to shift the old man to some old age home.

“Gurbhajan’s son and a daughter are settled abroad and the other son resides in Patiala. We have requested his son to take him out of the house, but to no avail,” said the residents.

“The kin of Gurbhajan shifted to Patiala some five years back. Since then he is living an inhuman life in the locked house,” said the residents while speaking to The Tribune.

Gurbhajan’s only company is his neighbours, who sometimes talk to him to ensure that he is medically fit. The only time they come to see him is during evenings, when he comes near the gate of the house to eat the food left by his kin. And many a times, he screams of hunger because animals had eaten the food.

Meanwhile, his immediate neighbour Rajinder Kumar and Parminder Kumar said he often banged doors during the night shouting that he was hungry.

“We have to give him food to pacify him,” they said, adding that Gurbhajan’s kin keep food for him once a day only.

The conditional of the old man could be gauged from the dirty clothes which he is wearing. As in this weather he was wearing two sweaters. With uncombed hairs, unusual body language, people felt that he was mentally unstable but if someone was caged in a house from past so many years, his conduct would, obviously be like that of Gurbhajan, opined a majority of the residents.

However, the claims of the residents proved to be true when TNS spoke to him as not only Punjabi, Gurbhajan was well versed with English. He said he was educated and had served as a manager in a prestigious firm and then quietly went away.

Tech Lounge / First look at RIM (blackberry) Playback
« on: September 27, 2010, 09:05:56 PM »
SAN FRANCISCO - The company that gave us the BlackBerry — still the dominant phone in corporate circles — thinks its business customers will have room in their briefcases for at least one more device: the PlayBook.

Research in Motion Ltd. (TSX:RIM) showed off the tablet for the first time Monday and is set to launch it early 2011, with an international rollout later in the year. With it RIM is betting on a smaller, lighter device than Apple Inc.'s iPad, which kicked-started the tablet market when it launched in April.

The PlayBook will have a 17.8-centimetre screen, making it half the size of the iPad. It has a weight close to the iPad's. Unlike the iPad, it will have two cameras, front and back, both capable of high definition.

The PlayBook will be able to act as a second, larger screen for a BlackBerry phone, through a secure short-range wireless link. When the connection is severed — perhaps because the user walks away with the phone — no sensitive data like company emails are left on the tablet. Outside of Wi-Fi range, it will be able to pick up cellular service to access the web by linking to a BlackBerry.

But the tablet will also work as a standalone device. RIM co-chief Executive Jim Balsillie said its goal is to present the full web experience of a computer, including the ability to display Flash, Adobe Systems Inc.'s format for video and interactive material on the web. That means the tablet will be less dependent on third-party applications or "apps," Balsillie said.

"I don't need to download a YouTube app if I've got YouTube on the web," said Balsillie, who leads the company along with co-CEO Mike Lazaridis.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs has resisted allowing Flash on any of the company's mobile gadgets, arguing the software has too many bugs and sucks too much battery life.

"Much of the market has been defined in terms of how you fit the Web to mobility," Balsillie said. "What we're launching is really the first mobile product that is designed to give full web fidelity."

In part, the PlayBook is a move by RIM to protect its position as the top provider of mobile gadgets for the business set. Balsillie says he has had briefings with company chief information officers and "this is hands-down, slam-dunk what they're looking for."

Analysts agree that RIM's close relationship with its corporate clients could help the company establish a comfortable niche in the tablet market despite Apple's early lead.

"We do think that RIM has a play with enterprise customers because it has established relationships with so many businesses, and its technology is so deeply integrated with their IT departments," IDC analyst Susan Kevorkian said.

RIM is using a new operating system, built by QNX Software Systems, which it took over earlier this year, to harness the power of the tablet, but Balsillie said it will run existing apps for BlackBerry phones.

IDC predicts that the corporate market for tablet computers will grow as a portion of overall sales over the next few years. The firm forecasts that roughly 11 per cent of overall tablet shipments, or 6.5 million units, will be to businesses, government agencies or schools by 2014. That would be up from just two per cent, or 300,000 units, this year. And that figure doesn't count those who buy tablet computers on their own and use them for work.

RIM doesn't want the PlayBook to be just for work — the company invited video game maker Electronic Arts to help introduce the Playbook at an event in San Francisco on Monday — but it's clear that its advantages will lie in the work arena.

