The jews are on their way to microchip YOU goyim! (goyim means animal. That's what they call us non-jews/gentiles).
Implantable Microchips that can kill remotely. Jews want to be able to kill you through a computer command, Goyim. They want to own you as their animals and kill you as they see fit. Give you "credits" (digital money) as they see fit. Enslave you as they see fit. Dumb you down as they see fit. The Computer system they have named "Zion" and is under development right now as we speak, which is a computer intelligence meant to enslave anyone and be under the control of the "Messiah". Insane as ****? Wait there is more:
But who is the Jewish "Messiach"? Rabbi Kaduri, a top hieracy jewish Rabbi, mentions that the Name of the "Savior", is JESUS. Yes, goyim christians, its JESUS. The one foolish Gentiles slaves worship and want to return and all:
"To embrace the Truth, requires guts!"[/i]
It's already being done. think you are safe? You think it will only be done in America? You say you don't give a f*ck about world events? You must educate yourself about the jews as the entire world is under their control. Don't believe me? Go do your research and study the sites I linked in the previous original posts and this.