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Messages - *rAbh RaKHA*

Pages: 1 ... 197 198 199 200 201 [202] 203 204 205 206 207 ... 949
Love Pyar / Re: ~~how to be a bettter partner~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 08:07:03 PM »
Being romantic is over rated. You give a desi kuri some flowers ohne ghar jandi nu, phul kithe sit dehna aa... because maa te baapu nu putha na lag jave kisi munde naal fir di aa. Chocolate devo... ohne kehna main moti ho jaana...

ehmi money waste if ask me.  :woried:

:whew: :whew: common.. well it deosn;t matteh wah that kuri do with floweres or choclate..buh u can gift it to her na.. nahe.. buh ya alwayz get away by saying waste of money :whew: :whew:

Shayari / Re: IK KUDi ........
« on: February 26, 2010, 07:45:10 PM »
 =D> =D>

Shayari / Re: Meri Dua Rabb Agge..
« on: February 26, 2010, 07:35:02 PM »
 :okk: :okk:

Love Pyar / ~~how to be a bettter partner~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 07:28:46 PM »
how to be a betteh partner

Be romantic.
Whenever a relationship starts to fail, the lack of romance is one of the first indicators. It is very natural for people to get complacent and forget the fun things they used to do when they first got together. A relationship has to be constantly worked on and being romantic is an absolute must.

Never disparage yourself.
Whenever you are disparaging yourself, you are basically saying that you are no good for your partner. If you don't believe that you are good enough for them, then you won't be. It's as simple as that. Don't sit around and beat yourself up over past mistakes, that will only prevent you from trying and succeeding at new things tomorrow.

Always be honest.
There is not one single relationship that will succeed in the long run if built on a lie. Even if your partner never finds out the truth, the fact that you know you lied will affect your feelings for yourself and your partner. With that kind of a hindrance, the relationship will never reach it's full potential.

Do not do things just to keep your partner happy.
How many times have you done something for or to your partner that you really did not want to do, just to make them happy? How did it make you feel? Every time you compromise yourself in that way, a piece of your love for them dies. It is much better to explain to them that you don't feel good about certain things and work on an alternative together.

Do not ask your partner to do things you know they don't want to do.
This is the reverse of the above lesson and fairly self-explanatory. If you know they really don't like doing something, and if that something is for you and of no benefit to them, then why ask them to do it unless you are being selfish or mean?

Do not belittle your partner.
Everyone makes mistakes in life and everyone works or catches on at different speeds. If you spend your time nagging at your partner or putting them down about every little thing they do wrong, then how can you expect them to do anything right? Do you want a life-partner or a puppy dog?

Do not put off things you have promised to do.
Trust is an important part of any relationship and it needs to be developed. If you say you are going to do something and don't, then how can your partner rely on you in the future?

Always be there for your partner.
Nothing is more important in your life than your partner. Friends come and go, as do children, but your partner is with you for the whole journey. If they are in trouble or need you, nothing else matters, other than to be there for them.

Things change in a relationship almost on a daily basis. If you don't talk to your partner you could very easily wake up one day and find that you have drifted too far apart to bridge the gap.

Do not commit adultery or other harmful acts against your relationship.
This one is really self-explanatory. Nothing destroys a relationship faster than infidelity or wrong doings.

Treat your partner with respect.
It is extremely easy to take someone for granted and once you start to cross that line, it is very difficult to go back. Be careful not to treat your partner worse than you would treat your best friend.

Be open and receptive to your partner's wants and wishes.
It takes two people to have a relationship and when you shut one of them out because you are not open to their ideas and wishes then you really don't have a relationship at all. Always be open and receptive to what they say. Also, be open to new experiences and ideas, you never know what you might learn.

Love Pyar / ~~dreams,wishers n tears~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 07:23:15 PM »
Dreams, Wishes, and Tears . . .

If dreams were given to a lonely man
and a lonely man's dreams came true,
I'd force myself to sleep all the time
just so I could dream of you

If wishes were given to a lonely man
and I was given just two,
I'd wish for you to always love me
and the other I'd give to you

If my tears could write a love song
I'd write a love song for you,
It would explain just how I feel inside
and how much I love you too

But, dreams are only dreams
and wishes seldom come true,
My tears can't write a love song,
but when they fall, they fall for you . . .

Love Pyar / ~~A perfect day with you~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 07:18:38 PM »
A Perfect Day With You

As I sit here thinking of you,
Which is something I often do,
I think of how you make me feel inside.

Loving you brings to me such pride,
I love you deeper then the earths core;
Yet every second I find myself loving you more.
I love your smile, your laugh, your touch;
Your kisses awaken my saddened heart.

I wait to see you pull in the drive,
After all these years I still get that tingle inside,
I lay beside you at night, my arms around you;
It is the perfect way to end the day through.
To wake up beside you at the sound of the alarm,
It is now me who is in your arms,
I start each day perfect with seeing your face,
I end each day perfect with you in my embrace.

All the time in between while we're apart;
I miss you terribly, but it is a perfect day,
For I carry you in my heart

Love Pyar / ~~if I kNOW~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 07:16:55 PM »
If I knew how to write a song
I’d write one everyday
It would say that I’m in love with you
And why I feel this way

It would have to say you’re pretty
And as rare as a desert rose
It would say you’re a looker
From your head down to your toes

You are funny, dainty, fragile
And as feminine as can be
You’re smart charming lovely
And everything to me

You’re my comfort when I’m lonely
You’re my peace when I need rest
Of all the women I’ve known
I must rate you the best.

You’re the orchard in the jungle,
you’re the better half of me
You’re all of this and so much more,
you mean the world to me

Still so much is left unsaid,
It would take me far to long
I know how much I love you,

If only I could write a song.

Jokes Majaak / Re: COME AGAIN?
« on: February 26, 2010, 07:08:57 PM »
 :laugh: :laugh:

PJ Games / Re: Give the nick name to the person above you
« on: February 26, 2010, 06:30:10 PM »
dewani poison di

PJ Games / Re: ~~give sumthing~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 06:29:24 PM »
pyar bahut sara

PJ Games / Re: ~~sTEEL soMETHING~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 06:29:07 PM »
kujj nahe g

PJ Games / Re: ~~say 1 truth abt the person above ya~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 06:28:30 PM »
sohne ne

« on: February 26, 2010, 06:22:01 PM »
crazy  :waitin:
BAD ans :huhh: :huhh:

Love Pyar / Re: ~~don't~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 04:06:08 PM »

Pics / Re: Gift for Sonnen-From Yanken :p
« on: February 26, 2010, 04:04:30 PM »
bhene eh dosti ala aa  :loll:
okg samaz gaye :he: :he:

Love Pyar / Re: ~~don't~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 04:00:09 PM »

Shayari / Re: Bura akho naa
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:57:42 PM »
chalo wadiya g .. suno tusi song.... :)

Love Pyar / Re: Your first crush on PJ and real life?
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:56:56 PM »
Manno,desi,desi juliet, mischro,poison di deewani,gur di dali,

right now ehniyaa de naam yaad ayee koi reah gai hove ta dass denaa....lol
lol :pagel: :pagel:

Love Pyar / Re: ~~don't~~
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:54:39 PM »

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