The iPad has prompted a wave of competitors, so RIM won't be alone going after the tablet market. Computer maker Dell Inc. came out with its own tablet computer in August called the Streak. Samsung Electronics Co. plans to launch the Galaxy Tab next month and has already lined up all four major U.S. carriers to sell it and provide wireless service for it. Cisco Systems Inc. is also going after business customers with a tablet called the Cius early next year.

BlackBerry PlayBook Hands-On Video (also compared to iPad)

Pics / Two Perspective of Marriage
« on: September 26, 2010, 10:02:48 PM »
I think its a bit true :loll:loll:

Pics / PJ Team on Yahoo Answers
« on: September 26, 2010, 09:41:02 PM »
Grenade Singh has a question. Anyone wants to help?

 :loll: :loll:

News Khabran / Indian Girl who Sweats blood
« on: September 26, 2010, 09:28:19 PM »
Twinkle Dwivedi, 13, has a disorder which means she loses blood through her skin without being cut or scratched. The teenager has had to undergo transfusions after pints of it seeped through her eyes, nose, hairline, neck and the soles of her feet.

The teenager’s condition developed when she was 12 when she suddenly started bleeding between five and 20 times a day. Sometimes her condition is so bad she wakes up with her entire body covered in dried blood.

“When I bleed from the head, my head feels very heavy,” says Twinkle. “When my eyes bleed they go really red and sore. It also hurts when I wash it after bleeding. It was scary and messy. My school blouse went all red. No-one would come near me or play with me,” she said. “I used to cry nearly every time it happened. But now I just keep quiet.”Villagers near her home in Uttar Pradesh, India, believe she must be cursed and shout cruel things in the street. Her frantic family have sought help from numerous doctors as well as preachers without success.

Medics in India now believe the youngster’s condition is an extreme version of a rare blood platelet disorder for which they cannot find a cure. The doctors at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi believe she has Type 2 Platelet Disorder, a condition where blood is dangerously low in clotting particles. They say her blood is watery and has the colour of a light red wine, but they cannot find a treatment to make it thicker.

However, a ray of hope has been offered by a British specialist, who believes Twinkle may have a different clotting disorder, for which treatment will be possible. “She may have Type II von Willebrand disease and she should see a coagulation doctor for treatment,” said Dr Drew Provan, the Haematologist Consultant of Barts Hospital in London. He believes her condition is not related to the number of clotting particles, but something called the von Willebrand factor, which helps platelets stick to blood vessels and blood to clot. However, Twinkle’s family, from Uttar Pradesh in India, do not have the funds for private treatment.Unless an actual diagnosis can be made she will continue growing weaker. She has already undergone several blood transfusions and it is feared she may one day lose too much blood too quickly.Twinkle was thrown out of one school and another refused to teach her because of her strange condition. Now she studies at home and rarely sees other children.

Funny Videos / Pendu And GS Singing
« on: September 26, 2010, 09:25:39 PM »
You could Die laughing, watch it why


Tech Lounge / Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
« on: September 26, 2010, 08:47:11 PM »
The largest model railway in the world and one of the most successful permanent exhibitions in Northern Germany.

Miniature Wonderland (German: Miniatur-Wunderland) is a model railway attraction in Hamburg, Germany and the largest of its kind in the world. As of January 2008[update], the railway consists of 11,000 metres (36,089 ft) of track in H0 scale, divided into five sections: Southern Germany, Hamburg and the coast, America, Scandinavia and Switzerland. Of the 4,000 square metres (43,056 sq ft) of floorspace, the model takes 1,500 m2 (16,146 sq ft).

By 2014 the exhibit is due to double the number of sections to ten; the next section covering an airport is due to open in 2010. The exhibit includes 900 trains made up of 12,000 carriages; 300,000 lights, 200,000 trees and 200,000 human figures. The creators promise that the railroad will show small models of France, Italy and the UK.

