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Topics - ɯɐɹʞıʌ

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Knowledge / Friday, lucky or not :phobia
« on: October 11, 2011, 09:21:39 PM »
In pagan times Friday was the luckiest day of the week because it was ruled by the planet Venus, the symbol of love and fortune. In fact, Friday is named in honor of Freya, goddess of Love. But for Christians, Friday has not been a good day. Adam and Eve is said to have eaten the forbidden fruit on a Friday and died on a Friday. Jesus was crucified on a Friday.

For centuries sailors refused to set sail on a Friday. It is told that when the reluctance of seamen to set sail on a Friday had reached such proportions that it interfered with naval operations, the British Admiralty decided to prove once and for all that it is a fallacy. They laid the keel of a new vessel on a Friday, named her H.M.S. Friday, and launched her on a Friday. On her first voyage, setting sail on a Friday, she was commanded by Captain James Friday. She left the harbor and nothing has since been heard of her or her crew. The identical story has also found its place in American lore. But – fear not – it is a myth.

The fear for traveling on a Friday continued until the early 20th century where in Europe bus and train travel was lowest on a Friday. But before you say “Thank Goodness, it’s Friday!” consider that, FBI statistics show, most robberies take place on a Friday.

Knowledge / End of world predictions
« on: October 11, 2011, 09:16:24 PM »
You should live every day as if it is your last. That may be easier said than done. But what if you really knew the exact day when will the world end?

There have been and still are many End-of-World predictions:

In the year 70, Rabbi Jose, the Galilean, predicted that the world would end in the year 130.

In 90 CE, Saint Clement 1 predicted that the world would end at any moment.

Apparently a writer called Tichonus predicted the end of the world would take place in the year 381.

Both Hyppolytus (170-236) and Lactantius (250-330) put the date at about the year 500.

In the 900s, many predicted that the year 1000 would be the end of time.

In 1147, Gerard of Poehlde said the world would end in 1306.

In 1179, John of Toledo predicted the end of the world during 1186.

Joachim of Fiore (1135-1202) suggested the world might end at around the year 1300.

Mother Shipton (1488-1561) predicted the world would end in 1881.

In the early 1500s, Zwickau prophets (a Christian sect) believed that the world would end soon (around 1520).

Joseph Smith (b. 1805, founder of the Latter Day Saints movement, the Mormons) said, “I prophesy in the name of the Lord God, and let it be written – the Son of Man will not come in the clouds of heaven till I am eighty-five years old.” Which would have been the year 1890 – but he was assassinated in 1844.

In 1836, John Wesley (co-founder of the Methodist Church) wrote that “the time, times and half a time” of Revelation 12:14 were 1058 and 1836, “when Christ should come.” His brother Charles (the other co-founder) predicted in 1794 that Doomsday would take place in that year.

In 1874, Charles Taze Russell predicted the Rapture in 1910 and the end of the world in 1914.

When the Jews reclaimed Jerusalem in 1967 many predicted the end of time is near.

Isaac Newton calculated that the world will end in 2060.

Nostradamus predicted it to be the year 3786 or 3797.

The Islamic faith Qiyamah (the Day of Resurrection) is predicted “When immorality overtakes shamelessness and is perpetrated publicly,” amongst other things.

And, according to The Bible, in Matt 24:36 : “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

In the meantime, try to live every day as if it is your last. Smile more and love more.

Knowledge / Diamond facts
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:12:58 PM »
A diamond is the hardest natural substance on earth, but if it is placed in an oven and the temperature is raised to about 763 degrees Celsius (1405 degrees Fahrenheit), it will simply vanish, without even ash remaining. Only a little carbon dioxide will have been released.

Diamonds are formed over a period of a billion or more years deep within earth’s crust – about 150km (90 miles) deep – and is pushed to the surface by volcanoes. Most diamonds are found in volcanic rock, called Kimberlite, or in the sea after having been carried away by rivers when they were pushed to the surface.

A diamond is 58 times harder than the next hardest mineral on earth, corundum, from which rubies and sapphires are formed. It was only during the 15th century that it was discovered that the only way to cut diamonds was with other diamonds. Yet, diamonds are brittle. If hit hard with a hammer, a diamond will shatter or splinter.

