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Fun Time / Re: your MOOD now
« on: July 03, 2015, 03:13:59 PM »
devdas type jiha  :D:

Competitions / Re: Voting for next competition July-August
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:55:48 PM »
topic maker i guess

Fun Time / Re: your MOOD now
« on: July 02, 2015, 03:10:09 PM »

PJ Games / Re: True or False
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:01:16 PM »
U r between wrong persons

Fakkar subah aa mera


destroyed my phone today

Maan-Sanmaan/Respect+ / Re: PJ Mutiyaar Promotion Dreamer
« on: July 02, 2015, 01:49:46 PM »
:hug: congratzz ahh  :laugh: ohda apni kdi gal ni hoyi paarr menu ehda lgda jida tu menu jandi  :rockon: :excited: :laugh:

kiniya id da khilara paia  :pagel: na main ni jandi  :D:

Religion, Faith, Spirituality / Re: Sakhis - The Sikh Stories
« on: July 02, 2015, 01:09:34 PM »
My Fav Sakhi

Bhagat Dhanna Ji was a Sikh Bhagat who was born in about 1415, at village of Dhuan Kalan near Deoli city, in the Tonk district, Rajasthan, present day North West India. He was a simple Indian farmer who worked hard on his farm all day tending his crops. He used to go past the house of a Clever Pundit everyday on the way to his work on the farm.
Dhanna Ji used to listen to the Pundit singing religions verses, as he carried out various ritualistic acts, which were beyond the understanding of this simple Jatt (farmer). He found these acts intriguing but never asked the religious man about any of the things that he had observed in the many years that he had gone past the Pundit’s house.
One day, Bhai Dhanna ji was passing the pundit's house and noticed that the religious man was feeding his Thakur - a stone idol. Bhai Dhanna ji was quite puzzled by what he was observing. On this occasion as he had some free time, so he went and asked the Pundit. Dhanna Ji asked "Pundit Ji, What are you doing?"

The Pundit was very hungry and wanted to get this feeding over as soon as possible and really wasn't in a mood for Bhai Dhanna ji's simple inquiries. He replied, "Oh, nothing, I am just feeding my Thakur. Now if you will excuse me..."

Bhai Dhanna ji found that incredibly funny, "What is the use of feeding a stone?"
Pundit, "This is not a stone, it is God. It’s Thakur!"

Dhanna, "Really? What happens if you feed the Stone... I mean, what happens when you feed the Thakur?”

Pundit: "The Thakur gives you everything!! If you can please God, you will get everything. Now, I really must ask you to leave...I have a lot to do"
Bhai Dhanna ji liked this idea of giving a little food to this small God and getting back everything. So Bhai Dhanna ji asked the pundit if he could also have a Thakur.
At this time, the pundit's stomach was audibly complaining about lack of food. So he hastily picked up the nearest stone off the ground and said, "Here. First feed Thakur, then you eat. Understood! Goodbye." Saying that the pundit dived into the food left over by Thakur. “Lovely I really could not have waited any longer!”

