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Messages - hecksheck

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News Khabran / Re: Robin Hood - 21st Century
« on: March 26, 2018, 08:45:54 AM »
Lol I found this 8 years old thread suggested at the bottom of my new thread. I had to look at this one too.

Side note, you should never open a saving account in a bank. Bankers are thiefs.

While what she did was unethical and illegal. OK suppose we believe that it was the courageous act of that lady. But will those poor people value that money  what they have no clue about who transfered it to their accounts? They foolishly waste that money.

Always remember that not every other rich man is an evil man and not every other poor man is an honest man. Get it?  :tongue :laugh

Eh sab ta sirf movies ch he hunda jithe gareeb banda James ha laachaar innocent and honest dikhaya janda.

And what if that money was hard earned by rich people? For which they had to work so hard for years to able to earn large sums of money then?
Did that woman think about that? She didn't.

So it was illegal and completely unethical for her to transfer that money.

That's not called "HELP". It's called Stupidity.

Knowledge / So you want a Robin Hood? Huh? Seriously?
« on: March 26, 2018, 08:24:44 AM »
So, people are unconsciously programmed to seek their messiah/Robin Hood. They believe that one day a messiah will come and wipe the corrupted human beings off of the face of this planet. Big LOL.

Now what does a Robin Hood do? He simply helps those helpless people in the most immoral and unethical way. Laughable.

His acts are completely UNETHICAL. Because by helping these kind of people he is breeding a race of parasites that is dependent upon him and a Robin Hood like this feeling that satisfies his inflated ego.

If you really want to become a Robin hood then why don't you first help yourself by reaching to the top social hierarchy where you will have authority and power in your hand to lead the people to happiness and comfort and security? Huh? But you won't because oh well you are a lazy bummer.

Plain and simple, a Robin Hood is a complete unethical stupid ignorant creature that breeds a race of parasites that is dependent on him. It makes him feel good. What an inferior idiot.

Truth is simple. You want Messiah/Robin Hood?  Then, Go stand before your Mirror!
That means you are your own messiah.

Or you want to help someone? Then help him in a way so he will know how he can help himself.
You understood?

Real help is when you teach someone how he can help himself forever whenever he is directed need of help.

Sports Khelan / Re: Respect for Navjot Sidhu
« on: May 13, 2017, 12:08:25 AM »
okay right.
I noticed something. He used to be shy right. I know when someone is extremely shy as he was, it indicates that the person has higher awareness than most others and that person would have kind of a sense of justice too.
That could be his positive aspect.

Discussions / Re: sarbat da bhala? really?
« on: May 12, 2017, 11:53:08 PM »
I don't know much about good, but he won't take sides.
Guru Nanak Dev ji Ney Vasde raho te ujad jao Kyu keha c yaad Hai na?

Tell me your point of view on blessings. What do you consider blessed and what not?

I had more to say this morning, I typed alot of stuff, but I accidentally closed my browser.

My view on blessing : Blessing is a positive thought energy with specific affirmations backed-up with mind power directed towards the one you want to give it to.

Bless evil/ wrong in the sense ke ohna nu bhi akal awe/ sahi raaste peh challan?

Although then, what is evil/ wrong?

You people aren't getting my point because I assume you don't know how the mind works and how your thoughts manifest in reality. Go to youtube or google and I respectfully suggest you to get some basic education about workings of the mind.

You're being emotional about your God, religious beliefs and deny to be logical in that case. That's the main problem. I'm sorry but that is. No offense.
I discontinue this topic.

Discussions / Re: sarbat da bhala? really?
« on: May 11, 2017, 02:02:09 AM »
Vesye ethe bhalle da Matlab hai ki?
"May everyone be blessed"

I created this thread for a genuine discussion and I don't intend to attack on anyone's sentiments...whatsoever.