The largest diamond

The world’s largest diamond was the Cullinan, found in South Africa in 1905. It weighed 3,106.75 carats uncut. It was cut into the Great Star of Africa, weighing 530.2 carats, the Lesser Star of Africa, which weighs 317.40 carats, and 104 other diamonds of nearly flawless color and clarity. They now form part of the British crown jewels.

The Cullinan was three times the size of the next largest diamond, the Excelsior, which was also found in South Africa. The world’s largest documented polished diamond – unearthed in 1986, also in South Africa – is called Unnamed Brown. It weighs 545 carats and was cut down from a 700 carat rough diamond. It took an international team of expert cutters 3 years to complete the masterpiece. Another impressive diamond that also took 3 years to cut, and also is part of the British crown jewels, is the Centenary Diamond. It weighs 273.85 carats and is the world’s largest flawless diamond.

The biggest diamond in the entire universe is thought to be Lucy, a crystallized white dwarf star, a star consisting of diamonds. It’s weight is 10 billion trillion trillion carat. Named after the Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, it is technically known as BPM 37093.

Diamond colors

Not all diamonds are white. Impurities lend diamonds a shade of blue, red, orange, yellow, green and even black. Vivid blue, green and pink mined diamonds are the rarest. They are not the rarest gemstones, however. That title goes to a pure red ruby. Diamonds actually are found in abundance; thousands are mined every year. 80% of them are not suitable for jewelery – they are used in industry or in cheap rings.

Synthetic diamonds

Late in the 19th century, Scottish scientist James Ballantyne Hannay mixed lithium with bone oil and paraffin, sealed it in iron tubes and heated it to red hot. He claimed, in 1879, the resultant stones were diamonds. They were stored away and only many years later they were found to be diamonds, albeit synthetic. In 1892, Henri Moissan theorized that diamonds could be synthesized by crystallizing carbon under pressure. Today, synthetic diamonds is big business, outselling mined diamonds by far. Sometimes called cubic zirconia and synthetic moissanite, they are categorized and evaluated with the same grading scale process as mined diamonds but sell for much less. Synthetic moissanite is a diamond simulant with similar thermal characteristics to mined diamonds and most people, even so-called experts, can’t tell them apart.

Weighing diamonds

A diamond carat differs from a gold carat. The gold carat indicates purity – pure gold being 24 carats. One diamond carat, for mined or synthetics diamonds, is 200 milligrams (0.007055 oz). The word carat derives from the carob bean. Gem dealers used to balance their scales with carob beans because these beans all have same weight

Knowledge / Lost nuclear bombs
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:35:48 PM »
The very first bomb that the Allies dropped on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo, it is said. The NATO attack on Serbia in 1999 (the Kosovo war) killed more animals than people. “Smart” weapons, such the Tomahawk missile is supposed to hit a postage stamp at 300km or more (200 miles or more). But only two out of thirteen actually hit the target. One skimmed over the house of a small farmer a few miles off target, straight up a track, through bushes, and exploded in the farmer’s field, killing seven sheep, one cow and a goat. The farmer kept the missile nosecone as a souvenir.

To err is human. To really mess things up you need a computer

On 5 October 1960 an early-warning system warned the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) of a massive Soviet nuclear missile strike approaching the United States. What happened is that a fault in a computer system had removed two zeros from the radar’s ranging components, detecting the missile attack at 4 000km (2,500 miles) away. The radar was actually detecting a reflection from the moon, located 400 000km (250,000 miles) away.

On 3 June 1980 a massive Soviet missile attack was again registered by computers. 100 nuclear-armed B-52s were immediately put on alert. A computer fault was detected in time, but three days later the same error occurred and again the bombers were put on alert. The problem was later traced to the failure of an integrated circuit in a computer, which was producing random digits representing the number of missiles detected.

On 10 January 1984, Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming, recorded a message that one of its Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles was about to launch from its silo due to a computer malfunction. To prevent the possible launch, an armoured car was parked on top of the silo.

The history of nuclear weapon accidents is as old as their introduction
The US Department of Defence (DoD) first published a list of nuclear weapon accidents in 1968 which detailed 13 serious nuclear weapon accidents between 1950-1968. An updated list released in 1980 catalogued 32 accidents. At the same time, documents released by the Navy under the Freedom of Information Act cited 381 nuclear weapon incidents between 1965 and 1977.

