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Messages - Sardar_Ji

Pages: 1 ... 187 188 189 190 191 [192] 193 194 195 196 197 ... 249
Knowledge / Re: Concerns about Khalisthan!
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:13:45 PM »
Gurpinder Mand ji

Can you also explain how financially viable will the Punjab be? and will it have to depend on India for water?. As far as water is concerned we already see that India is tightening it’s noose on the supply of water to Pakistan by building damns on rivers that Pakistan depends on for it’s water.

First of all bro thxx for your  time!!

you put nice question!!

i feed your question in my hard disk . i will give u respond ASAP!!

thx bro again!!

if anyone else like to give respond to londonpunjabi most welcome !!

Knowledge / Re: Concerns about Khalisthan!
« on: July 19, 2010, 09:41:14 AM »
that mean u just look didnt read  :angry:

Knowledge / Re: Concerns about Khalisthan!
« on: July 19, 2010, 09:35:56 AM »
:nurse:great :nurse:.

how can u read that fast!

Knowledge / Concerns about Khalisthan!
« on: July 19, 2010, 09:32:55 AM »

What about the safety of Sikhs living outside of Punjab? What about safety of Hindus in Khalistan? Don't Sikhs living in western countries have freedom?

As far as safety of the outsider Sikhs is concerned this is nothing more than a scary tactic. Hindus have their country, India, but many Hindus live in foreign countries according to the laws and rules of those countries. So are they not safe? This is the same for all other communities. Sikhs will live in their own country as well as in other countries. People from other countries can come and live in Khalistan. Everyone will be permitted to live in Khalistan regardless of religion and race. One thing readers must note is that creation of Khalistan will not create more conflicts between Sikhs and Hindus. This is just propaganda of the Indian government. Creation of Khalistan means end of all the conflicts between Hindus and Sikhs. For example, USA has had peaceful relations with England after independence. India has peaceful relations with British. People of Pakistan and India treat each other with respect. It is the government that creates fights by giving the false information. When Indian cricket team went on a tour to Pakistan all Indians were treated with respect and when Pakistan team lost not a single person from Pakistan created fights nor were there any riots in the stadium. The fact is that Indian government wants to keep the people separated because they have adopted the British policy of “divide and rule”.

Creation of Khalistan will be better for Sikhs in the foreign countries rather than a being a worse. Sikhs in other countries will feel safe because a country will be representing them. Sikhs will be given more respect and it will be the only way for other countries to learn the truth about Sikhism. Even if we assume that Sikhs will have to move to Khalistan for the sake of argument it would be better for them and for the country. All the rich people and professionals will be moving to Khalistan which would make it a strong country in the beginning and Khalistan will grow more economically and will become powerful country sooner.

There is not a single country in the world that represents us as Sikhs. India represents us as Hindus. America represents us as Americans. Sikhi is out of the picture. Sikhi defines us. Every country has limitations on our religious practices and India is not any different. We need the right to wear Kirpan at all places all times. Wearing a Kirpan is our Guru given right and it makes no sense going to Delhi government and asking for this right. Only time our Gurdwaras were not attacked was when Sikhs ruled Punjab. All other governments at some point attacked us, destroyed Gurdwaras and dishonored our women.

If safety of Sikhs living in other Indian states is jeopardized with creation of Khalistan then it is clear that the Hindu government and Hindu population will be killing innocent Sikhs which makes it clear that there exists hostility towards Sikhs in the Hindu masses. If we assume that Sikhs will be killed even after having their own country then what safety do the Sikhs have with no country? If the ruling government and Hindu majority will be out to kill them then what is the guarantee that it won't happen without Khalistan? History stands witness to religious discrimination, attacks on Gurdwaras, dishonor of women and genocide of Sikhs in the streets by government sponsored goons. These are more the reasons to have Khalistan. If Hindus living with Sikhs don't want Sikhs to have equal rights and enjoy the glow of freedom then by all means Sikhs should separate themselves from the Hindus. The fact of the matter is that Khalistan ensures the safety of Sikhs rather than jeopardizing it because Sikhs will have political power and will be a political nation rather than a minority in India. We will have our own media, press and political voice to present our side of the story. Khalistan would put a stop to Sikh genocide at the hands of foreign governments once and for all.