Sports Khelan / Re: Respect for Navjot Sidhu
« on: May 11, 2017, 01:59:58 AM »
I don't know much about him, but I don't think he is a kagzi Sher. He talked about, categorizing Amritsar as historical/religious place, in parliament. Now regardless or what religion you belong to, or what your beliefs are about Amritsar, I think it takes guts to speak on front of your opponents like that.
Ofcourse, it takes guts to speak something harsh against your opponents in front of 'em but if you had power it wouldn't take much of it.

People care not what is said , they actually care who said it. So, if a popular well-known person comes in and say "smoking is good for your health my people" you know what will happen afterwards? People will actually believe him.

But if an unknown ordinary person comes in and say "smoking and drinking is injurious to health" it will fall deaf on their ears. Because they don't know him at all. Not even his name. 

Similar thing's happened in this thread with what I said above.  :akh: :clever:

Discussions / sarbat da bhala? really?
« on: May 10, 2017, 01:13:18 AM »
We see how we r from the childhood programmed to use this phrase every now and then. But one question needs to be asked.

Who are the people included in when you verbally or in mind speak that phrase from the depths of your heart?

Obviously every kind of person including criminals, evil and good people because you just don't specify the kind of people you are consciously asking good for from God. Think about this.

So , basically you are praying for both evil and good people asking God for their well being. The God isn't the one who fulfills any of your prayers. But your own Mind.  :roll:
Thoughts create reality you know.  :A:


Sports Khelan / Re: Respect for Navjot Sidhu
« on: May 10, 2017, 01:05:54 AM »
I've observed this guy and his actions and have come to this conclusion :
Firstly, to really know the character of a person, you should see how that particular person treats others lower than him in the social ladder. But sidhu in that kapil comedy show makes the cheapest and stupidest jokes on those who stand up from the audience for a question to ask the celebs and he talks so rudely and mock them in a way that will disgust any noble person. So he is not a type of gentleman and noble. But below average.
His mindset: He used to be shy more than any low self esteem girl on the planet. Later, meditation solved out his shyness problem. Meditation slowly brings out the true self of a person if done for a long time and continued. So we all see his true self in that comedy show how he talks with the common man in the audience.

He is the only "kaagzi sher" not the real lion. He can only talk but can't follow what he says. In him I see a happy child who has just recently conquered over his shyness. He is really childish IMHO as i've observed.

Knowledge / Re: 55 Fun Facts About Jews!
« on: October 29, 2016, 01:30:43 AM »
Nigga ye r buggin out str888 up :D: .. ye r in  denial but ya  shd go  see some shrink cz r avin a real  bad JEWPHOBIA  fer real :laugh: nigga ye crackin moi up :D:  TBH ye aint a JEW HATER  ye r juss a bullshyter  :duck: aight man     enjoy yer wkend moi ll catch ya on monday or somethin  :sharab: .. its tyme  to  get HIGH    n  GET laid ...UPPPPP UPPPP UPPPP   IN DA SMOKE ====)

 :A: look around you, everybody's literally hating jews. Look up online or offline in real, you will find more people hating jews than those who lick the feet of jews.

Laters!  :sharab:

Knowledge / Re: 55 Fun Facts About Jews!
« on: October 28, 2016, 01:30:26 AM »
It might surprise you or make you laugh if i told you that the Jew Eienstein was no scientist but a fraud who stolen the work and that famous theory. The promotion and fame he got is all because of the jewish controlling forces of jewish media.

But see? You will quote me on that and go on telling me the great inventions of Eienstein from the Google. In reality, he was the plagiarist of the century.

I could list numerous heinous crimes of the jews which they done against non jews.
A jew is no inventor, he needs the non jew to do its bidding, work or say terrorist groups or attacks.

You've listed only few inventions for which they couldn't have done without the help of Non jews.
Did you know that, the idea , the concept of Facebook was stolen too by jewkerburg?
Hope you understand my point..