A number of nuclear cases involve ships or submarines colliding at sea or, in some cases, submarine nuclear power units becoming unstable and the subs having to be abandoned. According to Greenpeace No Nukes there have been more than 120 submarine accidents since 1956. The most recent incident, in August 2000, was the loss of the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk in the Barents Sea. The Kursk is the seventh nuclear submarine lost, five of them Russian, two American. There are 92 known cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea.

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was established in 1968, yet there are more than 23,000 nuclear weapons ready for firing.

Nuclear terms:

Nuceflash: any accidental or unauthorised incident involving a possible detonation of a nuclear weapon.
Broken Arrow: the seizure, theft, loss or accidental detonation of a nuclear weapon or component other than war risk.
Bent Spear: any significant nuclear weapon incidents other than accidents or war risk detonations.
Dull Sword: a nuclear weapon incident other than “significant” incidents.
Faded Giant: any nuclear reactor or radiological accidents involving equipment used or in custody of the Navy.

When bombs started falling in Belgrade in 1999, most of the pregnant animals in the zoo aborted their young or delivered prematurely. The bombs hit out power and water supplies, leaving the sea lions and polar bears to suffer from exposure. Prince, a 300kg (660 lb) Bengal tiger was so disturbed that he began chewing off his own paws

Shayari / ਤੇਰੀ ਯਾਦ
« on: October 09, 2011, 01:24:32 PM »
ਤੇਰੀ ਯਾਦ ਨਾਲ ਜਿਓਂਦਾ ਰਹਾਂਗਾ ਮੈਂ
ਜਦੋ ਤਕ ਮੋਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ

ਤੇਨੁ ਲਭਦਾ ਰਹਾਂਗਾ ਮੈਂ
ਜਦੋ ਤਕ ਖੁਦ ਨੂ ਖੋਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ

ਕੁਛ ਨਾ ਕੁਛ ਤਾ ਕਰਦਾ ਰਹਾਂਗਾ ਮੈਂ
ਜਦੋ ਤਕ ਸਬ ਕੁਛ ਹੋਇਆ ਨਹੀ

ਕਿਨਾਰਾ ਤੂ ਹੈ, ਤੇਰ੍ਣਾ ਨਸੀਬ ਸਾਡਾ
ਜਦੋ ਤਕ ਤੂ ਆ ਕੇ ਖੁਦ ਸਾਨੂ ਡੁਬੋਇਆ ਨਹੀ

ਮੋਤੀ ਹਾ ਜਮੀਨ ਤੇ ਡਿਗਿਆ
ਜਦੋ ਤੱਕ ਤੂ ਗਾਨੀ ਚ ਪਰੋਇਆ ਨਹੀ

copy right by  Nvikram    :happy:

teri yaad naal jionda rhanga mein
jdo tak moeya nhin

tenu lbhda rhanga mein
jdo tak khud nu khoeya nhin

kuch na kuch ta krda rhanga mein
jdo tak sab kuch hoeya nhin

kinara tu hei, terna nseeb sada
jdo tak tu khud sanu duboeya nhin

moti ha zmeen te digeya
jdo tak tu gaani ch piroeya nhin

Knowledge / Beer brands, types, styles and brewing
« on: October 08, 2011, 09:05:43 PM »
Worldwide, 20,000 brands of beer are brewed in 180 styles, from ales, lagers, pilsner and stouts to bitters, cream ales and iced beers.

Beer has been a popular beverage for a long time. Babylonian clay tablets show detailed recipes of beer making in 4300 BC. Beer was also brewed by the ancient Chinese, Assyrians and Incas.

An Egyptian text of 1600 BC gives 100 medical prescriptions using beer. A few years ago, the New Castle Brewery in England brewed 1,000 bottles Tutankhamun Ale from a 3,200-year old recipe found in the sun temple of Queen Nefertiti.

Commercial beer making was established in 1200 AD in present-day Germany. In 1506, the German Purity Law is issued, specifying that beer ingredients must only be water, barley, wheat and hops. Bottling of beer started in 1605.

Making beer
Brewing is the process of changing water and grain into beer through a yeast catalyst. The quality of the water is extremely important. Hard water produce a bitter ale, soft water produce bitter lager. Barley or hops, or a combination of them, is used for the grain.

Getting dry grain ready for fermentation is called malting. The grain is steeped in water until it sprouts. The sprouting or germination is not allowed to end naturally but is interrupted either by drying or roasting in kilns.

Barley has been a grain of choice for thousands of years. The longer the roasting of the malted barley, the darker the beer. Barley, or wheat beers have a sweet taste.

