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Religion, Faith, Spirituality / THe Role of Ofsted
« on: March 21, 2012, 05:45:20 PM »
The Role of OFSTED
Education of Bilingual Muslim Children

The new inspection system will have a tighter focus on preparing children for life in multicultural Britain. In my opinion the whole of British education system has been preparing children for a mono-cultural society rather than for life in multicultural Britain. Muslim children have been mis-educated and de-educated by state schools for the last 60 years. The whole world belongs to Muslims. A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. He/she does not want to become notoriously monolingual Brit. He/she must be well versed in Standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. At the same time he/she must be well versed in Arabic, Urdu and other community languages to keep in touch with his/her cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. A child who has English as a second language is seen as having a special need – not as having a skill to be lauded from the rooftops. Bilingual children think in different way. Language has a profound effect in shaping the ways people think and act. State schools are slaughter houses and are not suitable for bilingual Muslim children.  Muslim children in the UK may lose out when they join reception classes because the school’s values and language reflect those of the dominant native culture, rather than those of their. Almost all recent research literature agrees that if you want children whose home language is not English to excel in English –medium schools, it is important to nurture and acknowledge that first language alongside their English development. Cultivating bilingualism could and should promote pupil’s linguistic development. Muslim children need bilingual Muslim teachers as role models.
 Ofsted has only blamed Muslim schools for the failure. Students at Muslim schools achieved over 88% A/A* at GCSE. They turn out confident, well adjusted young people who are, in the main, passionate about learning as a lifelong process. Children leave schools with full self-confidence and self-esteem because they do not suffer from institutional racism in Muslim schools. Muslim teachers are true role models for them during their developmental periods.

 The right to education in one’s own comfort zone is a fundamental and inalienable human right that should be available to all people irrespective of their ethnicity or religious background. Schools do not belong to state, they belong to parents. It is the parents’ choice to have faith schools for their children. Migrant Muslims are not economic slaves. They are part and parcel of British society with their own cultures, languages and faith. Migrant Muslims need to preserve and transmit their cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities; otherwise, they will be lost in the western jungle. Learning Arabic, Urdu and other community languages do not deter people from integrating. It helps them integrate. British schooling is at war with Migrant Muslims learning Arabic, Urdu and other community languages. Multilingualism should be celebrated because it is an asset but British education regards it as a problem.

We live in a shrunken world and millions of people are on the move; one of our biggest challenges is how we learn to live in proximity to difference – different skin colours, different beliefs and different way of life. According to a study by COMPAS, Muslims born and educated were given the impression of outsiders. The perception among Muslims is that they are unwelcome in Britain is undermining efforts to help them integrate into wider society. Most of them say that they have experienced race discrimination and religious prejudice. Muslims and Islam is promoted a fundamentalist and separatist by the western elite, which have negative impact on community and social cohesion. The number of racist incidents occurring in London Borough of Redbridge’s schools have reached their highest levels since record begin.  Racism is the biggest type of bullying at schools in Bradford accounting for 75 per cent of incidents during the last academic year, it has been revealed.

According to recent studies, bilingual Muslim pupils feel unsafe and unwelcome in state or public schools because they are bullied by native children. Anthropologist Laura Gillian from Danish Pedagogic University, who has carried out field work, believes that many minority children feel that they do not belong in their schools. The feeling of alienation, as well as dissatisfaction with the curriculum, has been brewing for a long time with the result that many ethnic groups have started their own private schools. The Manifesto of the Norwegian Terrorist and mass murderer clearly states that in Europe Pakistani Muslims are on the increase because of migration and high birth rate and one day they are going to demand the Pakistan of Europe. When he was in school, he was afraid of a Pakistani gang. He is afraid of popularity of Islam and revertion of Europeans.

Community cohesion has failed because there is a negative experience of mutual understanding and cooperation between the hostile host community and Muslim community.  A report by the Institute for Community Cohesion found that native parents were deserting some schools after finding their children outnumbered by pupils from ethnic minorities. Schools in parts of England are becoming increasingly segregated. The study focused on 13 local authorities. Many of the schools and colleges are segregated and this was generally worsening over recent years. This is RACISM because British society is the home of institutional racism. Muslim children need Muslim teachers during their developmental periods. For higher studies and research, Muslim teacher is not a priority.
There are good grounds for believing that linguistic and intercultural competence are more important than ever in preparation for global citizenship and for life in multicultural societies. In this context, community languages represent a valuable resource for individual and society and yet they have been marginalised in British education system. There has been a failure to locate them within language and literacy policies and to recognise links to inclusion, community cohesion and citizenship.  According to a French political sociologist, Muslims in Europe feel that they are not welcome. Inspite of official initiative, a significant minority see institutional racism across the board. Blatant racism exists in parts of the world of work. Religious intolerance is “the new racism” and one of the main causes of persecution of minorities. Terrorism efforts and economic marginalisation are increasingly being associated with religion, not ethnicity. In my opinion, British schooling has been producing Muslim youths with anger, extremism and frustration. Muslim children are confused because they are being educated in a wrong place at a wrong time in state schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers.  They face lots of problems of growing up in two distinctive cultural traditions and value systems, which may come into conflict over issues such as the role of women in the society, and adherence to religious and cultural traditions. The conflicting demands made by home and schools on behaviour, loyalties and obligations can be a source of psychological conflict and tension in Muslim youngsters. There are also the issues of racial prejudice and discrimination to deal with, in education and employment. They have been victim of racism and bullying in all walks of life. British schooling and the British society is the home of institutional racism. BNP, EDL and all other main political parties are the true photo of the racist British society. Why not NATO and all the other WATCH DOGS group impose sanction on England, for not doing anything to tackle the racism in their Country. These so-called organisations can interfere with the Middle East Countries, to rape the people of their OIL! But can’t do anything about the racism and exploitation of minority groups in England. When these societies oppress some groups, and unleash the monster then, and the people retaliate, then they call them terrorist! Need some serious pro-action instead of reaction.  According to DFE, 56% of Pakistanis and 54% of Bangladeshi children has been victims of bullies. The first wave of Muslim migrants were happy to send their children to state schools, thinking their children would get a much better education. Than little by little, the overt and covert discrimination in the system turned them off.  There are fifteen areas where Muslim parents find themselves offended by state schools. The British teachers have no respect for Islamic faith and Muslim community. Western education system can easily deprogram Muslim children and force them to adopt un-Islamic values. Let the Muslim parents decides how and where to educate their children. According to MORI social research institute on behalf of Bristol LEA, nine out of ten Muslim parents agreed with the model of an Islamic secondary school set up within the state system. I rejected British schooling for Muslim children in the early 70s. I have been campaigning for state funded Muslim schools since then. I set up the first Muslim school in London in 1981. At the time of 9/11, there were only 54 schools and now there are more than168 full time Muslim schools and more are in the pipe lines.  Only 12 Muslim schools are state funded.  According to a report, the majority of Islamist terrorists in the UK are British born and educated is under the age of 30, well educated and likely to be employed. Most terrorism in Britain is committed by home-grown terrorists. Britain’s fight against terrorism has been a disaster. It has alienated Muslim youths. The campaign has targeted non-violent Muslims and branded them as supporters of violence. Britain remains under severe risk from terror attacks. The government policy had made the task of the police harder by alienating Muslim youths.   The staffs at Gendale Primary in Pollokshield, where Muslim children are in majority, are being asked to look for signs of radicalisation. It is an increibly worrying development. We cannot have a culture of teachers spying on Muslim children as young as five. Racism is very ripe in Scottish schools and society. Muslim and other minority children has been victim of racism in all walks of life. LAs and schools are trying their best to hide this issue under the carpet. Hardly anybody was convicted or imprisoned by the Authorities. What do you expect from Muslim youths when they have been victim of racism throughout their development periods? Now Muslim youths are victim of terrorism. Thousands of them are being searched in streets and hundreds of them are behind the bar without any trials.

 Bilingualism can help pupils' all-round education and should be encouraged. Children who know an “eastern” as well as a “western” language are more academically able than others. With the pace at which the world interacts today, multi-lingualism is a step forward. Almost all recent research literature agrees that if you want children whose home language is not English to excel in English –medium schools, it is important to nurture and acknowledge that first language alongside their English development. Cultivating bilingualism could and should promote pupil’s linguistic development. Muslim community feels that state schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers are not suitable for bilingual Muslim children. The number of Muslim schools is on the increase and I believe that by 2020 there will be more than 500 Muslim schools. Muslim schools give young children self-confidence and self-esteem in who they are and an understanding of Islamic teaching of tolerance and respect which prepares them for a positive and fulfilling role in society. According to a study by ioe, putting children in classes with a range of minority children does not necessarily lead to improved race relation. Native children become less tolerant of minority classmates after being overtaken by them in lessons. It seems that minorities are only accepted by majority pupils if they stay in a subordinate position. Minorities may not be perceived as a threat when they are struggling to succeed, but as they increase their status and become more adept at finding their way in society, this seems to change. There are hundreds of state schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies. Muslim schools protect Muslim children from the onslaught of Euro-centrism, homosexuality, racism, binge drinking, drug addiction, incivility, anti-social behavior, teenage pregnancies and abortions and secular traditions. Muslim schools made pupils aware of their future role as proactive British Muslims and left them well prepared for life in a multicultural society. Under British education system, Muslim children will distance themselves from their culture, languages and faith. There is nothing left but their beautiful Muslim names.

