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Messages - Kudrat Kaur

Pages: 1 ... 161 162 163 164 165 [166]
Funny Videos / Re: Really hilarious one...........
« on: March 16, 2010, 04:52:38 PM »
nice aa jiiiii.. =D> =D>


Funny Videos / really funny..........
« on: March 13, 2010, 10:15:51 AM »
james bond bmw in punjabi.flv

Funny Videos / Really hilarious one...........
« on: March 13, 2010, 10:09:12 AM »
Punjabi Totay | Family Phadda

« on: March 10, 2010, 07:00:41 PM »

« on: March 10, 2010, 06:54:31 PM »
really very nice post..............

Shayari / Re: tu ta sanu sade muh
« on: March 05, 2010, 11:53:00 PM »

Knowledge / Re: 5 Biggest Frauds in the History
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:06:43 PM »

  I know about one Fraud in American History. Enron was a high-flying corporation, generating cash and new business at every turn. Originally a gas pipeline company, it metamorphosed into the world's largest trader in gas, electricity, water, and all sorts of post-modern commodities such as bandwidth. But when in October, 2001  Enron was forced to disclose that, well, its bookkeeping had been too creative, its soaring profits were suddenly wiped out by losses and charges it had failed to record properly. Investors began to have second thoughts about Enron, whose stock, having reached a high of 98 dollars a share, plummeted.

 Suddenly Enron found itself in a huge credit crunch, and the corporation imploded. It turned out that many Enron executives had sold tens of millions of dollars of their stock while the public went on buying shares in the company, assured by these same executives that all was well. Worse, Enron executives had authorized a change in the company's pension plan that froze workers' retirement funds in Enron stock as the price nose-dived. While executives sold their stock, the workers woke up to find that their pension plan was worthless.

 Since the start of Mr George W. Bush's career in politics, the largest donor to his electoral campaigns has been a man named Kenneth Lay. "Kenny Boy" is how Mr Bush often referred to his friend, indicating the warm and intimate relation between the two. Recently, though, Mr Bush does not return Kenny Boy's phone calls. In fact, he would rather not acknowledge that he knows Mr Lay. The reason? The company of which Mr Lay was president, Enron,  just crashed in the largest and most spectacular bankruptcy in American history.

 Why did Enron's management engage in such dishonest and ultimately disastrous practices? Because a certain stratum of American culture is money-mad, and the stock market rewards companies whose revenue seems to grow rapidly.Even the Republican Party, which had the responsibility in the recent past of passing legislation that would ease Enron's path into the shady side of business, received $1.2 million in the 2000 election

Gup Shup / Re: 5 Worst Habits of Women
« on: March 05, 2010, 09:14:20 PM »

Even i have list of few bad habbits of Men too.I thought we should not leave men behind in this posting.
All I would say that these bad habbits don't apply to all men but these are result of one survey..........

  1.     Not asking for directions 
      Ever try to get a guy to ask for them?They are hyper egoistic and think they r the best.

  2.    Saying they'll call and then not calling. 
        This is pretty bad.

  3.    Adjusting or scratching in public.

  4.     Hogging the remote. 

  5.     Flirting with other girls.

  6.      Repeating long stories, and continuing...not getting to the point 

  7.     Brushes teeth in view outside the bathroom 
         too noisy and distracting

  8.     Stomping around the house 
         sounds like a herd of elephants, annoys family.

  9.     Chomping, slurping, banging utensils when eating 
         makes people avoid being near him.

  10.    Leaving facial hair in the sink after shaving 

  11.    Snoring 

  12.   Nose picking 

  13.   Drinking until comatose 

  14.    Obsessing about their receding hairline or bald spot 

  15.   Giving us a guilt trip for our shopping habits

  16.   Their addiction to sports.

  17.  Sending mixed signals
      they are always confused.

  18.  Stopping everything you’re doing just to admire a luxury car 

 I am very sorry if it hurts anybody.


Shayari / Re: tu ta sanu sade muh
« on: March 05, 2010, 05:12:41 PM »

I have tried to write something in response to RAV's beautiful words.

Ehna Aakhiya Wich Si Pyaar Bada
Uhne Kade Aakhiya De Wich Takiya Hi Na

is jubano bole akhran nu ta sunia
par is dil de dard nu chakhia hi na


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