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Author Topic: Merry X-mass  (Read 6684 times)

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Re: Merry X-mass
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2012, 04:38:28 AM »
CRITIQUE OF SIKHISM (revised version)

I’ve prepared this little primer for non-Sikhs. It is at ur disposal 2 use wen ever u have 2 deal with a Sikhs religious beliefs. And it should be read by Sikhs for food for thought. I advise u 2 print a copy of this & distribute it: especially in those places where u know Sikhs r likely to frequent. U may even e-mail it 2 other Sikhs u happen 2 know. The whole thing can be done totally anonymously. Sikhs need to wake up from their slumber b4 they find themselves in the bowels of hell.

1. What did Sikhism bring to the world enshrined in its teachings that hadn’t already existed in Islam or Hinduism? If u read Sikh scriptures it’s a case of re-inventing the wheel as everything it preached already existed in the: Torah, Bible, Koran or the Geeta!

2. Sikh parents habitually brainwash their children by telling them how barbaric the Muslims (esp. Mughals) were towards gods. Muslims are responsible for murdering them. If a god can't save his own skin, how’s he gona protect his followers?

3. The concept of Ik Onkar (one god) in Sikhism is very ambiguous. You may infer from Sikh teachings that Ik Onkar in actual fact is a reference 2 all the 10 gurus’ collectively & not one god. If u study Sikh scripture objectively one thing u’ll soon realise is that Guru Nanak is attributed with divine traits. If u don’t believe me then read the following passage & then make ur mind up:

“God is in the Guru and Guru is in God. Though God is everywhere and in everybody but His traits are illuminated through the Guru. The Jot (Divine Light) that enshrined Guru Nanak's body and the Primal Jot of God are, therefore, one and the same”

'Guru Nanak Har Soai.'

(Gaund Mohalla 5, pg. 865)

Let’s remind our selves about the bit that attributes divinity 2 Guru Nanak in the way Christian’s do to Jesus (PBUH)…The Jot (Divine Light) that enshrined Guru Nanak's body and the Primal Jot of God are, therefore, one and the same”

Take any of the banis at random, whether it’s from the: Jai Dev, Naam Dev, Sadhana, Tirlochan, u will discover the same confusing message regarding the status of Guru Nanak. It's entirely possible that people like Guru Amar Das may have completely corrupted the writings of Guru Nanak & interpolated the Adi Granth with his own take on Siki. & this very possible coz the adi granth is a collection of hymns taken from multiple-authors.

I believe any rational mind begins detect the inherent contradictions in the notion of Ik Onkar according 2 Sikh teachings.