Hops are herbaceous climbing vines and look like a cross between pine cores and artichokes. The bitter, dry flavor of hops counterbalance the sweetness of malt.

Sugars in the malted grains are converted into alcohol by yeast. Different yeast ferment sugars into different flavors. For ales, top fermentation yeast is used, while bottom fermentation yeast is used for lagers.

The beer making process starts by germinating the grain, then steeping the resulting malt in hot water to get the wort. Base wort contents means the percentage of wort in the beer before fermentation. The alcohol contents is roughly one third of the base wort contents.The wort is boiled (brewed) and hops are added. After brewing, fermentation starts by adding yeast. After fermentation, the wort is drown into tanks where it is allowed to condition or age. Yeast and hops are sometimes added in a secondary fermentation process.

Ales and Lagers
Ales, stouts and several other types of brews, like porter, are top-fermented. The top-fermentation yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, usually produces stronger alcohol contents than the bottom-fermentation yeast, Saccharomyces carlsbergi, but the latter produces more quality-consistent brew. Lagers are bottom-fermented.

Ales usually are heavily hopped, and include bitters, brown ales, cream ales, mild ale, pale ale, India pale ale, barley wine and several other types. There are two types of the aboriginal ale still brewed in Europe. They are Belgian “lambic” and Finnish “sahti”, which is brewed from rye malt. They are brewed on wild yeast and spontaneous fermentation. Both have very distinct tastes.

The word “lager” is German and means “storage”, which refers to the lager (storage) fermentation. The main fermentation of both ales and lager are done on the similar temperature for 7-14 days. After that time the ale, depending on the type, may be ready for bottling. With lagers, this is only the start. After the main fermentation the beer is pumped into lager (storage) tanks with temperature some 10 deg C lower than room temperature. It is then let to mature and ferment for several weeks, usually 6-10 weeks. At 270 days, the longest lager fermentation is for that of Budejovicky Budvar brewery’s Bud Strong.

Best taste
The best taste usually is acquired at an alcohol contents of 4.7% ethanol per volume. Less than that results in a beer with a bland taste. More than that and the higher alcohols (butanol, pentanol etc) become overpowering and spoils the taste.

The strongest beer type by alcohol content is doppelbock, which is usually 8%-10% ethanol by its volume content. The strongest beer brand in production is German “Eisbock”, with some 14% ethanol by volume.

Ice beer is produced by freezing the brew and filtering the ice crystals, increasing the alcohol content. This process was already known in the Middle Ages to “cold-distil” brandy from wine, and the ancient Chinese produced rice hooch that way. The Canadians adopted the cold-distillation method for ice beer.

Beer factoids
The oldest brewery in Munich, the Augustiner brewery, was founded in 1294, when, on the order of the bishop of Freising, an Augustinian monastery was established at the Haberfeld, just outside the gates of the city. Munich was famous for its breweries operated by monks.
A true pilsner comes from the Pilsner, Czech Republic. The original pilsner was Pilsner Urquell (Plzensky Prazrod), meaning “The Original Spring of Pilsen.” It still is one of the most popular pilsner in the world.
The first beer brewery in the US opened in Manhattan in 1623. But the oldest continuing brewery, running since 1829 is Yuengling in Schuylkill County in Pennsylvania.
The first Octoberfest was held in 1810 in Munich, Germany. It started as a wedding celebration.
Löwenbrau of Munich was founded 1373.
The Czech Republic has the highest per capita beer consumption in the world, at 155 litres (40 gal).
Sake, the Japanese rice brew, is closer to beer than wine by its production method.
The English word “brewer” refers to a male beer-maker; “brewster” to a female.

Beer and ale volumes
4 gills = 1 pint
2 pints = 1 quart
4 quarts = 1 gallon
9 gallons = 1 firkin
2 firkins = 1 kilderkin
3 kilderkins = 1 hogshead
2 hogsheads = 1 butt

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Hukamnama From Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:54:57 PM »
Hukamnama From Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar

Knowledge / today's history
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:41:52 PM »
Oct 9, 1967:
Che Guevara is executed

