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Messages - Preeti saproo wargi

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 16 17 18 [19]
Fun Time / Re: Classic Moments on PJ :D
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:53:51 PM »
Nah this had me in stitches the other day

Like Challa, like heer

Nah this was jokes Gabru and ruthless

News Khabran / Re: Ice Bucket Challenge?
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:48:01 PM »
kudiya da hair colour almost same aa te ohna de bapu da wakh lgda apdi mummy te gyiya ne  :wow:

What the actual F?!

News Khabran / Re: Plight of youth in Panjab
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:46:47 PM »
I wouldn't laugh at it tbh, shit's crayy

Knowledge / Re: Things I've learnt :/
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:41:51 PM »
Many thanks for the input Codename! Bow to all religions is on my list too

Superb .. :ok:

Ta, would love to see your input.

Gup Shup / Re: Reminiscence - Childhood Stories
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:37:44 PM »
“Pare ho ja eh meri ladayi ah tu kyo mareya.” In some broken kid language.

OMLL I can imagine how you would of sounded like whilst saying this, in stitches just now

Aggressive toddler you was! :P

Lol chali I would of read je panjabi aundi.. I can read a word or two that too by keeping the alphabet sheet next to me.. But ah full poetry parhde parhde ik day lag jana lmao alphabets nahi lab ne hahahahhaa Append enhlish version be, Sade vaste taa

Knowledge / Things I've learnt :/
« on: September 07, 2014, 11:45:07 PM »

Whilst the super sloww internet hinders me from doing my job, I thought
I'd share the few most valuable things I've learnt in the (almost) 26
years I've been alive. Feel free to contribute!

No matter what, people WILL judge you.
You can’t change people - only your reactions toward them.
Swallowing your pride and asking questions will teach you more in life
than lectures from the most expensive University.
Human nature is essentially selfish.
Not everybody will like you.
Relationships are about hard work, but trust your first instinct on
whether it WILL work or not.
Life is about choice, not chance.
One does not become any less if uses words that appear kind and polite to others.
Be careful with your words - it’s hard to get your foot out of your mouth
once it’s in there.
Sikhi is just beautiful. My life would be incomplete without it.
My Khalistan, the day it will be formed, will be too small; but tooo rich.
The world is growing too fast.
What you sow is what you reap.
Don’t rely on friends for happiness, they too will come and go, like seasons.
Be careful what you wish for.
Once it’s been said, it is likely to transpire.
Science and Religion can live peacefully, side by side.
People talk a lot, but deliver little.
First impressions are often misleading.
As a rule of thumb, men do not appreciate women with ambition.
If they don’t help you grow, let them go.
Never squander long-term goals to reach short-term ones.
Appreciate the little things you have, before they leave.
Love your parents.
Accept your flaws.
Nurture truth.
Read. Always. Never stop. Ever.
Time passes.
Memories fade.
Feelings change.
People leave but hearts NEVER forget.

Gup Shup / Re: Reminiscence - Childhood Stories
« on: September 07, 2014, 11:27:15 PM »
You look like a laddoo in that avi loll

- lazy arses didn't even bother typing, I'm sure everyone has something to say

Gup Shup / Re: Reminiscence - Childhood Stories
« on: September 06, 2014, 04:15:08 PM »
Lol how cute!

Since you started off with chiji, I have a story on that.
When I was little, about a year or maybe 2. I used to have a love for ladoo and my masi had this picture of Ganesh at her house and it had ladoo in it as well. Whenever I used to cry or not listen, she would be like “ah Sania tenu chiji dawa.” So she used to place me in her lap in front of the picture and pretend to pull the ladoo out and place them in my mouth.

I was a child so I opened my mouth every time thinking that the ladoo were real and I was actually being fed.

They laugh every time they tell the story now..
Adults are cruel beings :loll:

Lool I'm bare laughing!

