Hmm y would you say we got dumb or were too smart?
BTW i want to know more about who said "Matches were invented AFTER cigarette lighters" or where this information came from :happy:
Let's stArt with some definitions first:
match - a slender piece of wood, cardboard, or other flammable material tipped with a chemical substance that produces fire when rubbed on a rough or chemically prepared surface.
lighter - A mechanical device used in lighting fires, cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.
When people think of matches, they usually refer to, the one they say came before the lighter (in 577 BD), was nothing more than sticks (not tooth-pick size, but actual sticks, they found laying around) soaked with a flammable chemical for easy lighting later with tinder. The sticks then burst into flame when you
provided sparks or fire by some other means. Sure they had sticks coated in a flammable substance, but they didn’t rub it to light it; they had to provide the flame or sparks to light it. So it was simply an easier way of making fire than just lighting a stick not chemically coated.
Lighter's were invented in the 16th century out of nothing more than a converted flintlock pistol. Now you can argue that a pistol is no lighter. This is true. But if you review the above definition, the converted pistol was indeed the first lighter
The match was invented in 1826 by English Chemist John Walker. This made it possible to ignite the match by rubbing it against a rough surface. Earlier matches would have required a external spark or flame to ignite. The lighter was invented before the "friction match." Where as the cigarette lighter was created eleven years prior in the year 1816 by German chemist J.W. Dobereiner.