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Messages - Sardar_Ji

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Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

Baba Moti Ram Mehra was a servant in the Hindu kitchen of the Faujdar. He used to serve food to the Hindu prisoners. Jagat Mata Gujri Ji refused to accept the food of the Mughal kitchen as well as that which came from Diwan Sucha Nand’s house. Baba Moti Ram Mehra was a great follower of Sikh Gurus. He used to serve the Sikhs on their way to Anandpur Sahib and back to their homes. The Sikhs took rest at his mud house, where the mother of Baba Moti Ram Mehra and Bibi Bholi Ji, wife of Mehra Ji, prepared food for these Sikhs.

When Jagat Mata Gujri Ji refused to accept the food, Baba Moti Ram Mehra could not bear the Sahibzadas sleeping hungry. He came home and told his family that he would serve milk and fresh water to these great prisoners. His mother and wife were scared and tried to persuade him not to take such a step. Bibi Bholi, his wife, told him that the Wazir Khan had made an announcement in the town that whoever tried to help and serve any type of food to the sons of the tenth Guru, he along with his family would be crushed alive in a Kohlu, (the oil squeezer). This information could not change the resolve of Baba ji. His mother told him that there were so many followers of the Guru in the town; they could have dared to serve the Sahibzadas. Baba Moti Ram Mehra humbly, but with determination, told his mother that those followers feared the ruler.

“Aren't you scared, my son?” asked the mother. Baba Mehra ji humbly replied, “Dear mother our Guru is fighting against injustice of the Mughals. I will serve the great mother and the Sahibzadas. I don’t fear the punishment of the Faujdar. The history will not forgive us if we do not serve the great prisoners."

Sensing his determination, his wife gave him her silver jewellery and some coins and requested him,” Please bribe the gate man of the Burj and request him to keep this act a secret.” Baba ji praised his wife for participation in the great cause. Baba Moti Ram served milk and water to the Sahibzadas and Mata Gujri Ji for three nights.

On 27th December 1704, the Sahibzadas were slain after the attempt at bricking them alive in the foundation of the wall failed. Mata Gujri ji also breathed her last. Raja Todar Mall of Sirhind performed the cremation. He told Baba Mehra ji to arrange a cart of Chandan wood, which he brought from the forests of Atta Ali. After some time, Pumma, the brother of Gangu, told the Faujdar that his servant (Cook) had served the prisoners with milk and water.

Baba Moti Ram Mehra, his mother, wife and a little son were arrested. He did not conceal his act and boldly told the Faujdar that, it was his dharma to serve the young children and the aged mother of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. So, Baba Moti Ram Mehra along with his father was sentenced to death by being squeezed in a Kohlu (oil press). His sacrifice was first sermonized by Baba Banda Singh Bahadur ji.


Dhan Dhan Dhan Dhan Baba Moti Ram Mehra Ji

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

The following Sakhi has been told repeatedly at the Gurudwara Sahib by a Gurmukh to build the sangat’s faith and love in Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj. Hopefully it will have the same effect on me and the rest of you reading this sakhi.

Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj.


Along with reciting his five prayers of the daily Nitnem, Baba Ji would read a prayer called Sukhmani Sahib everyday. This prayer is composed by Guru Arjun Dev Ji. One day whilst he was deeply attuned in the prayer of Sukhmani Sahib, he came across the following passage…

God Can Revive The Dead
He Gives Sustenance (Food) To The Hungry
mirtak ka-o jeevaalanhaar.
bhookhay ka-o dayvat aDhaar.
(Gauri Sukhmani 5th Guru, page 283)

He stopped to introspect upon these words and repeated them over to himself several times. The meaning of the phrases overpowered him and he thought, “Look how powerful the Lord is! He can bring alive those that have died and sustains the hungry with the power of naam.”

Baba Ji then thought of a novel experiment. He thought that if naam can sustain one without the need for water or food then why not try this out practically. Why not try to exist and live on the power of naam for forty days, without having any food or water. In this way, the strength of Gurbani can be experienced and in the future one will be able to guide spiritual seekers on the basis of practical experience. One can assure the seeker that naam indeed is the only sustenance of the body and not food or water. It can be shown that the meditation of naam is all-powerful and can fulfil the needs of the physical body. Naam can be shown not to be some abstract concept but a tangible practical force that is the basis of this physical universe.

