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Topics - DrPimper

Pages: [1] 2
Gup Shup / Your favorite Punjabi song guys, feel free to post more than one
« on: December 16, 2011, 04:58:21 PM »
Making a new CD guys, need some good Punjabi music, so tell me your favorite

it's for a car, so that kinda music would be cool too

Cars / Challenger Paint Job
« on: February 12, 2011, 02:57:43 AM »
http://photos.ebizautos.com/8059/4842051/4842051_1.jpg this is how it currently looks like.....

[July-26-09] BEAUTIFUL 2009 Dodge Challenger (BLACK HAWK DUB) Black Powder w/ Blue Pinstripe

should I do this later down the road

the paintjob itself actually doesn't cost that much since the matte black is the most inexpensive kind, and the stripes don't take up that much room, and some blue LED lights could look cool too

rims are a bit iffy though


Gup Shup / India's Corruption
« on: October 24, 2010, 02:42:48 AM »
how do we end it?

Gup Shup / Halo Reach
« on: September 13, 2010, 08:24:04 PM »
anyone care?

yeah, two cranky ass white people (the wife being an attorney =/) moved into this city and this was during the construction of a Gurdwara. The Gurdwara had been under construction for 3 years already and then they decided to go to court and get the construction stopped. They felt it should have been torn down because it would increase traffic (despite the Gurdwara only being held once a week on Sundays), lower the property value (even though she's saying that she'll sell it for 600k and then drop the charges, which in turn actually increased the value), and because it's an "eyesore." Not surprisingly, they lost in court.

Now 4 years later after the Gurdwara has finally finished being constructed, she was compelled to back into court and then the court ruled in favor of her. The court has no ordered the Gurdwara to be torn down.

More of the story is here. http://www.punjabnewsline.com/content/court-orders-destruction-sikh-temple-texas-usa/22123

Join this group on facebook and give your support. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=143020612377913&ref=ts

Gup Shup / Newspaper help
« on: July 22, 2010, 12:40:17 AM »
any of you guys know where I can find a newspaper for a city like Moga? online for this past month, need to find an article

Court orders destruction of Sikh temple in Texas, USA
Punjab Newsline Network
Saturday, 17 July 2010
AUSTIN(Texas): Sikhs are shocked and outraged at a ruling by a Texas Court of Appeals ordering that the only Sikh Temple (Gurudwara) in Austin, Texas be torn down.

Austin Gurdwara Sahib (AGS), a non-profit, Sikh organization purchased land in West side of the Greater Austin area in 2003 to start the first permanent Gurudwara in the Capital City.  For years, religious services were hosted weekly in a manufactured home located on the property.  In 2005, to improve the facilities, AGS, with the congregation’s support, decided to build a more contemporary building.  In this regard, AGS applied for, and was granted, all the necessary permits from the city.  The approval process from the city included meetings with Planning & Zoning committees as well as the City Council at large.  AGS also met with and provided full disclosure to the neighborhood association.

The construction commenced in late 2007, and the members of the Austin Sikh community celebrated laying the initial foundation stone of the first Sikh temple of its kind in Austin.  However, the festive mood came to an abrupt stop immediately after the foundation had finished in Feb 2008, when the Bolliers filed for an injunction against the construction.  John and wife Leslie, who is an attorney, were relative newcomers to the neighborhood arriving about 3 years after AGS had been using its property for religious services.   Citing to the deed restrictions, the Bolliers argued vehemently against the construction of the Sikh Temple on the grounds that it would be an eye-sore and a traffic magnate, and would lower their property’s value.

By agreement, AGS and the Bolliers agreed to cease construction until the issue was resolved by the trial court.  In March 2009, the case was heard by Honorable Judge Susan Covington in the 353rd Judicial District in Travis County Texas.  Over the course of several days, the court heard evidence presented by both sides, and rendered an informed decision denying Bollier’s request for an injunction and further ordered them to pay 80% of the associated court costs.  In fact, the plantiff, Leslie Bollier, was cited for inequitable conduct in connection with the AGS use of the property.

