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Messages - Sardar_Ji

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@ jatii kali4nia di

:hehe: tahanu ki hoya jnab !!  Lagda tusi kush nai hoyae meri kamzabi tae :pagel:

Thank you boss saab!!!!!!

@ simari party dae dindae das kithae leni aaa party tusa :hehe:

Ajjo Bhee jenne jenne "thank You" lenna.. Ajj Mand Waddo Thank you karda aa..

Topic wich reply karoo teh ek Thank you muft pavvo  :happy:

 :happy: Jhanda ji bar bar post kare nae "thank you " lenn vastae ... jhanda ji thanku sirf ik vari milna  :loll:

khabri kush khabri....
jerda phela 15 janaya vich post karo ohnu " thank you" naal nivajaya jao ga.. :hehe:

thank you imari... ji...

thanuu party dae dinae aa .... es wakht sirf candies wandia jaa rahia lolz :candies:

mubarka hun sandhu bai ji.... tahnu jinu english ch khande congrats....  :happy:

nice topic most of them i read...

Thank You Ji saraya da

Tusi sab nae ana maan bakshaya, bahut bahut Dhanvadh Ji.

ayaas karda k aun vale time vich thoada sada naal ada pyar banaya rahe.

pher dubara bahut bahut Dhanvadh Ji.

 mere valo thodae sarya layi shota jaya gift  hope u like it -> :candies:

mera naam b likho yaar competion ch ......

mae apnae khud nu represents kita like mera kina cheeza ch interst..... who I am.................. :happy:

sarya toa phela hajiri la kae gaya c tae naam bai tusi likhya ayi nae.... : :sad:

Complaints / Re: mere login kyu nai hunda ji...
« on: September 02, 2010, 01:39:28 PM »
now its open ....

Complaints / mere login kyu nai hunda ji...
« on: September 02, 2010, 12:36:49 PM »
mae login nai kar sakan daya ji

jado mae login karda ada ounda plz check tell, what wrong...

now i m using proxy.......

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ehne topic ch bakwaas kitta 

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Bhagat Surdas Ji
« on: September 02, 2010, 11:44:26 AM »

Bhagat Surdas Ji

Bhagat Surdas ji was a Scholar that was proficient in Sanskrit, Persian and Hindi. Thus he attracted the attention of Emperor Akbar who appointed him Governor of Sandilà. But Bhagat ji’s heart lay elsewhere.
man bairaag bhaeiaa dharasan dhaekhanai kaa chaao ||
My mind has become detached from the world; it longs to see the Vision of the Lord's Darshan.

He felt a great sense of detachment which led him to renounce his worldly responsibilities and entirely dedicate himself to the devotion of the Absolute One.
An honest, wealthy man along with his family came to visit Bhagat Ji. Bhagat ji gazed at the wealthy man’s wife and his mind began to waver.
akhee soothak vaekhanaa par thria par dhhan roop ||
The impurity of the eyes is to gaze upon the beauty of another man's wife, and his wealth

