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laghaaa :D: :D:  ni pattaa :D: X_X
Na pta ni mainu tu ki boli jana :loll:

Rukk jo bs bnuna mai ik addhi fir likhda :laugh:

:laugh: :D:
Samj ni ayi mainu tu ki keha :D:

Sabb thik aa chl nikkar cut de kurta pajama pa la :D: :laugh:

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Sakhis - The Sikh Stories
« on: July 05, 2015, 07:46:48 AM »
Sakhi Series :- ( Bhai Kaliana )

Bhai Kaliana was one of the followers of Guru Arjan. When the Guru needed money for the Golden Temple, he asked for help from his Sikhs. Kaliana offered help to the Guru and said, "My Lord, I shall go to the hill Rajahs in the North and collect money. I will also preach the Guru's word there." The Guru agreed and Bhai Kaliana set out for Mandi. On reaching there, Kaliana found the place so pleasant that he decided to stay there and tell people about the Guru's way of life. He sent money to the Guru and received permission to stay a little longer. The king of Mandi and his subjects used to celebrate a special festival of religious worship every year. Everybody in his kingdom was required to join in the celebrations by order. That year the order read - "All the people will keep one day's fast. Nobody will sleep at night. Tomorrow all must go to the temples and break the fast by drinking water in which the idols have been washed. Those who do not obey these orders will be punished by law." All the people obeyed the king's order. Bhai Kaliana was the only one who did not keep the fast and so did not join in the celebrations. When the king learnt about this, he was extremely angry. At once he gave orders for Kaliana's arrest. So Kaliana was brought before the king. Burning with anger, the king said, "Who are you? What is your religion? Why did you not obey my orders?" "Sir," said Bhai Kaliana very humbly, "My name is Kaliana. I am a Sikh of the famous Guru Arjan, the fifth in the line of the great Guru Nanak. Like all his followers, I recite only hymns in praise of God and have no faith in stone idols which neither see nor hear nor speak. I wonder how a stone can be pleased and what we can gain from it! God is the life within our lives. He is ever merciful to us all. Yet that God you suppose to be a stone. How can God be pleased with you when you regard him as no better than a stone that lies around everywhere and is kicked by our feet." The king was mad with anger. At once he ordered Kaliana to be put into prison. The next day, Kaliana was again ordered to come and bow down to the idol. But Kaliana refused and said, "My idol is living. He is the great Guru Arjan, the king of holy men. I will bow only to him and to no one else." Red with anger, the king ordered that one leg of Bhai Kaliana be cut off and that he should be dragged out of the kingdom by the other leg. After giving these orders, however, the king fainted so the punishment was delayed. Doctors came and tried their best to cure the king but it seemed as if he was dead. Some wise men said, "This is all due to the unfair punishment given to the holy stranger. Instead of punishing him, the king should have shown respect to him." One of the king's officers at once went to the jail and requested Kaliana to come to the king's bedside. Kaliana came and said, "I am very sorry for the king, but I have done nothing to him. I have no power to help him either. All such power lies with God. I can only say prayers and that too, only if you promise to make the king believe in God instead of a stone." The wise men and the ministers standing there promised to do that. Kaliana stood up, folded his hands, asked the others to join him and prayed to God to save the life of the king. As soon as Kaliana had finished the prayer, the king rose up as strong as before. He bowed to Kaliana and said, "O holy man, please pardon me." Saying this he fell at Kaliana's feet. He then ordered his men to make his horse ready and to tell his queens to dress up quickly. When all was ready he requested Kaliana to lead them all to the Great Guru Arjan as quickly as possible. The king, the queens, and many of his officers, set out to see the Guru at Amritsar. On the way, hundreds of other people joined them. Kaliana was leading them and they were all singing hymns in praise of God. "Did God put aside all other days of the month That He should have been born on the eighth'! Man, led astray by error, utters nonsense. God is not subject to birth and death. Man takes cakes and gives them secretly to an idol. O faithless animal, God is not born, nor does He die. All your sin results from fondling an idol; May the tongue that says 'God entered the womb' be burnt; Nanak's God is everywhere."  (Guru Arjan) "Having found the company of holy men; I have rejected all ideas of duality. There is no enemy and no stranger; Everybody is my friend. Whatever God wills, is all honey to me; This noble instruction I have gained from the holy. One and the same God fills every heart; And it is this presence of the Lord everywhere that Makes Nanak feel jubilant."  (Guru Arjan)