Miniatur Wunderland *** official corporate video *** largest model railway / railroad in the world

Complaints / Should Simarii/harrygill be banned of the Chat ?
« on: September 19, 2010, 07:43:59 PM »
Welcome! You have entered [Mitra Da Dera] at 9:48 pm
[Mitra Da Dera]: pReEt_lUv has left at 9:48 pm
[Mitra Da Dera]: nikkie has entered at 9:49 pm
[nikkie] 9:51 pm: aapaa v vadia
     [mchhina] 9:52 pm: oh ya tusse we wadia oo?    
     [mchhina] 9:52 pm: lol
[nikkie] 9:52 pm: lolz
[nikkie] 9:52 pm: i didnt realize
     [mchhina] 9:52 pm:      
[Mitra Da Dera]: Gangaster→Jatt has left at 9:56 pm
[Mitra Da Dera]: simarii has entered at 9:59 pm
[simarii] 10:00 pm: >
[nikkie] 10:01 pm: Sat sri akal
[simarii] 10:02 pm: ****
[simarii] 10:02 pm: lolz ooops
[simarii] 10:02 pm: SSA
[simarii] 10:02 pm: ik mint
[simarii] 10:02 pm: brb
[simarii] 10:02 pm: fer krdi gal nikko
[nikkie] 10:03 pm: okk
[simarii] 10:04 pm: yea nikko
[simarii] 10:04 pm: ki haal a
[nikkie] 10:04 pm: theek aa tu das?
[nikkie] 10:04 pm: tu kiddahhh
[nikkie] 10:04 pm: how is ur mood ?
[nikkie] 10:04 pm: Mein te darr gai c haye sdi Simo nu ki hoiaaaaaaaaaa
[nikkie] 10:04 pm: lolz
[simarii] 10:05 pm: haaha yea
[simarii] 10:06 pm: dn worry kch ni hunda menu
[simarii] 10:06 pm: hor ghare sab theek thaak
[simarii] 10:06 pm: mood hsnt changed
[simarii] 10:06 pm: still da same
[simarii] 10:06 pm: bas bhukar add hogya list ch lolzzzzzzzz
[simarii] 10:06 pm: i took off from work today cus i wsnt feelin gud
[nikkie] 10:06 pm: awwwwww
[simarii] 10:06 pm: lol meh boss nu keya..unless u wntme to faint during work...gimme da day off lol
[nikkie] 10:06 pm: apne ghar te sab theek
[Mitra Da Dera]: jatti_killa4nia_di has entered at 10:06 pm
[simarii] 10:06 pm: kehndi finee ill get sumone to cover for u
[nikkie] 10:06 pm: hahhahhaha
[simarii] 10:07 pm: yea i know
[simarii] 10:07 pm: kuthi haramban jaii
[nikkie] 10:07 pm: tu dara lia uhnu
[simarii] 10:07 pm: kuch ni kam kar keh razi
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:07 pm: ssa people      
[simarii] 10:07 pm: shes prbbl pissed
[simarii] 10:07 pm: cus she had to fkin work
[simarii] 10:07 pm: on a sunday
[simarii] 10:07 pm: b***h