If these inventions were solely the work of the jews then you must agree with that the HIV AIDS Virus is also invented by the Jews in Lab. Did you know that?  :A:

The human meat you find in the KFC meals is the children's meat who were ritualistically murdered by the Rabbi jews.  :A:

And those children were non jews since they abduct non jews on their so called holy holidays.

lastly, I insulted no prophet. We can argue and debate on that topic about God in other thread if only you want to.  :sharab:

Knowledge / Re: 55 Fun Facts About Jews!
« on: October 27, 2016, 12:15:18 AM »
So I was just sat casually going through the topics when I found this one. Interesting and informative indeed. Good on this anti semite, he must of spent good years researching all that.

My question is, does that really justify any holocaust/genocides that have happened in the past? I know people here question if holocaust actually took place; let's assume, for the sake of argument, it did. Every religion has controversial bits and that does not give you a licence to exterminate them. We ought to understand that if there were no differences, there wouldn't be so many different religions in this world. End of the the day we have to find a way to integrate. Before religion comes humanity, and as long as we bear that in mind, there would be no bloodshed!

Tomorrow lets say if Trump takes over and treads in Hitler's shoes/mets out similar treatment to the ones he abhors, would you still be sat here vindicating his actions?

On a different note, why do people always pull up stuff associated with Hitler? Cos he was a threat to the other super colonialists? Whatever happened to the other mass murders that are never spoken of? Sikhs in 1984? Kashmiris today?

A picture worth a thousand words..

First of all you should know why Hitler hated the jews? What the jews did to non jews of the world? That should answer everything.

What i've come to know from research is..
Even the Tibetans helped Hitler greatly and Punjabi Men too fought for Hitler. Indians have been brainwashed into believing that we've got freedom and independence because of our martyrs. Not true. It's because of Hitler who destroyed the British economy as a result they had to leave their British colonies. The partition was manifested by the commands of Rothschild which is jewish family.
The jews divide and rule. It's the jews in white skin.

Hitler wanted to free the world from jewish tyranny. He even spared the lives of enemy soldiers. He only did one mistake that he didn't kill a single jew.
Look up for his speech videos on Youtube and related videos. The youtube is owned by jews and has been banning the videos which has to a large extent exposed the lies of jews.
What you watch on jewish TV, in movies, news and everything in media or even in school and university lectures were all big fat jewish lies. Not everything but most of it are either lies or too much twisted and corrupted truth.

BRO moi ait a religious person imma juss bit spiritual. Moi juss believe in HUMANITY , To moi ppl     are ppl so if moi see someone TARGETIN a Certain cummunity ..moi av to  speak moi mind. You r entitled to your opinions n imma entitled to mine. BRO believe moi this EARTH is big  enough where are religions can co-exist. After all we are the creation of same GOD rt ..? Guru Nanak Dev Ji recited  in HOLY Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji >>

Awwal Allah Noor Upaya Qudrat Keh Sub Banday
Aik Noor Keh Sub Jag Upajiya Kaun Bhale Ko Mandhe
God created light of which all the beings were born
And from this light, the universe; so who is good and who is bad

BRO moi was juss readin THE DAWN  "A PAKI E NEWS PAPER"  60 Police cadets were killed in QUETA PAKISTAN .............. see that what HATE BRINGS ...Now imma sure u gonna  BLAME JEWS fer dat as well  .....rt ?????????

60 killed in twin suicide attacks as terrorists storm police training college in Quetta

You should know that thoughts create reality. What the mass mind believes in manifests itself blatantly. So if the a specific community reads a book supposedly called holy which is full of curses against humanity and these things get embedded in the subconscious mind where it starts to executes it. So if you are a person who believes that life is all party and do drugs for pleasure and there's no meaning to live you will certainly attract such a kind of life where you'd have no opportunities to improve or even find a purpose.

No god created light or the unverse. Foolish to believe in. It's 2016 bro, we must rise above such irrational theories.

So I was just sat casually going through the topics when I found this one. Interesting and informative indeed. Good on this anti semite, he must of spent good years researching all that.

My question is, does that really justify any holocaust/genocides that have happened in the past? I know people here question if holocaust actually took place; let's assume, for the sake of argument, it did. Every religion has controversial bits and that does not give you a licence to exterminate them. We ought to understand that if there were no differences, there wouldn't be so many different religions in this world. End of the the day we have to find a way to integrate. Before religion comes humanity, and as long as we bear that in mind, there would be no bloodshed!

