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Author Topic: RULES! [Updated Apr 25]  (Read 4410 times)

Offline Doabe Wala Jatt

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RULES! [Updated Apr 25]
« on: February 14, 2015, 02:26:59 AM »
1. No Disruptive Posting
Please do not insult, target, provoke or curse other members. If you don’t like someone then just keep your opinion(s) to yourself. Do not post with the intention of provoking a reaction from fellow members. (This includes encouraging fights and Instigating)

2. Spam
A spam post is a post that provides no value to the discussion. Double/triple posts, pointless one word posts and smiles are all considered as spam. Do not make useless posts just to increase your post count, only post if you have a contribution to make to the discussion. 

3. Vulgar language
As a family friendly forum we require that all content posted on the forum is suitable for people of all ages. So please try to keep your language clean. Excessive use of vulgar language/rudeness will not be tolerated and will result in a ban. The use of word “Sala” is OK as long as you don't offend anyone. The staff will warn/ban any user that uses the word(s) offensively.
4. Respect for the Staff
Please be respectful towards our staff. It is not acceptable to indirectly target, abuse or speak trash about our team.. Helpful feedback is always welcomed, but users that seek to cause trouble by publicly complaining about the staff will be dealt with accordingly.

5. Topic Bumping
"Bring Up My Post" Please do not "bump" old topics such as Promotions/Birthdays to gain post count. 

6. Advertising
Advertising other websites is prohibited. Inappropriate links may result in permanent ban from the forums. Spamming/creating multiples threads to advertise the website is not allowed.

7. Adult Material
You are not allowed to post references, links or images to any sort of adult material or pornography. This will result in an instant ban.

8. Illegal Activities
We will not allow any posts of illegal or pirated Punjabi, Hindi, or English movies on Punjabi Janta. They will be immediately deleted and a warning will be issued. Punjabi Janta is a social networking site and it will continue to entertain and promote good movies or music as it has done in the past.

9. Your Account
Any actions taken under your account are your own responsibility. It is up to you to keep your account secure with a secure password. If you are warned/banned for something done on your account then that is your fault, we cannot be expected to judge whether it was you using the account or not. You are allowed to have only ONE ID, creating several fake ID’s will result in ban on fake ID’s.

10. Demotions
If you are banned, you will be stripped off your Gabru/Mutiyaar titles for a month. If the user remains on good terms and follows the rules, the user will be promoted back to the title within a month with staff’s approval. 

11. Promotions
Please don’t ask to become a mod or promotions. If we see something in you, we’ll come to you, asking will not help your chances. Please do not PM or create topics in order to get a certain user promoted. Titles and promotions are decided by the staff.

12. Classified Information
Please DO NOT share your personal information such as your home address, phone numbers or anything that breaches your privacy policy on this website. Any information given to them may get you into a serious trouble later on. If you feel your privacy has been breached, contact a PJ staff member as soon as possible to resolve the issue. Punjabi Janta is not responsible for user actions taken against you.

13. Posting Topics
Please, post in the appropriate sub-sections in the forum. We have a wide variety of sub-sections available, anywhere from Gup Shup to Religion, Faith, Spirituality. Be objective. Provide information.One thing you should always do prior to posting a new thread is to see if an existing thread is discussing the same (or similar) topic.

14. Merging
If several threads are started on the same subject, they will be merged in order to reduce clutter in the forums, and prevent some threads from being 'buried' on subsequent pages.

15. Moved Thread Markers
When moving threads, a 'Moved:' marker is sometimes left in place so that you can find a moved thread more easily. However, these markers still take up room, and can keep appropriate topics buried on other pages. In the interests of trying to keep the forums tidy, most threads are  moved to a more appropriate forum, and no marker is left, unless the poster is relatively new and unfamiliar with the rules.

16. Naming Threads
Please try to give your topic headers a specific focus - nothing ambiguous like, Does anyone else think..., or This is cool... or A question...or Hahaha…or aa dekho. Threads with unclear topics will simply be edited and renamed anyway for clarification purposes.

17. Username
Do not use offensive or curse words in your username. Doing so will result in a ban.

18. Plagiarism
Stealing one's creation(s) and representing it as your own. If you're going to post anything that isn't written or created by you, please give credit and make sure you have the permission to post it.

19. Chat
Same Rules apply in the chat room. You must have 10 posts to enter the chat room.

-Je kise nu kush samj naa awe te oh kise wi staff member nu PM karke push sakda hai rules bare.
-Big Thanks to Noxious, Codename47 and Greande Singh for all the help!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2015, 01:24:07 AM by Doabe Wala Jatt »

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