It was the summer season. Baba Ji completed his prayer of Sukhmani Sahib. He then set off towards the residence of S.Bawa Singh to the north from his hut. Bawa Singh wasn’t at home, so he left a message for him to send his son S SurJit Singh over to Rampur Khera as soon as he came home, as Baba Ji had an important task for him. Baba Ji had already decided to practically verify the reality of the phrases that he had read. He wanted to find out if naam can indeed support and nourish the body.

After completing his work, S SurJit Singh came over to see Baba Ji in the evening. Baba Ji told SurJit Singh that, ” For forty days I am going to meditate in this cave and will not be having anything to eat or drink for that duration. For the first 4 or 5 days, can you come and just look through the ceiling vent to check if I am still alive and that my body hasn’t decomposed? If I have passed away then cremate my body before it decomposes. If I’m ok after the first few days then you don’t need to come to check on me any further.”

Hearing these grave instructions, SurJit Singh was deeply moved, fearing the worst for Baba Ji. However, Baba Ji reassured SurJit Singh, that one must be firm in their resolve to live in the will of the Almighty,. Baba Ji said, ”I have firm belief in the Lord that nothing will happen to me. I only told you so that if I do expire then my body does not decompose in the summer heat.”

Jaap Without Food Or Water

The very next day Baba Ji completed his daily prayers and then made a supplication to the Lord, ”O patron of the poor! This humble body of mine is presented in your feet so that it may earn the rewards of the truth ensrined in naam. Shower your blessings so that naam becomes the only sustenance of this body.” Baba Ji started his simran. He would arise at 2am, bathe and recite his Nitnem. He would then recite Sukhmani Sahib with great devotion and then spend the rest of the day meditating on Mool-mantar and Gur-mantar. In the evening, he would recite Rehras and Sohila. He would take a short walk for half an hour and then retire for a short rest. This was his routine the forty days. Baba Ji used to tell us that those forty days and nights passed in unimaginable bliss (this incident is also recorded on audiocassette in his own words). Hunger and thirst aside, even the mere thought of food or water did not enter his mind. Baba Ji told us that his body didn’t feel weak in any way, whatsoever. The words of the true Guru were verified…

God’s name is my thirty-six Varieties of food
Partaking of which I am satiated.
har naam hamaaraa bhojan chhateeh parkaar
jit khaa-i-ai ham ka-o taripat bha-ee.
(Mohalla 3rd Guru, page 593)

At the end of the forty days, Baba Ji thanked Almighty Lord with an Ardas. During those forty days, the Almighty showered upon Baba Ji many boons, spiritual gifts and the nectar of naam, the bliss of which is indescribable until experienced for oneself. His belief in Gurbani became immovable and firm that, Gurbani is true without a doubt, likean indelible mark on a stone. A mark on a stone may disappear in time but Gurbani is eternally true and timeless…

The mountains, the earth, all the water
And the air shall all pass away
But the Saints’ word is infallible.
gir basuDhaa jal pavan jaa-igo ik saaDh bachan atlaaDhaa.
(Sarang 5th Guru, page 1204)

The shortfall is in our faith. If one believes firmly and with resolve in Gurbani, then its power definitely, transforms the person who believes in it. The need is to believe firmly in the truth of Gurbani. As Guru Ram Das Ji say…

O the disciples of the Guru
Know that the Guru’s hymns are true
God the creator causes the Guru to
Utter the hymns with his mouth
satgur kee banee sat sat kar jaanhu
gursikhahu har kartaa aap muhhu kadhaa-ay.
(Mohalla 4th Guru, page 308)

If one has any doubt about the validity of Gurbani then that person should verify the principles of Gurbani by acting upon them. Denouncing Gurbani without personally testing the truth ensrined in Gurbani is a great sin and ultimately deceiving oneself. They who firmly believe and have faith in Gurbani become attuned in the Lord, eventually becoming his form…

Accept the word of the Guru as true
In this way, you shall merge in the all-pervasive Lord
satgur kee banee sat sat kar maanhu i-o
aatam raamai leenaa hay. ||14||
(Maru 1st Guru, page 1028)


The word of the Guru is the embodiment of truth
Through the word, the mortal becomes perfect
satgur kee banee sat saroop hai gurbaanee banee-ai.
(Pauri 4th Guru, page 304)

Gurbani is therefore the embodiment and essence of the ultimate truth. Through faith in Gurbani, one can be transformed into the form of the true Lord.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

One time in the holy court of Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj a Gursikh was reciting the following pankti:

laekh n mittee hae sakhee jo likhiaa karathaar ||
The inscription inscribed by the Creator Lord cannot be erased, O my companions

A Sikh who was sat in Guru Sahib’s darbar listened to this tuk and began to think very deeply about its meaning. After a while this Sikh who was a King from Mandi (Himachal Pradesh) went and bowed before Guru Ji and said, “Maharaj whilst listening to your beautiful bani I heard the following tuk, ‘laekh n mittee hae sakhee jo likhiaa karathaar’. If this means what is written on our foreheads cannot be erased then what is the point of becoming a Sikh of the true Guru? What is the point in doing Simran and Seva? What is the point of grasping hold of your beautiful feet?”

