September 28, 2024, 02:51:28 PM

 Summary - NYPuNJaBI

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PJ Gabru

Male Male
Date Registered:
April 24, 2011, 12:11:10 AM
Last Active:
March 30, 2016, 10:11:40 PM
Love Status:
Single / Talaashi Wich

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September 28, 2024, 03:51:28 PM

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  • Offline Offline
May 12, 2011, 12:46:34 PM
Morning sweetie :)

So, how did it go last night?

I told you's almost near me...


  • Offline Offline
May 11, 2011, 11:12:58 PM
have fun :)

Yeah, just come to my door and knock...

Ok sweetie have a good night, hope you have a GPS .


  • Offline Offline
May 11, 2011, 11:10:14 PM
isn't that around rutgers? I might be wrong...and stop being lazy. go pick him up. :)


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May 11, 2011, 11:04:00 PM
only if you make me good chaah afterwards :)

chalo assi hun jayiye? need to get some notes jammed in my head.


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May 11, 2011, 10:54:12 PM
just wasn't expecting it...

so, you've always been a vegetarian?

Don't like eating animals? :loll: Or it's for religious reasons?

Hey, you're the one who was pushing me off to a separate table :huhh:


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May 11, 2011, 10:47:11 PM
vegetarian :surp:

Then, how are you suppose to eat with me? :(


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May 11, 2011, 10:34:16 PM
our generation has come down to listening to crappy the things are going, the future generation may turn out to be quite dimwitted!

I got turned off of chinese food once, haven't had it for a long time. The funny thing is, I was craving it all, can we do that instead of pasta? Unless you already cooked... :pagel:


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May 11, 2011, 10:14:16 PM
haha that song is so lame...

I'm surfing youtube, slacking off from brain doesn't start working until late at night :loll:

If you need help eating, let me know...I eat fast. :hehe:


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May 11, 2011, 10:06:30 PM
finally! I was getting so bored...can't even go no where :(

Take me for a gehddi in our pimped out tricycle :hehe:

How was class?


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May 11, 2011, 07:36:54 PM
post twice ki?

I feel so grounded without my car :(