[nikkie] 10:07 pm: lolz
[simarii] 10:07 pm: kida preet
[Mitra Da Dera]: Gangaster→Jatt has entered at 10:07 pm
[nikkie] 10:07 pm: hahahha
[nikkie] 10:07 pm: ssa Jatti
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:07 pm: theek a tu suna kidha
[nikkie] 10:07 pm: kidahhhhh
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:07 pm: ssa nikki
[simarii] 10:07 pm: jaaffiiizzz
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:07 pm: ssa sare n u
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:07 pm: jafis sim
[nikkie] 10:07 pm: ssa Jatt
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:08 pm: ssa nikki kida
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:08 pm: ki haal chal haa
[nikkie] 10:08 pm: Yaar mood te ajj mera v tere vala haal aa Sim
[nikkie] 10:08 pm: theek aa
[simarii] 10:08 pm: aww
[simarii] 10:08 pm: ki hogya
[simarii] 10:08 pm: ssa gangaster
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:09 pm: menu ki hona
[nikkie] 10:09 pm: hahahha
[nikkie] 10:09 pm: al mixed
[Mitra Da Dera]: harrygill has entered at 10:09 pm
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:09 pm: yaa
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:09 pm: simari kida
[Mitra Da Dera]: Gurpinder Mand has entered at 10:09 pm
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:09 pm: call te kar menu hhahahah
[harrygill] 10:09 pm: may i come in?
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:09 pm: come in plz
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:09 pm:      
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:10 pm: no u may not
[harrygill] 10:10 pm: tu kaun aa?
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:10 pm:      
[simarii] 10:10 pm: lolhaarry
[simarii] 10:10 pm: nai ah skda
[harrygill] 10:10 pm: thnks jatti
[simarii] 10:10 pm: **** yoo
[simarii] 10:10 pm: i got hw to doo
[simarii] 10:10 pm: meh aii
    [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:10 pm: woah simar
[harrygill] 10:10 pm: hawwww
[simarii] 10:10 pm: bacho akhe gal krdi
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:10 pm: mera b karde      
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:10 pm: ahca
[simarii] 10:10 pm: dude i wishhh
[harrygill] 10:10 pm: simari u **** u too
[harrygill] 10:10 pm:      
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:10 pm: hahha
[simarii] 10:10 pm: ik ta sale skewl ale
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:10 pm: hey jatti and and dudes wuss up
[simarii] 10:10 pm: ughhh
[simarii] 10:10 pm: aii meh
[simarii] 10:11 pm: brb
[Mitra Da Dera]: simarii has left at 10:11 pm
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:11 pm: lol hi gurpinder
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:11 pm: simar u swear alot loll
[harrygill] 10:11 pm: kida gill
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:11 pm: how u doing sweetest girl of pj
[harrygill] 10:11 pm: kida mchina
[harrygill] 10:11 pm: nikkie
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:11 pm: nikki he is talking to u
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:11 pm: lolll
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:11 pm: you should be awarded by this honor
[harrygill] 10:11 pm: motto kida
[Mitra Da Dera]: Gangaster→Jatt has left at 10:11 pm
[nikkie] 10:12 pm: Patle tu das?
[harrygill] 10:12 pm: lol
[harrygill] 10:12 pm: tu kam nhi kardi?
[nikkie] 10:12 pm: nah Jatti u r the sweetest
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:12 pm: wat jatti u didnt respons me i m      
[nikkie] 10:12 pm: i am quite bittle
[nikkie] 10:12 pm: bittere
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:13 pm: im not the sweeteast      
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:13 pm: lollll
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:13 pm: im not quite bitter way over quite
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:13 pm: lolll
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:13 pm: but seem to me
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:13 pm: u
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:13 pm: well thankju
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:13 pm: im good how are you gurpinder
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:13 pm: loll
[nikkie] 10:14 pm: hahahah
[nikkie] 10:14 pm: u too Jatti
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:14 pm: ur warm welcome with lovely smile      
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:14 pm: so how is everything going
     [jatti_killa4nia_di] 10:15 pm: good just doing work
[harrygill] 10:16 pm: sooooo gye sare      
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:16 pm: ok keep up ur work we will talk later wen u got time      
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:17 pm: harry kida
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:17 pm: veer
[harrygill] 10:18 pm: ah
[harrygill] 10:18 pm: wadiya
[harrygill] 10:18 pm: shukar aa punjabiboli
[harrygill] 10:18 pm: i dont know eglissh
[harrygill] 10:18 pm: pls chat in punjabi]
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:18 pm: koi nai holi sikh ja ga
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:18 pm: sanu kerdayi aundayi english
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:19 pm: jini k aundi bol daya kar
[harrygill] 10:19 pm: 22 mainu english tah poori aaundi aa]
[harrygill] 10:19 pm: par bolni nhi chaunda
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:19 pm: apae agalae nu samj lagae na laggae aa
[harrygill] 10:19 pm: apni punjabi best aa
[harrygill] 10:19 pm: hahhahaha
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:19 pm:       boldaya kar yaar
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:19 pm: o ta haa 22
[harrygill] 10:19 pm: mai english nu ignore kar dena han
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:19 pm: par sara kush auna chayi da ... apnae layi best jae sara pata hovae ta
[harrygill] 10:19 pm: koi jo marji boli jaye
[nikkie] 10:19 pm: lol
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:20 pm: ignore na karya
[harrygill] 10:20 pm: par jado do peg lage hon phir agle di english changi tarah kadda      
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:20 pm: jerda english bolae ghutt k jaffi pa laya kar
[harrygill] 10:20 pm: hahahah
[harrygill] 10:20 pm: jaffi
[nikkie] 10:20 pm: aho pata menu teri ignore da
[harrygill] 10:20 pm: nhi 22
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:20 pm: aa ta sara punjabi ada kar dae aa
[harrygill] 10:20 pm: lolnikki
[harrygill] 10:20 pm: ki hoya
[nikkie] 10:20 pm: te kiha kar All iz well
[harrygill] 10:21 pm: tu v aaj bari angreji mardi c
[harrygill] 10:21 pm:      
[harrygill] 10:21 pm: punjabi bhulgayi aa ja sikhawa?
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:22 pm: sikha dae sikha dae punjabi
[nikkie] 10:22 pm: aje mood nahi sikhan da kal nu punjabi sikhange ajj angrezi nal kam chala
[harrygill] 10:22 pm: hahahah
[harrygill] 10:22 pm: fukin hate english
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:23 pm: hahaha
[harrygill] 10:23 pm: they ruined india and youth of punjab
[Mitra Da Dera]: simarii has entered at 10:23 pm
[harrygill] 10:23 pm: still we r paying for them
[nikkie] 10:23 pm: wb Simo
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:23 pm: munda serious ho gaya
[harrygill] 10:23 pm: kida simari
[harrygill] 10:23 pm: hahah nhi 22
[simarii] 10:23 pm: aja
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:23 pm: 22 english ta ik basha aa
[simarii] 10:23 pm: hun kithe mar geya
[harrygill] 10:23 pm: haje nhi haje ik andar gaya aa
[harrygill] 10:23 pm: duja jana
[harrygill] 10:23 pm: hahhahah
[simarii] 10:24 pm: kanjar jea
[simarii] 10:24 pm: kamina kithe lukya behta
[harrygill] 10:24 pm: kaun?
[nikkie] 10:24 pm: kaun mar gia Simo?
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:24 pm: urdu , hindi ,, punjabi o ta apnae bandae dayi isha honi chayi dayi
[simarii] 10:24 pm: aja hun ....
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:24 pm: jae isha ta sab kush kaim rehnda aa
[simarii] 10:24 pm: ki lar geya tere ....
[Mitra Da Dera]: Gangaster→Jatt has entered at 10:24 pm
[simarii] 10:24 pm: bol hun
[nikkie] 10:24 pm: kaun simo?
[simarii] 10:24 pm: ki problem ah teri
     [mchhina] 10:24 pm: Simarri .. You have one hell of Dirty mouth      
[simarii] 10:24 pm: waheguru
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:24 pm: kida simria ayge
     [mchhina] 10:24 pm: Just in case you didnt know      
[simarii] 10:24 pm: behncho menu
[simarii] 10:24 pm: oh sala
[simarii] 10:24 pm: kuch marji kahi jave
[simarii] 10:25 pm: oh thonu nai disda