1947 was a tragic chain of events but it happened due to lack of leaders' cooperation. All were obsessed with assuming political power and did not care for the people. We could learn from this, take preventive measures and ensure that it does not happen when Khalistan is created. Sikh and Hindu governments can work together and peacefully exchange population. Hindus (those who want to leave) can safely be escorted to India. They can sell their property and take their money to India. Sikhs coming from India will be assisted by the government to ensure that they are not left homeless in their homeland. Those who wish to stay in Khalistan may have the opportunity to get citizenship. American and Mexican government followed the same methods after American-Mexican War. Do we want 1947 to repeat and have bloodshed? If no then we need to think positively about this and practice "Sarbat Da Bhala". Claiming that 1947 will repeat only shows immaturity, ignorance and irrationality of anti-Khalistanis and brings out their incapability to take proper actions.

What about control over Gurdwaras outside of Khalistan?

Well, all the Gurdwaras will be directly controlled by the Khalistani government run under Akaal Takhat Sahib. Khalistan will be a powerful country and Akaal Takhat Sahib will establish many organizations to take care of all the Gurdwaras outside of the country. Right now, Indian government is not doing anything about the Gurdwaras in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries because Indian government doesn't want Sikhs to be attached with their Gurdwaras. Indian government thinks the only way to destroy Sikhi is to keep Sikhs away from Guru Granth Sahib's message and the Gurdwaras. Gurdwaras outside of India are still standing without the support of Indian government but when there is Khalistan, the government will do its best to take care of these holy places and agreements will be made with the other countries that would give us the direct control over the Gurdwaras. Gurdwara buildings in other countries are falling apart because the Indian government has failed to care for them and speak with other governments. Our own government would never do that.

We can have our own security forces for the protection of Gurdwara buildings and hire contractors to repair and maintain the buildings. Our control over Gurdwaras can be similar to US Embassy in India. It all depends on how strongly and seriously the Sikh government takes this matter.

In the years after 1984, many young Sikhs were killed in the armed struggle for Khalistan. Most of these deaths were at the hands of the Punjab Police who were 80% Sikh. So most of the deaths were Sikh on Sikh violence. Given that, how will you ensure that something like that will not happen again?

Majority of the Punjab police had drunkards, corrupt and immoral people as its officials. Such people do not even deserve to be called human beings let alone Sikhs. In any case, Punjab police was offered money and rewards and more importantly given strict orders by the central government to hunt Sikhs and dishonor women. Will the Sikh government ever do that to its own people? Never. Consider one example: during Mughal Empire, Sikhs were killed in the same manner and at very large scale but this all ended once they became the rulers. Once Sikhs get Khalistan it will not be easy to kill Sikhs anymore since going after them would be invading an independent country.

Knowledge / Why Khalistan?
« on: July 19, 2010, 09:18:01 AM »
Governmental Questions

What kind of government will there be in Khalistan?

No country in the world drafted its constitution and setup the government structure before independence. Economic policies, laws and regulations change over time. Only time will tell what kind of government will be setup but one thing for sure is that there will be democracy rather than dictatorship. Living in western countries we know that privatization works better. We can follow the example of USA that controls post office, military etc and rest is privatized. Only the government will have the right to print currency. Sikh nation collectively has the right to decide what kind of government system they want to setup. They may want to have only Akal Takhat Sahib as the ruling power or setup two parallel government bodies: one for Miri and other for Piri. Both will have their own functions and jobs. Piri can handle religious affairs and Miri can deal with other non-religious politics. Both will keep each other in check and balance. But no one can be certain. However, what is certain is that religious freedom without the interference of the government, and freedom of speech and press must exist as well as policies against caste system, reservation system and religious discrimination.

Who will be the leader of Khalistan? Can a non-Sikh become the leader? Will Hindus have the right to vote? What would happen to them? What about minority rights?

Panj Pyare will be the leaders of Khalistan. Elections can be held every four years and people will choose Panj Pyare. These Panj Pyare will rule under the authority of Akaal Takhat Sahib. Every city will have Panj Pyare as its leader. Since Panj Pyare must be Amritdhari and following the path of Gurmat, non-Sikhs will not have the right to become Panj Pyare and opportunity to lead the Sikh country. In the past, Sikhs lost their empire because non-Sikhs held the leadership positions.

