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Messages - NYPuNJaBI

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 31 32 33 [34] 35 36 37 38 39 ... 41
Funny Videos / Re: Funny Babies
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:47:48 PM »
lol cute kids and hilarious good find!

Jokes Majaak / Re: ***Majnu in Hotel***
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:44:37 PM »
hahaha good one!

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: SIKH Vs HINDU
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:43:00 PM »
Oh!  :he:

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: SIKH Vs HINDU
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:37:26 PM »
Hey mr. Copy and Paste is back... nice to see your putting some of your own sentences together these days.


Funny Videos / Re: Funny Accident Compilation
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:34:15 PM »
:25 The escalator one was a good one.  :loll:

Sports Khelan / Re: Basketball freaks
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:27:57 PM »
DID YOU GUYS SEE IT? HEAR IT?!!!!!!!! WE JUST WON THE ANBL CHAMPIONSHIP!  =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :dumlak: :dumlak: :dumlak: :dumlak: :dumlak: :dumlak:  COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT BRUTON, PENNEY AND WILKINSON.  :won: :won: :won: :won: :won: :won: :won: :won:  WE'VE GOT THE BEST BASKETBALLERS IN THE SUBANTARCTIC!

I really wish I knew what you were talking about. But either way YAY YOU WON!! WOOT!
:lost: :wait: :waitin:  Right. Yeah it's anbl and there's 1 kiwi basketball team playing. And we just won it, which is pissing the aussies off because it's an australian basketball league!  :D:  in order to win the anbl, we had to play against all the aussie basketball teams so you can imagine.

Congratulations! Has it been a while since they've won? Have they ever won before? o.O

News Khabran / Re: Help Belmont
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:26:33 PM »
Nothing to discourage your idea, a good cause - But basic need should be full filed  ahead of computers - my point of view.

I agree with you. You would be able to help a lot more people by using the money to make an expensive computer by just buying them a bottles of water or cans of food.

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: SIKH Vs HINDU
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:22:32 PM »
That comes to the point I've talked about in a different thread. Your generalizing a whole religion based on a few people. Your basically saying ALL hindus, muslims, etc when you mention a religion. That's just being stereotypical. I'm not for any religion but how can you say every person from that religion is the same way? For example, Osama Bin Laden is muslim, AL-Queda is a muslim terrorist organization so does that mean every muslim is a terrorist? No and if you think they are thats just wrong. I think that every religion has its extremists and people who put other religions down. Yes at a certain point many people conducted heinous crimes using religion but that time was different. People were more ignorant back then, now people are smarter and understand different religions. With the help of the internet, television, and even growing diversity everywhere people are more knowledgeable. I myself personally have seen peace and unity between religions, living in a diverse neighborhood in NY. My neighbors are Muslim, the tenant who lives in the apartment below me are Sikh and there are a few Hindu families across the street. We all live happily. I have friends from every religion, we've all been to Mosques, Mandirs, Gurdwaras and Chruches. Not once have a seen any type of hatred towards us when it was obvious we weren't from that religion.   
 So finally, I believe there isn't any religion that promotes violence or hatred. The hatred is built by politics or by individuals who use past events to brainwash people. So my advice is to everyone is there is no point on fighting about religion, every religion promotes the same thing and stop using religion as an excuse for your dumb actions.

 NYPuNJaBI Veer Ji, regarding your above post. I am going to assume that it is a response to my earlier post 61. I’ll apologise in advance if it isn’t.

However, before you go calling me dumb I will remind you that you haven’t actually answered any of my questions. I am not and haven’t said anything of the sort that you mention in your post at all. Where did I say that all Hindus or all Muslims are bad? Also where did I say that all Muslims are terrorists?

I am not generalising anything. I asked you if the basic ideology behind a religion is expansionist then surely it follows that a minority faith would suffer at the hands of a majority which has an ethos based on expansionism. Not only does history show us this but the present in various parts of the world also shows us this.

As to your neighbourhood; I am not here to criticise you or your neighbourhood. It is all very well talking about the comforts of New York and all but what of the millions of people around the globe who do not enjoy the luxuries you enjoy?, luxuries such as an education? Millions of people do not have such access to education. Just because you live “happily” it does not mean everybody is in the same happy club. Please note: I am not trying to be rude here.