After the trial court’s favorable ruling, AGS proceded to complete the Temple construction over the next few months.  Meanwhile, not satisfied with the trial court’s decision, Bolliers filed an appeal.   In July 2010, months after the construction of the Temple was complete, the Appellate  Court reversed the lower court’s ruling.  In fact, it went so far as to order the completed structure to be torn down!  Sikhs around the world and shocked, saddened, and flabbergasted by such an unjust ruling.

The AGS spokes person said that they intends to vigorously appeal and ask the court to reconsider its decision.  A website www.SaveGurudwara.com has been set up to provide updates on the matter as well as to collect donations for the legal fight.


edited by sire di rakaan

Gup Shup / Need insight.....
« on: May 19, 2010, 11:15:23 PM »
how do I make a difference in this world?

what path should I take?

Gup Shup / Anyone got the 5 pieces of Exodia? or the head?
« on: April 03, 2010, 10:48:40 AM »
yeah....need it for something

Cars / Best cars under 20 grand?
« on: March 19, 2010, 06:59:27 PM »
best cars under $20,000? around $15,000 even? I've seen the Civic and...hmm....any others?

Gup Shup / How do I become a f'n doctor?
« on: March 18, 2010, 12:35:59 AM »
okay guys, so I'm a confused 16 year old kid in Texas and I kinda want to become a doctor (yes, the stereotypical Indian choice). I'm leaning towards the physician shit but who knows, my mind could easily change or something. But I see myself becoming a physician. Now there's just one problem.

I have no idea how to become a doctor, or the road there, or how hard it is

I hear people saying "o, it's so hard you'll kill yourself" or "aww naw dawg, it's easy"

..... :marro:

but basically, bottom line, I decided to dip into the bottomless pit of knowledge and power of PJ

can you help me out guys? how do I become a doctor? and what's the road like? and are there any other cool jobs out there....

Religous Videos / In memory
« on: February 12, 2010, 10:45:22 PM »
Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

Cars / alright guys....might MIGHT be able to get this car in a year
« on: January 27, 2010, 10:27:55 PM »
2010 camaro ss inferno orange

what do you think? for about $22,000, just in time for college

News Khabran / Retaliation?
« on: December 07, 2009, 06:14:24 PM »
So can we retaliate against the Punjabi Police or Badhul(if that's spelled correctly)? I mean personally, I would really, really, really enjoy seeing a few bombs going off in some Police stations(well the ones that have been proven to have done some horrific deeds(which is 99% of them :wow:)) but yeah, a few fires, some bombs, and the assassination of that big douchebag would be nice. But then instantly we'd be labeled terrorists. Alright look, terrorists are people that cowardly attack the innocent and not the main people who they hate/fear. Even in 1984 we never attacked the innocent, it was just at those damn politicians. But what I'm saying is what CAN be done? Boycott them? They probably won't care and just start doing the same old $H!T over and over like they've been doing. Do we fight back? fire with fire? nope, get labeled as terrorists and the events of 1984 shall take place all over again and the innocent shall suffer....It's all BS really, what needs to be done is the word needs to get out. Out of India I mean. India just sucks actually, all those politicians can go burn. They get elected, and what do they do? Instead of solving the problems they just think about "o dawg, I wonder how we can get elected next time" or just figure out ways to make money. It's all BS, we need a massive overhaul on the government....or since 60% of the army is Sikhs, REVOLT :marro: :marro:

I don't know

done ranting :dnk:

found this in my inbox, thought I'd spread the word since this news is being heavily supressed

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh.

Khalsa ji, today again Five of our brothers shed their blood and gave their lives for upholding the Honor Of Our Beloved Satguru , Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj and Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth.

Noormehlia Ashutosh had planned a Shobha Yatra(like Nagar Kirtan)IN Ludhiana, in which he was to sit in a Palki and roam around Ludhiana! But Panthic Jathebandis had protested against it , and due to pressure frm all sides, Badal Govt. had refused permission for His Jaloos!