Foundation of Sikh religion is laid upon equality for all mankind. Everyone will have equal rights in Khalistan. In Baba Banda Singh’s kingdom everyone had equal rights. When Punjab was ruled by Sikhs from 1765 to 1839 no one faced discrimination. Not a single person was given death sentence. Sikh rule have always been welcomed by other communities. Everyone will have equal rights to practice their religion. Everyone will have freedom of speech and other rights. Everyone will have equal opportunities in education and employment. Sikhs will not have any special rights or reservations.

However, equality does not qualify anyone to run for presidency. In the past only Sikhs were appointed as government officials in the Sikh kingdom. Khalistan will be ruled by Akal Takhat Sahib and only Panj Pyare (Sikhs) will be appointed as the leaders. A Sikh country must be run by Sikhs. Hindus have India and Muslims have Pakistan and other countries. In order for a Sikh to take part in elections and become one of the Panj Pyare he must be qualified. He not only has to be a Sikh but must also possess the knowledge of business, trade, economy, law and politics. He must be well educated. He must know what it takes to run a country. These criteria also limit many Sikhs from running in elections. This is not discrimination.

Take the example of USA. A person has to be a natural born citizen in order for him to become the president. Furthermore, he must have an appropriate education. If a president dies then vice president takes over. If vice president also dies then Speaker of the House is next in line. This is where it gets complicated. There is no requirement for Speaker of the House to be a natural born citizen. If the time comes for him to be appointed for the presidency and he is not a natural born citizen he will be bypassed and the person next in line will be chosen. Is this discrimination? It all depends on how you look at it. As of now it is the law and must be obeyed by the people of USA. The situation in Khalistan will be similar which will require a person to be a Sikh and acquire required education before he takes charge.

In many Muslim countries only a Muslim can become president. Other religions do not have equal rights. Muslims are given more rights and benefits than non-Muslims. The most important thing is that all of these countries are surviving. Khalistan ensures the survival and safety of the Sikh religion and future generations. One cannot expect a country to be perfect. It is up to Hindus and Muslims to decide if they want to live in Khalistan under the protection of Sikhs who are protector of humanity and justice.

Will having Khalistan erase all the problems when we can not even have an honest SGPC committee?

Khalistan would put us in a much better situation than we are now. No country exists without a problem. Khalistan, in my opinion, will have its problems but those will not be related to Sikhi. We need a Sikh government that represents Sikhs. There will be a central government that will setup structural committees to manage Gurdwaras in and outside of Khalistan. Every committee will have to submit monthly report to Akal Takhat Sahib. SGPC is highly infiltrated by the government and directly controlled by Badal who is a puppet of BJP.

There is no constitution?

Constitution of the USA was written ten years after thirteen colonies gained independence. Constitution of India was written three years after it gained independence. If these countries can write their constitutions after independence then why can't we? Just mere excuses.

What will the borders of Khalistan be?

A country’s borders cannot be specifically predetermined until both parties sit down and negotiate a truce. The major consensus is that Khalistan will be the Punjab as it was in India in 1947. It includes today's Punjab, Haryana, Himachal and some Punjabi speaking areas of Rajasthan. Borders of India, USA, Pakistan and many other countries were determined after their independence was announced. India did not know its border on the day of its independence. USA and Canada still have conflict over borders. No doubt Khalistan will survive.

We should free it peacefully?

A common saying in Sikhi is "Koi Kisi Ko Raaj Na Dehain, Jo Lehain Nij Bal Se Lehain" which means "no one gives one freedom and sovereignty, the only way to gain independence is through power." Thousands Sikhs were killed because they did not have arms and weapons to defend themselves from mobs. Had they had weapons they would have protected themselves just like couple of Sikhs protected Sees Ganj Sahib Gurdwara in Delhi from four thousand Hindus by taking up arms. Power is not just war with weapons but also war with the pen, intellect, diplomacy and justice. Every effective method can be used. There is limit as to how peaceful and for how long we should be. The way Indian government has treated Sikhs for the last 60 years winning through peaceful means is not possible.

Gup Shup / Dukh
« on: July 18, 2010, 11:40:31 PM »
Sat sri akal ji!!

This is topic about dukh ! I m not asking you to share anything personal! In every person life is not happy. And no one know who is sitting behind that ID ! And no one going to hurt u anymore ! I know we online to get fun! But i want to make u think about urself thats not it!  We have to do so many things in life! If we come online and we r noy happy of our life s we have no right to hurt some one else life!!!!! Etx

In this apa nu sirf ik dukh sanja karna apni zindgae da ja jae thoada koi frnd jida dukh tusi share karna choundae  anything!!!