4. If Sikhs believe in the unity of god then y does there exist such a paucity of information regarding this god?
5. This story is a favourite Sikh chestnut, told when ever Sikhs find an excuse. Guru Nanak was in Mecca, lying down with is feet facing towards the Ka'ba. The rest is history. Anyway this story just doesn't add up. Only a brain-washed fanatic can swallow this wholesale. First off, what was Guru Nanak doing in Islam’s most sacred city? Obviously, if he was a prophet, then he would have been wise enough to know that as the figure-head of a new religious movement i.e. Siki, he wouldn't entertain anything remotely Islamic. However the man was monomaniac in his interest of everything Islam. U c readers u need to remember that one of the most celebrated incidents in Guru Nanak’s life was when he was presumed drowned after 3 days in the wilderness. The story goes after he found enlightenment the first words he uttered were 'There is no Hindu, there is no Musalmaan.' In one breath the great Guru wrote off Islam as an irrelevant & impractical religion. But having said these much vaunted words, he still found time to ambulate in Muslim lands for nearly TWO DECADES! And yet he had the nerve to say "there is no Muslaman". Furthermore, the man who declared Muslims defunct also performed the Muslim pilgrimage of Hajj! So many contradictory things happened in his life, which any one with a rational mind is left in a state of total confusion. Anyway, had he really been in Mecca, he would have been chastised verbally at the very least for showing blatant disrespect to a fundamental belief sacred to all Muslims, by pointing his feet towards the Ka'ba. If he continued his irreverence, then it’s entirely possible he would have been killed. But had he really performed hajj, then this would be the last thing he would do. I believe this story didn't come from the mouth of Guru Nanak Ji but was inserted into Siki by short-sighted Sikh revisionists do give some credibility to his prophetic status.
6. It is well documented that before Guru Arjan Dev Ji finally compiled the final version of the Guru Granth Sahib, it had been corrupted by Guru Amar Das, who chopped and changed things according to his understanding of Siki.
7. Even though Guru Nanak declared "there is no Hindu..." he praised Hinduism endlessly. The contradictions don't end there, because Hindu gods are also praised in the Granth Sahib. So what ever happened to the sanctity of Ik Onkar? Sikhs and Hindus even share some religious festivals, such as Diwali. Did Guru Nanak Ji ever utter the infamous phrase "there is Hindu there is no muslamaan"? Like Hindu myths, did the subsequent 9 Gurus make up untrue stories and attributed them to Guru Nanak?
8. Sikhs, especially those who are amrit shak (baptised) love telling you that all faiths lead to god. If that’s the case then y do Sikh parents the world over fill their children’s hearts & minds with toxic venom against Muslims? Y do Sikhs go bananas wen a Sikh converts 2 Islam? If all religions lead to god then it means that the rules & tenants that underpin Sikh teachings have no significance or meaning. Wots the purpose of not cutting ur hair or refraining from eating halal meat, or reciting the Kirtan Sohila before you go to sleep, or wearing the kara if all religions lead to god. The 5 Ks of Sikhism r completely symbolic. From a Muslim perspective, we make no bones about which religion is the right one: Islam! And following the rules & laws of any other ideology will lead you astray from your true lord: Allah.
9. Being a Sikh by its very definition means u don't have 2 use ur head or logic 2 follow its teachings. It's all in the heart & once u become sentimental about something, and then reason or logic goes straight out of the window! This is y Siki has no appeal outside the Punjab. This small fish has been taken out of the water & is now left on the shore, where it is suffocating a slow death because of the onslaught of alien western values & mores that it cannot deal with
10. The whole of the Siki movement is like one big 'Passion Play', inexorably emphasising the suffering of its Gurus-cum-Gods at the hand of the Muslims. If Sikhs omitted this element from its teachings, then siki would collapse. Sikhism is all in the heart & not the mind. & so the wheel keeps spinning. wen the next human being is born (in Islam we believe that every child is born a Muslim, its later when they become infected with other faiths )int2 a Sikh family the first thing the family does soon as s/he becomes of age is 2 inject their hearts with lies regarding Islam.

11. Wen Sikhs do get a chance 2 learn about Islam & not the errant ways of its adherents such as the Mughal emperors, then they realise that in actual fact Sikh elders (esp. the amritkhar) drip feed young Sikhs blatant untruths about Islam in order to keep the decreasing numbers in siki strong.

12. In essence Sikhism is a martial movement conceived by the 10 Sikh gurus 2 repel the surge of Islam in the sub continent. The gurus thought they knew of a better way 2 god by borrowing a lot of ingredients from the Hindu larder & a few from the Islamic one. 10 ordinary mortals (gurus) thought that they knew better than wot their creator Allah (swt) was demanding from them in terms of worship, as such Sikhism was born.

13. Islam is emphatic in its teachings that it is the only way to salvation coz the Quran says:

‘And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.’(Qur'an 3:85)

Islam is the only religion that matters. It’s immaterial if Sikhs believe in Ik Onkar (1 god) coz to avoid the gruesome torture meted out in hell u must believe in the magnificent Prophet Mohammed (saw), all he preached, the Qu’ran, the angels, & the prophets. By not believing in these things u can only b one thing: a kafir (unbeliever).