Satguru Ji smiled and told the Sikh that he would give him the answer to his question tomorrow. Later that night as the Sikh slept he had a very vivid dream. In that dream he saw himself as the King of Mandi who was sat on a throne surrounded by countless riches, servants and other materialistic things. He then saw himself die and being reborn into a very poor and low caste (Chandal) family. He dreamt about growing up as a boy working hard in the fields to earn enough to eat. He witnessed firsthand the sacrifices his father and mother had to make for him and his siblings who often went to sleep on an empty stomach. He saw himself being taunted and bullied daily for belonging to a low caste. His life was full of pain and sorrow.

Eventually after enduring countless hardships he grew up and got married and had children who suffered the same fate he did. One day while he was working in the fields under the blistering sun with his children he collapsed and died. When this happened the King got up from bed in a sweat and looked around. He was shocked as his dream felt very real but he told no one about it. The next day the King and his entourage went to the holy court of Satguru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj once again but this time the King was very anxious and distressed.

After bowing before Guru Sahib, Guru Ji told the King to accompany him on his morning walk. As they walked the King began to get more distraught as he began to recognise the surroundings he had witnessed in his dream. As Maharaj and the sangat continued to walk forwards they came across a house where a few people were crying. Just then a little child came running towards the King with tears in his eyes and looked up and said, “Bapu Ji you have come back?” The child then ran back to his house and called the rest of his family who quickly came outside. When they saw the King their tears were turned into smiles as they kept repeating, “You’ve come back, you’ve come back”.

The King and his entourage were taken aback by this. The King himself began to shout out that he isn’t the father of the child. All the noise and fuss which was being made attracted more villagers who collectively agreed that the King was indeed the father and husband of the mourning household. The King was shocked after recognising all his relatives and fellow villagers but vehemently denied having any association with them. In this way both groups - the villagers and the family who stated that the King belonged to them and the King and his entourage – kept arguing.

Guru Sahib calmed everyone down and then told the people from the household to go and dig up the grave of their husband/father. When they did this they expected to find no body but to their surprise they found the body that they had buried just hours ago. As both groups saw this body they were all astounded as there was no difference between the physical appearance of the King and the dead body. Collectively both groups went to Guru Sahib and asked him what this all meant.

Maharaj smiled and then said that according to the pralabadh karma of the King he was destined to die and be reborn into this family and face all the hardships that fate had in store for him. However the King became a Sikh of Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj and took refuge in the beautiful charan kamal of Guru Sahib which saved him from enduring this and instead reduced this whole life of suffering to a dream. Although laekh was not erased it was reduced to such a level that this whole life/karma was not even felt by the King.

Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj.


kaanarraa mehalaa 5 ||
Kaanraa, Fifth Mehla:

charan saran gopaal thaeree ||
I seek the Sanctuary of Your Lotus Feet, O Lord of the World.

moh maan dhhoh bharam raakh leejai kaatt baeree ||1|| rehaao ||
Save me from emotional attachment, pride, deception and doubt; please cut away these ropes which bind me. ||1||Pause||

booddath sa(n)saar saagar ||
I am drowning in the world-ocean.

oudhharae har simar rathanaagar ||1||
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, the Source of Jewels, I am saved. ||1||

seethalaa har naam thaeraa ||
Your Name, Lord, is cooling and soothing.

poorano t(h)aakur prabh maeraa ||2||
God, my Lord and Master, is Perfect. ||2||

dheen dharadh nivaar thaaran ||
You are the Deliverer, the Destroyer of the sufferings of the meek and the poor.

har kirapaa nidhh pathith oudhhaaran ||3||
The Lord is the Treasure of Mercy, the Saving Grace of sinners. ||3||

kott janam dhookh kar paaeiou ||
I have suffered the pains of millions of incarnations.