I know this topic is flop ! No one going to share here thr dukh but still if u read this all ... Write something!!!!!


Mae apnae app ta bahut dukhi jo b kam mae karna hunda janta mere toa phela kar lendayi !!!!!!! Like j mae sochda ous nu frnd bana la ja manh lao phela ayi asi frnd aa janta kuch lok ada da hunday jerdae mere rastae nu cut k mere door lae jandae ... Mae pher pishae khardA dekh da rah janda !!!!  :(

Share urs!!!

Help & Suggestions / Re: Cant see Latest Visitor in profile
« on: July 18, 2010, 12:10:32 PM »
ahaha try kita aa ... par prunae vistor nai dikh dae aa.. hun mod ji...

oh photo ch ki hoya.....

Help & Suggestions / Cant see Latest Visitor in profile
« on: July 18, 2010, 11:24:45 AM »
i cant see my latest visitor ..... why is that?

i recently change my Username is that may be the problem...........................................

Give me feedback ASAP

News Khabran / Re: Yamaha YZF R1
« on: July 18, 2010, 12:48:07 AM »
Nali ch sitt k jao kithae morra gittae panh dayi yaara dayi hockey !!!!

News Khabran / Re: Yamaha YZF R1
« on: July 18, 2010, 12:27:58 AM »
Gun naal dahshat nai darr pedha hunda , janta izat nai beizat kardayi par dahshat naal sardari kaim hundayi aa!!!

@ jatt bai mE bullet dayi galh karda yamaha dayi nai buller 75000 toa 80-85000 da huna

News Khabran / Re: Yamaha YZF R1
« on: July 18, 2010, 12:11:11 AM »
Bike kerdayi galh toa layi dayi aa !!!! Sardari ch dashat layon nu !!! Dashat kida aundayi aa madak naal !!!

News Khabran / Re: Yamaha YZF R1
« on: July 18, 2010, 12:03:18 AM »
Sardari ta fast walyi nayi madak wali tur naal banh dayi aa ji !!!

Chalo khair sAb dayi apo apni psand !!!

News Khabran / Re: Yamaha YZF R1
« on: July 17, 2010, 11:55:53 PM »
But bullet is hotest bike ever!!!

Nthg is like royal enfield !!!!

Tae rahi galh strong patla hoyae chayae mota dam hona chayi da !!!

News Khabran / Yamaha SZ
« on: July 17, 2010, 02:18:40 PM »

Yamaha has decided to compete in the middle segment of bikes in India with the upcoming launch of its new 124cc bike. Yamaha SZ which is expected to be launched in June 2010 is an exceptional blend of power and comfort. Replacing its fellow model of Yamaha Gladiator, SZ promises to deliever the effeciency of low engine and the comfort of high engines. A nice and beefy front fairing, racy paint/graphics and sporty rear styling with a bold exhaust make it a tough competition of other bikes in the same segment.Yamaha SZ will give a fuel economy of 65 kmpl and is expected to cost around Rs. 55,000.

Model Designation Air-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC, 2-valve 
Clutch  N/A
Displacement (cc) 124 cc
Gear Box 5 Speed
Bore & Stroke 54 X 54 MM

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / People and the World
« on: July 17, 2010, 02:01:29 PM »
Once there was a little boy who wanted his dad to teach him how to play catch. One sunny day the little boy's father was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer, while watching a baseball game. The boy rushed into the house exclaiming

"Daddy, daddy, daddy, show me how to play catch!" The father, blankly starring at the television screen, replied " In a little while son, let me finish watching this inning, come back in five minutes."

"Okay daddy" said the boy and ran out of the room. Five minutes later the boy returned screaming "Daddy, let's go, let's play some catch now!"

The father turned to the boy and said hold on son the inning is not quite over come back in five more minutes. "Okay, daddy" said the boy as he shuffled out the room. Five minutes later the boy returned ball and glove in hand eagerly awaiting for his father to play some catch.

"Daddy, lets go, I want to be Ken Griffey Jr.!" shouted the boy.

By this time, the father had cracked open another cold one and another inning was taking place. Frustrated by the boy's constant hindrances, the dad scanned the room. While scanning the room the father notice a magazine underneath the coffee table. On the cover of the magazine was a large picture of the world. The father, who was angered & annoyed, began tearing the magazine cover in to small pieces. After a few moments, of shredding up the magazine cover, the father placed the torn pieces on the magazine. Then, the father turned to his boy and said "Son, once you put this picture of the world back together we can play catch, but do not interrupt me again until you are done!"