I reckon us people as kids just have a predilection for things that wouldn't actually fit in our mouth :')

Saddest part is what we enjoyed back in the day is of little or no interest once we are all grown up. Like you being a lass would probably be shunning from such fattening foods now *Shrugs*


I see your replies get rather laconic where you should be posting bare

Gup Shup / Reminiscence - Childhood Stories
« on: September 06, 2014, 12:12:54 AM »
So this user posted the word 'Chiji' on one of my statuses on here earlier which reminded me of my childhood days and how people would tantalise me for small things without actually offering. :(

"Tenu 'chiji' leke deni ah, ah karde?" Sounds familiar? Hackneyed isn't it? Haha!

From there I thought if we could make a topic? So yeah let's all blissfully reminisce our childhood days on here!

Share your childhood experiences, things you liked/disliked, things you enjoyed doing, stuff you was fond of the most etc. This can also include things you was deprived of  (Considering we have all been brought up by "Asian" parents) 

Never mind if they're happy or sad stories. But if they were sad, include a corrective action you would take to ensure your own future kids don't face similar situations during their childhood.

Here's mine:
My childhood bike - So I was brought up in a city that was too densely populated with shedloads of traffic everywhere. Like even the nearest park was miles away! And reaching the bike lanes wasn't too feasible without actually driving through busy roads. :/

As a child I was too fond of bikes ( bicycles, as some may call; pretty normal for a lad ) and I would ask my dad to buy me one? He had always refused to get me one, reason being the above busy traffic ^ and he considered it too unsafe (Overprotective Asian parenting *sad face*). I would watch my neighbourhood mates heading to the park on their bikes, whereas I would go by walk. A few would offer me theirs to just ride in the park, temporarily. But that wasn't as fun as having my own, you know! So I would come back home and whinge about it to my mom but she wasn't too keen on pushing dad, either. :/

There were days I would cry cry cry and cry off to sleep just because no one would buy me a bike! ( I'm just laughing whilst reminiscing this bit right now ) But then yeah such was life back in the day!

Years down the line, I'm all grown up, made my mark, have a job, own a car, own a motorbike too (Bullet in fact, yay!) And can even purchase the most expensive bike available! But then whenever this sad bike story occurs to me, I just feel like asking dad to buy me one and get me them childhood days back! :'( So I can head to the park, ride my bike like a bird, flaunt it to my mates and do all that kids do with their little possessions :')
Corrective action - I shall ensure I have my kids' bikes ready even before they're born so that they're never deprived of bikes, even for a single day! :) Kid(s) - Yes I plan on having 2 or even 3 :P LOL

This was all I could think of just now, now go ahead, share yours! And trust me I shall read them all :)

Discussions / Respect girls!
« on: September 05, 2014, 07:01:52 PM »
The other day I saw this geeza parring a girl (apparently) on the TL and it reminded me of this video, so thought I'd share it on here

It has such a strong message - go watch it!


The more girls we have in the world, the more loving, nurturing and caring place they'll create.

Get the epilogue through your head, please.

News Khabran / Plight of youth in Panjab
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:59:17 PM »

Gup Shup / Re: Je "PJ" Na Hunda ???
« on: August 25, 2014, 02:22:26 PM »
Half of the new artists would be balling since there'd be no "free" download section

- All I can think of right about now

News Khabran / Re: Ice Bucket Challenge?
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:08:30 AM »
For you nescient lot, here's something about ice bucket challenge in a nutshell.

Birthdays / Re: Happy Birthday Mani Kaur
« on: August 24, 2014, 05:26:33 AM »
Had your patiala shaii suit from bae x

Fun Time / Re: Classic Moments on PJ :D
« on: August 14, 2014, 01:19:13 PM »
Nah I was dead, mans jokess

Fun Time / Re: Classic Moments on PJ :D
« on: August 12, 2014, 04:37:18 PM »
Cool stuff

Gup Shup / Re: Which Season Do You Enjoy The Most ????
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:27:13 AM »
Unquestionably summer! :)

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: 5 Types of Sikhi
« on: August 04, 2014, 11:42:01 PM »
I never knew there's different types of Sikhi. You speaking proper bollocks mate

Pics / Re: Never Forget 84
« on: June 27, 2014, 11:22:20 PM »
That's so heartbreaking!

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