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Topics - Love guru

Pages: [1]
Love Pyar / --LoVe GuRu--SaDe VIcHaR KuSh PYaR WaRe
« on: June 02, 2008, 01:41:12 PM »
If you love some one because you think that he or she is really gorgeous ....then it's not love .. it's "Infatuation"

If you love some one because you think that you shouldn't leave him because others think that you shouldn't ... then it's not love.. it's "Compromise"

If you love some one because you have been kissed by him ... then it's not love.. it's "Inferiority complex"

If you love some one because you cannot leave him thinking that it would hurt his feelings .. then it's not love .. it's "Charity"

If you love some one because you share every thing with him ... then it's not love... it's "Friendship"

If you feel the pain of the other person more than him even when he is stable and you  for him ... that's "LOVE"

If you get attracted to other people but stay with him without any regrets... that's "LOVE"

If you let him go knowing that he has to go but he doesn't want to ... that's "LOVE" -----

SO G JeH kOi MeRe vIcArA Tu nA SeHmAt hOvE ThEn Tell ME  jEh KuSh eS Tu wAd sUcH HoYi JaRoR  Blink:)dAsAn Ga g  LaTeRz bUdDyZZZ<<<<-----

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