I think you are not really recognising real facts. I suggest you consider the events in Bosnia Hertsegovina, Croatia, Romania, Darfur, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, the Catholic/Protestant problem in Northern Ireland but to name a few. All of those areas are still troubled by religious conflict as well as human rights abuses by the majority religions on the minority religions. We are not talking about the past, we are talking about today. Don’t forget Palestine and Israel, although it is slightly different but an element of religion is involved. What I will say to you is this, if religion teaches tolerance then why is there the death penalty for apostasy in Islam? Isn’t that violence? In some countries religious laws enforce public stoning of women, isn’t that violence? In some countries it is legal for an adult man to marry a 9 year old child, isn’t that violence? In some countries it is not possible to have a Church or a Gurdewara in the entire country. In some countries a Nishan Sahib can not be higher than a dome on top of a Mosque. The punishment for which could be 100 lashes. Isn’t that violence?

I would also suggest to you that Sikhs in India have a grievance, by ignoring them we do not do them justice. I also refute your "my religion is better" falsehood.

Yes, it was towards your post sorry for not quoting it. I would like to apologize first if you thought what I said about being dumb was directed towards you, it wasn't toward anyone here. Next I believe I misunderstood your message let me try to answer it again to the best I can.
You talk about the oppressing faith being an expansionist faith, but isn't that leaning more radical/extremist parts of the faith? How would  you define an expansionist faith? An entire faith oppressing other faith in order to grow larger or part of faith oppressing the other in order to expand? I would think an entire faith can't follow the policy of expansionism, I think only the radical/extremist part of a faith can be expansionist. To answer your question, I don't think the basic theology is expansionist. I don't think any faith was originally created to be expansionist, but I do believe radical followers have changed that view.

Lol you comment like I live under a rock or something. Of course I know everyone isn't the same way, I was just saying that it is possible for people from different faiths to live happily. My parents were in India when certain troubles happened, they've experienced such hate. I'm not as oblivious as your making it sound.

I agree with you that there are many religious conflicts/human right abuses are occurring currently. But I still don't think that those conflicts are caused by religion. I think the violence is caused is by extremists, politics and ignorant people. So many religions are open to interpretation that people can bend it to make in violence look likes its part of the faith. For example you mentioned apostasy, I don't deny it is prohibited in Islam but many people would argue that a punishment for such an act was never specified.
So what I'm saying is since religion itself is so controversial, people can go on forever on whose right or wrong.

Finally, I never said we should ignore the Sikhs in India. Of course we should stop such conflicts, even with the exclusion of religion just as a human being. However, all I'm saying is you can't speak against a whole religion though some of its followers are the ones causing the conflict.

Just my view =/ Hope you see my point of view.

News Khabran / Re: Help Belmont
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:04:23 PM »
Link doesn't work for me either.

PJ Games / Re: When was the last time you..
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:00:50 PM »
Never? lol
Last time you went to the mall?

What I want to ask all of you guys is this - Specially Tezy ji, GS ji.

WHAT IS THE POINT ??? Fine I am not going to challenge what you wrote in this post. I know that it happened... agreed that what you have up there is all truth.

So What are you trying to say to the audience here of average age prob 20/21? What do you want them to do with this information. Start hating Indian Government? Start hating all Hindus/other Indians? Half of the guys here are not even in India, so all they prob will do is hate their hindu neighbor/other Indian religions working/living with them.

Does this topic belong in KNOWLEDGE??? What knowledge is this for the forum. You just put some blood boiling facts there ... wat next? I believe the way this information is presented will do no good. All it will do is sow random hate seeds in people who read this. Is that wat you are trying to do here?

Stating the problem is no solution. I would have liked if some of you geniuses had proposed some solutions here rather than making it look like SIKH against everyone else.  This is just ridiculous and disrespect to even the kurbani of all those ppl.

 :whew: :whew: Lets be cordial guys ... lets be nice to eat other and maintain peace here.

Yes, we should definitely maintain peace and try to discuss everything nicely. Fateh, by calling people "chamars", you're only showing how oblivious you are to Sikhi.

About the questions, I didn't post the information, but I can give some views on this...

- Purpose: You can post this information at any place/forum, and people are so ignorant of what happened, that they will mostly claim it is false. As it happens on this forum time and time again. So one purpose this information serves is opening some eyes once the discussion develops. I surely hope NyPunjabi will not in the future claim that these are baseless facts.

