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Messages - Ķιℓℓα Ķαuя

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Discussions / Re: Share you life goals....
« on: May 12, 2011, 03:48:49 PM »
oh man  :pagel: this topic
i don't really have set goals ...its a pretty vague path or maybe a direction that always keeps me on track so i don't forget myself on the journey of life with some success and some failure in this materialistic world day to day.... :loll:
at the end of your life nothing really matters :-\

mis understanding naa create kar mere naal ni hoyia...apni pj de kujh members naal hoyia...they are ma best friends

leh das i didn't say anything :laugh: emi

apni pj te v bohat aunties ne....mera ik do naal takkra ho chuka....
bade sohne sohne niyane v a ohna de....

bechara charra :laugh: :laugh:

Gup Shup / Re: Moving out
« on: May 12, 2011, 09:55:30 AM »
i would say it just depends on the situations ...i think one can be just as responsible and learn to survive in this world as they can on their own or with their family...there are ups/downs to both...it just depends..
in ur case Elle, i wouldn't move out unless i knew i have a place to stay at and a job. and thinking ur going to live with friend or ur bf for few weeks/months till u can get place to ur self n not have the money on hand wouldn't be right just to be on safe side :pagel:

Discussions / Re: Street Beggars
« on: May 10, 2011, 03:10:56 PM »
i do give most of the times but then sometimes i don't becuase i see some people standing at the same spot during the rushhour to get money and its pretty pathetic that they are just standing there and yes they are fully capable of working.
and in india loll oh man its crazy there they just go after you they get all touchy too :-| i was so mad i went off on few :hehe: it was funny ...ik tida jeha munda barely 6 yrs old jumps out of nowhere khenda tere pateeja hove gulab jamin warga menu paise deh de lmao i was like laughing my bro goes ja oye asi ni gulab jamin warga munda lehna :hehe: it was so funny

Sports Khelan / Re: Bodybuilder - Varinder Ghuman (Sher Punjabi)
« on: May 10, 2011, 03:05:24 PM »

urrghh his arms are disgustingly huge! Not appealing.

thank you for agreeing lolll ...that's what im saying in roula dabba :hehe:

Discussions / Re: Punjabi Weddings
« on: May 10, 2011, 02:15:09 PM »
Their flirting numbers will go down. :D:

okha hi a :hehe:

PJ Games / Re: If I had a million dollars...
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:23:30 AM »
if i had a million dollars i would pay off my loans...donate..and then whatever is left i'll use it on a long vacation and maybe shopping too :hehe:

PJ Games / Re: Truth abt urself & Wht made u smile today?
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:20:56 AM »

Fun Time / Re: What was your dream last night?
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:17:39 AM »
i've been having some weird dreams lately :-\

Knowledge / Re: question of the day
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:05:42 AM »
Dehra Sahib

Next Question

What do you understand by SANTHIYA in Gurubani?

Gurubani vich Santhiya len toh ki bhav hai?

From what I understand Santhiya  lehn da matlab eh a ki jadon koi path karna sikh reha ...tusi gurmukhi de harek akhar nu correctly pronounce karna sikhde jida ki siari vihari di awaj keho jahi or onker dulanker n all that harek di vakhri  vakhri pronounciation a te jadon 2 ja 3 ikathe a oh vakhri tra pronounce hunda so at last i guess its the proper way of learning gurmukhi inorder to do path correctly.

Discussions / Re: Punjabi Weddings
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:00:19 AM »
god knows :loll:

WHO'S MARRIED HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????

Can they hear me now?

 :laugh: :laugh:  say it louder ...i doubt anyone going to answer that (atleast they won't be honest abt it)   :hehe:

i'm married :D: :D:

Are you? Hahaha cool.

lol nah not yet :hehe: i was jk since noone else is admitting lol i dont see whats wrong with saying yeh im married :-\ people are weird :yawn:

Have a question. In the sikhism bible, he told me, that it's required(a MUST do) that a person wears a turban, grows a beard and follows all the 5 k's. Can anyone who read the bible confirm this?