On this day in 1967, socialist revolutionary and guerilla leader chu guevara, age 39, is killed by the Bolivian army. The U.S.-military-backed Bolivian forces captured Guevara on October 8 while battling his band of guerillas in Bolivia and assassinated him the following day. His hands were cut off as proof of death and his body was buried in an unmarked grave. In 1997, Guevara's remains were found and sent back to Cuba, where they were reburied in a ceremony attended by President fidel castro and thousands of Cubans.
Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna was born to a well-off family in Argentina in 1928. While studying medicine at the University of Buenos Aires, he took time off to travel around South America on a motorcycle; during this time, he witnessed the poverty and oppression of the lower classes. He received a medical degree in 1953 and continued his travels around Latin America, becoming involved with left-wing organizations. In the mid 1950s, Guevara met up with Fidel Castro and his group of exiled revolutionaries in mexico Guevara played a key role in Castro's seizure of power from Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959 and later served as Castro's right-hand man and minister of industry. Guevara strongly opposed U.S. domination in Latin America and advocated peasant-based revolutions to combat social injustice in Third World countries. Castro later described him as "an artist of revolutionary warfare."

Guevara resigned—some say he was dismissed—from his Cuban government post in April 1965, possibly over differences with Castro about the nation’s economic and foreign policies. Guevara then disappeared from Cuba, traveled to Africa and eventually resurfaced in Bolivia, where he was killed. Following his death, Guevara achieved hero status among people around the world as a symbol of anti-imperialism and revolution. A 1960 photo taken by Alberto Korda of Guevara in a beret became iconic and has since appeared on countless posters and T-shirts. However, not everyone considers Guevara a hero: He is accused, among other things, of ordering the deaths of hundreds of people in Cuban prisons during the revolution.

Fun Time / Animal Fight Club
« on: October 06, 2011, 11:27:10 AM »
sehr(lion) sab to  takatwar  janwar hunda eh ta sab jande  nei pr es vedio ch   sher de lafede pende dekho ik  bhmtre hoye saand nei sher  da choola hilaa ta maar maar te sher nu raah ni mil reha c bhajn  nu :hehe:

te baaki sab v dekhn wale nei

Knowledge / why ?
« on: October 05, 2011, 09:35:40 PM »
Why is the sky blue?
When sunlight travels through the atmosphere, it collides with gas molecules. These molecules scatter the light. The shorter the wavelength of light, the more it is scattered by the atmosphere. Because it has a shorter wavelength than the other colors, blue light is scattered more, ten times more than red light, for instance. That is why the sky is blue.
Why does the setting sun look reddish orange? When the sun is on the horizon, its light takes a longer path through the atmosphere to reach your eyes than when the sun is directly overhead. By the time the light of the setting sun reaches your eyes, most of the blue light has been scattered out. The light you finally see is reddish orange, the color of white light minus blue.

Why do onions make you cry?

Onions, like other plants, are made of cells. The cells are divided into two sections separated by a membrane. One side of the membrane contains an enzyme which helps chemical processes occur in your body. The other side of the membrane contains molecules that contain sulfur. When you cut an onion, the contents on each side of the membrane mix and cause a chemical reaction. This reaction produces molecules such as ethylsufine which make your eyes water.
To prevent crying when you cut an onion, cut it under a running tap of cold water. The sulfur compounds dissolve in water and are rinsed down the sink before they reach your eyes. You can also put the onion in the freezer for ten minutes before you cut it. Cold temperatures slow down the reaction between the enzyme and the sulfur compounds so fewer of the burning molecules will reach your eyes.

Why do you get hiccups?
Hiccups happen when the diaphragm, the muscle that controls our breathing, becomes irritated and start to spasm and contract uncontrollably. With each contraction, air is pulled into the lungs very quickly, passes through the voice box, and then the epiglottis closes behind the rush of air, shaking the vocal chords, causing the “hic” sound. The irritation can be caused by rapid eating, emotional stress and even some diseases. The best cure? Breathing into a paper bag. This calms the diaphragm by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream.

Why did Columbus and others try to sail around the world?
You probably know that people native to the Americas are called “Indians” because early explorers like Christopher Columbus thought they had come across the Indian spice islands. Traders were forced to sail westward after the spice route to the East by land was blocked for Europeans by Muslim uprisings.

Why does water not calm the tongue after eating hot spicy food?
The spices in most of the hot foods that we eat are oily, and, like your elementary school science teacher taught you, oil and water don’t mix. In this case, the water just rolls over the oily spices.
What can you do to calm your aching tongue? Eat bread. The bread will absorb the oily spices. A second solution is to drink milk. Milk contains a substance called “casein” which will bind to the spices and carry them away. Alcohol also dissolves oily spices.