Sakhi Series : ( BHAI MANI SINGH JI )

Bhai Mani Singh was the Head Granthi of Sri Darbaar Sahib, Amritsar. Mata Jeeto Ji (short for Ajeet Kaur, also known as Mata Sundri Ji), the wife of Guru Gobind Singh Ji requested Bhai Mani Singh to sort out the disputes amongst the different Sikh groups, which had formed, and unite the Sikh nation as one. Bhai Mani Singh Ji planned to use Bandi Chhor Divas, Diwali, as an opportunity to unite the Khalsa together at Sri Harimandar Sahib.   Permission was sought from the Mughal authorities to allow the big gathering on Diwali. The Governor of Panjab, Zakhriya Khan accepted the plea in return of 5000 gold coins worth of tax. Bhai Mani Singh Ji accepted and sent letters out to the Sikhs across Panjab that all Sikhs will unite on Diwali day at Amritsar.  However, the Mughals were cunning and they planned to attack the Sikhs and kill all the young Sikh men when they gathered at Amritsar. With the blessings of Waheguru, an informant informed Bhai Mani Singh of the Mughal plans. Bhai Mani Singh Ji was angered at the betrayal of Zakhriya Khan. He resent letters out to the Sikhs across Panjab, telling them not to come to Amritsar on Diwali and that the gathering of the all the Khalsa has been cancelled.  Bhai Mani Singh Ji refused to pay the tax for Sikh gathering at Amritsar, which was supposed take place on Diwali day but was cancelled. On refusing to pay the 5000 gold coins worth of tax, Bhai Mani Singh Ji was arrested by the Mughal police force and brought to Lahore to the court of Zakhriya Khan. Bhai Mani Singh Ji greeted Zakhriya Khan with Guru Gobind Sing Ji's salutation, "Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Jee Ki Fateh (the Khalsa is Waheguru's, the victory is Waheguru's).  Listening, Zakhriya Khan became enraged and said, "Oh Mani Singh, open your eyes and see, you are that this moment not walking in the parkarmaa of Harimandar, where you shout these slogans! You are now in Lahore, in Zakhriya Khan's court, where the air says, "Allah is great, Allah is great", where do you get the nerve to say your Sikh slogans? Bhai Mani Singh said with might and power, "you haven't met a fox today, you have today met a lion of Guru Gobind Singh Ji!"  Zakhriya Khan contained his anger and said, "Oh old man, you are no longer young. If you convert into my religion, then I will convert the remainder of your life into happiness and pleasure. I will give you many wives, I will give you land and will give you a throne to sit on. Oh Mani Singh, what is the difference, before you read Gurbaani and now can you read the Qur'an. Before you used to say 'Waheguru', now you can say 'Allah is Great'. What is the difference in this?"  Bhai Mani Singh, who was an educated Sikh, said, "Oh Zakhriya Khan, remember, we have no anger or hatred with your religion. Our Bani says

Fareeda be nevaajaa kutiyaa, eh naa bhallee reeth. Kabhee chal naa aayiaa panjey vakath maseeth…

Fareed: O faithless dog, this is not a good way of life. You never come to the Mosque for your five daily prayers.

Aval Allah noor upaayiaa, kudhrath ke sabh bandhey. Eik noor the sabh jag upjiyia,a kaun bhalley ko mundhey…

First, Allah created the Light; then, by His Creative Power, He made all mortal beings. From the One Light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good, and who is bad?

