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Knowledge / The Reality You Live In - A Jewish Owned "Pig Farm"
« on: August 26, 2015, 06:53:00 AM »

By Satanic High Priest HoodedCobra666

Greetings to all our Commrades and Family.

Let’s be very clear and simple on some things, so that everyone can understand. Even those who lack knowledge of what is really going on. With a bit of a laugh in between, nevertheless true in itself.

As many of you know, more or less, thought is action. This also has a very basic level, but also a more obscure one. Your thoughts motivate your actions. This is the basic level. A bit deeper. There is the conscious mind, where the conscious thoughts happen, and the subconscious mind, where subconscious thoughts take place. The subconscious controls almost totally the conscious mind, unless its delved into and controlled by it. In other words, where things revolve on that level, you really do not have a choice. Your are supposed to choose with your conscious mind but you can't, as the ones who want to control you are robbing you of this ability. This is also, critical thinking and logic but spiritually, this is meditation. The enemy forbids both in all they do, or creates false notions of these, because these can't be totally blotted out from our minds, or we will not be able to live. These undercurrents of the subconscious influence and dominate the conscious mind, as we know totally by now and also science knows this. Though this was everyday knowledge in the Ancient World. In many cases, they take it over and bypass it, such as for instance for reproduction purposes. The enemy has studied this indepth and they are hitting everyone below the belt. The Subconscious dominates the Conscious and as thus, in many cases, it dominates action, especially when one doesn't even know what is going on. The jews do possess a different subconscience, with different setup and "software" so to say, but also, a different hardware. For those who know of computers, hardware goes before software. In other words, in our hardware, we are Satanic people and Pagans, seeds of Satan.

Our software though is injected by the jewish virus that parellels falseley the Pagan program of Nature that we had in our minds, the memories of our Ancient Gods, our faiths, customs and so forth, so there is a constant battle inside the minds of people, which bleeds all over civilization and personal lives, while advancing the jewish goals. Simply put, the jews are using your brain's power for themselves and to create their own reality, that of a slave order. This is also the reason no matter how much people try to conform to jewish lies, they are always reverting back to "sinful" ways, such as Paganhood, premarital sex, higher thinking, to name a few for instance. They basically become human again, which is beautiful, but for the kikes, this is ugly, threatening and sinful. Sinful for the enemy is what is natural, Gentile, Pagan and Satanic. The way of Nature. The way of nature is the way of power and preservation of life. And elimination of what is hostile to life. Simply put, "Sin" is basically what directly or indirectly threatens the existence of the parasitic jews and our Gentile advancement (Soul, Mental or in Body), which will at some point turn against them and set us free of their virus existence. Its in our hardware anyway. We are always a potential threat to them, as they are to us. Only, they are active threats. We are inactive threats for the most part.

This is one large reason why people always feel like things are wrong with the world. They can't identify or know what is it. People who are honest with themselves, they say they are not convinced. Many do deny thinking but always return, almost by force, to rethink matters again. Others live life in total denial and escapism, thinking this will fix their problems. Unfortunately though this doesn't and there isn't a fix for everything with a magic wand. Things probably ARE wrong in many places. Almost everything is fucking wrong, and yes, many do feel correctly about this. Because the creators are wrong and alien to us and everyone is subjected into a bastardized and evil creation that they call “reality”. People are also alienated from themselves. Thats also wrong. This nagging inside that leaves people when they dedicate to Satan is the show of this. People like to gravitate away from the enemy programms naturally, they can never be 100% with it, because these are repulsive to the Soul. Some try to go alongside with that crap, hoping this feeling will leave them. Some pretend it has, hoping it will, others are nagged even more and revert back away from this filth. People not knowing where to go, they are basically running away from themselves in the end. But you cannot run from your self in the end. And this causes all sorts of negativity, insanity and wasted humanity, all sorts of escapism and evil crimes. Even this feeling comes from this part of the mind, the subconscious. But the deeper part, the part of the Soul within each person. The same part which defines jews as jews and Gentiles as Gentiles. Only, they listen to this thing and many Gentiles trying to go with the jewish flow of things, they deny this. And in this lies the damnation we see in the World. I know many of you can identify with the "click" happening once someone finds Satan again. This is permanently relieved, because we find our real God again and the Soul knows this.