As a result of this impure act, his body started to flow with emotions of uneasiness and restlessness. He abandoned his devotion to God and took the attire of a lumberman. He began to drop off lumber at the wealthy man’s house daily so that he could have the chance to gaze upon the wealthy man’s wife. After he would drop off the stack of lumber at their house he would stand starring at the wealthy man’s wife without any shame. The wealthy man and his wife had a very generous nature as they both kindly served saints and gave money to the needy. The wealthy man’s wife felt grief in her heart that this poor man’s mind has wavered, if I tell my husband he’ll harm Bhagat Ji. In these thoughts she decided to stay quiet and not tell her husband.
A year later her husband asked her, “Where did you get all this lumber from?”
She clasped her hands together with her head lowered and replied in pure humbleness,
I can only tell you if you promise that you will be forgiving.”
The wealthy man trusted his wife deeply replying, “I will surely be forgiving because where there is forgiveness God himself resides there.
kabeeraa jehaa giaan theh dhharam hai jehaa jhoot(h) theh paap ||
Kabeer, where there is spiritual wisdom, there is righteousness and Dharma. Where there is falsehood, there is sin.
jehaa lobh theh kaal hai jehaa khimaa theh aap ||155||
Where there is greed, there is death. Where there is forgiveness, there is God Himself. ||155||
The wealthy man’s wife truthfully told him everything. The honest, wealthy man felt deep anguish that such a detached saint left his Bana to become a lumberman throwing piles of wood for a year just for this worldly rubbish. The generous couple did simran together and ended with an heartfelt ardas:
“Dear lord, please bless Bhagat Surdas ji with a place in your sweet lotus feet.”
Instead of getting angry at Bhagat ji they decided to invite him to their house for Langar. When Bhagat ji reached their house they washed his feet with respect and served him Langar. After Bhagat ji finished eating Langar the honest, wealthy man requested,
“O Bhagat ji, Please take my wife and everything I own, you are our saviour that will save us from the messengers of death, I shall renounce everything and meditate on God!”
Hearing these words Bhagat ji felt extreme shame. In feelings of Remorse he thought, what have I done? I have turned my eyes away from the almighty Lord and with lustful eyes have looked upon another’s wife which has the following consequences:
par thria raavan jaahi saeee thaa laajeeahi ||
Those men who go out to enjoy other men's women shall suffer in shame.
nithaprath hirehi par dharab shhidhr kath dtaakeeahi ||
Those who steal the wealth of others - how can their guilt be concealed

Bhagat ji then told the wealthy man to bring him two hot iron spikes. Upon his refusal Bhagat ji said he would curse him. Afraid of being cursed he then brought two burning hot spikes. Bairaagi Bhagat ji took the two burning spikes and stabbed his eyes. That these eyes made me throw piles of lumber for a year, they have made my life a living hell. The bairaagi, blind Bhagat ji then went into the wilderness to do bhagti. Whilst in the forest Bhagat ji got Diarehea, to his aid Bhagvan ji (God) himself appeared in human form.
Bhagvan ji washed Bhagat Surdas ji’s clothing and said, “Dear Bhagat ji, I must go now.”
Bhagat ji recognised God’s voice and respectfully with love grabbed Bhagvan ji’s wrist. Bhagvan ji pulled away and Bhagat ji proclaimed, “O lord you may free your wrist from my hands but try to leave my heart!”
Seeing Bhagat ji’s devotion Bhagvan ji sat down and blessed him with his eyes. Bhagvan ji then said, “ You should not have made youself blind, If you want to keep those eyes now you have to come back to this world again.”

Bhagat ji humbly requested,“ Please forgive me in this life, I will praise you and commit this life to you without eyes.”
Bhagat Surdas ji was then blessed with the effortless repetition of God’s Name. United with Guru Arjan Dev Sahib ji’s Lotus feet, Bhagat Surdas Sahib ji spoke this line of Bani which is on Ang 1253 of Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji:
shhaadd man har bimukhan ko sa(n)g ||
O mind, do not even associate with those who have turned their backs on the Lord.
After speaking this line of Bani, Bhagat Surdas Ji went into smaadhi where all he saw inside and outside was the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. Dhan Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Sahib Ji has also included a Hymn in Bhagat Surdas ji’s name which is located on Ang 1253 of Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

The 9 steps that our mind takes when committing an immoral deed:
1) Looking at someone of the opposite sex and having dirty thoughts.
2) Listening upon dirty conversations.
3) Remembering this person’s face.
4) Praising that individual’s appearance to others.
5) In your mind thinking endlessly about this individual.
6) Privately thinking dirty thoughts of this individual.
7) Making plans on how to achieve goal to get closer to this individual.
8) Carrying out actions which assist in accomplishing goal.
9) Achieving the goal.

According to Guru Sahib’s Teachings these are 9 steps our mind falls into that lead us away from God and away from our true objective. A Gurmukh is one who has controlled his mind through Maharaj’s blessing and does not fall into these traps of Maya.