Tomorrow lets say if Trump takes over and treads in Hitler's shoes/mets out similar treatment to the ones he abhors, would you still be sat here vindicating his actions?

On a different note, why do people always pull up stuff associated with Hitler? Cos he was a threat to the other super colonialists? Whatever happened to the other mass murders that are never spoken of? Sikhs in 1984? Kashmiris today?

na it's just not about different religion. Firstly, such hatred doesn't exist which is manifested due to differences in culture of religion practices. That's why I said learn what the jews did to us and why Hitler hated jews. There's no official and solid evidence to prove that Hitler ever exterminated the jews. What I hear that he was about to migrate them to Madagascar I think where they would rule themselves and live. The jews have been expelled out of several different european countries for kidnapping non jew children and ritually murdering them, rape, theft, so on. It takes a single digit IQ to understand this.
Do you know what was the condition of Germany before and after Hitler rose to Power?
People loved Him that much that no leader in human history had been loved by his own people.

Trump is just a jewish puppet so is hillary so was obama. Obama wants to regulate internet and give it to the jews so there would be no freedom of speech on the internet either. Did you know that?
Why sikhs haven't got the justice? This should make Us to question our God.

I meant such hatred exists but not to the extent that people would go on killing different community people. Hindus and Sikhs live peacefully but Muslims. Nope. Why? Because they follow one of those three mainstream religions which has been designed by the jews. Simple.

Fun Time / Re: ki tusi bhoot ch wishwas karde ho?
« on: October 27, 2016, 12:12:30 AM »
Yeah totally, it's absolute bollocks.

Jokes when you hear someone taking their jawak to India to get them sorted by some baba cos it's possessed or something. I sometimes think is this even 2016, do apne know about Science and its advancement?! Clearly not.

Science has not been remotely close to define the so called "Supernatural". It's been dangerously held back. Yet another sect Quantum Physics reveals that everything is energy and our thoughts create reality in the physical plane. We affect the environment, our life and reality with our habitual thinking.

Modernism is dangerous and degenerates society and kill cultural values and Tradition. For example, a modern man rejects and disagrees with Astrology as he is too ignorant to know that his every aspect of life, present and future circumstances are ruled by planetary energies and positions which if he has the knowledge of Astrology and has Spiritual Power he can either change or alter his fate. Modernism destroys tradition and culture like multicultural destroys races and nations.

So, Ghosts exist on the fourth dimension. They are not dead but their physically bodies are dead. They are souls residing on the fourth dimension which is also called spirit world or astral plane.

like Multicultural nations destroy races , immigrants ,  nations and its natives

Discussions / Re: The Greatest Story Never Told!
« on: October 24, 2016, 01:23:37 AM »
Smokin weed, chillin wid chix avin kinky   fun on   wkendz nigga ye kiddin moi immaaa juss a 23 yr ole kid, wut moo moi can wish   for  :banana:
okay okay it's your life. And I'm few years older than you  :sharab:

Knowledge / Re: 55 Fun Facts About Jews!
« on: October 24, 2016, 01:20:34 AM »
Nigga moi tryin to give ye a REALITY CHK lol Ye kno  ye remind  moi DONALD TRUMP he too av so much hate towardz your ppls( muslims) n beanerz :D:  and both  of ya av no LOGIC ANSWERS. Read moi   prev reply  and juss answer moi in a logical way i.e since MUSLIMS killed so many SIKHS... Hindus killed so many SIKHS....SIKH militants killed so many  HINDUS & BRITS killed, slaved so many ppls ,Why shd'nt they still  HATE each others . Bro   once again PPL    are PPL  no certain race or religion is perfect.... AN  EYE FOR AN EYE  gonna leave  whole world blind .