Apprehensively, the boy took the magazine and sulked into his room. As he sobbed "Okay, daddy I won't".

A few moments later the boy returned and said, "I'm done daddy can we play catch now?"

Stunned, the father glanced towards his child, and there in his small hands laid the magazine with the world pieced perfectly together. Amazed, the dad asked his child how he put the world together so quickly.

"It was simple" stated the boy "On the back of the world was a picture of a person, and once I put the person together that's when their world came together."

News Khabran / Re: Yamaha YZF R1
« on: July 17, 2010, 12:56:41 PM »
sohniya cheez ja sohnae bande sheti kitae nai mildae aa... :hehe: bas ohna nu dekh k najara laya janda :happy:

Maan-Sanmaan/Respect+ / Re: Promotion for July 2010
« on: July 17, 2010, 12:30:04 PM »
congrats congrats ..... desi vadyi ho vadhyai ho ..... 

balle balle ballle desi pher ajj ta karma vala din aaa....

Cars / Re: Bentley Mulsanne
« on: July 17, 2010, 11:03:03 AM »
@ Codename47

Ok, i will :)

Cars / Re: Bentley Mulsanne
« on: July 17, 2010, 11:01:22 AM »
@ kismat

Your Welcome

Cars / Bentley Mulsanne
« on: July 17, 2010, 09:31:59 AM »

Bentley has launched its exclusive
luxury sedan Bentley Mulsanne in
India. Mulsanne aims to create its
own segment of comfort in Indian
automobile market. The luxurious
sedan comes loaded with a 6750cc, twin- turbocharged V8 engine which
offers maximum power of 505BHP
with a torque of 1020NM. The front,
longitudinal and rear wheel drive
installation make it a best buy. Bentley Mulsanne promises to deliever
maximum speed with utmost luxury. It can
catch up 0-100 KMPH in just 5.3 seconds. The
maximum speed of Bentley Mulsanne is 296
KMPH. An economy of 16.8 litres/100 kms
makes it a true value for money. Bentley Mulsanne has a rear wheel drive transmission
range with a ZF 8 speed automatic
transmission support. Bentley Mulsanne offers
the Ultra luxury section with Cam Phasing in a
variable displacement. Besides these, other features of Bentley
Mulsanne include bold frontal, designed along
with the traditional Bentley grille, new
chromed headlights, larger bonnet, aluminium
shaded front wings etc. In all Bentley
Mulsanne is quite impressive, improvised and intelligent car. It can make it to your garage in
Rs. 2.9 crore. Company Segment USP Bentley Motors Limited Luxury 6.8 litre Twin-Turbo charged engine, 0-90 km/hr in 4.8 seconds Striking Features Twin-Turbo charged V8 engine Aluminium shaded front wings Royal look with elegant exteriors and lavish
interiors of Bentley Luxurious hand-crafted leather interiors Integrated Entertainment system with 60GB
hard disk Integrated Navigation System 8 Speed Automatic transmission with
electronic shift interface Price To experience the grand luxury of Bentley
Mulsanne you have to loose a huge amount of
Rs. 2.90 Crore (ex-showroom Delhi). (Please Note: The price range is ex-showroom
and based on the close approximation. Please
check the latest prices and variant
specifications with your dealer) Technical Specifications Dimensions & Weight Length (mm) 5575 Width (mm) 1926 Height (mm) 1521 Wheelbase (mm) 3266 Kerb Weight (kgs) 255 Seating Capacity 4 person Engine Model Designation 6.8L Engine No. Of Cylinders 8 cylinder Configuration V-Type Engine Displacement (cc) 6752 cc Transmission 8 Speed - Automatic Top Speed (kmph) 296 km/h Suspension Front Double wishbone independent with anti-roll
bars sports suspension Rear Double wishbone independent with anti-roll
bars sports suspension Brakes Front Brakes Ventilated Discs Rear Brakes Ventilated Discs Tyres Type 265/45 ZR Wheel Size 9J x20 inches Fuel Tank 65 liter Performance Max. Horsepower (ps/
rpm) 512PS @ 4200rpm Max. Torque 1020Nm @ 1750rpm Steering Steering Type Power

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