Xianity, Islam and jewdaism, as with the jewdized pacifist eastern religions who are nothing of what they were in the past [see primordial Buddhism by HP Mageson] prey upon the subconscious part for that reason. Its a deep seat of control, but also paradoxically, freedom. They bind the freedom and retain the control.

Controlling this means the control of action and thoughts. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are jewish tools to control this in people. Thought is energy, energy is mass, the physical plane is matter because its very dense energy of a low vibration. This low vibration is of the visible spectrum that we see with our eyes. There is a spectrum outside of this that we cannot see, because we don't have the perception(or because this was robbed) for us. This nevertheless exists, no different than how the WIFI exists but you can't see it, or the UV rays of the Sun. Thought = Energy = Mass. In the end, Thought = Reality. The reality we are living is nothing but the product of the thoughts we have had. The jews have had this under their thumb with many means, but their grip is being lost by the days. But, they could drive matters that way. Energy only changes forms, vibrations, shapes etc. Energy that is not yet material, can be made into material energy, when all the above are taken in consideration. Action brings it in materialization, through animate and alive beings.

Knowledge comes here. There are higher and lower ways of knowing. Higher and lower planes of action. Easier and harder ways.

Two parents decide they should have children. They do the sexual act, with the necessary mechanisms in their bodies and minds, DNA is a language of life, the male and female merge and in certain conditions, a child is born. It’s materialized, it starts existing. This is a brief example, for non-physical matters it follows the same pattern, different way. Once, it was only a thought. Now its down here, right now. Your desk, your pc and so forth, all the same thing that are material, but different mechanics on these things. Also, thought leads to activity. So, by defining the thoughts, you define the activity. With the activity defined, you define the actions. You cannot define only what you lack knowledge and power to define. If you have these, you can define everything. With all of the above, you too, define the outcome for more or less.

Now, Satan states in the Al-Jilwah, that three things are against Him and He hates three things. Christianity, Islam and Judaism. These are obviously the greatest plagues of the world. These are Jewish creations. They were created, thought out and are being applied and executed by the jews. On the internal of these things, there is only one purpose: Destruction of the World, Destruction of all spirituality, Jewish World Domination. These books have their basis on ripoffs and stolen knowledge the jews got from Ancient Civilizations, who knew the above Truth mentioned and also, they knew that our Thoughts are the creators of reality. This was knowledge from Satan given to us, so we could perfect ourselves. So long the Gods of Orion governed this World, we were at a Golden Age of Humanity, which was the best idyllic Age Humanity has ever known.

Then, jews came into play. They infiltrated, attacked and subverted civilizations. We happen to know today of their alien nature and alien roots, which they claim openly themselves. They are of "another" "god". They openly state that even in genetic research, they have found out they are seperate from any and all Gentile people of the Planet. Namely, they possess Genetics that we do not. These are summed up as the "Cohen" gene. Cohen are the highest class of the enemy, descending from the lines of their ancestors, with 1000 years clear blood. We are of the Seed of Satan [We, Gentiles], they are of the seed of something else, that they define as "God" very broadly, but we can see its not God. No different than how Satan is a title that has survived for an Extraterrestrial being that opposes the jewish ends on Earth and created Humanity, they are the seed of the opposition of Him. We know from Ancient engravings and records that this race of beings is namely what we know today as the "Reptilian" Race of beings, as these destroyed and put to downfall many powerful civilizations, while they are openly praised by the enemy. The same beings that brought down civilizations are collectively “God” in the “Old Testament”. This has been the defining line they have been building and acting for more than 3000 years, this certain division between us. They know, as they are a different species and that they are here for another reason, opposite of ours. They aren't like us. They are something else. Something entirely else. Though, they look on the outside as humanoids, they are not such internally or in their minds. Their actions and everything else, bleeds all over the place and we know this.