Moi aint  judgin ye  but try to learn how to LOVE other ppls.[/i][/color]

yaar who divided India ? Rothschild, which is Jewish. There are many instances I could give. Who causes this all destruction and misery? The international Jews.
Wakeup :gm: Let's hang out. Chak de burrahh balle balle shava shava haha
you're not serious about finding the root cause of all these world problems instead you're making an excuse for the imperfections of various religions. If no religion is perfect why is there such a thing and why millions of people follow it? After all man made the religions under God's supervision.  :D: Or you would now simply say it's the man that made religion and all religions lead the one god.  :thinking:
Some communities say that their holybooks are the word of their God.  :wow: :stopit:

Let's end this discussion and take the blue pill.

Gup Shup / Re: Big Boss 10
« on: October 24, 2016, 01:09:54 AM »
Lopamudra  :love:

Discussions / Re: The Greatest Story Never Told!
« on: October 22, 2016, 11:27:06 AM »
lol Bro moi   addictions are cureable and imma nawt enslave by no drug moi  do it fer fun juss so u kno  yes moi still smoke WEED  but  its been 10 weeks since moi had any  BOOZE  :excite:

Bro mere nashe da ta ilaj haiga wa ..but jo HATE tere ander wa ohda koi ilaaj noi wa ITS  da very same hate which is killing innocents around da globe, But moi ll pray to LORD  dat ur HATE don'nt spoil    ur LIFE  :rabb:

Addictions are worse than bad habits. Bad habits almost destroy life now imagine what can a deadly drug do ?
Let's smoke weed, roam like a dying nigga on the streets, treating women like objects and getting laid every saturday night with whom you have no info about. After all, life's a bitch.  :sharab:
You're just a lost soul, I hold the torch for you bro, follow me!  :duck:

Knowledge / Re: 55 Fun Facts About Jews!
« on: October 22, 2016, 06:21:19 AM »
LOL. You ain't even scratching on the surface of this matter. :bye:

Knowledge / Re: 55 Fun Facts About Jews!
« on: October 21, 2016, 08:34:06 AM »
YO Hecsheck ye gotta stop  yer WITCH HUNT ... i mean shyt wut else ye  want  fer proofs ??? GERMAN chancellor Apologized for HOLOCAUST . If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck,quacks like a duck ...THN its a DUCK. yo nigga ye shd stop watchin ANJUM CHOUDRY K  :D:

! No longer available

yo you aint seeing at the facts but the false statements which could be contrived by international jewry for their own benefits as they control the world media. Why did JFK got killed by a jew? Why was Abraham Lincoln assassinated by a jew? Why was Michael Jackson systematically murdered by jews? Why Benjamin Franklin said stated
You know not any shit about jews. Consider learning about them.
 Too many things and real events to be listed that prove jews to be the heinous murderers of human civilizations. They've committed numerous and heinous crimes against humanity.
Damn open your eyes and see the Truth. I'm out of this argument. Think for yourself or take some reasoning classes bruh.

Are you saying it wasn't a "Jewish" holocaust in the sense that they also killed disabled people who weren't Jewish too? :wait:  Soz I ain't watched the videos bc the fact that I'm on PJ is bad as it is cause I have work to do..

Watch. It was German. The red army raped and mutilated women the worse things one can imagine. The greatest story never told and some videos of Hitler and his speeches from non jewish sources.


why some of the most influential and great gentleman of old times said such about jews? The were aware of the truth about jews.....................

If you wanna have the slightest idea of the nature of jews then look at the Communist North Korea Slave State. It will shiver your soul.

The red army raped and did all inhuman things to German Women*

Discussions / Re: The Greatest Story Never Told!
« on: October 21, 2016, 08:25:40 AM »
YO nigga moi dunn smoke ciggyz .. em ciggyz can  keeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll ya . moi only smoke  WEED  :excited: n imma even votin dis yr to legalize em  :D:
Drugs of any kind makes human vulnerable in every way. But nobody will save those who don't think for themselves. They will perish and the world will still continue to live without em.
So think for yourself bruh.
Life is precious.

Discussions / Re: The Greatest Story Never Told!
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:45:26 AM »
watch this as well

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Did you puff whole pack of cigs today bruh :wow:?

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