 Oh Zakhriya Khan, remember, living our life as a Sikh is our good fortune and by gods grace we will breath our last breaths as Sikhs. You cannot force me to leave Sikhi" said Bhai Mani Singh Ji. Zakhriya Khan replied to Bhai Mani Singh Ji, "Your talk is very big Mani Singh. Remember, I will give you that type of torture; I will decree that type of fatwaa, legal decree, that you will shake and tremble.  With a smile one his face, Bhai Mani Singh Ji answered back, "The land can shake, the sky can tremble, but a Sikh of Guru Nanak Ji cannot tremble or shake. Sikhi is that religion, whose fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Dev Ji sat on a hot plate and faced tortures. It is that religion, that in order to uphold righteousness, countless preferred to give their lives but not their Dharma and didn't bow in front of the tyrants. Remember Zakhriya, I will die for my religion, but will not do what you say."  The next day, Zakhriya Khan called the Qazi. "Oh Qazi, from your book of Shari'a Law, I want you declare a fatwaa (legal judgement), such a fatwaa that the whole earth and sky will tremble," said Zakhriya Khan. The Qazi opened the Book of Shari'a and announced the fatwaa: "May this Kaafir (Infidel) be cut piece by piece, limb by limb."  While the executioner sharpened his blade, Bhai Mani Singh Ji sharpened his mind with Naam. He recited Japji sahib and on finishing reciting Gurbaani he roared a loud jaikaara, "Boley so nihaal! Sat sri Akaal!" With a glowing face with the power of Naam and Gurbaani, Bhai Mani Singh Ji shouted to the executioner, "Come on executioner, now me and you will talk." A wooden block was brought forward. Bhai Mani Singh came forward saying "Satnaam Waheguru" he put forward his right hand on the wooden block.  The executioner makes his mark on Bhai Mani Singh's fingers. Bhai Mani Singh Ji pulls away his hand. "Mani Singh, you got scared! Before you were talking so much, yet this is the first cut. You couldn't even handle the first cut, yet we are going to cut you limb by limb, your whole body," said Zakhriya Khan.  Bhai Mani Singh Ji replied back, "Oh executioner, what were your orders? You were ordered to cut me piece by piece. You have left all my fingers. Zakhriya Khan, ensure your servant doesn't disrespect your orders and I will not disrespect my Father, Guru Gobind Singh Ji Paatshaah's orders.  Piece by piece, Bhai Mani Singh Ji's body was cut to bits. Bhai Mani Singh Ji only recited Gurbaani, and it was what he had lived and breathed

Purjaa purjaa katt marai, kabhooh naa chhaadai keyth…

He may be cut apart, piece by piece, but he never leaves the field of battle.

 Saying 'Satnaam Waheguru' Bhai Mani Singh Ji's fingers, wrist, elbows, shoulder, toes and knees were all chopped on the wooden block. There was a pool of blood. The body lay severed into pieces. No arms, no legs.

Mera Sir Jaava Taa Jaava Par Meri Sikhi Sidq naa java…

If my head goes then so be it, but may I never give up my Sikh faith."

We salute Bhai Mani Singh Ji

Shin chotta ja jawak aa pind ch firfa rehnda nikkar g pa k bs
Hor eh ki titanic wala Leonardo DiCaprio :laugh:
Gussa na kri oe JK

PJ Games / Re: True or False
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:27:24 PM »
Rabb tera jee lava

Struggle is life

PJ Games / Re: Throw something at the user above u
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:57:40 PM »

PJ Games / Re: Throw something at the user above u
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:22:38 PM »
Cockroach :laugh:

PJ Games / Re: Throw something at the user above u
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:14:47 PM »
Khodkirla :D:

PJ Games / Re: Throw something at the user above u
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:09:03 PM »
Sapp :D:

PJ Games / Re: Throw something at the user above u
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:26:06 AM »
Miltary tank

PJ Games / Re: Steal something from the person above you..
« on: July 04, 2015, 03:37:50 AM »
His wallet :loll:

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Sakhis - The Sikh Stories
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:28:10 PM »
Sakhi Series:- ( Bhai Moola)   
gur kee pa-orhee saach kee saachaa sukh ho-ee.
Truth is the Staircase to the Guru; climbing up to the True Lord, peace is obtained.
Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang:766