The purpose of all this is to create a Jew World Order. This has been the same goal since before the writing of the bible, yet, the bible and all these texts are blueprints from all these things. A communist global state, where population is reduced merely to the one needed to work (when technology is advanced, Gentiles will not be needed and will be disposed and killed probably, or disposed to a very low number to do work machines cannot do). The ruler ship of this shit, will be some sort of Artificial Intelligence that will be called "God", that will benefit the kikes, undo enemies in the clap of a hand and so forth, keeping the Pig Farm up forever and eliminating any sort of "disturbances". Technology is the means to that, in the minds of the jews. Not only their minds, but their actions and materializations, like the "VeriChip" and other technologies. These are used, and Artificial Intelligence and robots are being developed, which, before the unsuspecting victims or not so unsuspecting victims, create these, they will be used for other "purposes". This is no different than how money supposedly goes for cancer research, yet still cancer patients are being pushed to heal themselves with bullshit from 1970. The money obviously goes elsewhere and accumulates elsewhere, and no, its not only slavish rich lifestyles for the jews and their idiot followers. These actually are just a means to an end. Spiritual power is from where the power necessary is derived, as this is transmuted to all other powers. This is translated into physical power and like any other power, where there is no opposition or victory, there is success. Energy merely changes forms. Magick is the production and formation of energy by energy raised by our own consciousness and directing this through our consciousness. Quantum Physics show how solid matter behaves as it behaves because we observe it. Magick is based upon this, only we don't even know 1/100th of it yet. The enemy deprived us of knowledge and always steers scientific research either towards nonsense, endless physicality, or to create technology and other things to further enslave the Goyim and make profit, while making uncertain and enviromentally hurtful advances that destroy the Planet.

These texts that Satan hates have 4 levels roughly upon which they operate, socially and spiritually. Spiritual becomes social, which is also ethical and as such, physical, by defining our actions. I classify them as this for easy understanding. So we can understand this, we envision a pig farm (level 1), the outer pig farm (level 2), the obvious headquarters (level 3) and the real headquarters (level 4). These are roughly the 4 socio/spiritual levels the enemy has created, with a physical preface and "luxury" level, for all participating into their reality of decay mentally and spiritually.

1. The first level, is that of subliminal programming. Here is like the 95% of Gentile population, more or less in how much they are brainwashed. The level I call the ‘pig’ level. The level of where the Bible/Koran and the such are studied like stories, no different than how a kid reads a story. This is the major stupid populace that reads and have these texts jammed into the lies. Our inherent need to believe in our Gods, our forefathers, who we call as “Ancients” is reduced to something entirely else and bastardized. Its bastardized to believing in nonsense and fables, who are diseased copies of the right things, injected with jewish lies and subconscious messages from bottom to head. The stories are written in this bizarre and childlike manner, so this is absorbed easily into the mind, no different than a fairytale, absorbing with it all the jewish programming. Stupid idiot low level xians/islamics are on this point. This is where the enslaved are, the "Goyim", as the enemy calls them. This is why the jews are NOT allowed to be 'christians', unless they have to, in order to defend their creation or to confuse the "Goyim" that this is a right way to exist. Goyim = Animal in hebrew, derogatory term, like kike and worse in meaning. They consider this the lowest level of stupidity ever possible, which is in fact true. This is when spiritual allegory is taken as literal, lie is taken as Truth, lack of knowledge prevails and people are made into a senseless clump of nothing, reduced to the point of a soulless creature. As thus, jews who are in xianity on the low levels are simply low level jews and they are feces and dung to the others, who are more acutely aware of the reality of things and how they are lying to the populace over the existence of the biblical fairy-crap. Lack of knowledge and intelligence is emphasized and a way of life on this level, also lack of any serious or in reality needed education. Education has the form of distraction and meaningless crap that is not about reality whatsoever. This is the “rat wheel”, on which all levels are energized and put to motion, in the slaver farm. People here tend to be poor, barely getting by, or baseline comfortable. Nothing excessive at all.