     [mchhina] 10:25 pm: i just came      
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:25 pm: kise ki kha dita
[simarii] 10:25 pm: **** off gangster
     [mchhina] 10:25 pm: lol
[simarii] 10:25 pm: tenu ni meh kuch keya
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:25 pm: hahahah
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:25 pm: hor kise bari kahi jande haa
     [mchhina] 10:25 pm: Easy Little girl.. You are out next time      
[Mitra Da Dera]: simarii has left at 10:25 pm
     [mchhina] 10:25 pm: Gangaster knock it off
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:25 pm: chali gye
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:26 pm: 22 ji ma kuch nhi kha oh nu
     [mchhina] 10:26 pm: What is you problem kid
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:26 pm: das ma koi gal kha haa
[harrygill] 10:26 pm: gurpinder 22 dekh la
     [mchhina] 10:26 pm: Gangster jatt
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:26 pm: galt
[harrygill] 10:26 pm: english sikh ke kinnia gallan kad gyi
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:26 pm: haan bai punjabia ch b ta kadiya aa
    [Gangaster→Jatt] 10:26 pm: lol
[harrygill] 10:26 pm: yh
[harrygill] 10:27 pm: par je pure punjabi ghar ch rahi hundi tah eda na kardi
[harrygill] 10:27 pm: **** off da mtlab punjbai ch nhi das sakdi oh
     [mchhina] 10:27 pm: Easy now folks
[Mitra Da Dera]: яαмgαянια мυη∂α has entered at 10:27 pm
[harrygill] 10:27 pm: kida mchina veer
     [mchhina] 10:27 pm: harry chill
[harrygill] 10:28 pm: 22
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:28 pm: ada matlab aa chup kar jao ... bai jae koi kisae nu gussa davo ga ta
[harrygill] 10:28 pm: mai mast aa
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:28 pm: kush ta galat hona ayi aa
[harrygill] 10:28 pm: mai kise nu mara nhi keha 22
     [mchhina] 10:28 pm: Grow up now.. dont look for babysitters every now and then
[harrygill] 10:28 pm: lol mchina
[harrygill] 10:28 pm: mmai ki kita yaar
[harrygill] 10:28 pm: mai gurp nal galla karda c
[Mitra Da Dera]: 5abn_sydney_di has entered at 10:29 pm
     [mchhina] 10:29 pm: That is for everyone.. You are grown up.. So stop looking for Babysitter.. I dont even understand why you guys need a mod
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:29 pm: jae nai kush kita ta darri kehna janda
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:29 pm: ta naale baar baar ik galh kyu durayi jana
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:29 pm: mast rah aa
[harrygill] 10:29 pm: hahaa
     [Gurpinder Mand] 10:29 pm:      
[harrygill] 10:29 pm: mai?
[harrygill] 10:29 pm: pata nhi ayyar]
     [mchhina] 10:29 pm: like look after your self.. An age of 16-18 is considered too old
[5abn_sydney_di] 10:29 pm: ssa
     [mchhina] 10:29 pm: anyways we over with it
[harrygill] 10:29 pm: haje tah ik hi laya
[harrygill] 10:29 pm: haha mchinna