14. If Guru Nanak is the light of god then how on earth could light be reincarnated? If he is supposed 2 b eternal then there is absolutely no way how he could be reincarnated as anything! If the theory of reincarnation is taken 2 its logical conclusion then the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb could have easily been the reincarnation of Guru Nanak? There’s no way u can prove this or refute it! & that’s a promise. Then this in turn germinates more unseen but very man-made problems; in that it was on the orders of Aurangzeb that the 9th Sikh Guru Taegh Badhaur was executed. In other words Guru Nanak could have come back as a Muslim emperor to kill a Sikh guru. C the problems with ur up against wen ur critiquing siki teachings?
5. Y does the Sikh community, especially in the Indian Punjab, condone the practice of polyandry? It’s an open secret in the sub-continent that when a Sikh man brings his wife home, his brothers will disport in sexual intercourse with her at some point. Its part & parcel of the Sikh culture. Such illicit relations are contrary to Sikh teachings, but every1 just pretends that it doesn’t happen. If a Sikh tells u otherwise then he is lying.

16. The primary reason y a lot of Sikh girls tend 2 marry non-Sikhs, especially Muslim men is coz of the flagrant hypocrisy they witness in their households. It’s the hypocrisy of Sikh men for eg. Sikhs know that booze is forbidden 2 them. Ur gona hear the Sikh father tell his women folk about the nasty evils of booze.. But given any excuse for a party the father (in cahoots with the sons, uncles, grand-dads) will return home completely bladdered on spirits! & wen Sikh girls witness this hypocritical behaviour of their men folk they just say, f""k this! I’m gona do wot I plz if my ole man does wot he pleases. & 2 aggravate matters, in Sikh households, Sikh women in general r perceived to b a colossal burden on the family. This perception of female burden drives the Sikh men to subjugate them & treat them like skivvies. No woman wants 2 b treated like a beast of burden. So with this pressure on them , Sikh girls take off in2 non-Sikh arms where they believe they’re gona b treated with more compassion & luv.

17. Sikh youth livin in the west don't know the 1st thing about Sikhism. If they’ll know anything then it’ll mo b d pre-occupation with one of 4 following things in this day n age:

A. Obsessive talk about Muslims being a bunch of murderous bastards
B. Sellin alcohol & getting smashed urselves
C. Making new styles of bangra music.

18. Sikh martial history is over-egged coz if Sikhs were all that & not just full of hot-air then y didn't they avenge wot happened 2 them at the Golden Temple in 1984? Sikhs are insignificant in 2days world & survive on past glories.

19. Sikh contribution 2 d world has been NIL, in any sphere of human achievement.

20. Sikhism is so insignificant that besides the subcontinent & Birmingham (UK), Sikhism is virtually unheard of.

21. Sikhs r Hindu converts. Sikhism shares so much in common with Hinduism that u can call Sikhism a 'lite' version of Hinduism

22. Within 3 generations Sikhism will b dead in the western world.

23.. So Sikhs u have been warned. Ur creator Allah (swt) is conveying his message 2 u. If u die in a state of infidelity, then u will really be tortured in hell where no: Guru, mother, father, brother, sister or friend is gona cum n save ur skin.

U folks can carry on blithely, trying 2 find weaknesses in the teachings of Islam, which no one has succeeded in 1500 years, but u won’t b able 2 escape ur fate after u have died on that day when u will b standing in front of ur creator, Allah (swt) & made held accountable for ur deeds n actions. The one thing


This was exposed by an allah's F*ckwit,Allah is a thoughtform and alias of Jehova. But,though,The points he stated makes sense. All these moderna RHP religions were made by the orders of "anu" an extra-terrestrial which is the cosmic enemy of Satan.
Now what i'm gonna say,the Whole world will agree with me on this: Only a True Father wishes to make his children to be like HIM! An independent adult that doesn't beg anyone to fulfill his desires. Now,That's is what Satan does for his children, But your god makes his followers to be dependent on him and  he uses their soul energy for his own purposes.
Satan clearly states to those who will listen : I'll make you stand as a god,Watch over you as a Father not as a Shepherd, Protect you as my family not as a Flock,and Guide you as you walk your own path,Not follow those who wish to enslave you!
Whoever wish to enslave human,is an enemy of SATAN!

Good bye!
« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 05:16:10 AM by Lyncis »

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