The jews follow a caste spiritual system like the older ancient one, with blood purity and so forth, even nowadays where this isn't the case nowhere else in the planet. Cohen are the clear blooded priests of the jews, as are others, which are possessors of blood from the "time of Moses" or direct descendants of "Moses". Moses never existed (its a spiritual allegory for the first kikes to get in contact with the reptilians etc etc), but anyway, this means they are basically the purer hybrids around. Higher intelligence and so forth is on this level and these belong to the higher levels. Jews who are against this are scorned and seen as lower grade filth by the higher ones, they cannot be priests, they are seen as misguided and threats to the status quo of the kikes etc. But they really cannot be "against" this as this is in their hardware. No different than how Gentiles can never be made the "perfect christians" because "Satan is inside them", the kikes cannot deviate an inch from what they are on the inside. This level is sort of like the Pig farm, where the stupid Goyim who don't know their thoughts create reality and all the occult laws, are duped with the subliminals messages of jewish domination, how the jews are superior, how the jews are "god", how "tribulation will happen", how "jesus is a real being", how this and how that, how the |Earth will get destroyed" and so forth]. Believing god is literal or not believing at all are on this level, mirrors of the same thing. Unknowingly, as this is subconscious, they are living their life for the jewish ends more or less, in ways they will never understand. Their mind is controlled.

They are literally slaves mentally, blind faith and brainwashing. The bible/Koran at this level are merely books to brainwash the pigs in the farm. Some believe in that shit, some not, but all are subjected to its programming nonetheless. Songs, art, everywhere, corporations etc. For the kikes, this level is only "educational". When one studies the shitty bible and they are a jew, they understand how "things" go so to say, what exists in the minds of people. This doesn't have to be conscious. This helps them understand the necessary patterns to ascend higher in life, given all the people are programmed to these lies to benefit/protect/help the kikes. The very basic notions of communism such as equality and so forth are for this level, of the pig farm. Communism is two things: Slaughter and use of the Work force/Enslavement of the work force and equality for all those in the low level. The people are crushed and there are no divisions. One clump of animating nothing.

"God" at this level doesn't exist, or it exists as a false idea of some jewish cunt sitting in the sky, about to punish every pig that might think a bit more, with some brimstone and hellfire and shit. This "god" is nothing but some thought police, lest the goyim prevail against it. In other words, "God" is nothing but occult power, a force all over the universe, waiting to be tapped with, through Magick. Whomever believes otherwise for the kikes is a racial degenerate and filth, thats all, because they are too stupid to see the evident and understand that THIS IS ONLY A DUPE FOR THE WORLD. There is no "Creator of everything". The universe wasn't farted out from the ass of some bearded kike in the sky. It existed, exists and will exist eternally under other forms. This was known to all Ancient Civilizations. "Otherworldly" crap was a jewish invention.

Why even have a problem with Nature in the first place, if she blesses you, as it used to bless the first Gentile people who didn't know disease, deprivation, lack of strength and were pure on the inside? You only have problems with nature when you are ignorant and you oppose her from the weak side of the fence. Kikes though are unnatural and obviously dislike this order of things. They are naturally unnatural, artificial.

Jews are only allowed in the above level 2 as high clergy, high pastors, high positions etc, to reap benefits from the pig farm. They are NOT in the pig farm, no matter what and if they are, they will escape soon as they should. They only get in the pig farm to watch the pigs or try to convince anyone else that its normal to be a pig. Gentiles are duped into a comfly life in the pig farm [with jews there is no comfort, there are only lies and deceptions, pain and death], receiving lies and propaganda for all sides. If for some reason they decide to get in the mud, they are scorned, driven away and murdered, or they are in this merely to pretend that being a pig is normal, to convince the Goyim for this. These are enslaved by money, materialistic values, leveled out by their income, higher and lower and so forth. Life is very hard for these people. They are the workforce and the hands through which the jews are attempting continuously create their end goal: The Jew World Order. They are too many, so any immitment breakout of the farm, would destroy the whole headquarters. Anyone who gives knowledge to the pig farm is potentially dead and worse. Messages in the pig farm are closely monitored, as much as this is possible. Stupid "goy" on this level, create this level as it has been programmed. They re-create it over and over again due to lack of knowledge. In other words, they are spewing out their slavers commands. They keep the pig farm up on their own, sort of thing. When this fails for any case, we go to level 2.