Still he was adamant to hold a programme to show his power, as he knows that 40% residents of ludhiana today are frm UP and Bihar! It was a direct Challenge to Sikh panth, so Sikh organizations frm all over Punjab had gathered at Gurudwara Kalgidhar, Ludhiana to protest aganist him. Around Afternoon,Sikhs got the news that Ashutosh had started his Programme, upon this Sikhs led By Bhai Jasbir Singh Rode, Bhai mohkam Singh Damdami taksal, Bhai Harnaam Singh Dhumma Moved towards the venue of his programme to stop it. When the Singhs were abt a kilometre away, Punjab police Intercepted Singhs and blocked their way.Singhs wanted to move ahead , so they didnt stop. at this PP started lathi charge on singhs, which angered the peacefully protesting Sikhs. There was a violent showdown between Singhs and police. On the orders of IG Sanjeev Kalra, Punjab Police opened fire on Sikh Youths. In this Shootout, 5 Sikhs have been Martyred by Now, and scores are injured and admitted to various hospitals in Ludhiana.

There were news reports on various channels showing death of One sikh and injuries to five. But its all Lies. There is a total Black-out of this news on most channels, with the few who r giving this news are showing very less coverage. Causalities are much more than being shown. We can know about the false claims of Punjab Police from the fact that the Singh who got Shaheed first had a bullet in his chest, how come a bullet Hit his chest if police were firing in air??

We, having the first hand information from Singhs who were part of todays' agitation, see it as our Duty to make the Khalsa Sangat aware of what is happening here on field. It all happened when another Guru-Nindak, Darshan lal had been summoned to Akaal Takhat Sahib where he refused to present himself before Panj Singh Sahibaan and created a scene there in the absence of Sikh Jathebandis committed to Maryada and Unity of Panth.

We dont see any difference between Noormehlia, Sarse wala or Darshan, all are Guru Nindaks and against Guru Maryada.Anyone going against honor of Guru,Gurubaani and Guru's Panth is a Dokhi of Panth.

May Waheguru Akaal ji Bless his Panth to do Sudhaai of these Guru- Nindaks.

We'll keep u updated Khalsa ji, benti is all of you do as many Japji Sahib and Chaupai Sahib paaths as possible for the Charhdi kala of Panth and Do Ardas for Charhdi kala of Shaheed Singhs.

Stay United, Be in Charhdi kala, Pray for Shaheeds.

Akaaaaaall Ji Sahai.

Kamaljeet Singh Khalsa Shaheedsar

Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh Khalsa ji...

There is a total black-out by media,so called free press and fourth pillar of Democracy. When Sikhs r hurt or wronged,its a policy of Government of India which is carried out by media with full obedience, Black-out the news of Punjab.let it burn,anything happen, dont show anything. is this the freedom?? is this the democracy?? NOthing is being cleared by administration.Everyone is quiet.NO one knows where r the bodies of Shaheed Singhs still.

Other Mahapurakhs present during the protest were, Baba Baljeet Singh ji Dadu sahib wale, Baba Ranjeet Singh ji Dhadrianwale, Baba Daler Singh ji, Bhai Kanwarpal Singh(Dal Khalsa).

Plz check this -
1 dead as Sikhs protest with police in Ludhiana

Panthic leaders will very soon out strategy for the next action .

On the other Hand, brother of Noormehlia, Darshan has been declared Tankhaiya by Akaal Takhat sahib till he presents himself before Akaal Takhat and asks for forgiveness from Panth and Completes the Saza given by Khalsa Panth. All the Sikhs have been told not to let him do Kirtan in Gurudwaras and Support him in any way.

Khalsa ji, today panth is fighting on two fronts, one is external enemy with whom whole Indian Establishment, media, political parties stand and other is Internal...darshan and his gang of thugs who speak against maryada of panth,Baani of dasmesh Pita,Khande da amrit and everything for which this Panth has been proud of.

What is the difference Between Ashutosh and Darshan. Both Dont believe in Maryada of panth, both make mockery of our traditions, both challenge us. One is Chandu(Ashutosh), and Other is Gangu(Darshan). Gangu betrayed Guru After living in Guru's house for 21 years, darshan Stabbed Guru panth after making a livelihood in name of Guru and Panth.