sukhee naanak gur naam dhrirraaeiou ||4||6||17||
Nanak is at peace; the Guru has implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me. ||4||6||17||

Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj.
Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj.
Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj.
Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj.
Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Rakhari In Sikhism
« on: June 22, 2010, 12:58:48 PM »
Rahari in Sikhism is not afestival to be celeberated like Hindus in Brahmanvad, who celeberate this festival as relationship between brother and sister. For a TRUE SIKH every lady except his wife is either mother or sister or daughter as per the concept of Gurbani, " VEKH PARAIYAN CHANGIYAN MAVAN DHIYAN BHENA JANE".When such is the character of SIKH then what is the necessity of tieing a thread weaven Rakhari. Some people say that Sikhs celeberate RAKHRI as MELA RAHAR PUNYA at Gurdwara BABA BAKALA SAHIB ji.
There is a seperate historical SAKHI which has coincided whith this day.
Bhai Makhn Shah Lubana when reached at BABA BAKALA in search of 9th GURU for his offerings there were 22 PAKHANDI GURUS like DHEER MAL, who have been claiming of being GURU,but none of them could satisfy the true disciple of Gurughar/Gurudar.Then on telling of a shepherd that there is a hidden saint Known as BABA TYAG MAL JI who is always meditating in a bhora,BHAI MAKHAN SHAH reached at BHORA SAHIB found THE satguru and spoken lodly on the roof "GURU LADO RE GURU LADHO RE". So SIKHS should celeberate this day as" GURU LADHO RE DAY" in memory of DHAN GURU TEG BAHADUR JI and his true sikh BHAI MAKHAN SHAH ji . On this pious day every SIKH needs to take oath that no one will be allowed to call himself as GURU in sikhism till his last breath.

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Illusion of Rituals
« on: June 22, 2010, 10:06:33 AM »
thats right

bolo - satnam shri waheguru

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Honest Living
« on: June 22, 2010, 10:04:45 AM »
thanku ji ...

i dont rember the website but i remmber how i find ...just type in google "sikh sakhyian" & this is the first website that come?

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Sikhism In Pakistan
« on: June 22, 2010, 10:01:58 AM »
yeah that is sad ... this happen to all indian & pakistani peoples?

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: A True Bargain
« on: June 22, 2010, 09:53:50 AM »
kisae lordh vandh di help karn madad karna bahut punh lagda ji ......

Duniya ana paisa kamaun dayi ... paisa kamya kushi nayi mildayi .... kushi jina k hega ohna k ayi bahut ... lordh vandh dayi help karo .... zindgae dae najre lao.....

Thx ji

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Sakhi of Sacred Thread
« on: June 22, 2010, 09:49:38 AM »
ji aya nu ji

Gup Shup / Re: music video of the day?
« on: June 22, 2010, 09:45:07 AM »
like it

PJ Games / Re: what u dont like about Pj?
« on: June 22, 2010, 09:38:25 AM »
kurdiya bare mode das dae nayi .... mundaya sare pase sab badnam karn tae lagae hoyae ... :sad:

hor sab theek .. tera kida mitra ... hor privar da ki haaal bhabi ji huni kivae aaa  :happy:

PJ Games / Re: what u dont like about Pj?
« on: June 21, 2010, 03:08:56 PM »
jado munde swear karde nae ta oh ban ho jande nae ..... par jado kurdia swear kardia odo ki hunda ?:pagel:

PJ Games / Re: where u wanna live
« on: June 21, 2010, 03:07:24 PM »
koi perfect jagah banyi nahi haje

PJ Games / Re: ~~say 1 truth abt the person above ya~~
« on: June 21, 2010, 03:06:12 PM »
mae ana nu kaffi bar online dekhya

PJ Games / Re: say a lie about the person above ya
« on: June 21, 2010, 03:05:15 PM »
ana da nam MIshri nahi ... Choclate  :happy:

Love Pyar / Re: bhulte - bulate =haste hasate
« on: June 21, 2010, 03:04:15 PM »
vadiya vadiya

Gup Shup / Re: study is soo toufg !
« on: June 21, 2010, 02:58:12 PM »
vadiya vadiya nice work bro  :happy:

PJ Games / Re: say a lie about the person above ya
« on: June 21, 2010, 02:57:13 PM »
ah munda bara chalak ji

Gup Shup / Re: kudiyaa da aukhaa
« on: June 21, 2010, 02:56:33 PM »
theek theek nappi rakho kam

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