English is one of the most damaging subject, reflects secular and immoral beliefs that contradict the viewpoint of Islam. Romeo and Juliet of Shakespare advocates disobeying parents and premarital relations. Most people know English as a language, perhaps as a global language. Now English has become an industry, according to Ahmar Mahboob from the University of Sydney.  There are a range of commercial, economic, and industrial interests that are affiliated to it. It is these interests that we will call 'industry'. English language relates to the interests of corporations and governments, who use the language to make money and to promote certain beliefs and practices. As English was (and is) learnt in many parts of the world as an additional language, the learners need teachers, teaching material, and language tests, etc. This need for teachers and material has led to a development of a large number of local, national, and multinational corporations that train and produce these human and material resources.  Speaking English does not promote integration into British, American and Australian societies, and broaden opportunities. English speaking Muslim youths are angry, frustrated and extremist, thanks to English language. English language is not only a lingua franca but also lingua frankensteinia. Human right is also covers linguistic right. Cultural and linguistic genocide are very common.  English is today the world killer language. Linguistic genocide is a crime against humanity and British schooling is guilty of committing this crime.
Official figures show that almost one million pupils speak English as a second language but British schooling has been accused of making them notoriously monolingual Brits. The teachers even discourage children to speak their languages at schools. The teachers do not teach them Standard English. The children learn local English accent in playground and in street. British schooling is also responsible for turning away bilingual migrant children from their mother tongues. It does not encourage or provide facilities for the teaching and learning of their languages. There is a positive co-relation between British schooling and Aborigines Protection Act. It enabled to remove children from their parents and to place them in institutions so that they could forget their cultural roots and languages. British schooling has been anglocising Muslim children and they find themselves cut off from their cultural heritage and languages. Teaching profession does not like Muslim children attending Masajid in the evening or at weekends to learn the Holy Quran, Arabic, Urdu and other community languages. Even full time Muslim schools have been classified as “Osama bin Laden Academies” by Nasuwt Teaching Union.  Majority of anti-Muslim stories are not about terrorism but about Muslim culture--the hijab, Muslim schools, family life and religiosity. Muslims in the west ought to be recognised as a western community, not as an alien culture.
The present structure of OFSTED is not in a position to inspect Muslim schools properly. There is a dire need for bilingual Muslim Inspectors.  Non-Muslim monolingual Inspectors are not in a position to inspect Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim children. OFSTED should employ bilingual Muslim inspectors for the inspection who should not only be well versed in English, Arabic, Urdu and other community languages but also in sciences and humanities. Muslim girl schools should be inspected by Muslim ladies inspectors.  They must make sure that Bilingual Muslims children have a right, to be taught their culture, languages and faith alongside a mainstream curriculum.
Bilingual Muslim children need to learn and be well versed in Standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. The problem is that they learn English in the streets and in the playgrounds. British schooling does not teach English to migrant children. The teachers let them speak the same accent in the classroom. They have no courage to stop them or correct them. This is one of the main reasons why one third of children have difficulties with reading when they leave primary schools. Majority of such children are bilingual Muslims. They often speak "street" with its own grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. In other European countries and in the sub-continent argot and slang are not allowed into the classrooms. In Britain primary school teachers do not feel that it's role to interfere with self-expression in any shape or form. They encourage children to read poems and stories written in ethnic dialects. Bilingual Muslim teachers are in a better position to teach English to their children.
Iftikhar Ahmad

Gup Shup / Women Liberation
« on: January 28, 2012, 05:00:40 PM »

Women Liberation

I find Islam to be liberating not oppressive: women are partners.

Islam is the first religion which systematically empowered women when women were considered as totally subservient to man. There was no concept of her being an independent entity and enjoying equal right with dignity. We live in a country where women are over-sexualised and sold as 'products' for capitalist gains. A woman's beauty is splashed around everywhere, and she is only judged by that. Islam tells a woman to cover up so that she is not abused as Western women are. Islam provides the security and respect to women community than other religions. The western countries are using the women as an entertainment channels. All the women in the world should think about themselves then decide what is right and what is wrong for them in other religions (than Islam)
 What is feminism? Nothing but women’s movement to empower her and to consider her full human being and not mere second sex as ‘Simon de Bouire called her. Thus we see in western countries until early part of twentieth century she did not enjoy an independent status. It was only after thirties of twentieth century that she won equal status legally and various western countries passed the laws to this effect. Yet patriarchy is looming large on her in these countries.
Qur’an empowered her and gave equal status. Another important question is what is the difference between Islamic and western feminism or is there any difference at all. If we go by definition of feminism as an ideology of empowerment of women, there is no difference. On the other hand, women had no rights and but won through great deal of struggle and this struggle came to be known as ‘feminism’ i.e. women’s empowerment.
But there are significant differences also between Islamic and western feminism. Islamic feminism is based on certain non-negotiable values i.e. equality with honour and dignity. Freedom has certain Islamic responsibility whereas in the west freedom tends to degenerate into licentiousness, though not in law but certainly in social and cultural practices. In western culture sexual freedom has become a matter of women’s right and sex has become matter of enjoyment and lost its sanctity as an instrument of procreation.
Qur’an does lay down certain strict norms for sexual behavior. Both man woman have right to sexual gratification (a woman has as much right to sexual gratification as man) but within marital frame-work. There is no concept of freedom for extramarital sex in any form. Sex is permissible only with marital framework. Sex, as far as Islam is concerned, is not mere enjoyment but an act for procreations and hence has sanctity.
It is important here to emphasize that in a patriarchal society men decided the norms of sexual behavior. It was theorized that man has greater urge for sex and hence he needs multiple wives and woman tends to be passive and hence has to be content with one. This is not true as far as Qur’an is concerned. Qur’an’s approach is very different. It is not greater or lesser degree of sexual urge which necessitates multiple or monogamous marriage.
Whole emphasis is on monogamous marriage (in both the Qur’anic verses i.e. 4:3 and 4:129). Multiple marriages were permitted only to take care of widows and orphans and not for greater sexual urge and the verse 4:129 gives the norm of monogamy and not to leave first wife in suspense or neglected. Thus as far as Qur’an is concerned sexual gratification is a non-negotiable right for both man woman. And hence a divorcee and a widow are also permitted to marry and gratify their sexual urge.
Also, in western capitalist countries women’s dignity has been compromised and she has been reduced to a commodity to be exploited. Her semi-naked postures and her sexuality is exploited commercially unabashedly. It is totally against the concept of woman’s honour and dignity. Unfortunately western feminists do not consider this as objectionable but accept it as part of woman’s freedom. Some (though not many) even advocate prostitution as woman’s right to earn her bread.
This is against the concept of Islamic feminism as while sanctioning sexual gratification as much right of woman as that of man, it prohibits extra-marital sexual liaison and on one hand upholds dignity and honour of woman and on the other, exalts sex on the level of sanctity and restricts it for procreation.. Thus it would be seen that discourse of Islamic feminism, while having something in common with modern western feminism, it also significantly differs from it. Islamic feminists have to observe certain norms which modern western feminists are not obliged to.

There is institutionalised oppression of women in all cultures. In India Hindu female foetocide numbers approximately two million every year. Hinduism is rife with sexism. Women are classed as objects owned by men. The Muslims from the Sub-continent were converted from Hinduism. They carry even now a lot of Hindu traditions of dishonouring women mostly in isolated ruler areas. In urban areas Muslims are well educated both Islamically and worldly and women have all the rights given by Islam.

UNICEF photo of the year shows, a bridegroom, 40, with his 11-year-old bride in Afghanistan. The bridegroom is going to take care of her and their future children. UNICEF photo of the year must show that the teenage pregnancies and abortion, drug addiction, binge drinking and anti-social behavior is on the rise in Britain. All of them are burden on British tax-payers. This is sickening. It's no wonder Great Britain is in such a bad shape. Ten years old British girls are haveing babies out of wedlock. They are not allowed to get married but are allowed to have babies. Teenage pregnancy rate in Great Britain is the highest in Western Europe. It is a civilised country and Yemen is a backward country because it allows young girls to get married.

The Holy Quran gives more rights to women than the so called western civilisation.
 Western Secularism cannot teach Muslims how to treat women. Islam teaches us how to be civilised. Islam is a middle path. Women are even abused in the UK Parliament, which is called the Mother of Parliament. It is not just verbal abuse the female MPs have had to deal with. The tradition of killing women for family honour is a “curse”. Violence against women is a global phenomenon. An Australian Judge failed to jail nine males who admitted gang-raping a 10-year old Aboriginal girl, by saying the victim probably agreed to have sex with them. More than half the babies born to British mothers this year will be outside marriage for the first time since records begins. There is a steady decline in marriage among British couples. Nearly all births to Pakistani mothers are within wedlock.   