Knowledge / Greatest Public Insults of the decade
« on: September 15, 2010, 07:52:11 PM »
Bush under shoe attack, Bagdad, Iraq

George Bush shoe attack

It was the last official visit of American President Gorge W Bush to Bagdad, Iraq. At the end of his press conference, he was gifted two pair of shoes; luckily he managed to move down humbly avoid “made in Italy” gift.

Italian Prime Minister got a slap

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi lost two of his teeth and then rushed to hospital in emergency after he was attacked at the end of a public rally. Maybe from now on, the president will avoid appearing in public gathering or learn how to control his tongue. Mr. Berlusconi was called clown by few groups of people while he shouted “shame on you” back

Traian Basescu attacked 10 year old guy

In 2004 when Train Basescu (current President of Romania) was on campaigning for the presidency, a woman appeared shouting ” please help me, I’m desperate, Mr. Basescu, no ones do justice to me” (she handed over a piece of paper to him); Mr. Basescu returned and slapped the poor little boy. The cruel man is elected again for five more years to rule over the country.

Every action has a reaction, Muntadar al-Zeidi, Iraqi Journalist in Paris

Newton third law of motion states “To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” something like that happened to Iraqi journalist who tried to hit Gorge W Bush. When he appeared in a press conference in Paris, France, he was welcomed with a flying shoe. He managed the same way as Bush did. Copycat isn’t?

Shoe attack on Indian minister, New Dheli
Journalist Jarnail Singh Throwing Shoes at Palaniappan Chidambaram (Indian Home Minister)

Palaniappan Chidambaram was speaking in Delhi about 1984 riots in which hundreds of Sikhs were killed. A Sikh journalist got mad on his reply and thrown a shoe on the minister saying “I protest”.

Knowledge / Smallest Countries of the World
« on: September 15, 2010, 06:39:45 PM »
Vatican City (0.2 square miles)

Vatican City officially the State of the Vatican City is a landlocked sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of Rome, the capital city of Italy. At approximately 44 hectares (110 acres) (0.44 km2), and with a population of over 800, it is the smallest country in the world by both area and population. Vatican City is a city-state that came into existence in 1929. It s population is 826.

Monaco (0.7 square miles)

Monaco is a small sovereign city-state located in South Western Europe on the northern central coast of the Mediterranean Sea, having a land border on three sides only with France, and being about 16 km (9.9 mi) away from Italy. Its size is just under 2 km² with an estimated population of almost 33,000. Monaco is the world’s most densely populated sovereign country, and the world’s smallest French-speaking country. An average person takes only 56 minutes to walk across the width of the country. Monaco is the name of the country as well as the name of its only and capital city. It is often regarded as a tax haven, and many of its inhabitants are wealthy and from foreign countries, making up a majority of the population, at around 84%. Its population is 32,965 and area is 0.76 sq miles.

Nauru (8.5 square miles)

World’s 3rd smallest nation is located in South Pacific Ocean. The tiny island was inhabited by Micronesian and Polynesia people 300 years ago. The country has been under foreign occupation; annexed by Germany in 1888, then Japanese occupied it on 26 August 1942. Australian govt. is using the island to held asylum seekers who were trying to illegally enter into Australia. The economy of Nauru Island is heavily depended upon phosphate.