Bhai Dhanna ji held the stone closely to his chest and hurried home. As soon as Bhai Dhanna ji got home, he first carefully and loving washed the stone. Having bathed the Thakur, Dhanna then cooked the best meal he knew - Saag and Makkee di Roti - for dinner. He placed it in front of Thakur and said, "Here Thakur ji, please eat this food, I have made it lovingly for you. Afterwards, I want to discuss many things with you. I need a new cow for example, and a few other simple requests - but for now, please eat."
Saying that Bhai Dhanna ji sat in front of Thakur and waited. And waited. And waited. After a while, Bhai Dhanna ji said, "Look Thakur, I really have no time for your play. Come and eat at once! I have many things to do."
After several hours, Bhai Dhanna ji thought perhaps Thakur ji was annoyed at him – May be he has done something wrong. So Bhai Dhanna ji tried to persuade Thakur ji to forgive him: "Look here Thakur, I haven't eaten in a while. Now it is entirely possible that I have done something to annoy you but believe you me, we can discuss this much better after this Saag and Makkee dee Roti is in our stomachs." Still nothing happened. Slowly the night deepened. It was now pitch dark outside and the Thakur was showing no signs of eating the delicious food.
Bhai Dhanna ji was now getting angry and said, "Look Thakur, I have one nerve left and you are dancing on it. Either eat your food or I will....", Bhai Dhanna ji couldn't really think of anything else to say so he bust out in anger. Still nothing happened! The angry outburst had no effect on the Thakur.
Pretty soon, Danna ji could see light skies in the East and soon it was going to became daylight. Bhai Dhanna ji felt quite disoriented and confused. Sometimes Bhai Dhanna ji would curse the Thakur, sometimes Bhai Dhanna ji would hug the Thakur and sometimes Bhai Dhanna ji would start crying.
Two long and hungry nights and days passed in this manner. Dhanna ji tried every way to convince the Thakur to take the food. He tried with all the tricks that he knew, with all the love that he could muster, with all the pleadings that he knew, with all the anger – But nothing appeared to work. Dhanna Ji was a stubborn farmer but he was failing miserably here. However, his conviction had not faltered. He kept working on his begging and pleadings.
Then at amrit vela (early dawn) on the third day, when Dhanna ji was too weak to curse any more, Waheguru decided to intervene. To stop Dhanna from going mad, Waheguru gave Bhai Danna a vision in the form of a young man. It was the most beautiful body of a young man. Dhanna ji lost all his anger and just stared at the young man.
Speaking through the young man Waheguru said, "Dhanna ji, Sorry, I am late…” Dhanna ji interrupted and said, “I will warm up the food. Thakur Ji you must eat the food – You must also be very hungry” Dhanna Ji fed the young man and ate the remaining food himself after having stayed hungry for over 2 days.
After, eating the food, Dhanna Ji said to Waheguru, “As I said to you two days ago, I have a few things to discuss with you. First there is the work of the farm and then…”
Bhai Dhanna ji fell head over heels in love with the young man (through whom God spoke to him). He couldn't resist being with the young man. They spent the next few days literally arm in arm. Even at night, Bhai Dhanna ji would hold Waheguru 's hand and listen to Waheguru's songs - Waheguru sang a lot - and would drift off to sleep. A week later, the Pundit was passing Bhai Dhanna ji's hut. Bhai Dhanna ji saw him and ran to him and said, "Oh, Pundit ji, you are the most wonderful man. I can never thank you enough for giving me that marvellous Thakur..."
Pundit, "What you on about??? OK, Oh, yeah, sure, anytime. Look, I am in a hurry. I am going to the big Pundit conference ..."

Bhai Dhanna ji: "But please come and drink some lassi (Milk Shake). Thakur ji makes the best lassi."

Pundit: "What now? What are you saying? Thakur makes something?"

 Bhai Dhanna ji: "Oh yes! It’s the best in the world. Just look at him, how handsome he is!"

Pundit ji looked and indeed he could see that someone was pushing the cows on the farm. And yet there was nobody to be seen.
Pundit ji: "Who is controlling the cows. Who is that?"

Bhai Dhanna ji: "Why, that is Thakur ji, of course. Can’t you recognise him. Oh, you should hear him sing...It’s out of this world!"

Pundit ji was quite intrigued by now. And kept repeatedly asking Bhai Dhanna ji about Thakur. After a while Bhai Dhanna ji realized that Pundit could not see Thakur ji. Dhanna ji promised that he would talk to Thakur about this.

The Pundit left. Bhai Dhanna ji went to Waheguru and said, "Thakur ji, how come Pundit ji can't see you?"

Waheguru: "The Pundit really doesn't want to see me. He is more interested in my maid – Maya and he is captivated in it entanglement. He has no real interest in me only in my creation"

Dhanna ji: "But I don't understand. Why can I see you and others cannot? How can one begin to see you?"
Waheguru: "One has to become pure. And in this age, Dhanna ji, the only way to become pure is by reciting Naam."

 Dhanna ji: "Naam?"

Waheguru: "Naam is the magic of this age. Even a few minutes of Naam Simran will bring the magic that is needed to see me."

Dhanna ji: "But, I haven't recited Naam. How come I can see you?"