The veil signified the rejection of an unacceptable system of values which debased women while Islam elevated women to a position of honour and respect. It is not liberation, where women go naked. It is just oppression, because men want to see them naked. Miniskirts and plunging necklines represent oppression. Veil is a sign of liberation from a prevailing and dangerous western, secular norm – namely, a view of women purely as sexual objects. Western culture is liberalism, and that is in itself a set of norms. But now the time has come that liberalism must change its attitudes because Britain and the whole of West has undergone significant change. It is a fact that a veil cannot be equated with forced marriages, female circumcision or unequal education for girls. The real difference between man and woman is that they have different kinds of bodies designed for very different purposes, and they have also different kinds of mind because these, too, are designed to contribute differently to human needs and purposes. Men tend to be more imaginative and have more flair than women, but women are much more tenacious and better at multilasking than men.

Muslim boys and Girls need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Male and female Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Muslim youths feel torn between two cultures, thanks to the state schools with monolingual non-Muslim teachers. Islam teaches Muslims youths to be virgin but western education system teaches the opposite. It makes their lives very confusing.  They suffer from Identity Crises. The solution is that each and every Muslim child should be in state funded Muslim schools because western education makes a man stupid and selfish according to Lord Bertrand Russell.
Iftikhar Ahmad 


Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Women Liberation
« on: January 13, 2012, 03:27:55 PM »

Women Liberation

I find Islam to be liberating not oppressive: women are partners.

Islam is the first religion which systematically empowered women when women were considered as totally subservient to man. There was no concept of her being an independent entity and enjoying equal right with dignity. We live in a country where women are over-sexualised and sold as 'products' for capitalist gains. A woman's beauty is splashed around everywhere, and she is only judged by that. Islam tells a woman to cover up so that she is not abused as Western women are. Islam provides the security and respect to women community than other religions. The western countries are using the women as an entertainment channels. All the women in the world should think about themselves then decide what is right and what is wrong for them in other religions (than Islam)
 What is feminism? Nothing but women’s movement to empower her and to consider her full human being and not mere second sex as ‘Simon de Bouire called her. Thus we see in western countries until early part of twentieth century she did not enjoy an independent status. It was only after thirties of twentieth century that she won equal status legally and various western countries passed the laws to this effect. Yet patriarchy is looming large on her in these countries.
Qur’an empowered her and gave equal status. Another important question is what is the difference between Islamic and western feminism or is there any difference at all. If we go by definition of feminism as an ideology of empowerment of women, there is no difference. On the other hand, women had no rights and but won through great deal of struggle and this struggle came to be known as ‘feminism’ i.e. women’s empowerment.
But there are significant differences also between Islamic and western feminism. Islamic feminism is based on certain non-negotiable values i.e. equality with honour and dignity. Freedom has certain Islamic responsibility whereas in the west freedom tends to degenerate into licentiousness, though not in law but certainly in social and cultural practices. In western culture sexual freedom has become a matter of women’s right and sex has become matter of enjoyment and lost its sanctity as an instrument of procreation.
Qur’an does lay down certain strict norms for sexual behavior. Both man woman have right to sexual gratification (a woman has as much right to sexual gratification as man) but within marital frame-work. There is no concept of freedom for extramarital sex in any form. Sex is permissible only with marital framework. Sex, as far as Islam is concerned, is not mere enjoyment but an act for procreations and hence has sanctity.
It is important here to emphasize that in a patriarchal society men decided the norms of sexual behavior. It was theorized that man has greater urge for sex and hence he needs multiple wives and woman tends to be passive and hence has to be content with one. This is not true as far as Qur’an is concerned. Qur’an’s approach is very different. It is not greater or lesser degree of sexual urge which necessitates multiple or monogamous marriage.
Whole emphasis is on monogamous marriage (in both the Qur’anic verses i.e. 4:3 and 4:129). Multiple marriages were permitted only to take care of widows and orphans and not for greater sexual urge and the verse 4:129 gives the norm of monogamy and not to leave first wife in suspense or neglected. Thus as far as Qur’an is concerned sexual gratification is a non-negotiable right for both man woman. And hence a divorcee and a widow are also permitted to marry and gratify their sexual urge.
Also, in western capitalist countries women’s dignity has been compromised and she has been reduced to a commodity to be exploited. Her semi-naked postures and her sexuality is exploited commercially unabashedly. It is totally against the concept of woman’s honour and dignity. Unfortunately western feminists do not consider this as objectionable but accept it as part of woman’s freedom. Some (though not many) even advocate prostitution as woman’s right to earn her bread.
This is against the concept of Islamic feminism as while sanctioning sexual gratification as much right of woman as that of man, it prohibits extra-marital sexual liaison and on one hand upholds dignity and honour of woman and on the other, exalts sex on the level of sanctity and restricts it for procreation.. Thus it would be seen that discourse of Islamic feminism, while having something in common with modern western feminism, it also significantly differs from it. Islamic feminists have to observe certain norms which modern western feminists are not obliged to.

There is institutionalised oppression of women in all cultures. In India Hindu female foetocide numbers approximately two million every year. Hinduism is rife with sexism. Women are classed as objects owned by men. The Muslims from the Sub-continent were converted from Hinduism. They carry even now a lot of Hindu traditions of dishonouring women mostly in isolated ruler areas. In urban areas Muslims are well educated both Islamically and worldly and women have all the rights given by Islam.

UNICEF photo of the year shows, a bridegroom, 40, with his 11-year-old bride in Afghanistan. The bridegroom is going to take care of her and their future children. UNICEF photo of the year must show that the teenage pregnancies and abortion, drug addiction, binge drinking and anti-social behavior is on the rise in Britain. All of them are burden on British tax-payers. This is sickening. It's no wonder Great Britain is in such a bad shape. Ten years old British girls are haveing babies out of wedlock. They are not allowed to get married but are allowed to have babies. Teenage pregnancy rate in Great Britain is the highest in Western Europe. It is a civilised country and Yemen is a backward country because it allows young girls to get married.

The Holy Quran gives more rights to women than the so called western civilisation.
 Western Secularism cannot teach Muslims how to treat women. Islam teaches us how to be civilised. Islam is a middle path. Women are even abused in the UK Parliament, which is called the Mother of Parliament. It is not just verbal abuse the female MPs have had to deal with. The tradition of killing women for family honour is a “curse”. Violence against women is a global phenomenon. An Australian Judge failed to jail nine males who admitted gang-raping a 10-year old Aboriginal girl, by saying the victim probably agreed to have sex with them. More than half the babies born to British mothers this year will be outside marriage for the first time since records begins. There is a steady decline in marriage among British couples. Nearly all births to Pakistani mothers are within wedlock.   

The veil signified the rejection of an unacceptable system of values which debased women while Islam elevated women to a position of honour and respect. It is not liberation, where women go naked. It is just oppression, because men want to see them naked. Miniskirts and plunging necklines represent oppression. Veil is a sign of liberation from a prevailing and dangerous western, secular norm – namely, a view of women purely as sexual objects. Western culture is liberalism, and that is in itself a set of norms. But now the time has come that liberalism must change its attitudes because Britain and the whole of West has undergone significant change. It is a fact that a veil cannot be equated with forced marriages, female circumcision or unequal education for girls. The real difference between man and woman is that they have different kinds of bodies designed for very different purposes, and they have also different kinds of mind because these, too, are designed to contribute differently to human needs and purposes. Men tend to be more imaginative and have more flair than women, but women are much more tenacious and better at multilasking than men.

Muslim boys and Girls need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Male and female Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Muslim youths feel torn between two cultures, thanks to the state schools with monolingual non-Muslim teachers. Islam teaches Muslims youths to be virgin but western education system teaches the opposite. It makes their lives very confusing.  They suffer from Identity Crises. The solution is that each and every Muslim child should be in state funded Muslim schools because western education makes a man stupid and selfish according to Lord Bertrand Russell.
Iftikhar Ahmad 


Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Women Liberation
« on: December 18, 2011, 04:56:45 PM »

Women Liberation

I find Islam to be liberating not oppressive: women are partners.