Khalsa is pure on the inside and outside, jeeahu niramal baaharahu niramal ||
gur kaa sikh bikaar thae haattai ||
The Sikh of the Guru abstains from evil deeds.
mithhiaa naethr paekhath par thria roopaadh ||
False are the eyes which gaze upon the beauty of another's wife.
akhee vaekh n rajeeaa bahu ra(n)g thamaasae||
The eyes are not satisfied with beholding sights and exhibitions.
akhee praem kasaaeeaa har har naam pikha(n)nih ||
The eyes which are attracted by the Lord's Love behold the Lord through the Name of the Lord.
jae kar dhoojaa dhaekhadhae jan naanak kadt dhicha(n)nih ||2||
If they gaze upon something else, O servant Nanak, they ought to be gouged out. ||2||
par thria roop n paekhai naethr ||
The Gurmukh is one who does not gaze at the beauty of another’s wife.

(The above information was taken from “Sri Sukhmani Sahib Steek” DDT,Baba Jaswant Singh(Bhagat ji) and translated into English.)

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Kar Seva Bhaj Har Har Guramath
« on: September 02, 2010, 10:50:36 AM »
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Baba Shaam Singh Ji was a beautiful Sikh of Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj who dedicated his life to seva. For over 70 years Sant Baba Shaam Singh Ji was blessed with kirtan seva at Sackhand Sri Darbar Sahib. Every morning as Sant Ji made his way to the house of Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Raam Das Ji Maharaj he would lead the sangat in singing:

This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Ang 856

bilaaval ||

dharamaadhae t(h)aadtae dharabaar ||
I stand humbly at Your Court.

thujh bin surath karai ko maeree dharasan dheejai kholih kivaar ||1|| rehaao ||
Who else can take care of me, other than You? Please open Your door, and grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||Pause||

thum dhhan dhhanee oudhaar thiaagee sravananh suneeath sujas thumhaar ||
You are the richest of the rich, generous and unattached. With my ears, I listen to Your Praises.

maago kaahi ra(n)k sabh dhaekho thumh hee thae maero nisathaar ||1||
From whom should I beg? I see that all are beggars. My salvation comes only from You. ||1||

jaidhaeo naamaa bip sudhaamaa thin ko kirapaa bhee hai apaar ||
You blessed Jai Dayv, Naam Dayv and Sudaamaa the Brahmin with Your infinite mercy.

kehi kabeer thum sa(n)mrathh dhaathae chaar padhaarathh dhaeth n baar ||2||7||
Says Kabeer, You are the All-powerful Lord, the Great Giver; in an instant, You bestow the four great blessings. ||2||7||

One time as Mahapursh was walking towards Sachkhand Sri Darbar Sahib at amritwela he noticed that one of the shops which sold badam milk was left unattended. As Sant Ji proceeded he saw that the shopkeeper was sleeping on the floor. Beside him there was a large tub which was filled to the top with used cups.

Sant Ji immediately went over to the tub and while continuing with his Naam Simran began to wash the dirty cups. As Mahapursh made his way through the cups the shopkeeper woke up to the beautiful sound of Guru Sahib’s kirtan. The shopkeeper looked around and instantly recognised Sant Ji as Mahapursh used to make this journey every day. The shopkeeper reached for Sant Ji’s feet and with tears in his eyes asked Mahapursh why a bramhgyani, a kirtani of Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj was washing dirty cups.

Mahapursh smiled and said, “Gurmukho, what else is this body for? I do an ardas to Maharaj to bless me with such seva.”

May Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj bless all his beloved Sikhs with such an outlook.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Shayari / Re: ਕੁਝ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਆਏ ਹਾਂ
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:20:15 PM »
barda sohna likhya veere

tae hun karkae ayi apa java gae... :happy:

nice wording bai...

really nice bai

ajj ta manu sariya shaharia bahut changia lagan diya ....

ah b bahut nice ji keep it up............. :happy:

Shayari / Re: jee karda
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:13:28 PM »
bahut nice aa veer ... sariya lines bahut changia lagia mildiya juldiya sadhi soch na par likhan bethiya ta kush ada da kadae likhya ai nai janda.... :sad:

Shayari / Re: yaadon se juud kr yaad aate ho aap
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:10:40 PM »
bahut nice good words. like it..

Shayari / Re: chote sahibjade
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:09:08 PM »
Khandayo Tikhi Sikhi...

True sikhs definately remmber by everyone... shahadta deniya saukhiniya nai hundia bai...

sahi galh aa bai.....

bahut vadiya...

wah wah ji bahut nice ji

Khalistaan Zindabaad.

nice bai aa keep it up

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