Complaints / comlaint no 3 on galib
« on: August 04, 2011, 07:47:55 PM »

 nvikaram  pehli tan gall tu sun lai kaka meri ,ik tu hi seyana aa gya pj te ,jo sab ton jwab mang riha aa,koi creativity nhi teri ,koi chajj di post nhi kiti chat ton bina ,j tainu kise kudi ne pm kerta k mere naal galib eda boleya ,te tu baans vangu jive fook maari vajj piya ,bina eh jane k asl gall ki aa ,tu lambiyan lambiyan galla likh k seyana nhi ban javenga ,
pj ik eda di site aa ethe chheti kite kise nu comment nhi milda chahe tu jo marji likhi ja ,lok apne mood de hisab naal aunde aa,jida da kise da mood aa agla gall ker lainda aa,
teri ikko hi ratt layi hoyi aa ,j koi changa kamm nhi ker sakda tan maade layi enna jor nhi layida 

hun sub-admin v tere ton puchh k faisla kre kise gall da ,ohna ch koi gall tan hi sub -admin bne aa oh ,do din ho gye thonu mahaul khraab kerdeyan nu ,id's badal badl k ,j tainu enna hi dukh aa kise user de pj chhaddn da tan pehla kde eh dukh jahar nhi kita tu ?tezy v gya pj ton ,codename v gya
te hor bde vadhiya vadhiya user chale gye odo tu kde nhi boleya ,tainu pta ethe hor kine vadhiya vadhiya user ne jo nhi aa rahe ?,raula paun naal te bina vjaa baar baar ohi galla likhn naal tu sahi sabt nhi ho javenga

baaki gall aa russ k jan di te jan nu main v ja sakda aa,mainu v kyi vaar galt boleya gya ,pj patiance check kerdi aa sab da ,jis ch haini oh chaleya janda aa,jehra har gall sahaar sakda aa oh baitha rehnda

naale j blori nu galt bolna aunda tan sehna v auna chahida .chek the pm ,pehla ohne mainu stupid mind kiha c ,

j ehi gall j do mod mundeyan ch hoyi hundi fer v eda hi kerde ? kde v nhi ,kise ne haal v nhi c puchhna ,mai kinni waar mod te sub admin lad de dekhe aa
per koi baat da batanged nhi bnaunda

galib nei es topic vich meinu baans wrga  smthng kuch keha ki  ik mod edda gall krda hunda jdo k mein ohnu kuch v galt nhi keha veer ji te bhaaji to bina nhi buleya ohnu  ehe ni ptta lgda k kehri gall kithe jaa k karni hei os te already 2 complaints chldiya nei meriya jis te ak os nei reply nhi kita te  ethe kise hor ee topic vich meinu galt bol reha jdo k mein ta noxi ji naal gall kr reha

ehe sab kuch ik mod diya geirjimedarana hrkta nei es trah da bnda  mod nhi bnna chahida jhnda baai ji nu dekho oh sab  aadr naal bulaundey nei

Complaints / Complaint
« on: August 02, 2011, 03:55:27 AM »
sat shri akal  ji mein kall shayri vich kuch sheyr post kite c te ohna vicho kise nei replies  delet kite nei  kirpa kr  k es saari gal di poori prtaal kiti jawe meinu lgda k jinna time tak topic post krn wala aap na khe ona time takk mods v os vicho  kuch delet ya lock nai kr skdey bashrety oh kuch galt na howe and j os bndey nu  demot kita jaawe ta jo agge to mere wrga aam user v pj te apne  likhe sheyr v post kr skke aas krda  es  gal nu inder baai ji khud  dekhn  ge  kio k  ehe  mods and  admins  di he complaint hei te es gall nu sahi sabit krn ge k pj te sirf ruls ee chldey nei  kise group  di nai 

Shayari / Jadon Kise Apne Ne Sath Chhadeya
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:57:37 AM »
Jadon Kise Apne Ne Sath Chhadeya Tan Beganeya Da Pta Lagga
Ik Ik Vaada Jad Kach Wang Tutteya Tan Bahaneya Da Pta Lagga
Ik War Gaye Jo Kade Mud K Ni Aaye Ohde Intzaar Ch Guzre Tan Jamaneya Da Pta Lagga
Zindagi De Raahan Utte Ohde Nal Hi Baharan C Kalla Jadon Reh Gya mein Tan Raste Viraaneya Da Pta Lagga