Tuvalu (9 square miles)

With the rise of sea level, the island is extremely in danger. World’s forth smallest country is located in Pacific Ocean which was first inhabited by Tuvalu were Polynesian people. The island became British protectorate in 1892 which was later (during 2nd world war) used against Japanese. Tuvalu got complete independence from United Kingdom in 1978.

San Marino (24 square miles)

San Marino generates half of its revenue from tourism industry while other sources are banking, electronics, and ceramics. Although San Marino is fifth smallest country but it is considered oldest sovereign state (got independence in 301). Its constitution was drafted on 8 October 1600 which is world’s oldest constitution still in effect.

Fun Time / Wierd Rules of America
« on: September 15, 2010, 06:22:26 PM »
   1. In West Virginia, only babies can ride in a baby carriage.

   2. In Miami, it’s illegal for men to be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.

   3. In New York, it is illegal to shoot at a rabbit from a moving trolley car.

   4. In Pennsylvania, it is against the law to sleep in your refrigerator. - Damn People do that over there :loll:

   5. In Gary, Indiana, persons are prohibited from attending a movie house [cinema] or other theater and from riding a public streetcar within four hours of eating garlic.

   6. It is illegal in Maine to step out of a plane, while it is in flight. - Perfect, make sense :loll:

   7. Birds have the right of way on all highways in Utah.

   8. In North Carolina, it is against the law for a rabbit to race down the street.

   9. In New England, Baltimore, it is illegal to take a lion to the movies.  :laugh: :laugh:

  10. In Raton, New Mexico, it is illegal for a woman to ride horseback down a public street with a kimono on.

  11. In North Carolina, it is illegal to sneeze on city streets. - Wat the fuzz.. :|

  12. In California animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.

  13. In Arizona,a man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.  :laugh:

  14. In Arkansas, a law provides that school teachers who bob their hair will not get a raise.

  15. In California in Baldwin Park: Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.

  16. Washington D.C. -~censored~

  17. Florida law forbids rats to leave the ships docked in Tampa Bay.

  18. In Florida,it is illegal to fart in a public place after 6:00pm on a Thursday. :loll:

  19. In Georgia,It is against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.

  20. In Hawaii,coins are not allowed to be placed in one’s ears.

  21. In Indiana,a man over the age of 18 may be arrested for statutory rape if the passenger in his car is not wearing her socks and shoes, and is under the age of 17.

  22. In Iowa ,a man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public.

  23. In Kansas, if two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed. - Make sense :loll:

  24. In Maine,after January 14th you will be charged a fine for having your Christmas decorations still up.

  25. In Detroit, Michigan it is illegal to sleep in a bathtub.

Men's Doubles Championship Highlights

Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi (Pakistan) And Rohan Bopanna (India) Teams up at US open - Ended Runner ups  :happy:

It had been quite a ride, but the "Indo-Pak Express" finally ran out of steam at the US Open tennis championship here on Friday. At the men's doubles final of the Grand Slam tournament, it almost seemed as if the symbolism of the partnership between Indian tennis professional Rohan Bopanna and Pakistan’s Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi at times outshone the substance of their game.

There was plenty of substance, however. Bopanna and Qureshi didn't just ride the intense fascination they've attracted at this year’s US Open all the way to the final — in fact, the 16th-seeded pair hadn't lost a set before they lost the final to the top-seeded Bryan twins, Bob and Mike, of the United States, in straight sets via tie breaks, 6-7, 6-7.

But the score wouldn't have mattered to the crowd that turned out in full force on a windy and chilly afternoon at the impressive Arthur Ashe stadium. Bopanna and Qureshi had plenty of "home" support with Indians and Pakistanis in the New York area showing up in good numbers to cheer them on. Bopanna's parents flew in from India in a last-minute decision, just making it to the stadium before even checking into their hotel.

Also looking on were India and Pakistan's Permanent Representatives to the United Nations. Dressed in matching beige jackets, with India's Hardeep Puri sporting a navy blue turban and Pakistan's Abdullah Haroon a yellow sun hat, the two diplomats found themselves sitting together on the same side of a contest for a change, even as the media speculated on whether this tennis bonhomie could net some actual bilateral progress.

