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Author Topic: Simo's History Class  (Read 2551 times)

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Simo's History Class
« on: November 03, 2015, 09:19:02 PM »
This post isnt done yet, I'll be adding new info every day!

"The term Jat in this treatise represents the race of Nomadic Confederacies of ancient times in Central
Asia that were also known by such names as Alans, Cimmerians, Getae, Massagetae, Celts, Sarmatians,
Visigoths, Chorasmians and Sogdians, Goths, Huns, Hunas, Jutes, Kushans, Parthians, Sakas, Sacae,
Scythians, Yuechi and Xiongnu, etc. They had a nomadic way of life and had a tribal structure for their
organization. They had experience in agriculture, animal husbandry, trade, warfare and were very
independent of organized governments. In times of famine, political pressure, or population expansion
they adjusted by migrating to more suitable areas. Initially, they were located around the Caspian Sea,
the Black sea, and around the Mediterranean regions. The word Scythian is also used instead of Jat by
many authors. Over centuries these tribes moved North through Armenia and Russia, to Europe through
the Mediterranean, to China and India. Our focus is on those tribes that migrated to India. Many of
these tribes settled and mixed with the preceding Indian population and ruled and/or remained there.
For this reason it is said that the North Indians are Indo-Scythian. This is especially true of people in the
North-West Frontier, Punjab, Malwa, Gujrat and Rajasthan. It will be helpful to consider the time line of
their migrations to India and their Central Asian Roots. I will use BCE or B. C. to represent time before
the Christian Era and CE or A. D. to represent the Christian Era. Later on, ‘S.” will denote the Vikrama
Samvat or era that begins in 56 BCE."