The young man, touched Bhai Dhanna ji 's forehead. Bhai Dhanna ji's surat went inside. Inside he saw that he, Bhai Dhanna ji, had done heavy tapasaya for over many lifetimes. He had stood in water all night and in the hot sun all day. He had hung upside down for several lifetimes. He had been a celibate in one lifetime and a moni (ones who doesn't talk) in another. But he had progressed spiritually very little.

Then in his previous life, he had met an adept Guru who had given him Naam. And by doing Naam Simran for just one lifetime, Bhai Dhanna ji had become pure. Seeing Waheguru ji was the reward for his Naam from previous life.

Bhai Dhanna ji fell at the young man's feet and cried. Saying, "Please forgive this fool, I treated you as an equal..."

The young man ji picked him and held him close, singing songs of comfort, "Bhai Dhanna ji, now the time is right to leave. The way you see me now is the superficial way of meeting me. The real way is inside. Now you must start Naam Simran again and then I will meet you inside."

Saying that the young man vanished into thin air. Bhai Dhanna ji was enlightened now. He restarted his Naam Simran with each breath. Within days, Bhai Dhanna ji had parkash (sighting) of Waheguru ji within his mind and through this enlightenment; we today have the benefit of Dhanna Bani in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

When we bow to Sri Guru Granth Sahib, we are not just acknowledging the advice and lives of our ten Gurus but also the lives and Bani of 15 Sikh Bhagats.

:Sakhi Series 5-  The Final Shaheed of the Battle of Chamkaur ) Bibi Harsharan Kaur:

 The Final Shaheed of the Battle of Chamkaur In the battle of Chamkaur, Guru Gobind Singh jee and 40 starving Singhs battle the Mughal army. The battle which took place in Chamkaur's mud fort lasted 72 hours and saw the loss of many Mughal soldiers and also 36 of Guru Gobind Singh jee's companions along with the two Sahibzadas. Fighting an army of hundreds of thousands, Guru Gobind Singh jee gave an exhibition of his battle skills. Guru jee, following the orders of the Panth Khalsa (in the form of the Punj Pyaaray) left the fort along with Bhai Daya Singh, Bhai Maan Singh and one other Singh, after giving his clothes to Bhai Sangat Singh jee to wear. Only Bhai Sangat Singh and Bhai Sant Singh fought the battle to its end. They too were martyred. Seeing Guru jee's clothes on Bhai Sangat Singh, the Mughals were ecstatic and taking him to be Guru Gobind Singh, cut off his head and took it to Delhi. In every village it was announced that Guru Gobind Singh had been killed, "Look here at his chopped off head! His family is also finished. His two sons were killed in the battle and the two younger ones will also die abandoned. The revolution has been crushed. No one should go to the Chamkaur Fort. No one should cremate the dead Singhs." A tight cordon was put around the Fort. As the soldiers were going from village to village making their announcement, the people were retreating in terror into their homes. However, in village Khroond, a daughter of Guru Gobind Singh, Bibi Harsharan Kaur, asked for her mother's permission to peform the final rites for the Shaheeds. Her old mother replied, "it is total darkness outside and soldiers are everywhere around the fort, how will you even go near?" Hearing this, Kalgeedhar's lioness daughter replied with resolve "I will avoid the soldiers and perform the cremation, and if need be, I'll fight and die." The mother gave her courage and hugged her daughter and then explained the maryada to follow for the cremation. After performing Ardaas, Bibi Harsharan Kaur left for the Chamkaur Fort. The battlefield which saw iron smashing against iron, the bellows of elephants, the trotting of hooves and calls of "Kill! Capture!", was now totally silent and enveloped in complete darkness. In such a situation, the 16 year old girl Bibi Harsharan Kaur avoided the guards and arrived at the Fort. She saw that bodies were lying everywhere and distinguishing between Sikh and Mughal was very difficult. She still had faith and began to find arms with kaRas and torsos with kachheras and heads with long kesh. As she found a body, she would wipe the face of every shaheed. Both Sahibzadas and about 30 shaheeds were found and then she began to collect wood. Fearing the approaching light of dawn, Bibi Harsharan Kaur worked very quickly and soon prepared a pyre. She then lit the fire. Seeing the rising flames, the guards were shocked and advanced towards the pyre. Bibi Harsharan Kaur was seen in the light of the flames sitting beside the pyre. She was quietly reciting Keertan Sohilaa. The guards were shocked and confused as to how a lone woman could come into the fort on such a dark night. The guards asked in a loud voice, "Who are you?!" Bibi jee: I am the daughter of Guru Gobind Singh Officer: What are you doing here? Bibi Jee: I am cremating my martyred brothers. Officer: Don't you know about the order that coming here is a crime? Bibi Jee: I know it. Officer: Then why have you disobeyed that order? Bibi Jee: The orders of a false king do not stand before the orders of the Sachay Patshah (True King) Officer: Meaning? Bibi Jee: Meaning that I have respect for the Singhs in my heart and with the Guru's grace I have done my duty. I don't care about your King's orders. Hearing such stern answers from Bibi Harsharan Kaur, the infuriated Mughal soldiers attempted to capture her and attacked. Bibi jee grabbed her kirpaan and fought back with determination. After killing and maiming many soldiers, Bibi Harsharan Kaur was injured and fell to the ground. The soldiers picked Bibi Harsharan Kaur up and threw her into the pyre, burning her alive. The next day the cordon around the Fort was lifted because it was clear that the Sahibzadas and most of the Shaheed Singhs had been cremated. The ancestors of the Phulkiaan family, Rama and Triloka, then cremated whichever Singhs remained. The story of Bibi Harsharan Kaur reached Guru Gobind Singh jee Mahaaraaj in Talvandee Sabo (Damdama Sahib). Upon hearing of her daughter's martyrdom, the old mother thanked Akaal Purakh. She said, "my daughter has proven herself worthy." The story of the cremation of the Chamkaur Shaheeds will forever serve as a glowing star of inspiration for all Singhs and Singhnees