Islam is the first religion which systematically empowered women when women were considered as totally subservient to man. There was no concept of her being an independent entity and enjoying equal right with dignity. We live in a country where women are over-sexualised and sold as 'products' for capitalist gains. A woman's beauty is splashed around everywhere, and she is only judged by that. Islam tells a woman to cover up so that she is not abused as Western women are. Islam provides the security and respect to women community than other religions. The western countries are using the women as an entertainment channels. All the women in the world should think about themselves then decide what is right and what is wrong for them in other religions (than Islam)
 What is feminism? Nothing but women’s movement to empower her and to consider her full human being and not mere second sex as ‘Simon de Bouire called her. Thus we see in western countries until early part of twentieth century she did not enjoy an independent status. It was only after thirties of twentieth century that she won equal status legally and various western countries passed the laws to this effect. Yet patriarchy is looming large on her in these countries.
Qur’an empowered her and gave equal status. Another important question is what is the difference between Islamic and western feminism or is there any difference at all. If we go by definition of feminism as an ideology of empowerment of women, there is no difference. On the other hand, women had no rights and but won through great deal of struggle and this struggle came to be known as ‘feminism’ i.e. women’s empowerment.
But there are significant differences also between Islamic and western feminism. Islamic feminism is based on certain non-negotiable values i.e. equality with honour and dignity. Freedom has certain Islamic responsibility whereas in the west freedom tends to degenerate into licentiousness, though not in law but certainly in social and cultural practices. In western culture sexual freedom has become a matter of women’s right and sex has become matter of enjoyment and lost its sanctity as an instrument of procreation.
Qur’an does lay down certain strict norms for sexual behavior. Both man woman have right to sexual gratification (a woman has as much right to sexual gratification as man) but within marital frame-work. There is no concept of freedom for extramarital sex in any form. Sex is permissible only with marital framework. Sex, as far as Islam is concerned, is not mere enjoyment but an act for procreations and hence has sanctity.
It is important here to emphasize that in a patriarchal society men decided the norms of sexual behavior. It was theorized that man has greater urge for sex and hence he needs multiple wives and woman tends to be passive and hence has to be content with one. This is not true as far as Qur’an is concerned. Qur’an’s approach is very different. It is not greater or lesser degree of sexual urge which necessitates multiple or monogamous marriage.
Whole emphasis is on monogamous marriage (in both the Qur’anic verses i.e. 4:3 and 4:129). Multiple marriages were permitted only to take care of widows and orphans and not for greater sexual urge and the verse 4:129 gives the norm of monogamy and not to leave first wife in suspense or neglected. Thus as far as Qur’an is concerned sexual gratification is a non-negotiable right for both man woman. And hence a divorcee and a widow are also permitted to marry and gratify their sexual urge.
Also, in western capitalist countries women’s dignity has been compromised and she has been reduced to a commodity to be exploited. Her semi-naked postures and her sexuality is exploited commercially unabashedly. It is totally against the concept of woman’s honour and dignity. Unfortunately western feminists do not consider this as objectionable but accept it as part of woman’s freedom. Some (though not many) even advocate prostitution as woman’s right to earn her bread.
This is against the concept of Islamic feminism as while sanctioning sexual gratification as much right of woman as that of man, it prohibits extra-marital sexual liaison and on one hand upholds dignity and honour of woman and on the other, exalts sex on the level of sanctity and restricts it for procreation.. Thus it would be seen that discourse of Islamic feminism, while having something in common with modern western feminism, it also significantly differs from it. Islamic feminists have to observe certain norms which modern western feminists are not obliged to.

There is institutionalised oppression of women in all cultures. In India Hindu female foetocide numbers approximately two million every year. Hinduism is rife with sexism. Women are classed as objects owned by men. The Muslims from the Sub-continent were converted from Hinduism. They carry even now a lot of Hindu traditions of dishonouring women mostly in isolated ruler areas. In urban areas Muslims are well educated both Islamically and worldly and women have all the rights given by Islam.

UNICEF photo of the year shows, a bridegroom, 40, with his 11-year-old bride in Afghanistan. The bridegroom is going to take care of her and their future children. UNICEF photo of the year must show that the teenage pregnancies and abortion, drug addiction, binge drinking and anti-social behavior is on the rise in Britain. All of them are burden on British tax-payers. This is sickening. It's no wonder Great Britain is in such a bad shape. Ten years old British girls are haveing babies out of wedlock. They are not allowed to get married but are allowed to have babies. Teenage pregnancy rate in Great Britain is the highest in Western Europe. It is a civilised country and Yemen is a backward country because it allows young girls to get married.

The Holy Quran gives more rights to women than the so called western civilisation.
 Western Secularism cannot teach Muslims how to treat women. Islam teaches us how to be civilised. Islam is a middle path. Women are even abused in the UK Parliament, which is called the Mother of Parliament. It is not just verbal abuse the female MPs have had to deal with. The tradition of killing women for family honour is a “curse”. Violence against women is a global phenomenon. An Australian Judge failed to jail nine males who admitted gang-raping a 10-year old Aboriginal girl, by saying the victim probably agreed to have sex with them. More than half the babies born to British mothers this year will be outside marriage for the first time since records begins. There is a steady decline in marriage among British couples. Nearly all births to Pakistani mothers are within wedlock.   

The veil signified the rejection of an unacceptable system of values which debased women while Islam elevated women to a position of honour and respect. It is not liberation, where women go naked. It is just oppression, because men want to see them naked. Miniskirts and plunging necklines represent oppression. Veil is a sign of liberation from a prevailing and dangerous western, secular norm – namely, a view of women purely as sexual objects. Western culture is liberalism, and that is in itself a set of norms. But now the time has come that liberalism must change its attitudes because Britain and the whole of West has undergone significant change. It is a fact that a veil cannot be equated with forced marriages, female circumcision or unequal education for girls. The real difference between man and woman is that they have different kinds of bodies designed for very different purposes, and they have also different kinds of mind because these, too, are designed to contribute differently to human needs and purposes. Men tend to be more imaginative and have more flair than women, but women are much more tenacious and better at multilasking than men.

Muslim boys and Girls need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Male and female Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Muslim youths feel torn between two cultures, thanks to the state schools with monolingual non-Muslim teachers. Islam teaches Muslims youths to be virgin but western education system teaches the opposite. It makes their lives very confusing.  They suffer from Identity Crises. The solution is that each and every Muslim child should be in state funded Muslim schools because western education makes a man stupid and selfish according to Lord Bertrand Russell.
Iftikhar Ahmad



Anti-extremism Projects Vs State Funded Muslim Schools

Millions of pounds have been wasted on anti-extremism projects that did not produce any security benefits. But we can afford to throw money at bankers.  I think we should axe funding to our variety of (sometimes illegal) wars in other countries. Fewer bombs and perhaps they'd been more money for the NHS and the likes.  Why are these specific groups allowed to suckle at the public tit? And what's the message the government is sending? "If we give you money, will you promise not to blow us up?" This is not counter-terrorism work. This is appeasement. Let's call a spade a spade. I feel that this Tory government is edging closer and closer to a police state in it approach to dealing with terrorism - and especially Muslim terrorists. In Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, people were encouraged to spy on each other: would this government have us act in the same way? Will we have show trials where one neighbour denounces another as being a member of a proscribed organisation? Probably too extreme, but who knows? The key challenge is to ensure that healthcare workers can identify the signs that someone is vulnerable to radicalisation, interpret those signs correctly and access the relevant support," the document is expected to say. And what are these signs supposed to be? "Well he's grown a beard which was the first red flag you see. Oh and I heard a ticking noise whilst he was in the room. Crafty little bugger tried to tell me it was my wall clock" Thersea May and Dame Pauline Neville-Jones are utterly insane. Yes beards are a sure sign of something untoward. What are they hiding?