2. The level two of these stories is a bit higher than the above. This is the level of the xian pastors and ministers. They know that these texts more or less and some actually think these are the "Word of God". Devout xians and artificial faced fools go into this. They have studied these a bit further and they can start to see patterns and so forth. They read "Wishes" and "Blessings" for the bible, to people etc. On this level is also the "reading" of the dead and so forth- low levels of utilizing the bible as a magickal book, devoutness of faith, more cutthroat xianity. They know something is cheezy about the bible, but they nevertheless use this. They have some knowledge, as they can see the bible is a cheezy book, that obviously says nonsense, so it must be for something else. Strong believers are in this. And generally people who are overly delusional. These people are used as thumbs by the enemy, as agents of their lies and they are helped out, "blessed" and sent inside the pig farm to preach their lies and bullshit. They can be unknowing, but many do know exactly what they are doing. As thus, they become an open "radio" transmission for the messages nessescary for the preservation of the pig farm. They are the loyal soldiers of the level 4, headquarters idiotic kikes. They are the mouths of the jewish propaganda and the "living" shit in which it "lives".

Their big purpose is to drive away attention from the higher levels of rulership, undermine the importance, bluff the populace, and create ideas and things that defend the kikes or drain the time and lives of people meaninglessly. They are the little barbies of materialism that are kept there to keep the materialistic bullshit lie going, while they are bluffing out the people in the pig farm. Kim Kardashians and other idiotic pieces of life are here.

These people are pigs too, but they are pigs with... I don't know, some bling? Singers, high pay jewish artists, idiotic high level Gentiles, Judges, Politicians sold out to the kikes, Occult orders of a lower level (such as low level Freemasons), Actors of high pay who are momentarily dragged out of the pig farm (without knowledge of the bigger picture of the slave factory, for some of them). Anyone is this level must comply, or they will be thrown in level 1 again, or they will be killed or attempted on. They are like dressed pigs pretty much. These are used viciously for the pigs to see, in order to want to get to that level. Here there is some belief in some jewish God or again, no belief. Here ignorance tends to take the "high mindness" of cultural marxism, marxist and materialism values, communist propaganda of atheism and so forth. Being dumb and spiritually ignorant has a whole new "level" of itself. The pigs of this level are allowed of a bit of more freedom, so long this is in compliance with the higher levels. The can spew more idiotic shit, wear more gold chains, whatever, just so long they act as radio transmitters for the foolish messages that keep the Goyim pigs in check. They are the "idols of the lie" as I would like to call them. They are the idols for the stupid level 1's to see and follow, well, under normal conditions. Stupid new agers, friends of "shitangel michael", false spiritual teachers and idiots who get humanity nowhere, false spiritualists that keep humanity preoccupied and in purposeless peace and shit crap, are all here. They can also be found in level 1. Its just that here you know, they do it for pig bling.

They themselves are "elevated" by nothing, they thing they did this themselves, and in many cases its the case, but they are still mentally in the pig farm, which we will talk again later. They are elevated by jewish circles and others of higher knowledge, but they may or may not know about it. Many times they rarely do. They are merely the distraction that keeps the pigs motivated to stay as pigs. They are the greatest protectors of the pig farm in most cases. The ones that shout, more brainwashed, more violent etc. "Reverse xians", "Cutthroat xians", and generally the highly brainwashed are here. Of course, low levels of kikes are on this level and thrive of the backs of anyone, but also moderate the activity of this level. They are more like level 2,5. Xians and idiots who are elevated here are the most rampant protectors of the stupid pig farm, as they reap rewards by this jewish system. They are of course brainwashed like the first, even more in some cases, but since the level is higher, they reap rewards for their compliance. That is, they are shitted too and destroyed, but they don't swin in the mud all day. Or so they think at least. They are slaves too, simple as that just more luxurious. The enemy destroys them too in the end, as they are not needed. As times go, fewer are needed. In the ideal jew world order, they will not exist. Fools on that level have to do everything to keep the fundamentals of xianity up. Promoters of propaganda or in other words, spewers of jewish bullshit sewers are in this level. And they are protected for who they are.

3. Level three is close to level 4, but not level 4. This is the "High end" of level 3. Here lie heads of states (those sold out to the kikes) grand organizations and institutions, media and the list goes, large corporations etc. These are also very high stakes players like "George Soros" and forth. They aren't spiritually involved, but only so indirectly, such as high level jewish freemasonry etc. They know what’s up but they aren't to do the higher doings, so they do what they should. They don't know everything and they don't always act consciously, but they know a lot. A lot. These are the "obvious headquarters". The Pigs can only look there if they use their binoculars so to say. Up to here, no problems are revealed, unless in the 21st century where the jews have dropped the masks and have made the obvious headquarters bright up with a jewish star.

