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Messages - Heron

Pages: 1 [2]
Pics / Re: Post Your Desktop Screenshots here
« on: December 10, 2010, 03:11:52 PM »
tera ubuntu kadd da changearhe

eh kya likheya hai?

Pics / Post Your Desktop Screenshots here
« on: December 10, 2010, 02:27:05 PM »
Post your desktop screenshots here. Let's see whose got nice desktop here. I'll start with mine.  :rockon:

I had redhat 10 installed on my pc and am talkin abt 7 years ago. but then got isolated completely

Red hat merged with community based project named Fedora in 2003. Fedora is one of the cutting edge distro.

I wasn't able to reinstal win7 on my netbook so I guess this is a decent option.

Try ubuntu netbook edition or Jolicloud OS.

Depends on the Harddrive type
goto Bios and have a look the HDD type
sometimes it is setup as a ASIC and sometimes as IDE mode

IDE mode is the way to go.
otherwise if its other than IDE you won't be able to select a harddrive .. it will say hdd not found .

That happens when OS doesn't have storage controller drivers. SATA is the common standard these days. The solution you mentioned is more like a workaround to get into the windows. but, It performance would decrease, and needs to use drivers for SATA drive if OS doesn't natively support.

The only solution is to integrate drivers in windows installation. It can be done manually or using Nlite.

This tutorial is recommended for newbie users who wants to try a new desktop operating system other than Windows.

It's the easiest way to install ubuntu using wubi installer, and can be uninstalled easily.

1. Go to this link below, scroll down, and download wubi.exe file on your desktop.


2. Double-click the wubi.exe, and you should see the setup like in the image below

  Choose desktop environment as ubuntu, Select the Installation size around between 10-15 gb, depending upon you, Enter   
  the username, and click Install.

3. Once you click the install button, You should see the image below.


   Downloading will begin from the internet. It should not take long if you have 1 mbps connection or faster.

4. After finishing, click reboot.


5. When computer boots up, Select ubuntu, and press Enter.


There you go, New desktop is ready to use.

This is fairy easy for new users who wants to use a stable,fast, and secure system rather than formatting windows everytime. lol

I will post post-installation guides later. Feel free to ask anything.


Gup Shup / Re: Which Animal and Bird You Like the Most ????
« on: December 08, 2010, 04:34:04 PM »
I like Koala, and Heron.  :happy:

Gup Shup / Re: Who s Better at Shopping ???? Females or Males....????
« on: December 08, 2010, 04:31:11 PM »
Too bad, I am too lazy to go out to buy anything.  :rockon:

P.s back to topic, It depends, What you call "better" in this question.

Gup Shup / Re: Short Movie Reviews
« on: December 08, 2010, 04:22:33 PM »

Dono dekhia.

Do Dooni Char - Good movie, I like movies that are real.

Inception - One of my favorite movies this year. Christopher Nolan always delivers. I hope they win tons of awards, this movie deserves it. Like Avatar was a very new concept, Inception is also a very unique concept, that goes beyond the animation/3d-effects.

Inception was really a great movie. I enjoyed it pretty much. 8/10

Gup Shup / Re: PJ relationships
« on: December 08, 2010, 04:15:30 PM »
experienced answer lolz

It's not. Come one, You are living in virtual world. What do you expect? lol

Gup Shup / Re: PJ relationships
« on: December 08, 2010, 02:23:25 PM »
Actually, Virtual relationship is very hard, but again, There are some people who have had successful relationships.

haan eh gal sach hai ki frnds mil jaane hai kafi thats all.

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