Our politicians need to pay a visit to the doctor themselves, or maybe the psychiatrists would be more appropriate. And will they be able to provide some sort of medication to combat radicalisation? Will Aspirins and a lie down do the trick? Theresa may suggest that universities are breeding extremism. She herself is not helping the cause and in fact making it worse. When she got into her position, a small bigoted group influenced her to ban an Islamic speaker Dr. Zakir Naik who was branded as a terrorist when in fact he did an entire 2 hour presentation as to why Islam does to promote or advocate terrorism. He explicitly stated that it is un-Islamic and that what the do is wrong even stating that the Quran says' killing of one innocent person is as though the whole of humanity has been killed'. That does not sound like an extremist to me. Hypocritical and unjust, not even an appeal was allowed Britain and its ally has created the world we live in. We have nurtured those who do others harm when it has suited our purposes. We have bombed and killed them at will as we saw fit. We have allied ourselves with the Neo-Cons in the USA in Empire-building in the guise of a War on Terror. The world is as it is, because we have demonised those who don't hold our 'values'. If our Government has demonstrated our values over the past decades, I for one am glad there are people out there who don't share them..... Corruption, lying, deceit, war-mongering.....We should be seeking them out and giving them money in the bucketful. God Bless Us!! May said it was important to draw a distinction between speakers who expressed disagreeable views and speakers who were unlawful in terms of inciting violence or terrorism. According to the Guardian, people from minorities are up to 42 times more likely than native Brits to be the target of a counter-terrorism power which allows the stopping and searching of the innocent yet grants them less right than suspected criminals. Asif Ahmad alleges that he was questioned by M15 and asked to spy on others in his community and report to the agency.
So long as anti-Muslim, Jewish, EDL and BNP groups are allowed to address meetings on universities there can be no objection to the Muslims doing the same. All should be treated equally. The police should be invited to witness all these kinds of activities and close them down if they think a breach of the peace is threatened. Regardless of the subject, or any personal feelings we might have about it, we have to work on the principle that freedom of speech is total, or we simply do not possess it. I understand that Voltaire's position on this issue was described as being something along the lines of:"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I think in this he was completely correct.
British schooling has been producing young Muslims full of anger, frustration and extremism, thanks to state schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist. They are not role models for bilingual Muslim children during their developmental periods.
British schooling and the British society is the home of institutional racism. BNP, EDL and all other main political parties are the true photo of the racist British society. Why not NATO and the other entire WATCH DOGS group impose sanction on England, for not doing anything to tackle the racism in their Country. These so-call organisations can interfere with the Middle East Countries, to rape the people of their OIL! But can’t do anything about the racism and exploitation of minority groups in England. When these society oppress some groups, and unleash the monster them, and the people retaliate, then they call them terrorist! Need some serious pro-action instead of reaction.
A HEAD teacher who subjected staff, governors and parents to a torrent of racist and rude abuse has been banned from teaching. Simon Parker, the former head of Coppice Primary School, in Manford Way, Chigwell, called a supply teacher a "black *****" and pulled his eyes sideways in an impression of a Chinese nursery adviser.
The staffs at Gendale Primary in Pollokshield, where Muslim children are in majority, are being asked to look for signs of radicalisation. It is an incredibly worrying development. We cannot have a culture of teachers spying on Muslim children as young as five. Racism is very ripe in Scottish schools and society. Muslim and other minority children have been victim of racism in all walks of life. LAs and schools are trying their best to hide this issue under the carpet. Hardly anybody was convicted or imprisoned by the Authorities. What do you expect from Muslim youths when they have been victim of racism throughout their development periods? Now Muslim youths are victim of terrorism. Thousands of them are being searched in streets and hundreds of them are behind the bar without any trials.
Because of racism in British schooling, Muslim children are unable to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, therefore, majority of them leave schools with low grades. Racism is deeply rooted in British society. Every native child is born with a gene or virus of racism, therefore, no law could change the attitudes of racism towards those who are different. It looks to me that British society does not want Muslims in the West since it sees them only as a problem?
The Muslims don’t want to integrate or abide by western law. Just because they don´t want to wear nude clothes or at least cloth that can show how big her breast are... so these people failed to integrate. Just because they don't like free sex, consider dogs and pigs as unclean animals, eat halal meat, then these people failed again. What a dirty Bush mind you have!
Bilingual Muslim children need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. They need to learn and be well versed in Standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. At the same time, they need to learn and be well versed in Arabic, Urdu and other community languages to keep in touch with their cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies.
Iftikhar Ahmad


Discussions / Anti-extremism Projects Vs State Funded Muslim Schools
« on: August 09, 2011, 11:32:45 AM »

Anti-extremism Projects Vs State Funded Muslim Schools

Millions of pounds have been wasted on anti-extremism projects that did not produce any security benefits. But we can afford to throw money at bankers.  I think we should axe funding to our variety of (sometimes illegal) wars in other countries. Fewer bombs and perhaps they'd been more money for the NHS and the likes.  Why are these specific groups allowed to suckle at the public tit? And what's the message the government is sending? "If we give you money, will you promise not to blow us up?" This is not counter-terrorism work. This is appeasement. Let's call a spade a spade. I feel that this Tory government is edging closer and closer to a police state in it approach to dealing with terrorism - and especially Muslim terrorists. In Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, people were encouraged to spy on each other: would this government have us act in the same way? Will we have show trials where one neighbour denounces another as being a member of a proscribed organisation? Probably too extreme, but who knows? The key challenge is to ensure that healthcare workers can identify the signs that someone is vulnerable to radicalisation, interpret those signs correctly and access the relevant support," the document is expected to say. And what are these signs supposed to be? "Well he's grown a beard which was the first red flag you see. Oh and I heard a ticking noise whilst he was in the room. Crafty little bugger tried to tell me it was my wall clock" Thersea May and Dame Pauline Neville-Jones are utterly insane. Yes beards are a sure sign of something untoward. What are they hiding?

Our politicians need to pay a visit to the doctor themselves, or maybe the psychiatrists would be more appropriate. And will they be able to provide some sort of medication to combat radicalisation? Will Aspirins and a lie down do the trick? Theresa may suggest that universities are breeding extremism. She herself is not helping the cause and in fact making it worse. When she got into her position, a small bigoted group influenced her to ban an Islamic speaker Dr. Zakir Naik who was branded as a terrorist when in fact he did an entire 2 hour presentation as to why Islam does to promote or advocate terrorism. He explicitly stated that it is un-Islamic and that what the do is wrong even stating that the Quran says' killing of one innocent person is as though the whole of humanity has been killed'. That does not sound like an extremist to me. Hypocritical and unjust, not even an appeal was allowed Britain and its ally has created the world we live in. We have nurtured those who do others harm when it has suited our purposes. We have bombed and killed them at will as we saw fit. We have allied ourselves with the Neo-Cons in the USA in Empire-building in the guise of a War on Terror. The world is as it is, because we have demonised those who don't hold our 'values'. If our Government has demonstrated our values over the past decades, I for one am glad there are people out there who don't share them..... Corruption, lying, deceit, war-mongering.....We should be seeking them out and giving them money in the bucketful. God Bless Us!! May said it was important to draw a distinction between speakers who expressed disagreeable views and speakers who were unlawful in terms of inciting violence or terrorism. According to the Guardian, people from minorities are up to 42 times more likely than native Brits to be the target of a counter-terrorism power which allows the stopping and searching of the innocent yet grants them less right than suspected criminals. Asif Ahmad alleges that he was questioned by M15 and asked to spy on others in his community and report to the agency.
So long as anti-Muslim, Jewish, EDL and BNP groups are allowed to address meetings on universities there can be no objection to the Muslims doing the same. All should be treated equally. The police should be invited to witness all these kinds of activities and close them down if they think a breach of the peace is threatened. Regardless of the subject, or any personal feelings we might have about it, we have to work on the principle that freedom of speech is total, or we simply do not possess it. I understand that Voltaire's position on this issue was described as being something along the lines of:"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I think in this he was completely correct.
British schooling has been producing young Muslims full of anger, frustration and extremism, thanks to state schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist. They are not role models for bilingual Muslim children during their developmental periods.
British schooling and the British society is the home of institutional racism. BNP, EDL and all other main political parties are the true photo of the racist British society. Why not NATO and the other entire WATCH DOGS group impose sanction on England, for not doing anything to tackle the racism in their Country. These so-call organisations can interfere with the Middle East Countries, to rape the people of their OIL! But can’t do anything about the racism and exploitation of minority groups in England. When these society oppress some groups, and unleash the monster them, and the people retaliate, then they call them terrorist! Need some serious pro-action instead of reaction.
A HEAD teacher who subjected staff, governors and parents to a torrent of racist and rude abuse has been banned from teaching. Simon Parker, the former head of Coppice Primary School, in Manford Way, Chigwell, called a supply teacher a "black *****" and pulled his eyes sideways in an impression of a Chinese nursery adviser.
The staffs at Gendale Primary in Pollokshield, where Muslim children are in majority, are being asked to look for signs of radicalisation. It is an incredibly worrying development. We cannot have a culture of teachers spying on Muslim children as young as five. Racism is very ripe in Scottish schools and society. Muslim and other minority children have been victim of racism in all walks of life. LAs and schools are trying their best to hide this issue under the carpet. Hardly anybody was convicted or imprisoned by the Authorities. What do you expect from Muslim youths when they have been victim of racism throughout their development periods? Now Muslim youths are victim of terrorism. Thousands of them are being searched in streets and hundreds of them are behind the bar without any trials.
Because of racism in British schooling, Muslim children are unable to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, therefore, majority of them leave schools with low grades. Racism is deeply rooted in British society. Every native child is born with a gene or virus of racism, therefore, no law could change the attitudes of racism towards those who are different. It looks to me that British society does not want Muslims in the West since it sees them only as a problem?
The Muslims don’t want to integrate or abide by western law. Just because they don´t want to wear nude clothes or at least cloth that can show how big her breast are... so these people failed to integrate. Just because they don't like free sex, consider dogs and pigs as unclean animals, eat halal meat, then these people failed again. What a dirty Bush mind you have!
Bilingual Muslim children need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. They need to learn and be well versed in Standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. At the same time, they need to learn and be well versed in Arabic, Urdu and other community languages to keep in touch with their cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies.
Iftikhar Ahmad



Anti-extremism Projects Vs State Funded Muslim Schools

Millions of pounds have been wasted on anti-extremism projects that did not produce any security benefits. But we can afford to throw money at bankers.  I think we should axe funding to our variety of (sometimes illegal) wars in other countries. Fewer bombs and perhaps they'd been more money for the NHS and the likes.  Why are these specific groups allowed to suckle at the public tit? And what's the message the government is sending? "If we give you money, will you promise not to blow us up?" This is not counter-terrorism work. This is appeasement. Let's call a spade a spade. I feel that this Tory government is edging closer and closer to a police state in it approach to dealing with terrorism - and especially Muslim terrorists. In Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, people were encouraged to spy on each other: would this government have us act in the same way? Will we have show trials where one neighbour denounces another as being a member of a proscribed organisation? Probably too extreme, but who knows? The key challenge is to ensure that healthcare workers can identify the signs that someone is vulnerable to radicalisation, interpret those signs correctly and access the relevant support," the document is expected to say. And what are these signs supposed to be? "Well he's grown a beard which was the first red flag you see. Oh and I heard a ticking noise whilst he was in the room. Crafty little bugger tried to tell me it was my wall clock" Thersea May and Dame Pauline Neville-Jones are utterly insane. Yes beards are a sure sign of something untoward. What are they hiding?