Histroy is witness, panth punished both, Chhandu and Gangu. Now also waheguru will bless us to punish these Enemies of Panth.

Stay united and believe in Maryada of Panth, Supremacy of Guru, Gurubaani and panthic traditions.

Pray for Shaheed Singhs! Read As much baani u can! Maybe Guruji gets merciful on us also and blesses us with Shaheedi too!

Akaaall ji Sahai!

Kamaljeet Singh khalsa Shaheedsar.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh ji....

Latest Update is ...Baba Ranjeet Singh ji Dhahdrianwale,Bhai Mohkam Singh, Bhai Jasbeer singh rode, Bhai harnam Singh Dhumma and Baba Baljeet Singh ji are still out in field. Baba Ranjeet Singh ji has taken the lead and are visiting hospitals to tend to Injured and preparing For Antim Sanskaar of Shaheeds tommorow in Ludhiana.

Its Cold night....but they r still out, sitting on the roads,for our rights, rights for which our Shaheeds have given their Lives, their blood. They r out For Guru's honour, our Panth's Honour,Our right to oppose anyone who tries to defame our Guru and wants to break the maryada of Panth.

A Singh just told daas that a policeman was targetting Baba Ranjeet Singh ji when suddenly one Singh saw it. as he fired the bullet, that singh jumped in front of Babaji and saved him, but got injured himself.he's got 14 stiches on his shoulder.....and he's 60 years old...... Dhan Guru...Dhan sikhi...Dhan Sikh!

Here's a pic of Sikhs and Sants gathered before that massacre.

Bhai Jasbir singh and others have said they'll creamate Shaheeds at the very place where Ashutosh's programme was being held. Tomorrow Sikhs frm all over Punjab are gathering in Ludhiana to pay their homage to Shaheeds. When the pyres will be lit,thousands of eyes will have tears in them and hearts will thump with love for Guru and Shaheeds.......we'll see what we have been hearing abt 1978 saka frm years.........it'll be a painful but glorious moment for Sikhi. We all will do Ardas in front of Maharaj to bless us with Power to uphold the Honor of our Shaheeds,Honor of our Guru and continue this struggle until we Win. and i'm sure, We will Win with Akaal ji's Kirpa!We have had 250,000 of our brothers and sisters killed, Many more will fall in this Battlefield, But we have to continue this struggle....coz we dont have any other option..its either Takhat or Takhta!

Remember what sant ji used to say.....Hathyaar rakh ke banda maarna baut vadda paap aa.... Par Hathyaar rakh ke hak na laina usto vee vadda Paap aa! Khalsa oh aa jehra baani parhda, naam japda, Guru vaste Larhda,Shaheed hunda te Shaheeda da hak lainda aa''.

Khalsa ji, its a very painful moment, in which we all shuld unite, get together and pray for charhdi kala of panth. Remember those who shed their blood today for Guru....for Panth !Remember them....... the souls which have gone to their eternal house..to their eternal father! Waheguru!

May Guruji bless all of us with His Naam,Baani and Shakti To Fight For Truth. Remember...a sikh always lives with honour.....else he doesnt exists!

Akaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll ji Sahai!

Kamaljeet Singh Khalsa shaheedsar

Gup Shup / Ideas to mess around at wedding
« on: November 23, 2009, 10:48:34 PM »
so I was thinking of using a maxed out visa gift card during the ribbon cutting thing, and then taking out like giant hedge clippers or a chainsaw to cut the thing with...any other ideas for any other points in the marriage? It's coming up in about a year though, just bored and thought I'd make this topic.

Gup Shup / cool ideas for new car
« on: November 23, 2009, 09:10:17 PM »
so I was thinking I could put this microphone thing in there and then a speaker on top of the car so I could talk crap while I was in traffic and stuff like that....or something like a cannon...I don't know, ideas? :marro:

PJ Games / Give one piece of advice to the dude/chick/alien/panda above you
« on: November 09, 2009, 06:48:15 PM »

Love Pyar / True Love
« on: November 09, 2009, 12:15:28 AM »
Does it exist, have you found it? DUN DUN DUN :dnk: dammit I sound like a sissy

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