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Messages - Vickyy

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 62
Pics / Re: Jadon watsupp nahi c haha
« on: April 14, 2014, 06:24:16 AM »
HAHHAHAHHAH :D: :D: :D: :D: :D: :D:

Discussions / Re: Is Vastu Shastra is really powerfull ?
« on: January 22, 2013, 04:33:32 PM »
Mai google keeta vastu shastra . bollywood horror movie nikaal ayi

Discussions / Re: Is Vastu Shastra is really powerfull ?
« on: January 21, 2013, 03:52:37 PM »
Eh ki hunda mai ta pehli bar sunnia

Knowledge / Re: RAPEX.. is it avoid women from Rape????
« on: January 20, 2013, 10:36:09 AM »
Good solution

Discussions / Re: what is the best for living india or abroad ?
« on: January 18, 2013, 05:35:35 AM »
India will outpace China to become the world's largest economy by 2050, boasting a GDP of $86 trillion, forecasts a report by global property firm Knight Frank & Citi Private Bank. Leading the elephant's charge will be Mumbai and New Delhi, which will feature in the list of top 20 cities globally within the next 10 year. eh dekho tusi kehde ki india safe nahi. india ne no 1 economy ban jana kuch years wich

Gup Shup / Re: Are Indian Nurses/ Nursing students Promiscuous/Flirty?
« on: January 15, 2013, 03:55:24 PM »
Yeh i agree  thy r flirty.

Love Pyar / Re: First love (Phela Pyar)
« on: January 06, 2013, 04:56:15 PM »
Menu ta app nai milia kedi

Gia kaur is best dj i have ever listened to. i enjoy her show.  :superhappy:

Gup Shup / Re: plz share ik advice jihne tuhaadi zindgi bada diti
« on: January 04, 2013, 01:02:11 PM »
all dat glitters is not gold..

Shayari / Re: "always miss u sis"
« on: January 02, 2013, 08:10:31 AM »
Hang them all Bastards

Shayari / Re: ishq
« on: December 29, 2012, 10:11:11 AM »
thx ji

Shayari / Re: ishq
« on: December 29, 2012, 06:40:58 AM »
Thx jasmin


Shayari / ISHQ
« on: December 29, 2012, 06:30:13 AM »
Hasna Ohna di Aadat C
Aasi galat Andaja la Bethe
Oh hasde hasde vasde rehe
Te aasi apna aap gua Bethe.

Discussions / Re: what's Ur's New Years Resolution
« on: December 28, 2012, 02:37:40 PM »
Lol kesse nu apna banan da 4ever :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Discussions / Re: Pj te hun tak kinne viyaah hoye ne ?
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:40:50 PM »
hmm hanji vicky ji........tyari ta puri aa......bas date hi final karni aa........ :pagel:
wow pher ta wadia aa :dumlak: :dumlak:

Discussions / Re: Pj te hun tak kinne viyaah hoye ne ?
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:35:18 PM »
:candies:   yeah
yESI kedi kedi viah de card waddan da time nahi milde kuch munde wale enne kahle hunde tuhade nall vi edde hoona lagda

Discussions / Re: Pj te hun tak kinne viyaah hoye ne ?
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:30:10 PM »
mera gode gode chaa......  :rockon: :excited: :blush:
sACHI  yesi  :dumlak: :dumlak: :dumlak: :dumlak: :dumlak: :dumlak: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited:

Discussions / Re: Pj te hun tak kinne viyaah hoye ne ?
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:18:00 PM »

News Khabran / Re: News: Gf nu miln giya lattan tudwa baitha
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:06:10 PM »
Sang Tut Gayi Surjit Bhullar Sudesh Kumari.flv

News Khabran / Re: News: Gf nu miln giya lattan tudwa baitha
« on: December 26, 2012, 03:47:56 PM »
   ohh it's means tuhade naal beet chuki aa?????   :nurse: :D: :D: :D:
:sad: :sad: nahi ji mai sari life europe reha je india hunda ta sayad edde hunda  :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 62