- Hatred: In my view, the way _fateh_ posts, he's definitely trying to incite hatred (calling people chamars, etc). The way Tezy posts, he's in the middle, sometimes he's trying to create awareness and sometimes it is sadly inciting (when he feels he's being ignored). You all can judge my own behavior of course. Since you asked me these questions, my answer is if I were to ever present the information in this topic, I would want it to have a similar eye-opening effect. I would in the end ask, if this happened to your family, would you consider alternative views on 1984... etc? Would you be more proactive in sharing information about 1984? I don't want anybody to hate any religion. I don't want anybody to want to attack anybody. I would just hope that for once, people can collectively acknowledge it, rather than deny it as if it is taboo...

- Why all this: Do people ask why the World War 2 offenses against Jews are taught in history over and over again with detail? It is so that stuff like that never happens again. So that history never repeats itself. So that the next time this 1984 happens, people in Germany/Delhi/Punjab/world don't become spectators/bystanders.

- Hinduism: We all have Hindu friends. Some of us are hindus. Nobody needs to hate on any religion. In fact, the first time in this post the word Hindu was mentioned, it was in your post. So in your interest, I'll assume that you're addressing the wide range of topics that have appeared rather than this specific topic.

Finally, thanks for giving me the chance to post this. I never get to do enough monotonous speeches. :)

I think you misunderstood me. I never said these were baseless facts, only reason I asked for exact place he got it from was so I read up on it. I don't know much about the topic and thought I can put my two cents in if I saw what Tezy was seeing. I'm also not going to say I believed these on first glance, obviously because I don't know much about the topic and the facts seem so brutal. If you didn't know much about this you would think the same thing "no way anybody can do this." I do apologize for making assumptions so quickly, I actually most definitely refused to believe the facts in another post just because how ridiculously horrible they were. I also apologize for that. I seriously didn't mean anything by it. I just like to verify what people are saying sometimes, people have a tendency to make up stuff on the internet to prove a point.

Plus I like your speeches =]

PJ Games / Re: When was the last time you..
« on: May 02, 2011, 11:02:27 PM »
Never... I don't fall..I'm Batman. lol Watch me fall as soon as I write this.
When was the last time you watched a childhood cartoon?

PJ Games / Re: When was the last time you..
« on: May 02, 2011, 10:50:31 PM »
The last time I was in class  :loll: actually I didnt sleep today so last thru.!

Last time you fell a sleep at work?

PJ Games / Re: When was the last time you..
« on: May 02, 2011, 09:35:16 PM »
Hmm 2 weeks ago?
Last time you drank alcohol?

Funny Videos / Re: never sit behind a girl
« on: May 02, 2011, 09:00:27 PM »

I never said it wasnt!

Pics / Re: Why my feet hurt?
« on: May 02, 2011, 05:15:00 PM »
I hope you don't go to class like that!

Tech Lounge / Re: Torrent Websites
« on: May 02, 2011, 04:25:24 PM »
I would go with piratebay, it has some good things.

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: SIKH Vs HINDU
« on: May 02, 2011, 04:24:10 PM »
I think the Mods need to do a little cleaning. Yes these are open forums, but this isn't even a discussion. Its more of an one-sided bashing of religions. It wouldn't have been that bad if it was just one topic and everyone was actually conversing and understanding each other, but no seems like this is just a "I hate your religion/my religion is better" forum now.

Tip of the iceberg buddy.... your still new

=O Mind unraveling the rest then?

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: SIKH Vs HINDU
« on: May 02, 2011, 04:18:50 PM »
That comes to the point I've talked about in a different thread. Your generalizing a whole religion based on a few people. Your basically saying ALL hindus, muslims, etc when you mention a religion. That's just being stereotypical. I'm not for any religion but how can you say every person from that religion is the same way? For example, Osama Bin Laden is muslim, AL-Queda is a muslim terrorist organization so does that mean every muslim is a terrorist? No and if you think they are thats just wrong. I think that every religion has its extremists and people who put other religions down. Yes at a certain point many people conducted heinous crimes using religion but that time was different. People were more ignorant back then, now people are smarter and understand different religions. With the help of the internet, television, and even growing diversity everywhere people are more knowledgeable. I myself personally have seen peace and unity between religions, living in a diverse neighborhood in NY. My neighbors are Muslim, the tenant who lives in the apartment below me are Sikh and there are a few Hindu families across the street. We all live happily. I have friends from every religion, we've all been to Mosques, Mandirs, Gurdwaras and Chruches. Not once have a seen any type of hatred towards us when it was obvious we weren't from that religion.   

So finally, I believe there isn't any religion that promotes violence or hatred. The hatred is built by politics or by individuals who use past events to brainwash people. So my advice is to everyone is there is no point on fighting about religion, every religion promotes the same thing and stop using religion as an excuse for your dumb actions.

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