bhgat dahna singh ji wali sakhi main first  time apne nani ji to suni c hun ajj kine time baad  read karan nu mili ..thank you garrai singh

Maan-Sanmaan/Respect+ / Re: PJ Mutiyaar Promotion Dreamer
« on: June 30, 2015, 05:31:11 PM »
Congress besty  :slap:
tanu hun cheta aia haina  :slap:

 :laugh: name ni dodia c ..funny munda te funny kudi likhia tu kahto jadi bana lai appe  :D:

meri post di jhakna kihne patti  :laugh:

PJ Games / Re: True or False
« on: June 30, 2015, 03:03:32 PM »

am having a panic attack

vijay gohal and stylish kaur

Introductions / New Friends / Re: Hello
« on: June 30, 2015, 02:59:57 PM »
hi max ..kala hi agye where is ur ruby? manu oh show bhout pasand c  :loll:

Maan-Sanmaan/Respect+ / Re: PJ Mutiyaar Promotion Dreamer
« on: June 30, 2015, 02:46:51 PM »
Ji jassy ji tuhanu byut byut wadayia ji :blush:
jada na sharma :hehe:

PJ Games / Re: True or False
« on: June 30, 2015, 02:44:30 PM »

i got a massive headache

PJ Games / Re: Give a vegetable/Fruit name to the above person
« on: June 29, 2015, 03:50:15 PM »
guava :love:

PJ Games / Re: Give a vegetable/Fruit name to the above person
« on: June 29, 2015, 03:29:15 PM »

PJ Games / Re: Weather Report for ur city ?
« on: June 29, 2015, 03:16:06 PM »
beautiful day :love:

Maan-Sanmaan/Respect+ / Re: PJ Mutiyaar Promotion Dreamer
« on: June 29, 2015, 12:20:24 PM »
saria da

Maan-Sanmaan/Respect+ / Re: PJ GABRU Promotion Shin Chan
« on: June 29, 2015, 12:14:49 PM »
congrats shin chan

Maan-Sanmaan/Respect+ / Re: PJ Mutiyaar Promotion Dreamer
« on: June 29, 2015, 12:12:55 PM »
 ahem ahem (gala saaf karde hoi)  :D: thank u sab da

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