According to (Tod 2001) Vol 1, TABLES I and II, between pages 30 and 31, the genealogy of the Aryans is
given as follows:
Narayan or Vishnu made Brahma or Brimha to perpetuate the human race. He had two sons, Mireecha
and Atri. The next four generations of Mireecha are as follows (Read as ‘father, son’ from left to right):
Mireecha, Kasyapa, Vaivaswama (or Surya or Sol meaning the sun), Vaivaswata Manoo (who had nine
sons and one daughter, namely, the sons: Icshwaca; Nirga; Simryat; Dreshta; Karooska; Nursing; Prisidh;
Nabagh; and Habee; and the daughter: Ella. The next five generations of Atri are: Atri, Samudra, Chandra
or Soma (meaning the moon), Vrishpati, and Boodha or Budha. Boodha was an Indo-Scythian and
married Ella, the daughter of Manoo. ‘Ella’ means ‘the earth.’ The descendants of Boodha and Ella form
the ‘Lunar Line  and are called ‘Chandravanshi.’ It is said that Icshwaca had 100 sons. His descendants
form the ‘Solar Line’ and are called ‘Suryavanshi’ or ‘Surajvanshi.’ Rama or Ramchandra is a descendant
of Icshwaca and is called ‘Suryavanshi’ or ‘Surajvanshi.’ His descendants are also called, ‘Suryavanshi’ or
‘Surajvansh.’ He had two twin sons, the elder named Kasab or Kush and the younger named Lava. There
are 58 generations from Icshwaca to Rama identified by Tod as follows:
Solar Line to Rama: Icshwaca, Vicooschi (another son named Nemi), Pooroonjah or Kakooste, An-Prithu,
Visgundhi, Ardrah, Yavan, Sravas, Vrihadaswa, Dhoondmar, Dridaswa, Hariaswa, Nicoompa, Varunaswa,
Senajits, Yavanaswa, Mandhata, or Soovindha, Poorkootcha, Aroona, Trividhunwa, Atraroona, Sutvritha,
Trisoonkha, Harchandra, Rohita (founder of Rohitas), Harita, Champa (founder of Champapoor), Vijeya,
Barooka, Vricksha, Bahooca or Usita in the Ramayuna, Sagara, Kesi, Asmanjas, Ansooman, Dulips,
Bhagirratha, Srootsen, Nabagh, Ambarisha, Sindhoodwipa, Ayootayu, Rituperma, Nala, Sirooah,
Sevadasa, Asmooka, Malooca, Sutwaritha or Desaratha, Aidvira, Viswasha, Kharbhanga, Dirgbahu,
Dulipa, Raghu, Uja, Desaratha, Rama or Ramachandra. The name ‘Raghuvanshi’ is also used in lieu of
‘Suryavanshi’ or ‘Surajvanshi.’
Lunar Line to Krishna: Boodha and Ella, Pooroova, Ayu or Yaou (Claimed by Tatar (Turks) and Chinese
genealogists as their great progenitor), Nohas or Nahus, Yayat, Yadu (two other sons were Pooru, Oora),
Kroost’ha (five other sons), Vrijinaswa, Swapi, Oorbhanga or Oosadru, Chithrita, Susbinda or
Sasoovindha, Pritooserva, Sujakookya, Oosana, Titeki, Moorita, Komala, Variswa, Rookmawa, Rookmesa,
Prithookma, Huboosman, Jamooga, Subyapi, Vidurba, Kesooka, Lompada, Driti, Jimoontha, Rishibha,
bhimritha, Navaritha, Didritha, Sacoonntha, Kuruntika, Kur, Devaratha, Devacshetra, Madho, Doorvasu,
Poorhota, Gooni, Padoopa, Yantu, Satwati, Tak or unduk (two other sons, Devabrita and Besni),
Bhujmana (and Kakra), Viduratha, Soora, Seoi, Bhoja, Radika, Devamida, Soora, Vasadeva, Hericrishna of
The thirty-six royal races of Jats and Rajputs and the Jat Clans of Punjab claim descent through the Solar
or Lunar lines except the ancient Tur and four Agnicula races, namely, Pramara, Purihara, Chauhan, and
Solanky. We will focus on the folloing clans:
1. The Gill Clan that claims descent from Rama, through his son Kush, which is supported by
Danzil Ibettson, local traditions and Malwa Ithaas authors. (Ibbetson 1989)
2. The Kachawaha Clan that claims descent from Rama, through his son Kush, which is supported
by James Tod. (Tod 2001)
3. The Gehlote Clan that claims descent from Rama, through his son Lava, supported by James
Tod. (Tod 2001)
4. The Tur, Tuar, Tonwar, or Tomara clan that is listed as one of the thirty-six royal races but is
not shown to descend from solar, lunar or Agnicula lines of descent. It is an ancient IndoScythian
clan that is most likely connected with the clans that founded eastern Turkistan in
Mongolia and western Turkistan North-West of the Indus River. Vicramadutya Tuar was from
this clan which is universally accepted and detailed by Abul Fazl. (Fazl 1978) In his honor the
Vikrama Samvat (S.) is established that begins with 56 BCE according to Tod (Tod 2001) and 57
BCE according to A. Cunningham (A. Cunningham 1972).
5. The Bhatti Clan that claims descent from Krishna through his eldest son who went to the
North-West side of the Indus River as detailed by James Tod (Tod 2001).
6. The Sidhu Clan that claims descent from Jaisal Bhatti who founded Jaisalmer through his
descendant Khiwa Bhatti who married a Jat wife and became a Jat. Sidho Rao Bhatti became
the patronymic name for this clan. This is documented in Denzil Ibettson (Ibbetson 1989) and
Lepel Griffin (L. H. Griffin 1940).
7. The Brar and Sidhu-Brar Clans that claim descent from Sidhu Rao Bhatti, through his
descendant Brar Sidhu. This is detailed by L. H. Griffin (L. H. Griffin 1940"

(file:///C:/Users/simar/Downloads/Deeper_Roots_Of_The_Gill_Bhatti_Sidhu_Br.pdf 2015)


The first original punjabi clans aka asl are bhullar, hayer/heer, and maan! :ok:

(this is not completed, to be continued.....)


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