On the way to Sialkat, which is near Pasrur, Guru Nanak rested outside the town under a wild caper tree, which stands there still. "Why do you prefer the wilderness to the comforts of town?" Mardana asked. "There is no comfort in a place where there is no truth," replied the Guru. "The air of the town is filled with falseness. No one can safely breathe it." "Master, I am hungry," said Mardana, "and unlike you, I can't live on just the air." "Go into town," said the Guru, "and ask at every shop; 'My master would like a half-anna of truth, and a half-anna of falsehood.' He who answers will feed you." Mardana, much amused, went into town and stopped at each shop. Some thought his was insane, others made fun of him. However, at certain shop, Moola, the owner, replied, "Tell your master that life is false, and death is true." After he fed Mardana, he asked to be taken to the man who asked for such things. Moola, when he saw the Guru, humbly bowed before him and asked, "Show me the true way?" "Seek it and you shall find it," said the Guru. "It is found by searching and lost by talking." Moola was much impressed by Guru Nanak and followed him for many days, even to Kabul, until the Guru told him to go back to his home and family. "I want to be a renuciant," said Moola. "I want to give up the world and be a holy man." "It is not by shirking our duty that we become saints," said the Guru, "but by how we handle our responsibilities in our daily lives." "Then why is it that people leave their homes in search of God?" he asked There are those who actually seek the truth and there or those who only seek to escape their responsibilities," said the Guru, "but the way I have come to show, is to live in service to God in the daily world, keeping His name on our lips and in our minds. Renunciation of outer things does not make for inner righteousness. Words are meaningless until translated into action." Guru Nanak then repeated to him the Jap Ji, and Moola returned home to live the life of a householder. Guru Nanak and Mardana had an occasion later to visit Sialkot and the Guru wished to see his student. Mardana went looking for Moola, but his wife, fearing that her husband would wish to leave again, convinced Moola that he could die in the wilderness if he went. And so he hid himself away until Mardana left. When told, the Guru said, "This is the man who said that life is false and death is real, but now he seems to hold to falseness. So be it. But who can escape death? It comes to all no matter where they live. It is said that Moola was subsequently bitten by a snake and died.
kavan s akhar kavan gun kavan s maneeaa ma(n)th || What is that word, what is that virtue, and what is that magic mantra?
kavan s vaeso ho karee jith vas aavai ka(n)th ||126|| What are those clothes, which I can wear to captivate my Husband Lord? ||126||
nivan s akhar khavan gun jihabaa maneeaa ma(n)th || Humility is the word, forgiveness is the virtue, and sweet speech is the magic mantra.
eae thrai bhainae vaes kar thaa(n) vas aavee ka(n)th ||127|| Wear these three robes, O sister, and you will captivate your Husband Lord

PJ Games / Re: Throw something at the user above u
« on: July 03, 2015, 07:36:38 AM »

PJ Games / Re: True or False
« on: July 03, 2015, 07:33:47 AM »

I like miley cyrus

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Sakhis - The Sikh Stories
« on: July 02, 2015, 08:35:47 PM »
Kauda the Cannibal

During one of his mission to enlighten people, Guru Nanak Dev Ji traveled a great distance to the wilderness of Assam with his companions, Bala and Mardana. Mardana was very hungry and tired, so they sat under a tree. After sometime, Mardana went to get something to eat. On his way he met Kauda, the cannibal. Kauda took Mardana by surprise and bounded his hand and foot by a rope and then carried him to the spot where he had kept a big pan full of oil for frying the flesh of his victims. Kauda started to lighten fire under the pan. When Mardana saw Kauda preparing to butcher him, he was very frightened and prayed to Guru Ji to come to his rescue. The all-knowing Guru realized what was happening to Mardana. He started walking towards Kauda’s place in order to rescue Mardana.

Kauda was trying to light the fire when Guru ji appeared. Kauda was completely bewildered. He went towards the Guru and tied him as well. He lit the fire and within minutes the oil was burning hot. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that he wants be the first one to be fried. Kauda was astonished and surprise. He had never seen anyone like Guru Nanak before. Kauda carried on his routine and lifted Guru Ji to be put him in the big pan.