The Sikh Holy Scripture is called Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji ...well I haven't personally read it because I haven't learned to read and its difficult certain words are pronounced certain way...just cause you know punjabi doesn't mean you are capable of reading and understanding Sri GUru Granth Sahib ji...just because its so meaningful and every word means something very powerful from what i understand.  From what i understand, a sikh is not complete until they have made commitment to follow Sikhism according to the Sikh Rehat Maryada (The Code of Sikh Conduct). Once one is ready to follow those rules, that person has to live their life by those rules and that does include getting Amrit and keeping the 5K's along with the prayers. I don't have proper words to explain it to you so i'm going to post something from another site..hopefully that helps :-)

"According to Sikhism, the mission of human life is the attainment of God and the realization is possible by observing the principles of truth in their true spirit. It is desired of a Sikh to live upto the discipline of Bani (Nam Simran) and Bana (Wearing of Five Kakars and keeping piety of outlook) to attain the ultimate goal.

Sikh code of conduct provides social, cultural, religious and spiritual precepts for governance of Khalsa corporate life. Sikh faith is established on observance of the principles and rules formulated by the Sikh Gurus in the true sense.
Sikhism is a way of life and the game of love needs truth and commitment on that way. In micro sense, Sikhism is concerned with individual life style (Gurmat and Reht Maryada style of life) of a Sikh but in macro sense, it is concerned with his corporate style of life (Sangat, Pangat, supermacy of Akal Takht and Wand Chhakna etc)conducted and governed truely at all the times and at all the places and in every behaviour according to the Word of God.
Sikhism is a way of life which believes in pure and pious living. It is a dynamic and practical religion. It has got certain principles and discipline to follow. More important than belief in the principles of the Sikh faith is the actual practice of the teachings of the Gurus. There are set rules and ways for the ideal life in Sikhism which determine Sikh beliefs and practices.
Sikh Code of Conduct is called Sikh Rehat Maryada. It is a manual and code of discipline for the followers of Sikh faith for social, moral, religious, spiritual and general living. According to the Sikh code of conduct published in 1945 by Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee Amritsar, a Sikh must practice the concept of Bani (Spiritual life) and Bana (Uniform with Five Kakars). He must live upto the Internal and External code of conduct.
Internal Rehat Maryada means living a pure, pious and spiritual inner life. External Rehat Maryada means the outer code of conduct and visible living of virtuous life (Bani & Bana ie. Norm and Form)
Rehat Maryada literally means “the code of conduct or way of life”. Reht means mode of living or conduct and Maryada means tradition, practice of the faith or code or discipline of life. It extends its meaning to life discipline. It meets the principles for ethical, moral and spiritual life. It is a code which tells the Sikh followers how to live and how not to live. It is a manual for the Sikh which tells him to live like a Lotus which has its roots in muddy water but its flower blooms floating pure and spotless over the muddy base.
Sikhism is essentially a practical religion. It gives great significance to voluntary discipline and self restraint in the physical, mental, moral and spiritual fields. Sikhism gives reverence to its sacred traditions (Maryada), heritage, culture and religious living. It does not call for blind and arrogant compliance of its way of life. Sikh Rehat is touch stone which reveals the purity and perfection of the Khalsa.
Rehat Maryada is willing discipline
Sikhism believes in willing discipline of body and mind. It aims at serving the mankind and attaining the Ultimate Reality through Naam Simran, Sachi Kirt and Wand Chhakna. There is no use of coercion in observance of the discipline. It is not punitive. The code of Sikh conduct is positive, correctional and requires the devotee to attune with the Will of God.
Sikhism believes in gradual progress of Sehaj Dharis to become the Khalsa. The deviants and slow movers are to be treated with sympathy and loving care so that they learn their roots and join the main stream.
Sikh Rehat Maryada has been evolved on the basic principles of God’s universe, discipline of planetary system and the law of nature. Human body, mind and consciousness are gifts of the Lord leased to mankind for a pre-determined life time. Sikhism wants these gifts to be used for attainment of God through service of mankind.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the primary source of Sikh Code of Conduct. It is supported by Dasam Granth, Vars of Bhai Gurdas and writings of Bhai Nand Lal. The Rehat is further strengthened through the Rehat Namas of Bhai Nand Lal, Bhai Daya Singh, Bhai Desa Singh, Bhai Champa Singh and others.
Gurbani says that blessed with infinite joy, without a trace of sorrow, is the house that Guru Nanak has inherited. Sikhism wants to keep peace and tranquillity in that house.
Harkh anant sog nahi biya, so ghar gur Nanak ko diaya.
The doctrine of five Kakars gifted by Guru Gobind Singh helps the Sikhs to live life in full measure and with universal resources. The Guru ordained not only the Khalsa how to live but also how not to live. He gave certain do’s and don’ts to the Khalsa Panth.
It is very essential to point out that no individual or individual organisation has the authority to change or alter the Sikh Rehat Maryada as per personal needs and whims. Every Sikh is required to bow head before the Sikh Rehat Maryada published by Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. There is only one Rahit Maryada for the Khalsa Panth, it does not belong to any particular Jatha or entity, yet as Sikhs we are all obliged to follow it.
It is explicit in Gurbani that the principles of Gurmat are unchangeable and of permanent standing: The Instruction of the Guru is Unshakable. None can change it.
Gurmat Mat Achal Hai Chalaey Na Sakey Koey (p-548)"
(quoted from: All About Sikhs, Your Gateway to Sikhism)