Our politicians need to pay a visit to the doctor themselves, or maybe the psychiatrists would be more appropriate. And will they be able to provide some sort of medication to combat radicalisation? Will Aspirins and a lie down do the trick? Theresa may suggest that universities are breeding extremism. She herself is not helping the cause and in fact making it worse. When she got into her position, a small bigoted group influenced her to ban an Islamic speaker Dr. Zakir Naik who was branded as a terrorist when in fact he did an entire 2 hour presentation as to why Islam does to promote or advocate terrorism. He explicitly stated that it is un-Islamic and that what the do is wrong even stating that the Quran says' killing of one innocent person is as though the whole of humanity has been killed'. That does not sound like an extremist to me. Hypocritical and unjust, not even an appeal was allowed Britain and its ally has created the world we live in. We have nurtured those who do others harm when it has suited our purposes. We have bombed and killed them at will as we saw fit. We have allied ourselves with the Neo-Cons in the USA in Empire-building in the guise of a War on Terror. The world is as it is, because we have demonised those who don't hold our 'values'. If our Government has demonstrated our values over the past decades, I for one am glad there are people out there who don't share them..... Corruption, lying, deceit, war-mongering.....We should be seeking them out and giving them money in the bucketful. God Bless Us!! May said it was important to draw a distinction between speakers who expressed disagreeable views and speakers who were unlawful in terms of inciting violence or terrorism. According to the Guardian, people from minorities are up to 42 times more likely than native Brits to be the target of a counter-terrorism power which allows the stopping and searching of the innocent yet grants them less right than suspected criminals. Asif Ahmad alleges that he was questioned by M15 and asked to spy on others in his community and report to the agency.
So long as anti-Muslim, Jewish, EDL and BNP groups are allowed to address meetings on universities there can be no objection to the Muslims doing the same. All should be treated equally. The police should be invited to witness all these kinds of activities and close them down if they think a breach of the peace is threatened. Regardless of the subject, or any personal feelings we might have about it, we have to work on the principle that freedom of speech is total, or we simply do not possess it. I understand that Voltaire's position on this issue was described as being something along the lines of:"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I think in this he was completely correct.
British schooling has been producing young Muslims full of anger, frustration and extremism, thanks to state schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist. They are not role models for bilingual Muslim children during their developmental periods.
British schooling and the British society is the home of institutional racism. BNP, EDL and all other main political parties are the true photo of the racist British society. Why not NATO and the other entire WATCH DOGS group impose sanction on England, for not doing anything to tackle the racism in their Country. These so-call organisations can interfere with the Middle East Countries, to rape the people of their OIL! But can’t do anything about the racism and exploitation of minority groups in England. When these society oppress some groups, and unleash the monster them, and the people retaliate, then they call them terrorist! Need some serious pro-action instead of reaction.
A HEAD teacher who subjected staff, governors and parents to a torrent of racist and rude abuse has been banned from teaching. Simon Parker, the former head of Coppice Primary School, in Manford Way, Chigwell, called a supply teacher a "black *****" and pulled his eyes sideways in an impression of a Chinese nursery adviser.
The staffs at Gendale Primary in Pollokshield, where Muslim children are in majority, are being asked to look for signs of radicalisation. It is an incredibly worrying development. We cannot have a culture of teachers spying on Muslim children as young as five. Racism is very ripe in Scottish schools and society. Muslim and other minority children have been victim of racism in all walks of life. LAs and schools are trying their best to hide this issue under the carpet. Hardly anybody was convicted or imprisoned by the Authorities. What do you expect from Muslim youths when they have been victim of racism throughout their development periods? Now Muslim youths are victim of terrorism. Thousands of them are being searched in streets and hundreds of them are behind the bar without any trials.
Because of racism in British schooling, Muslim children are unable to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, therefore, majority of them leave schools with low grades. Racism is deeply rooted in British society. Every native child is born with a gene or virus of racism, therefore, no law could change the attitudes of racism towards those who are different. It looks to me that British society does not want Muslims in the West since it sees them only as a problem?
The Muslims don’t want to integrate or abide by western law. Just because they don´t want to wear nude clothes or at least cloth that can show how big her breast are... so these people failed to integrate. Just because they don't like free sex, consider dogs and pigs as unclean animals, eat halal meat, then these people failed again. What a dirty Bush mind you have!
Bilingual Muslim children need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. They need to learn and be well versed in Standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. At the same time, they need to learn and be well versed in Arabic, Urdu and other community languages to keep in touch with their cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies.
Iftikhar Ahmad



Dispatches on Channel 4: Muslim Schooling

The documentary annoys me. The comments written have annoyed me more, you've watched an hour long documentary and you think you've got Islam and Muslims figured out? You don't know the half of it to be honest; a few people can’t represent a religion. I'd love to see a documentary on a churches, temples, gurdwaras or synagogues. I'm sure there are bad aspects of all these places but really doubt that they would make it on air. Don’t just judge on something you know so little about. The documentary although proving sight full is causing more grief then good.
Head teacher Mujahid Aziz said the school had been misrepresented, and the school had nothing to hide. The programme had completely misrepresented the school's teachings, Mr. Aziz said. Out of two years of teachings, the programme makers had taken a few incidents and shown them again and again, he said. "It's a clear misrepresentation of what we actually do," Mr. Aziz claimed. The media seems to be always on us.
I watched this programme and thought it was grossly biased reporting. It stood on the side of the EDL and David Cameron's witch hunt against all those Muslims from segregated communities and understood nothing about the reality of living in poor communities in the north of England. Since we can't all live in tolerant cities like Oxford, then we need to take some time to understand what it's like living amongst impoverished Brits. Impoverished by unemployment, drugs, underage sex, racism and nostalgia for a past before Pakistanis lived here. Would anyone from Oxford want to be mixing with 'them sort' of people? Probably not. Why should we force to befriend them, when they hate us and have always hated us? Why not stop blaming Muslims for everything and ask yourself the question - how many Muslims have I bothered to get to know? To tolerate? To understand? Secondly, it is not illegal to smack children. If you mark them, that's another issue. None of these children were marked. It is their parents who should have the last say, not me, you or Tazneer Ahmad or John Ware BBC Panorama.

Dispatches are clearly trying everything to turn people away from Islam. Why don't they show the child abuse that goes on in western schools? It was only a few years ago the head masters used to do the same thing, but however Islam is the fastest growing faith in the whole wide world. Whys that I wonder? Maybe because it’s the truth and people what to know the truth.

Dispatches on Channel 4 TV showed in a high praised state funded Muslim school that children as young as 11 are being taught to keep away from Hindu and non-believers, and turned against Jews and Christians. Why no protests about Jewish schools. They preach the same racial intolerance.
The entire old testament is basically the Jews saying we can kill anyone coz we are superior, and the sad thing is they actually did kill everyone they could(they said they did), and the Christians plain old ignore this fact. Jesus cared so much about non Jews he never left Palestine.

The program made me proud of mosque schools. Out of 2000 mosque & Muslims supplementary schools, you were able to spot only two schools and two teachers who were hitting physically students or teaching hate. You kept going for 4 years but had to reshow the same clips several time because you could not collect many to confirm your theory. We will try to improve. The percentage of churches and state schools who sexually abuse children and scar them for life are countless. Your program only creates hate and division within the community when you generalize from two incidents. What a wasted money & years of your team work. Such dangerous dispatches should be banned to protect our community. A report from the NSPCC claims that, “One in four people in the UK, aged between 18 and 24, claims to have experienced severe violence, sexual abuse or neglect as a child”. This illustrates that child abuse is still, regrettably, endemic in British society and is not unique to Muslim institutions. “Such abuse is to be condemned wherever and whenever it takes place and needs a multi-agency approach to tackle it, Muslim schools will continue to put the protection and well-being of our children at the top of the list of priorities, but we can’t do it alone and it is both unreasonable and unjust to focus on Muslim institutions in the way that Dispatches has done.”
A lot of the issues shown happen in a lot of state run schools across all religious and class affiliations but you just want to undermine and misrepresent Islam by parading a few Idiots who obviously haven't understood Islamic teachings properly but apply cultural practices. Islam is the only system that welcomes people of all colour, creed, class, status, race and background Peace.
This programme seemed to fuel the already existing anti-Muslim campaign that has been running over the last few years. It would be interesting to know who the programme was funded by as the views and the portrayal were extremely biased. In all parts of society there will always be extreme views but instead of tarnishing a whole community with the bracket of anti-integration or anti British, the extremists should be dealt with accordingly. It is a shame that the point of the programme was to expose the unacceptable growing hatred that is being preached within these select schools. Unfortunately instead of tackling this issue the programme only seemed to be hypocritical by in its own way preaching hatred against Muslims and tarnishing a whole community on the actions of an uneducated small minority. Could this be a show of anti –Islamic propaganda in modern day society?
There are sinister agendas at work in Western nations and I wonder if they are using Islam to foment trouble?