Speaking to reporters after the match, Haroon opened serve with a flourish: "I say let's make the dream of these boys a reality, let them play tennis on the Wagah border with both countries watching."

"All right, there have been differences, there have been problems," remarked Puri, with the masterful understatement of a skilled diplomat, and added, "I think the overall effort is to isolate those problems and live in peace and harmony. We were delighted to have Rohan and Aisam performing so well, and that helps.”

For Qureshi especially, who clearly had a message he wanted to convey about his country, it helped that he also performed well with the microphone. He won a standing ovation when he spoke in the stadium after the match, asserting that Pakistan had acquired a wrong reputation as a terrorist country, and that his fellow Pakistanis wanted peace as much as anybody else.

Throughout their run at this year's US Open, Bopanna and Qureshi had faced questions from the international media about their unusual partnership and how it could bring two historically hostile nations together.

While they have happily embraced their role in setting a positive example, that's not what brought them together.

Qureshi had been playing with Indians throughout his career as there were few Pakistanis on the tour; Bopanna said they first decided to pair up in 2003 because they thought it would help each other's games.

It certainly did. Quarter-finalists at Wimbledon, finalists at the US Open - Bopanna and Qureshi have arrived in the big leagues this year. As for promoting Indo-Pak peace and friendship through sports, their strongest argument could be not that they set out to be an example and therefore paired up, but that they got together without any grand designs and find it to be the most unremarkable and natural thing for an Indian and Pakistani to be playing on the same team.

Funny Videos / How mothers delivers a baby from little girl point of view
« on: September 11, 2010, 04:36:07 PM »
how mothers deliver a baby from little girl point of view

:loll: :loll: @ I am incharge of Gas..  :loll: :loll:

Gup Shup / Loved it - The PJ ad Today :D
« on: September 01, 2010, 06:49:23 PM »
I loved the ad that was displaced like 3 mins ago on Punjabi Janta

So help a Cause

- An Amazing Co-incidence!!! ........ Sometimes co-incidence makes me happy :happy: :happy: :happy:

News Khabran / Timeline: Chilean Miners Trapped
« on: August 31, 2010, 02:24:26 PM »
Not Sure if you guys following the new but there are 33 miner who are traped underground and the rescue is considered not possible till October.


(Reuters) - Thirty-three Chilean miners trapped deep underground for 17 days sent a message to the surface on Sunday, saying they were all still alive, but experts said it would take months to dig them out.

Here is a timeline of the ordeal, one of the major mining accidents in Chile's history.

August 5 - A cave-in some 1,100 feet below the surface leaves 33 miners trapped 2,300 feet vertically underground in the small copper-and-gold mine of San Jose, near the northern Chilean city of Copiapo.

The mine's owners, local private company Compania Minera San Esteban Primera, notifies authorities several hours later, saying they first had to evaluate the situation.

August 6 - Mining Minister Laurence Golborne cuts short a visit to Ecuador and flies back to Chile to lead the rescue effort in Copiapo, 500 miles north of Santiago.

Mine authorities pin their hopes on the possibility that the trapped miners have reached a shelter where oxygen, water and food had been stored.

August 7 - Rescue workers, who began descending toward the shelter via a ventilation shaft on August 6, are forced to abandon that route when a fresh cave-in blocks the duct.

President Sebastian Pinera cuts short his visit to Colombia and returns to Chile to be with the family members of the trapped miners at a temporary camp set up outside the mine.

August 8 - Rescue workers begin drilling bore-holes 5 inches in diameter into the mine to try to locate the miners.

August 11 - Pinera sacks the heads of national mining regulator Sernageomin, and vows a major overhaul of the body, which monitors mine safety.

August 19 - The farthest-along drill reaches the level in the mine where authorities presumed the miners to be, but does not hit the shelter or encounter any signs of the miners.

August 22 - Early in the day, a drill reaches a depth of 2,260 feet and rescue workers hear tapping on the drill.

Early in the afternoon, Pinera presents to family members and media a note that the miners had tied to the drill, saying "The 33 of us in the shelter are well."

Hours later, rescue workers capture the first video images of the miners, showing them to be in much better condition than expected.

Golborne and Andre Sougarret, head of the rescue drilling operation and mine manager at state-run copper giant Codelco's El Teniente mine, have said rescue of the miners will take 3-4 months, given the instability of the mine and the time needed to drill a new hole, 2.5 feet in diameter, to extract the miners.

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