Yeah I understand that's why I didn't write why I think that...we're not going to get anywhere with that I'm sure.

lol yeah its just one of those endless arguments :pagel:

I would disagree with you here, though I think that rest is true. There were many hate crimes after 9/11 against many minorities.

well you have every right to disagree...its just that i believe the whole event itself an conspiracy


PJ Games / Re: When was the last time you..
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:35:58 AM »
it's been a while
when was the last time you had a headache?  :-\


Bai ji thank you for the source, chalo man leya eh information sahi hai. Per
Bai ji, gal post ja na karan di nahi. Mein source mangaya mil gaya, nale thank you titlee. I have posted similar to the things titlee posted here in the other discussion about khalistan, I have repeated my self several times and I'm done. te mere sare post complaints forum wicho delete kar dite gaye. Nale Grenade singh ji, meri profile wich ja ke weckho. For the last time:

Let's just say this information is true facts. Even If we were to build khalistan now, it would not be possible looking at the conditions of punjab. Farmers committing suicides, youth heading in the wrong direction, corruption, Hospitals now days are a form of business. Farmers who work day and night and feed the whole country can barely feed their families and are under loans? Young kids are walking around with degrees and can't find a job? What they end up doing? Either they end up overseas working like animals or start doing drugs in punjab and killing themselves. If there were jobs or even if farming was worth doing then no one would ever go overseas. Will these facts really have any use to Punjab in this horrible time? No, because we should be more worried about turning punjab into right direction instead of building khalistan. Spreading these facts about khalistan doesn't really help anyone, it only starts religious wars and people die. What comes out of it? Nothing at all. But the government still promote these religious fights instead of putting an end to them. A country can not head in the right direction, if its people keep on fighting over stupidity of religion. What has happened, put it in the past, let it go and think what needs to be done in the future but our people don't think this way. They must have riots over religion and get people killed. A good example is osama bin laden, did the americans start killing and kicking out all muslims out of america for what osama did on 9/11? No.

Not a good example...first of all there's no evidence to prove that Osama was or was not responsible for 9/11 because 9/11 itself was an entire conspiracy.
i'm not sure what part of America you live in but there were many problems that were faced by muslim and sikh americans after 9/11 attacks... in which many Sikhs were killed because they were mistaken as muslims by other ignorant "americans"  ...so you really cant say NO to that lol and many muslims did face problems here and to this day in parts of this country you (as sikh and/or muslim) will still face this problem although its been 10 years now... and im not just saying this for hell of it i've seen it with my own eyes.
california and new york, most culturally diversed states you'll ever visit...yet, Sikhs faced problems in such places as well. so i wouldn't say thats a good example :)  yeah your right they didn't kick muslims out but the killing and discrimination still continues to this day.
anyhow now you can get to the main point :pagel:

PJ Games / Re: Last textmessage that u received
« on: May 05, 2011, 10:44:24 AM »
didiiiiiiiiii call me!

Gup Shup / Re: Sohne din aa ge!!!
« on: May 04, 2011, 10:22:05 PM »
Gha laya wa garden bich
Dekhke dil garden garden hojanda

tera ta food a obviously dil garden garden hona hi a dekh ke :loll:

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