On the other hand BBC and Channel 4 TVs have never shown that Muslim children have been victim of Islamic-bashing for the last 60 years in British schooling. They have been victim of racism, bullying and discrimination. Schools, LEAs and DEF tried their best to hide this kind of abuse under the carpet. Indiscipline, bullying, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. Majority of schools encourage young children to have sex and abortions. Muslim community sees the West as decadent and immoral. They will see West as morally bankrupt animals, needing to be trained.
These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.
British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist. Non-Muslim teachers are not role models for the Muslim children during their developmental periods. British schooling has been in the process of producing racist young generations, who not only hate each other but also hate those who are different in colour and creed. Due to racism in British schooling, young Muslim children are unable to develop self-esteem and self-confidence. All of them suffer from identity crises. They do not know where they belong. In the name of integration, they find themselves cut off from their cultural roots and are unable to enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Pakistani children suffer more than others. Majority of them leave schools with low grades. They are unable to enjoy the beauty of Urdu literature and poetry. There is a dire need that bilingual Muslim children should be educated in state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.

There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies.
Iftikhar Ahmad

Discussions / Dispatches on Channel 4: Muslim Schooling
« on: May 25, 2011, 03:41:11 PM »

Dispatches on Channel 4: Muslim Schooling

The documentary annoys me. The comments written have annoyed me more, you've watched an hour long documentary and you think you've got Islam and Muslims figured out? You don't know the half of it to be honest; a few people can’t represent a religion. I'd love to see a documentary on a churches, temples, gurdwaras or synagogues. I'm sure there are bad aspects of all these places but really doubt that they would make it on air. Don’t just judge on something you know so little about. The documentary although proving sight full is causing more grief then good.
Head teacher Mujahid Aziz said the school had been misrepresented, and the school had nothing to hide. The programme had completely misrepresented the school's teachings, Mr. Aziz said. Out of two years of teachings, the programme makers had taken a few incidents and shown them again and again, he said. "It's a clear misrepresentation of what we actually do," Mr. Aziz claimed. The media seems to be always on us.
I watched this programme and thought it was grossly biased reporting. It stood on the side of the EDL and David Cameron's witch hunt against all those Muslims from segregated communities and understood nothing about the reality of living in poor communities in the north of England. Since we can't all live in tolerant cities like Oxford, then we need to take some time to understand what it's like living amongst impoverished Brits. Impoverished by unemployment, drugs, underage sex, racism and nostalgia for a past before Pakistanis lived here. Would anyone from Oxford want to be mixing with 'them sort' of people? Probably not. Why should we force to befriend them, when they hate us and have always hated us? Why not stop blaming Muslims for everything and ask yourself the question - how many Muslims have I bothered to get to know? To tolerate? To understand? Secondly, it is not illegal to smack children. If you mark them, that's another issue. None of these children were marked. It is their parents who should have the last say, not me, you or Tazneer Ahmad or John Ware BBC Panorama.

Dispatches are clearly trying everything to turn people away from Islam. Why don't they show the child abuse that goes on in western schools? It was only a few years ago the head masters used to do the same thing, but however Islam is the fastest growing faith in the whole wide world. Whys that I wonder? Maybe because it’s the truth and people what to know the truth.

Dispatches on Channel 4 TV showed in a high praised state funded Muslim school that children as young as 11 are being taught to keep away from Hindu and non-believers, and turned against Jews and Christians. Why no protests about Jewish schools. They preach the same racial intolerance.
The entire old testament is basically the Jews saying we can kill anyone coz we are superior, and the sad thing is they actually did kill everyone they could(they said they did), and the Christians plain old ignore this fact. Jesus cared so much about non Jews he never left Palestine.

The program made me proud of mosque schools. Out of 2000 mosque & Muslims supplementary schools, you were able to spot only two schools and two teachers who were hitting physically students or teaching hate. You kept going for 4 years but had to reshow the same clips several time because you could not collect many to confirm your theory. We will try to improve. The percentage of churches and state schools who sexually abuse children and scar them for life are countless. Your program only creates hate and division within the community when you generalize from two incidents. What a wasted money & years of your team work. Such dangerous dispatches should be banned to protect our community. A report from the NSPCC claims that, “One in four people in the UK, aged between 18 and 24, claims to have experienced severe violence, sexual abuse or neglect as a child”. This illustrates that child abuse is still, regrettably, endemic in British society and is not unique to Muslim institutions. “Such abuse is to be condemned wherever and whenever it takes place and needs a multi-agency approach to tackle it, Muslim schools will continue to put the protection and well-being of our children at the top of the list of priorities, but we can’t do it alone and it is both unreasonable and unjust to focus on Muslim institutions in the way that Dispatches has done.”
A lot of the issues shown happen in a lot of state run schools across all religious and class affiliations but you just want to undermine and misrepresent Islam by parading a few Idiots who obviously haven't understood Islamic teachings properly but apply cultural practices. Islam is the only system that welcomes people of all colour, creed, class, status, race and background Peace.
This programme seemed to fuel the already existing anti-Muslim campaign that has been running over the last few years. It would be interesting to know who the programme was funded by as the views and the portrayal were extremely biased. In all parts of society there will always be extreme views but instead of tarnishing a whole community with the bracket of anti-integration or anti British, the extremists should be dealt with accordingly. It is a shame that the point of the programme was to expose the unacceptable growing hatred that is being preached within these select schools. Unfortunately instead of tackling this issue the programme only seemed to be hypocritical by in its own way preaching hatred against Muslims and tarnishing a whole community on the actions of an uneducated small minority. Could this be a show of anti –Islamic propaganda in modern day society?
There are sinister agendas at work in Western nations and I wonder if they are using Islam to foment trouble?

On the other hand BBC and Channel 4 TVs have never shown that Muslim children have been victim of Islamic-bashing for the last 60 years in British schooling. They have been victim of racism, bullying and discrimination. Schools, LEAs and DEF tried their best to hide this kind of abuse under the carpet. Indiscipline, bullying, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. Majority of schools encourage young children to have sex and abortions. Muslim community sees the West as decadent and immoral. They will see West as morally bankrupt animals, needing to be trained.
These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.
British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist. Non-Muslim teachers are not role models for the Muslim children during their developmental periods. British schooling has been in the process of producing racist young generations, who not only hate each other but also hate those who are different in colour and creed. Due to racism in British schooling, young Muslim children are unable to develop self-esteem and self-confidence. All of them suffer from identity crises. They do not know where they belong. In the name of integration, they find themselves cut off from their cultural roots and are unable to enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Pakistani children suffer more than others. Majority of them leave schools with low grades. They are unable to enjoy the beauty of Urdu literature and poetry. There is a dire need that bilingual Muslim children should be educated in state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.

There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies.
Iftikhar Ahmad


Dispatches on Channel 4: Muslim Schooling

The documentary annoys me. The comments written have annoyed me more, you've watched an hour long documentary and you think you've got Islam and Muslims figured out? You don't know the half of it to be honest; a few people can’t represent a religion. I'd love to see a documentary on a churches, temples, gurdwaras or synagogues. I'm sure there are bad aspects of all these places but really doubt that they would make it on air. Don’t just judge on something you know so little about. The documentary although proving sight full is causing more grief then good.
Head teacher Mujahid Aziz said the school had been misrepresented, and the school had nothing to hide. The programme had completely misrepresented the school's teachings, Mr. Aziz said. Out of two years of teachings, the programme makers had taken a few incidents and shown them again and again, he said. "It's a clear misrepresentation of what we actually do," Mr. Aziz claimed. The media seems to be always on us.
I watched this programme and thought it was grossly biased reporting. It stood on the side of the EDL and David Cameron's witch hunt against all those Muslims from segregated communities and understood nothing about the reality of living in poor communities in the north of England. Since we can't all live in tolerant cities like Oxford, then we need to take some time to understand what it's like living amongst impoverished Brits. Impoverished by unemployment, drugs, underage sex, racism and nostalgia for a past before Pakistanis lived here. Would anyone from Oxford want to be mixing with 'them sort' of people? Probably not. Why should we force to befriend them, when they hate us and have always hated us? Why not stop blaming Muslims for everything and ask yourself the question - how many Muslims have I bothered to get to know? To tolerate? To understand? Secondly, it is not illegal to smack children. If you mark them, that's another issue. None of these children were marked. It is their parents who should have the last say, not me, you or Tazneer Ahmad or John Ware BBC Panorama.

Dispatches are clearly trying everything to turn people away from Islam. Why don't they show the child abuse that goes on in western schools? It was only a few years ago the head masters used to do the same thing, but however Islam is the fastest growing faith in the whole wide world. Whys that I wonder? Maybe because it’s the truth and people what to know the truth.