When the Guru’s feet touched the hot oil, it became cold as ice. Kauda then knew that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was not an ordinary person. Guru Ji looked at Kauda with compassion and graciously and said, "Kauda! You do not realize what you are doing. Would you cast yourself in the burning fire of hell?" Kauda, whose conscience was dead with heinous crimes, suddenly came to realization and was overwhelmed with repentance. The very gracious and holy sight of the divine Guru made him realize his guilt and he fell at Guru’s feet and begged for mercy. The gracious Guru blessed him with Naam, the meditation on the Name of God. Kauda changed entirely and thereafter lived as a devout disciple of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He became an honest person and a devotee of God

TWali Qandhari, the Arrogant Priest

After traveling throughMiddle East and many other countries, the Gurureacheda place called Hassan Abdal. It is about fifty kilometers from Rawalpindi in Pakistan. Guru Ji stayed at Hassan Abdal near the foothills. People cameto knowaboutGuruJiandbegantogather aroundhim.GuruJitalkedto them about God. He told them thegreatness ofGodandHis creation.Numerouspeoplebeganto gather around him every day.

A Muslim Priest lived on thetopof a hill. His name was Bawa Wali Qandhari. His house was near a spring of fresh water. The water flowed down to the town from springontopofthehillnear Wali's house. The spring was theonly source of water for the town. People relied on the springtocarrytheir basic needs.

Wali Qandhari was an arrogant person. When he saw people gatheringaroundGuruNanakinsteadofhisplace,hebecame very jealous and angry. He stopped thespringwater from flowing down to thetown.The peoplebecame frustrated.How could theyandtheir cattle livewithoutwater? A groupofthem went to Bawa Wali Qandhari and begged him to let the water flow down as before. Bawa Wali Qandhari in full anger said, "Go to your Guru, theoneyouvisiteveryday and ask for water from him." The poeple went to the Guruandtoldhimthewhole story. Guru Ji said, “Don't lose your heart, trust inGod. Godwillnotlet you die of thirst”. Guru Ji then asked Bhai Mardana to go and appeal to Bawa Wali Qandhari and request him to let the water flow down to thetown.WhenBhaiMardana went to the top of thehill, Bawa Wali Qandhari shouted angrily, “Go back to your Guru and ask him to give water to the people.”

Bhai MardanareturnedtotheGuruand narrated what Bawa Wali Qandhari said to him. The Guru sent him once again but Mardana came back with thesamestory. Peoplegotmoreandmorefrustrated each second. The Guru said, “Don't lose your heart. God is great and merciful. God can make springs flow from whereever He wishes. Let us all pray to Him.” They all prayed. Then Guru Nanak Dev Ji lifted a stone. At once, a stream of fresh water began to flow from theplace Guru lifted  :Othe stone.

At the same time, Bawa Wali Qanhari's spring dried up. He was filled with anger and pushed a large rock from the top of the hill towards the Guru. The rock came rolling down towards theGuru. Bawa Wali Qanhari thought that the rock would crush Guru Ji to death but theGuru quietly raised his hand and the rockstopped at the instant it struck Guru’s hand. Guru ji’s hand was imprinted on the rock. Bawa Wali Qundhari's pride was broken. He camedown and fell at the Guru's feet.The Guru said, “Rise my friend. Live as devoteesof God should live. Be kind and share with everyone” The rock still exists. There is a beautiful Gurdwara at that place called the Panja Sahib.

Competitions / Re: Voting for next competition July-August
« on: July 02, 2015, 08:10:50 PM »
Best topic maker da hona chida
Kyu ki pj te ajj kAll new  topics di bhut lod aa

PJ Games / Re: True or False
« on: July 02, 2015, 10:18:13 AM »
main hun koi reply ni krna loki apne te lee lende yr
main hun koi reply ni krna loki apne te lee lende yr
Take it easy
Rabb da naam lai bs ki lena kise to

PJ Games / Re: True or False
« on: July 02, 2015, 10:10:34 AM »
U r between wrong persons

Fakkar subah aa mera

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