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Messages - garaarι ѕιngн

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Gup Shup / Re: Bachpan vich tanu ki pasand hunda s kahena a Pena
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:49:22 PM »
Tukk te achaar naal lassi

Fun Time / Re: Elphie? Selphie?
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:46:59 PM »
Kalyug a nira y

PJ Games / Re: Give a vegetable/Fruit name to the above person
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:45:43 PM »

PJ Games / Re: Throw something at the user above u
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:43:46 PM »
Alfha missile :loll:

Fun Time / Re: punjabi janta site kado start hoyi c ?
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:42:23 PM »
Udu ta mai 13 yrs c :loll:

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Sakhis - The Sikh Stories
« on: July 21, 2015, 12:09:20 AM »
Sakhi Series - ( "Vasde raho, Ujad Jao” )

During one of his Udasis Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj along with Bhai Mardana ji visited a village where the people were very mean and did not paid any attention to spiritual values or honesty in their lives. Upon leaving the village after some days he rose his hand up and blessed the villagers and said - "Vasde raho"(May u prosper). Next day Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj along with Bhai Mardana ji reached another village. In this village contrary to the people of the previous village the residents were very kind, honest and spiritual minded. They respected and paid utmost respect to Guru Nanak Dev ji. Guru ji spent some days there very comfortably and then bid farewell to village. While leaving, on outskirts of village Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj rose his hand up again said, "Ujad Jao" ( May you get displaced). On hearing this Bhai Mardana ji was taken by surprise. He asked the Guru why he did so. The Guru's response was simple : These people are good people with great values, and if they leave the village and go to different parts of the world wherever they go they will spread these values among the local population. More people will get influenced and become good and ethical ( by doin their sangat). The world will change for the better. Whereas people from the first village had no values and thus must live there only because these are not the values that need to be spread.

"Sat sangati kaisee jaaneeyai. Jithai eko naam vakhaaneeyai" (sggs 72)--> 

How is the Society of the saintly souls to be known? There, only God's Name is chanted

PJ Games / Re: Last textmessage that u received
« on: July 20, 2015, 12:14:32 PM »
Jst watched trailer of suicide squad
Fall in love wid quinn :loll:

PJ Games / Re: Give a vegetable/Fruit name to the above person
« on: July 20, 2015, 12:11:11 PM »
Tori o v sukhi hoyi :D:

Fun Time / Re: your MOOD now
« on: July 20, 2015, 12:04:30 PM »
Koka jma

PJ Games / Re: What's your latest purchases?
« on: July 20, 2015, 12:02:54 PM »

PJ Games / Re: When was the last time you..
« on: July 19, 2015, 10:26:17 PM »
2 month ago :loll:

When was the last time tuc bebe bapu to chittar khade ??

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Sakhis - The Sikh Stories
« on: July 19, 2015, 08:42:10 PM »
Sakhi Series : ( Bibi Rajni) 

The Tradition of the Faithful Bibi Rajni 

In the era of Guru Ram Das Ji, one cannot leave out Rajni, youngest daughter of Rai Duni Chand, revenue collector (kardar) of Patti. (The story has all the myth, magic and miracles of a genuine Sakhi, but is nevertheless a charming story). Rajni was a Sikh, a disciple of the Guru. One day she was sitting with her sisters admiring some new clothing they all had received from their father. The girls were ecstatic and exclaiming how good their father was to them.  Rajni observed that all gifts are ultimately from God. Their father was merely an instrument of His greatness.  Unfortunately for her, he overheard her comment and became very angry. It was not the First time that she incurred his wrath because of her extreme piety. The infuriated father, believing her to be an ungrateful wretch, married her to a leper with a taunt that he would see how her God would help her lead a normal life. The leper was severely disfigured and a foul smell came from his body. The poor girl had accepted her fate ungrudgingly and worked hard to maintain herself and her crippled husband. 

She kept repeating the name of God, and was certain that he was testing her with this turn of events. It became very difficult at times to earn their living. Still she bathed and fed her leper husband, never losing faith.

I have made the One Lord my Friend; He is All-powerful to do everything.

My soul is a sacrifice to Him; the Lord is the treasure of my mind and body.
 One day, she reached the site of a pool on her way to a neighboring village. Placing the basket containing her husband by the side of the pool under the shade of a tree, she had gone off to look for work/food. In the meantime, her crippled husband saw a black crow dip into the water of the pool and come out white !! Amazed at this miracle, the man somehow crawled up to the edge of the pool and managed a dip. He found himself completely cured. When his wife returned, she was amazed to find her husband in good health. He was handsome and whole. At first, she was alarmed and suspected that he might be a different person. He had, however, kept one finger with leprosy marks un-dipped. He showed her the diseased finger as proof of his identity. The couple thanked God, and went to the Guru to seek his blessings.  It is believed that the pool was the future site of the Sri Harminder Sahib. The medicinal properties of the water were said to have come from Basil (Tulsi), which grew in abundance on its banks. Guru Amar Das Ji used to pick the herb there to make poultices for an infected toe that plagued Guru Angad Ji. The legendary importance of the site highlights the medicinal properties of the waters of the pool, Rajni's leper husband was cured in.  Sakhi relates that if you keep faith in God then one day all rewards are paid. Bibi Rajni had always kept the Faith in Guru and God, being happy with whatever she had and thus was rewarded at the end.

bh o ree bharam van(j) aae p i ree m uhabath h i k thoo ||

If you can dispel your doubts, even for an instant, and love your only Beloved.