Just a bit above, in level 3,5 we have something like this, but a bit above this. Here, there lie the "Deep occultists" of the enemy, very high Vatican priests, Jesuits, Rabbis and so forth. These are actively following the order of the kikes, with much awareness of what is being done as well as the history behind it. They know the Real God is Satan. They know there is no "God" whatsover such as jewsus and bord-Allah as how the lower level one's see them, they don't even bother with such shit, They make it to this grade after many years of delving into the shit. They are aware of the real history and how all this is all allegorical. They are the guides of level 2 and as such, level 1. The Bible and the Koran and Jewish Filth books in this level, they start making sense as occult books. They know these are to brainwash humanity. They also know and operate these things as occult weapons, though of a higher level. They know there is no "god" at all, just occult power that is being used for the Goyim Control. They know and they are working towards an order, but they don't know entirely whats up. And they do not care, as they are lavishing the comforts of all the lower levels. They don't have time to care. They know its all a lie. They know upwards to a 80% of the Truth in regards of what is being done and when they are getting the World to.

They are very active players here. Few if any Gentiles are in the place and if they are, they know of the jewish issue. Few if ever can turn back and are willing to, if ever. The higher one goes, the more guts it requires to “unplug” from this shit, which is a fact. They work consciously over matters, they are not merely brainwashed. They work spiritually and physically alike. They work no different than a murderous mafia. They utilize spiritual knowledge. They know the Bible is a book of codes, messages, witchcraft and subliminal messaging and they use this to keep the masses in check, based on the Jewish Kabbalah and Jewish books. Sacrificial blood rites in the name of JHVH and Jesus are being carried away [Yes, the ones they blame Satanists for it as a distraction]. They know these are not literal beings and that the jewish books are "prophecy" to "be made reality" and for this they work. They are well aware of the "higher forces" that govern what they do, but not all of them are. Some idiots like the Pope do also visit the pig farm of level 1, associate with level 2 fools and so forth, to keep the farm going and the pigs in check. The pope and his close paraphernalia are on or closely to the level 4 though, such as others like the Rothschilds and higher levels of governship etc.

4. Level 4. Here lie the higher end kikes. Those who are really aware of what is going on. Not only they do know the Truth of Satan and the Gods being our Gods and want to destroy everything that has to do with this, but they also do have deep knowledge what they have done and committed against reality and against anyone in the lower levels. They know Gentiles are in no way pigs and that we were once Gods, or at least, some of us. They are aware of their "mission" in this place and promote it by hardcore spiritual means. Here are the Torah, The Talmud, The Sepher Yetzira, Higher level Kabbalistic knowledge and other texts which show evidently that there is no "God" but they are trying to program reality into something that it is.. A pig-farm. Here are the real architects of this jewish crap “matrix”, but also its high end maintainers. Here are the owners of the pig farm, which are closer to the alien hierarchy of the enemy. High clear blooded priests of the enemy, large occult rituals and sacrifices, those who guide the energy of the massive death and stages the events on a subconscious level of humanity. Satan and Lilith told me that the “New Testament” and these predictions about endless blood and death, they are programmed so that people will do this to raise enough energy for the enemy’s shit to manifest. This ties into this. Those who know the jews, even in their own “genesis”, you can see their endless sacrifices and how they ask sacrifice. Except of the obvious, as in wiping out Humanity, this energy is used and driven out by the occult books of the Torah into actual “events” and the eventual materialization of the Jew World Order on Earth, that they call “Kingdom of God”. The literal slavers of the souls of people and the fates of the world.

Those who are the descent of those who actually created that filth and continue it.