Shayari / Dil Vineya Pya Mera Peedan Nal
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:54:58 AM »
Dil Vineya Pya Mera Peedan Nal Hun Maut Hi Dard Vandaugi Meri Arthi De Naal Hi Hun Yaad V Ohdi Jaugi Jo Jeonde Jee Na Kar Sakeya Meri Maut Oh Kam Kar Jaugi Bewafa Ohde Dil Vich Ik Wafa Da Buta Laugi Mera Pyar Da Mul Ta Pya Ni Osto Par Eh Aas Ae Mainu Meri Maut Da Mul Oh Paugi Meri Maut Da Mul Oh Paugi

Shayari / Jis Raah Te Sanu Chad Gayi
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:52:10 AM »
Jis Raah Te Sanu Chad Gayi Ae Oh Raah Kite Na Ja K Tukda Oh Raah Te Sanu Dard Hi Dard Sehna Painda Ae Kyunki Os Rah To Dard Kde Na Mukda Oh Raah Di Koi Manzil Na Bus Oh Har Ashiq Di Maut Te Ja K Rukda

Shayari / Sade Naam Vala Jadon Tutna Ae Tara
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:48:34 AM »
Sade Naam Vala Jadon Tutna Ae Tara
Rovegi Tu, Tenu Dekhu Jagg Sara
Ik Ik Karke Har Sath Tethon Chutna
Fir Tenu Sade Jeha Nahi Kiton Labna Sahara
Pehlan Ikathe Beth K Gujarde C Din
Fir Sade Jan Pichon Tera Ik Pal V Na Gujara
Te Ro Ro Labdi Rehegi Sanu
Fir Kade Nahi Labna Tenu Dubara

Shayari / Ki Ki Rang Vikhaundi A Jindgi
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:45:32 AM »
Ki Ki Rang Vikhaundi A Jindgi
Kadi Arsh Te Kdi Farsh Vikhaundi A Jindgi
Jindgi Bs Chldi Rehndi A Dig-Dig K Chlna V Tan Sikhaundi A Jindgi
Sb Nu Dukh Khusiya Peeda Dendi A Apne Aap Nu Bohat Madda Akhvavndi A Jindgi Kon Kis Kabil Hai K Nahi Sb D Kabliyat Nu Darsaundi A Jindgi
Jehda Jindgi Jeena Sikh Lve Ode Lyi Hi Ik Changi Dunia Khaundi A Jindgi

Shayari / Kal Ik Panchi Main
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:43:49 AM »
Kal Ik Panchi Main Vich Hwawa Ud Da Vekheya
Ik Var Main Tute Rishte Nu Jud Da Vekheya
Sajjna D Yaad Vich Main Naino Hanju Rud Da Vekheya
Kise D Kini Ku Lod A Sadi Zindgi Ch Os Lod Nu Main Thud Da Vekheya
Har Koi Kismat Wala Nhi Hunda
Ik Roj Main Aashiq Nu Mehboob De Buhe Ton Khali Hath Mud Da Vekheya

Shayari / Ohde Naina Da Hamesha Sarur
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:33:11 AM »
Ohde Naina Da Hamesha Sarur Jeha Rehnda A
Har Pal Odi Yaad Da Auna Jarur Jeha Rehnda A
Main Sb Kujh Har Gya Ohde Lyi Shyd Onu Is Gal Da
Grur Jeha Rehnda A Ohde Gaira Nal Haseya Da Koi Dukh Nhi
Menu Par Pta Ni Kyo dil Chur Jeha Rehnda A

Shayari / Khud Nu Nai Yakeen Aaunda,
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:30:22 AM »
Khud Nu Nai Yakeen Aaunda,
K Tainu Aina Chaah Baithe
Na Apni Na Jag Di,
Sab Surat Bhula Baithe
Changi Bhali C Vasdi Dunia,
Kinj Hathi Kar Tabah Baithe
Manjil Milan Da Naam He Nahi,
Kadam Kis Raah Vadha Baithe
Reejh Ta C Kuj Hor Jeeun Di,
Par Tere Vangu Zindgi Ton V
Dhokha Kha Baithe Sachi saanu Yakeen Nai Aaunda,
K Tainu Aina Chaah Baithe yara Tainu Aina Chaah Baithe

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