Dispatches on Channel 4 TV showed in a high praised state funded Muslim school that children as young as 11 are being taught to keep away from Hindu and non-believers, and turned against Jews and Christians. Why no protests about Jewish schools. They preach the same racial intolerance.
The entire old testament is basically the Jews saying we can kill anyone coz we are superior, and the sad thing is they actually did kill everyone they could(they said they did), and the Christians plain old ignore this fact. Jesus cared so much about non Jews he never left Palestine.

The program made me proud of mosque schools. Out of 2000 mosque & Muslims supplementary schools, you were able to spot only two schools and two teachers who were hitting physically students or teaching hate. You kept going for 4 years but had to reshow the same clips several time because you could not collect many to confirm your theory. We will try to improve. The percentage of churches and state schools who sexually abuse children and scar them for life are countless. Your program only creates hate and division within the community when you generalize from two incidents. What a wasted money & years of your team work. Such dangerous dispatches should be banned to protect our community. A report from the NSPCC claims that, “One in four people in the UK, aged between 18 and 24, claims to have experienced severe violence, sexual abuse or neglect as a child”. This illustrates that child abuse is still, regrettably, endemic in British society and is not unique to Muslim institutions. “Such abuse is to be condemned wherever and whenever it takes place and needs a multi-agency approach to tackle it, Muslim schools will continue to put the protection and well-being of our children at the top of the list of priorities, but we can’t do it alone and it is both unreasonable and unjust to focus on Muslim institutions in the way that Dispatches has done.”
A lot of the issues shown happen in a lot of state run schools across all religious and class affiliations but you just want to undermine and misrepresent Islam by parading a few Idiots who obviously haven't understood Islamic teachings properly but apply cultural practices. Islam is the only system that welcomes people of all colour, creed, class, status, race and background Peace.
This programme seemed to fuel the already existing anti-Muslim campaign that has been running over the last few years. It would be interesting to know who the programme was funded by as the views and the portrayal were extremely biased. In all parts of society there will always be extreme views but instead of tarnishing a whole community with the bracket of anti-integration or anti British, the extremists should be dealt with accordingly. It is a shame that the point of the programme was to expose the unacceptable growing hatred that is being preached within these select schools. Unfortunately instead of tackling this issue the programme only seemed to be hypocritical by in its own way preaching hatred against Muslims and tarnishing a whole community on the actions of an uneducated small minority. Could this be a show of anti –Islamic propaganda in modern day society?
There are sinister agendas at work in Western nations and I wonder if they are using Islam to foment trouble?

On the other hand BBC and Channel 4 TVs have never shown that Muslim children have been victim of Islamic-bashing for the last 60 years in British schooling. They have been victim of racism, bullying and discrimination. Schools, LEAs and DEF tried their best to hide this kind of abuse under the carpet. Indiscipline, bullying, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. Majority of schools encourage young children to have sex and abortions. Muslim community sees the West as decadent and immoral. They will see West as morally bankrupt animals, needing to be trained.
These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.
British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist. Non-Muslim teachers are not role models for the Muslim children during their developmental periods. British schooling has been in the process of producing racist young generations, who not only hate each other but also hate those who are different in colour and creed. Due to racism in British schooling, young Muslim children are unable to develop self-esteem and self-confidence. All of them suffer from identity crises. They do not know where they belong. In the name of integration, they find themselves cut off from their cultural roots and are unable to enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Pakistani children suffer more than others. Majority of them leave schools with low grades. They are unable to enjoy the beauty of Urdu literature and poetry. There is a dire need that bilingual Muslim children should be educated in state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.

There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies.
Iftikhar Ahmad


Migration and the Changing Face of Education
Globalisation means that we now all live, work or communicate with people who are different. In this global village, religious faith plays a central role in the way that people understand or from their culture and identity. Human being is a product of his culture, language and faith. There is a positive co-relation between language and culture. Parents have the right to raise their children in faith based schools. Those who object to this right display their contempt for parental rights and sadly intolerance for the religious convictions of others. It is not only Muslims but other communities have been trying to set up their own schools for their children. I set up the first Muslim school in 1981 and now there are 166 Muslim schools and only 11 schools are state funded. There are four Sikh state funded schools. Hindu state funded school was set up in Harrow last year and next year a Hindu state funded school would emerge in Leicester. Even Black community is thinking of setting up its own schools for black children with black teachers.
 A study by Bristol University reveals that a high level of racial segregation in Oldham schools and tension between communities resulted in recent riots in 2001. A report by the Institute for Community Cohesion found that native parents were deserting some schools after finding their children outnumbered by pupils from ethnic minorities. The native parents do not want their children to be educated along with migrant children.  Schools in parts of England are becoming increasingly segregated.  Many of the schools and colleges are segregated and this was generally worsening over recent years. This is RACISM. The solution is that those schools where Muslim children are in majority may be opted out as Muslim Academies. State schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers are not in a position to satisfy the social, emotional needs and demands of the bilingual Muslim children. Majority of them leave schools with low grades. They find themselves cut off from their cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities. Muslim children in state schools feel isolated and confused about who they are. This can cause dissatisfaction and lead them into criminality.

Immigration is an unstoppable face of modern society, and immigrants will need help integrating, but the host society needs to show zero tolerance to non-EU and EU citizens who clearly don't like being here.   The second generation of Muslim migrants is facing a huge challenge because they did not think even for a second before that someone would say, 'You are not welcome. Native Brits feel that their culture and language is superior and every Tom and Harry must learn English and forget their own languages, cultures, literatures and poetry.  It is the native Brits who need to learn and respect those who are different. Immigrants are also human beings with social, emotional and spiritual needs and demands. They are not just economics for the economic prosperity.

British children in Spain come with this mentality, wanting to keep themselves to themselves and feel no obligation to integrate into Spanish way of life. The Brits are the most problematic minority group in Spanish schools. They are worst at learning the host language and integrating into school life than any other nationality in Spain's state schools. They have negative attitudes towards integration. They carry a strong sense of English linguistic superiority. They were embarrassed to speak Spanish because the other students laughed at them. Brit children had very little or no concept of Spanish culture or social life. They watched UK TVs and English language radios. Their parents do not speak Spanish nor have Spanish friends. In English ghettos, Spaniards fear to tread. They have no interest in being part of Spanish society.
Iftikhar Ahmad

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Free Our Schools
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:17:08 PM »

Free Our Schools
Almost all children now believe they go to school to pass exams. The idea that they may be there for an education is irrelevant. State schools have become exam factories, interested only in A to C Grades. They do not educate children.  Exam results do not reflect a candidate’s innate ability. Employers have moaned for years that too many employees cannot read or write properly. According to a survey, school-leavers and even graduates lack basic literacy and numeracy skills. More and more companies are having to provide remedial training to new staff, who can’t write clear instructions, do simple maths, or solve problems. Both graduates and school-leavers were also criticised for their sloppy time-keeping, ignorance of basic customer service and lack of self-discipline.                     
Bilingual Muslims children have a right, as much as any other faith group, to be taught their culture, languages and faith alongside a mainstream curriculum. More faith schools will be opened under sweeping reforms of the education system in England. There is a dire need for the growth of state funded Muslim schools to meet the growing needs and demands of the Muslim parents and children.  Now the time has come that parents and community should take over the running of their local schools. Parent-run schools will give the diversity, the choice and the competition that the wealthy have in the private sector. Parents can perform a better job than the Local Authority because parents have a genuine vested interest. The Local Authority simply cannot be trusted.

The British Government is planning to make it easier to schools to “opt out” from the Local Authorities. Muslim children in state schools feel isolated and confused about who they are. This can cause dissatisfaction and lead them into criminality, and the lack of a true understanding of Islam can ultimately make them more susceptible to the teachings of fundamentalists like Christians during the middle ages and Jews in recent times in Palestine. Fundamentalism is nothing to do with Islam and Muslim; you are either a Muslim or a non-Muslim.

 There are hundreds of state primary and secondary schools where Muslim pupils are in majority. In my opinion all such schools may be opted out to become Muslim Academies. This mean the Muslim children will get a decent education. Muslim schools turned out balanced citizens, more tolerant of others and less likely to succumb to criminality or extremism. Muslim schools give young people confidence in who they are and an understanding of Islam’s teaching of tolerance and respect which prepares them for a positive and fulfilling role in society. Muslim schools are attractive to Muslim parents because they have better discipline and teaching Islamic values. Children like discipline, structure and boundaries.  Bilingual Muslim children need Bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods, who understand their needs and demands.

None of the British Muslims convicted following the riots in Bradford and Oldham in 2001 or any of those linked to the London bombings had been to Islamic schools. An American Think Tank studied the educational back ground of 300 Jihadists; none of them were educated in Pakistani Madrasas. They were all Western educated by non-Muslim teachers. Bilingual Muslim children need bilingual Muslim teachers as role models.  A Cambridge University study found that single-sex classes could make a big difference for boys. They perform better in single-sex classes. The research is promising because male students in the study saw noticeable gains in the grades. The study confirms the Islamic notion that academic achievement is better in single-sex classes.
Iftikhar Ahmad

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