They rule from the shadows and only few times there is any publicity of these, unless for bragging purposes, such as for instance the case of the shithead "Rabbi Kaduri" and so forth, who claimed to have met with "God" also. They are very few, they own the pig farm and are appointed by the higher up ET's, some of which, they do work with them personally. Here lie those with total and real knowledge of what is being done and they are responsible of all that is below, of how this world is created and how its a fucking hoax upon a hoax that has nothing to do with actual reality. They know and have contained the knowledge necessary to run this whole shit all along. They know the world is locked into a spiritual cube, which is actually their programming and their creation. They know this world is a lie, but they are the overlords of this lie and they are obligated to protect it at all costs. They serve straight the jewish agenda. Their knowledge is as high as 95%. I leave 5% just outside, because this is not the case even. They are those who "open the gates" so bullshit can flow so to say, the ones who are creating the wool from which the others below create the clothes. They are the gatekeepers of this world's bullshit. They don't give a **** about anything physically, as the other kikes are keeping them up. Above them starts the spiritual hierarchy of the enemy, with the ET's of the enemy.

The Solution:
Destroy Spiritually the kikes and it will all crumble, they will drown in their own filth and lies. We have the numbers, we have the power, we have everything, we run the wheels, we have the force. We are the ones who are imposing this on ourselves and people must impose greater things on themselves than being merely pigs on a fucking pig farm. We are the majority, the base upon which all that is based. The whole purpose of this is to keep the people asleep. And for legit reasons, as a mere aweakening might cost all the kikes have been building. This aweakening has already happened and now it expands with rates that no being can stop. They are a slaver minority and we can bring them down. And they know this entirely. This is why they have staged all that shit for the people to see.

Now that you know, I will reveal you yet another great Teaching of Satan. The pigs are not in level one, but on the other levels. Because we are not pigs at all. We have been lied and many have been brainwashed to live in the slime like pigs, act like pigs, and make sounds as pigs. In the end, they make a pig out of themselves. But that doesn’t mean they were, or they should be a pig. They could be who they were, but they chose to be pigs instead. Thoughts = Actions/Reality, remember? In level one, there are merely some Future Gods who think themselves as pigs, because they have been brainwashed into believing they are pigs. Satan and His own have been breaching into this pig farm for centuries, getting good people out, shouting to the World to wake up, attacking their headquarters and above all, handling the "invisible" matters themselves.

In reality, this is all in reverse. And Satan makes it clear to everyone. The pigs and slaves, are all in the higher levels. I know I shouldn’t insult pigs in such a way, as they are beautiful animals, but they probably won’t be offended. The jews are the pigs, in all levels. This is why they make a pig farm of control. So the broken, unable, sick and diseased aliens can rule people in this lie and In this deception. We are future Gods and Gentiles, which means, we are not or ever had to do with such things. We don’t need this pig farm, the pig farm owners, the pigs themselves to live. They are lower than swine and again, I apologize to swine. They are worse than the worst of malignant filth. We Gentiles are all about Freedom. This is what we are defined by. We are orderly and co-operative due to the fact that we are free. There is no need of tricks, bullshit and enslavement, as all these are methods by which alien bodies try to dominate their hosts. In that case, the jews, US.

This is the Age of the People and the people demand Freedom and Truth. We Gentiles want and require a Good, Noble, Honest, Natural world, based on Truth and without any parasites and such fucked up division. A world that you are what you are and that you are where you are, in your inner value. Not a faithless, bullshit clump of jewish nonsense. In other words, we want to materialize our internal beauty. Many people feel this confliction, because this world is so wrong. They are something else inside and they are morphed into pigs due to what is outside. But now, they know they made this outside themselves. They know that its in their hands, which are our hands. Pigs are now understanding they might have been confused into being pigs, but that they are not. They are in fact something else, something greater, something they have left back so they can participate in this mess they call “reality”. We are challenging this. We are bringing this down. We are replacing the jewish world order with a healthy, Satanic and beautiful order of Gentiles, like it was in the Golden Ages. In order to bring the Golden Age though, we need the men that lived in the Golden Ages, and we can cultivate them within us. Satan has given us the means, which are our meditations and the freeing of our minds. Now many haven’t gotten this across their thick skulls, but it’s here and now. The Great Masses of the People are Waking up to the threat of humanity. We are getting knowledge and through our effort, many people are waking up from this jewtrix and the lie. They unplug and in Satan’s Name, they demand revenge and answers. They demand Spiritual Justice!

Now you know what is wrong with this World and this giant pig farm. Only what remains is for us to destroy this. Here are your tools to cleanse this spiritual decay that has befallen the planet.




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