j i thhah u va(n)n(j) ai j aae th i thh aaoo mo uj oo dh s oe ||1|| 

then wherever you go, there you shall find Him. ||1||     

Knowledge / Re: Close Encounter: Spacecraft Makes Flyby Of Pluto
« on: July 19, 2015, 01:25:54 PM »
New horizon runs on just 225 volts which is jst enough to run a coffee machine
Nasa wale kbbe aa chandre

PJ Games / Re: When was the last time you..
« on: July 19, 2015, 10:41:25 AM »
 Around 3 years ago

When was the last time u ride a bicycle

PJ Games / Re: Last textmessage that u received
« on: July 19, 2015, 10:00:47 AM »
Numerical method wli navj German professor wli kbbi aa tera na likha ta mai classes lyi Lolz

Gup Shup / Re: ONE thing you wish you could do RIGHT NOW...
« on: July 19, 2015, 09:49:36 AM »
Subway for breakfast

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Sakhis - The Sikh Stories
« on: July 19, 2015, 09:34:18 AM »
Sakhi Series :( I need a head !)

Khalsa mero roop hai khaas. Khalsay may hau karo nivaas à
Khalsa is my form and shape In the Khalsa I reside in spirit
 ( Guru Gobind Singh ji in Sarb Loh Granth)

The day dawned clear and bright for the Baisakhi celebration of 1699. The Sikhs were in a festive mood because Guru Gobind Rai had proclaimed that all should come together at Anandpur Sahib. A small tent was pitched on a small hill now called Kesgarh Sahib at Anandpur and an open air dewan(assembly) was held.  The sangat gathered in anticipation in front of the Guru's tent. They expected to hear a stirring speech. No one was prepared for the sight of the Guru when he did appear from a tent after Asa Ki Waar. Guru ji was dressed in his royal blue uniform with his arms girded about him; his eyes were so intense that no one dared to look at him. He drew his sword and shouted, " I need a head!" "Today I need the head of a Sikh. Is there a Gursikh who loves the Guru and who follows the Guru's command, who will give me their head?  There was much commotion, normally the Guru gives blessings and happiness and now people could not believe their ears. The Guru wanted to kill one of his beloved Sikhs? Again the cry rang out, and again. Many people ran away in fear and horror. But then one Gursikh, Daya Ram, rose and said, "O beloved Guru, my head has always been yours." The Guru took him into the tent and came out with a sword dripping with blood. [Guru Sahib took Daya Ram into the tent and only Bhai Daya Ram and Guru Sahib know what happened inside the tent .Guru Ji nor Daya Ram ever told anyone what happened inside the tent. All that we know is that, when Guru Sahib came out of the tent his Kirpan was dripping with blood. Guru Ji did not want to tell anyone what he did, so what right do we have to make guesses as to what might have happened. In doing so the teaching of the Guru is left behind and arguments continue. ] Again he asked for a head. Dharm Das came up and said, "Take my head, O dear one." Once again, the Guru took him into his tent and emerged with a dripping sword. For the third time, he asked the question. Mokum Chand bowed before his Master. The Sikhs began to think that the Guru had lost all reason and went to his mother to complain. Two more times the call went out, and two more devoted Sikhs, Himmat and Sahib Chand, stepped forward to fill the void. The Guru then went into the tent himself.  Suddenly, the Guru and the five appeared. He had dressed them and himself in beautiful golden clothes so that they shone like the sun. To them he said, "You and I are one and the same." The gathering cheered the five for their courage. The Guru then said, "From this day on the Khalsa, the Pure Ones, will be baptized by Khande dee Pahul (Amrit). They shall become Singhs and Kaurs."  The Guru began stirring water in a bowl with his Khanda while reciting Gurbani. Sugar crystals called 'Patasas' were mixed in the water by Mata Sahib Kaur  so that those who drank it would be both strong and kind. The Guru honored her by making her the Mother of the Khalsa.  The Guru gave the Amrit to the five in much the same manner as it is given today. He laid down the rehit: to wear the five K's, help the poor, be faithful to one's spouse, work by honest labor, keep a healthy body, keep long hair, and rise early and praise God's Name. When he had given them the Amrit, he asked them to give it to him. They were amazed at this request. The Guru said, "The Khalsa is the Guru, and the Guru is the Khalsa. There is no difference between you and me. " They then baptized Guru ji. He gave them the appellation of SINGHS or lions and they were named from Daya Ram to Daya Singh, Dharam Das to Dharam Singh, Mohkam Chand to Mohkam Singh, Himmat Chand to Himmat Singh, and Sahib Chand to Sahib Singh. He called the five Sikhs his "Panj Piare", or five beloved ones, and thus Guru Gobind Rai became Guru Gobind Singh.

Baisakhi we were thousands, but only five had the courage for dying. 
Then one brave man, one flashing sword, turned us all to lions. 
And now we live His Legacy, to die before we fall.
And like the five who answered the call, we can't turn back at all.
Stand as the Khalsa, strong as steel, steady as stone.
Give our lives to God and Guru, mind and soul, breath and bone

PJ Games / Re: When was the last time you..
« on: July 19, 2015, 12:06:53 AM »
When was the last time u feel down

PJ Games / Re: Give a vegetable/Fruit name to the above person
« on: July 18, 2015, 03:42:33 AM »

Competitions / Re: Best DP of the Week
« on: July 18, 2015, 01:10:40 AM »
Stylo nu

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 22 23 24 [25] 26 27 28 29 30 ... 58